Flutter AOP framework.

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Templates aop flutter


This is a fork of AspectD.

Beike_AspectD is an aop framework for dart. AspectD has provide developers call/execute/inject grammer to manipulate the dart code. Besides that, Beike_AspectD also provides

  • Support add grammer to add function to classes.
  • Support field get grammer to exchange the field get call.
  • Support flutter web.

What can we use Beike_AspectD for?

Beike has used Beike_AspectD in many packages.

  • Event tracking.
  • Json to model.
  • Performance monitoring.
  • Flutter framework bug fixing.


1. Apply flutter_tools.patch.

cd path-for-flutter-tools-git-repo
git apply --3way path-for-beike_aspectd-package/inner/0001-aspectd.patch
rm ../../bin/cache/flutter_tools.stamp

Next time when you build your project, flutter tools will build automatically.

2. Add Beike_AspectD to your yaml.

    path: ../

3. Add aop_config.yaml to your flutter project.

Add a file named aop_config.yaml to your flutter project's root directory(the same directory as pubspec.yaml).

You can copy the file from the example of Beike_AspectD. The content of the file are as follow

  - project_name: 'beike_aspectd'
    exec_path: 'bin/starter.snapshot'

Flutter_tools will check the file to find if Beike_AspectD is enabled. And it will get the starter.snapshot to process the dill file.

4. Write your hook file and import the file.

hook_example.dart(aop implementation)

import 'package:beike_aspectd/aspectd.dart';

class CallDemo {

 @Call("package:example/main.dart", "_MyHomePageState",
 void _incrementCounter4(PointCut pointcut) {
   print('call instance method2!');

As hook_example.dart is not used in your project, we should import it in the project, or it will be tree shaked while compiling.

For example, we can import the file in main.dart.

// ignore: unused_import
import 'package:example/hook_example.dart';


In addition to the 3 ways(call/execute/inject) to do AOP programming AspectD provide us, Beike_AspectD also provide add/field get manipulation.


Add a method to a class, support class name regex, support super class filter.

  @Add("package:.+\\.dart", ".*", isRegex: true)
  dynamic getBasicInfo(PointCut pointCut) {
    return pointCut?.sourceInfos ?? {};

Code above add getBasicInfo() method to all the classes, you can use your own regex and superCls parameter to filter classes. We can call the function using the following code.

    dynamic self = someinstance;
    Map info = self.getBasicInfo(PointCut.pointCut());

field get

Every callsites of the a field will be manipulated.

 @FieldGet('package:example/main.dart', 'MyApp', 'field', false)
 static String exchange2(PointCut pointCut) {
    return 'Beike_Aspectd';

Suppose MyApp class has a property called field, by using the the above code, when calling the property field, it will always return string 'Beike_Aspectd'.


Currently Beike_Aspectd support flutter 1.22.4 and 2.2.2 .


  • How to know if my code is hooked successfully?
    1. First you need to download the dart-sdk and checkout to the corresponding revision of flutter. The revision of dart can be found at path_to_flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/revision.
    2. Run the following command.
    path_to_flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart  path_to_dart/pkg/vm/bin/dump_kernel.dart path_to_your_project/.dart_tool/flutter_build/***/app.dill output_path/out.dill.txt
    1. Open output_path/out.dill.txt file, check if your code is hook.


If you have any question, please feel free to file a issue.

  • 嵌套函数hook会报错---Null check operator used on a null value

    嵌套函数hook会报错---Null check operator used on a null value

    class TextRightImageModel {
      String showName;
      String rightIcon;
      Widget showCardWidget(BuildContext context) {
        return Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 4.0, right: 4.0),
          alignment: Alignment.center,
          child: wrapTextLimit(context, const Text("")),
      Widget wrapTextLimit(BuildContext str, Widget widget) {
        return widget;


          'package:test/test.dart', 'TextRightImageModel', '-.*',
          isRegex: true)
      dynamic _aop_Two(PointCut pointcut) {
        return pointcut.proceed();

    flutter 环境:2.5.3

    bug documentation 
    opened by LDouble 9
  • Flutter3.0.0版本没有生成aspectd.dart文件


    在Flutter3.0环境下执行: cd ...path/to/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/ git apply --3way path-for-beike_aspectd-package/inner/flutter_tools.patch rm ../../bin/cache/flutter_tools.stamp 之后没有反应,flutter_tools/bin目录下没有aspectd.dart文件。 执行第二步apply之后本地没有任何代码变化,git status是clean的。 image

    opened by jincan-he 8
  • frontend_server.dart.snapshot文件如何生成?


    想定制一些自己的hook规则,请问如何生成frontend_server.dart.snapshot? 目前看,应该是贝壳先生成好了frontend_server.dart.snapshot后在flutter_tools编译的时候直接替换的,但是根据gen_frontend_server_snapshot.sh脚本无法生成snapshot,package_config.json中指明的third_party找不到。

    opened by Night1992 6
  • 按着调试文档步骤调试无法生成frontend_server参数


    按着调试文档调试流程调试,在调试Flutter_tools时获取不到frontend_server参数。想问一下我的配置参数是否错误。 在Dart Command Line App中我的Working directory 选择的是Beike_AspectD/example文件,想问一下是不是这个选择的不对导致的。希望得到解答。 image

    opened by luckyBoyFeng 4
  • 执行git apply --3way后没有生成aspectd.dart文件

    执行git apply --3way后没有生成aspectd.dart文件

    下载了demo工程后按照readme.md配置后,把demo跑起来,解析发现dill文件里面并没有add的插桩代码。检查发现在执行这部git apply --3way /Users/xxxx/tools/aspected/Beike_AspectD/inner/flutter_tools.patch 的时候,并没有在flutter sdk的packages/flutter_tools/lib/src中生成aspectd.dart文件。


    版本配置: Flutter 2.5.3 Dart 2.14.4

    我最开始是执行这个,有提示这个错误 ` cd /Users/xxxx/tools/aspected/flutter/packages/flutter_tools git apply --3way /Users/xxxx/tools/aspected/Beike_AspectD/inner/flutter_tools.patch

    error: packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/common.dart: does not match index error: packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/build_system/targets/web.dart: does not match index error: packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/commands/build_bundle.dart: does not match index error: packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/compile.dart: does not match index error: packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/chrome.dart: does not match index `

    我在这个目录执行这命令是没有错误,但是aspectd.dart没有生成 pwd /Users/xxxx/tools/aspected/flutter/packages/flutter_tools/bin git apply --3way /Users/xxxx/tools/aspected/Beike_AspectD/inner/flutter_tools.patch

    opened by kasentom 4
  • 3.0.5分支下混合开发模式安卓,debug模式正常,release模式触发点击事件后报错


    I/flutter: type '_OneByteString' is not a subtype of type 'int' of 'index' I/flutter: #0 PointCut.aop_stub_26 (package:beike_aspectd/src/plugins/aop/annotation/pointcut.dart) I/flutter: #1 PointCut.proceed (package:beike_aspectd/src/plugins/aop/annotation/pointcut.dart) I/flutter: #2 ClickAopHook.hookInvokeCallback (package:tdx_flutter/aop/hook_entry_points.dart:36) I/flutter: #3 new _GrowableList._literal2 (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart) I/flutter: #4 DragGestureRecognizer._checkDown (package:flutter/src/gestures/monodrag.dart) I/flutter: #5 DragGestureRecognizer.addAllowedPointer (package:flutter/src/gestures/monodrag.dart:276)

    Flutter版本,3.0.5 混合开发模式是否需要自己编译引擎?

    opened by weicheng59 3
  • flutter2.10.5使用2.10.4分支出现null safety

    flutter2.10.5使用2.10.4分支出现null safety

    : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/lib/aspectd.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/aop/aop.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/annotation/call.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/annotation/execute.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/annotation/inject.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/annotation/pointcut.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/beike_annotation/add.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/beike_annotation/field_get.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ : Error: A library can't opt out of null safety by default, when using sound null safety. ../…/annotation/annotation_info.dart:1 // @dart=2.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies don't support null safety: - package:beike_aspectd For solutions, see https://dart.dev/go/unsound-null-safety Failed to package /Users/xx/Desktop/xx/xxxx. Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code note: Using new build system note: Planning

    opened by softAlexs 2
  • 修改flutter_tool后执行项目出错,Can't load Kernel binary: Invalid kernel binary format version.

    修改flutter_tool后执行项目出错,Can't load Kernel binary: Invalid kernel binary format version.

    重新构建flutter_tools的信息为 Flutter 3.0.5 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Framework • revision f1875d570e (9 weeks ago) • 2022-07-13 11:24:16 -0700 Engine • revision e85ea0e79c Tools • Dart 2.17.6 • DevTools 2.12.2

    但是执行项目代码失败 Can't load Kernel binary: Invalid kernel binary format version. the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly. the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.


    opened by berniebd 1
  • 运行项目后修改代码再次运行出现Unhandled exception,需要执行flutter clean清理缓存才可以恢复

    运行项目后修改代码再次运行出现Unhandled exception,需要执行flutter clean清理缓存才可以恢复

    WX20220802-195451@2x Unhandled exception: root::package:beike_aspectd/src/plugins/aop/annotation/pointcut.dart::PointCut::@methods::aop_stub_0 is already bound to Reference to package:beike_aspectd/src/plugins/aop/annotation/pointcut.dart::PointCut::@methods::aop_stub_0 with node PointCut.aop_stub_0 (Procedure:114447), trying to bind to Reference to PointCut.aop_stub_0 with node PointCut.aop_stub_0 (Procedure:4371882) package:beike_aspectd/…/annotation/pointcut.dart:1 #0 CanonicalName.bindTo (package:kernel/canonical_name.dart:236:7) #1 Class.computeCanonicalNames (package:kernel/ast.dart:1284:51) #2 Library.computeCanonicalNames (package:kernel/ast.dart:509:14) #3 Component.computeCanonicalNamesForLibrary (package:kernel/ast.dart:13669:13) #4 Component.computeCanonicalNames (package:kernel/ast.dart:13631:7) #5 sortComponent (package:vm/kernel_front_end.dart:702:13) #6 FrontendCompiler.writeDillFile (package:frontend_server/frontend_server.dart:696:5) #7 FrontendCompiler.compile (package:frontend_server/frontend_server.dart:576:13) #8 listenAndCompile. (package:frontend_server/frontend_server.dart:1154:11)

    2 the Dart compiler exited unexpectedly.

    opened by softAlexs 1
  • 静态方法用execute报错



    @Execute("package:example/receiver_test.dart", "Receiver", "+tap") @pragma("vm:entry-point") static dynamic tap(PointCut pointcut) { print('[beike_aspectd]: Execute static method!'); pointcut.proceed(); }


    Unhandled exception: [ ] Crash when compiling null, [ ] at character offset null: [ ] NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'nonNullable' was called on null. [ ] Receiver: null [ ] Tried calling: nonNullable [ ] #0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:38:5) [ ] #1 Procedure.getterType (package:kernel/ast.dart:3204:59) [ ] #2 AopUtils.insertProceedBranch

    opened by Night1992 1
  • 泛型会报错


      T testGenericType<T>(Map<T, dynamic> param) {
        return null;


    [+2599 ms] [+2561 ms] Unhandled exception:
    [        ]            Invalid argument(s): Type parameter TypeParameter(T) is not indexed
    [        ]            #0      TypeParameterIndexer.[] (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:2871:8)
    [        ]            #1      BinaryPrinter.visitTypeParameterType (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:2397:38)
    [        ]            #2      TypeParameterType.accept (package:kernel/ast.dart:11472:42)
    [        ]            #3      BinaryPrinter.writeNode (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:420:10)
    [        ]            #4      BinaryPrinter.writeNodeList (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:331:7)
    [        ]            #5      BinaryPrinter.visitInterfaceType (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:2295:7)
    [        ]            #6      InterfaceType.accept (package:kernel/ast.dart:10703:42)
    [        ]            #7      BinaryPrinter.writeNode (package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart:420:
    opened by LDouble 1
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