A collection of widgets for making amazing onboarding experience in your flutter applications


flutter anchored onboarding screen

build License: MIT

Pal widgets

A flutter package for better onboarding.

A set of amazing onboarding widgets for your flutter applications.

Install package

add in your pubspec.yaml dependencies

pal-widgets: 0.0.1+4

List of helpers

Name description status
AnchoredHelper An helper do describe another widget of your page. This creates an overlay above your page

Anchored helper

This widgets is highly inspired by google onboardings. This shows a circle around any widgets you want and add an overlay were you can add a message.

First embbed you page or your app with a HelperOrchestrator widget.

    child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text(widget.title),
        body: ...

You now have to get a key text1 for the widget you want to reference using

    key: HelperOrchestrator.of(context).generateKey('text1'),


You can now show an anchored helper using

HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(), onPositivTap: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(), onTapAnchor: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(), onTapAnchor: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(), ); // this will show an overlayed anchored widget using the key text1 HelperOrchestrator.of(context).showAnchoredHelper('text1', helper); ">
final helper = AnchoredHelper(
    anchorKeyId: 'text1',
    title: const Text('Title lorem pitume'),
    description: const Text('Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum'),,
    bgColor: Colors.blue,
    negativText: const Text('cancel'),
    positivText: const Text('Ok, understood'),
    onError: () => print("widget not found"),
    positivBtnStyle: helperOutlineBtnStyle,
    negativeBtnStyle: helperOutlineBtnStyle,
    onNegativTap: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(),
    onPositivTap: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(),
    onTapAnchor: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(),
    onTapAnchor: () => HelperOrchestrator.of(context).hideHelper(),

// this will show an overlayed anchored widget using the key text1
HelperOrchestrator.of(context).showAnchoredHelper('text1', helper);


Property description Required
anchorKeyId The reference to the [Key] created by [HelperOrchestrator]
title A Text widget to show as title
description A Text widget to show as description
bgColor A Color as Overlayed background
negativText A [Text] widget to show within the negativ button
positivText A [Text] widget to show within the positiv button
onPositivTap Action on tap positiv button
onNegativTap Action on tap negativ button
onError Functions to call when widgets encounters any errors
negativeBtnStyle Material style to put on negativ button
positivBtnStyle Material style to put on positiv button
onTapAnchor Action to call when user tap on anchor
widgetFactory The Widget factory to create the anchored helper. Default to AnchoredHoleHelper.anchorFactory which creates a full overlay with an animated hole

Any question?

Contact us on our twitter or email gautier[@@]pal-plugin.tech

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  • [Feature Request] Other shapes than circles

    [Feature Request] Other shapes than circles

    First of all thanks for providing such a great package :smile:.

    At this point in time the package seems to only support circles as outlines. This creates a visually unpleasing experience when trying to wrap non round elements, see image attached. It might be a great addition to support other Shapes/ and/or support a wrapping of the element.

    Screenshot from 2021-12-03 12-42-48

    opened by jlnrrg 8
  • initState display multiple overlays after each other

    initState display multiple overlays after each other

    Lets say I have a list of onboardings, I'd like to spawn on initial display. Then I could use something like this:

    class _OnboardingFocusState extends State<_OnboardingFocus> {
      void initState() {
        WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) async {
          for (var element in widget.onboardings) {
            await HelperOrchestrator.of(context).showAnchoredHelper(
                element.anchoredKeyString, element.toAnchoredHelper(context));
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return widget.child;

    Now I would assume the first overlay of the list to be displayed and then after the user dismisses it, the next to be displayed. Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case as only the last overview gets displayed

    help wanted 
    opened by jlnrrg 2
  • [Feature Request] Non obstructive hole

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    I do not know if this is even possible and would like to here your opinion on this. Lets take your example project. At this moment the overlay encapsulates the FAB button. If I try to hit the FAB button, the overlay vanishes.

    So my question is, would it be possible:

    1. to absorb the tab, so the overlay does not vanish (only on the cancel or confirm button)
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