top-snackbar-flutter - Modern UI snackbar widget



Made in

pub package

If you need to show the user some information in a nice way, you can use this package. The API is as simple as API for regular Material method showDialog. If you need to use your own widget to display, you can pass it into showTopSnackBar function.

Getting Started

In order to show a CustomSnackBar you need to call a showTopSnackBar function. You can pass there any widget you want but we have a CustomSnackBar for example.

          "Good job, your release is successful. Have a nice day",
          "There is some information. You need to do something with that",
          "Something went wrong. Please check your credentials and try again",
  • Simplify snackbar removal and adjust dismissable behaviour

    Simplify snackbar removal and adjust dismissable behaviour

    Closes #35

    Independent removal of snackbars helps when they are not being removed and stuck on app bar. Also Dismissable widget should start an animation, but just straight dismiss snack bar.

    opened by vikmind 3
  • [Feature request] Persisting snackbar

    [Feature request] Persisting snackbar

    I really liked the package (compared with showing Android styled snack bar)

    I have a use case to show persisting messages until removed manually, something like "No internet connection" I want to keep the snack bar showing until the network state change.

    What I tried:-

    1. I was able to change the displayDuration to const Duration(days: 365) which seems fine till now
    2. I was not able to override the default dismiss on click, where I want the snack bar to not be dismissible (even with adding my own onTap it is still dismissible with user clicks)
    3. I was not able to dismiss the widget programmatically after showing it (this may be related to #16)

    Based on the use case above, I believe these features will most likely resolve it:-

    • Add bool isInfiniteDuration which default to false; However, when set to true it disables the dismiss completely.
    • Add bool isDismissible which default to true; However, when set to true the user clicks won't dismiss the snack bar
    • (I'm not sure if this is the best approach) Return the TopSnackBar widget with the showTopSnackBar and expose a public method to dismiss the widget
    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by a7md0 3
  • Snackbar stuck on status bar android

    Snackbar stuck on status bar android

    After dismiss snackbar stuck on statusbar android. Im using ModalProgressHud In my condition, a modal progress show up and close after that modal close then calling showSnackbar and snackbar dismiss but stuck on statusbar. if not using modalHud no problem, carbon

    Note im using newest version 2.1.1

    opened by hpi-rifal 2
  • Can we shrink snackbar to wrap its content or to some custom width?

    Can we shrink snackbar to wrap its content or to some custom width?

    I want the snackbar to be placed on top center of my application and not to expand through screen width. I tried wrapping my custom snackbar with a Row widget but it throws bunch of following exceptions:

    Assertion failed:
    is not true
    opened by rasitayaz 2
  • Fix dismissed widget and add text align

    Fix dismissed widget and add text align

    • Fix issue related to dismiss top snake bar. When user dismiss the snake bar and immediately navigate to another pages, it's show up snake bar for very short time.

    • Add text align

    opened by ayoubrajabi 1
  • [Feature] Enable multi direction swipe dismissible SnackBar

    [Feature] Enable multi direction swipe dismissible SnackBar

    Change parameter from dismissDirection to dismissDirections with default value is [DismissDirection.up]

    This PR will allow dismissing snack-bar with a multi-direction swipe.


    opened by mofadillah 1
  • New swipe to dismiss action

    New swipe to dismiss action

    New dismissType and dismissDirection parameters

    This PR Allow to dismiss the snackbar throughout swipe action. (similar to push notification).

    User can still choose the dismiss behavior (TopSnackBarDismissType.onTap like now, TopSnackBarDismissType.onSwipe or TopSnackBarDismissType.none)

    I updated the example.

    | DismissDirection.up | DismissDirection.endToStart | | -------------------- | ---------------------------- | | | |

    opened by LeGoffMael 1
  • how to set duration for showTopSnackBar

    how to set duration for showTopSnackBar

    I encountered a bug while using the feature: if I force too many notifications to appear on the screen, the shadows leave a blurry smear on the top screen, which doesn't disappear. I thought about decreasing the display time of this notification, but the property not found in the plugin.

    opened by kleber-rr 1
  • [bug] bug on text default style

    [bug] bug on text default style


    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:top_snackbar_flutter/top_snack_bar.dart';
    void main() {
      runApp(const MyApp());
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          home: Builder(builder: (context) {
            return Scaffold(
              body: Center(
                child: TextButton(
                  onPressed: () => showTopSnackBar(
                      width: double.infinity,
                      margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 47),
                      height: 41,
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
                      decoration: BoxDecoration(
                        color: const Color(0xffFF277F),
                        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
                      child: const Text(
                        'Testing testing testing',
                        // minFontSize: 10,
                        maxLines: 1,
                        style: TextStyle(
                          color: Colors.white,
                          fontSize: 14,
                          height: 17 / 14,
                          fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
                    displayDuration: const Duration(seconds: 10000),
                  child: const Text('click'),



    There are underlines on text. And, font family works wrong too, even if I've set default font family on MaterialApp. So, I need to override every text style to show properly.

    flutter doctor -v

    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.8.1, on macOS 12.1 21C52 darwin-arm, locale
        • Flutter version 2.8.1 at /Users/suhwancha/development/GitHub/flutter
        • Upstream repository [email protected]:SuhwanCha/flutter.git
        • Framework revision 77d935af4d (2 weeks ago), 2021-12-16 08:37:33 -0800
        • Engine revision 890a5fca2e
        • Dart version 2.15.1
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 32.0.0)
        • Android SDK at /Users/suhwancha/Library/Android/sdk
        • Platform android-32, build-tools 32.0.0
        • Java binary at: /Applications/Android

        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
        • All Android licenses accepted.
    [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.2.1)
        • Xcode at /Applications/
        • CocoaPods version 1.11.2
    [✓] Chrome - develop for the web
        • Chrome at /Applications/Google Chrome
    [✓] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
        • Android Studio at /Applications/Android
        • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
        • Dart plugin can be installed from:
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.63.2)
        • VS Code at /Applications/Visual Studio
        • Flutter extension version 3.29.0
    [✓] Connected device (2 available)
        • sdk gphone64 arm64 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-arm64  • Android 12
          (API 31) (emulator)
        • Chrome (web)                • chrome        • web-javascript • Google
          Chrome 96.0.4664.110
    opened by SuhwanCha 1
  • Call

    Call "close/remove/dismiss" method from outside?

    I have a message for the user: "You can't select more. Edit your current selections OR tap on the 'Next' button." When I click on the next button, I would like to "force remove"/"force start the reverse animation" of the active message because it is not actual anymore.

    Is there any way to do this?

    opened by fchris82 1
  • Timer.periodic not work

    Timer.periodic not work

    new Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 10000), (timer) { showTopSnackBar( context, message: "There is some information. You need to do something with that", ), ); });

    opened by frankcheng2020 1
  • type 'StatelessObserverElement' is not a subtype of type 'OverlayState'

    type 'StatelessObserverElement' is not a subtype of type 'OverlayState'

    I understand that version 3 has a breaking change, "Remove BuildContext in favor of OverlayState", but how to migrate from existing code? showTopSnackBar() now throws type 'StatelessObserverElement' is not a subtype of type 'OverlayState' in the console.

    opened by wiradikusuma 0
  • Limit height of showTopSnackBar

    Limit height of showTopSnackBar

    Dear, Currently the height of showTopSnackBar is fixed by 80, in my case the content is overflow that height. Could you change the height of showTopSnackBar, I think the minimum height of showTopSnackBar is 80, maximum is unlimit.

    Thank you so much

    opened by LoiNH 0
  • OverlayState should be nullable

    OverlayState should be nullable

    When using sdk >= 2.12.0 Overlay.of(context) can return null.

    You can check it by changing the sdk in the example.

      sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0"

    This PR makes showTopSnackBar accept a nullable OverlayState argument and handle the logic internally. If it is null the TopSnackbar won't be displayed but there is no error nor exception

    opened by LeGoffMael 0
  • Update examples in README

    Update examples in README

    The first example is:

              "Good job, your release is successful. Have a nice day",

    This does not build because the first argument requires OverlayState instead of BuildContext. Other examples should be updated too.

    opened by alexeyinkin 7
  • Verify publisher

    Verify publisher

    Currently shows "Unverified publisher" for this package:


    If we use this package, it makes code reviews harder in our company. Can you please verify your publishing account to show your domain name like this?


    Here is how to do this:

    opened by alexeyinkin 0
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