The solution allows anchors to compete with each other and co-anchor with viewers in real time



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The solution allows anchors to compete with each other and co-anchor with viewers in real time, with a global end-to-end latency of below 300 ms on average, and supports 1080p resolution.

live_flutter_plugin pub dev homepage


  • Supports RTMP, HTTP-FLV, TRTC and WebRTC.
  • View capturing, which allows you to capture the video images of the current livestream.
  • Delay adjustment, which allows you to set the minimum time and maximum time for auto adjustment of the player cache.
  • Customized video collection, which allows you to customize your audio and video data sources based on the project requirements.
  • Beauty filters, filters, and stickers. The pusher contains multiple sets of beauty retouch algorithms (natural & smooth) and multiple color space filters (supporting custom filters).
  • QoS traffic throttling technology and uplink network adaptation capability. The pusher can adjust the audio and video data volumes in real time based on the actual network conditions on the host side.

plugin class files

├── manager
│   ├── tx_audio_effect_manager.dart  audio effect manager
│   ├── tx_beauty_manager.dart  beauty manager
│   ├── tx_device_manager.dart  device manager
│   └── tx_live_manager.dart  pusher/player create/destroy
├── v2_tx_live_code.dart  Definitions of error codes and warning codes of Tencent Cloud LVB.
├── v2_tx_live_def.dart  Key type definitions for Tencent Cloud LVB.
├── v2_tx_live_player.dart  Tencent Cloud live player-This player pulls audio and video data from the specified livestreaming URL and plays the data after decoding and local rendering.
├── v2_tx_live_player_observer.dart Tencent Cloud live player callback notification.
├── v2_tx_live_premier.dart  V2TXLive High-level interface
├── v2_tx_live_pusher.dart  Tencent Cloud live pusher-The live pusher encodes the local audio and video data and pushes the encoded data to a specified push URL.
├── v2_tx_live_pusher_observer.dart Live pusher callback notification.
└── widget
    └── v2_tx_live_video_widget.dart V2TXLiveVideoWidget

Integrating the SDK

The SDK for Flutter has been published on Pub. You can have the SDK downloaded and updated automatically by configuring pubspec.yaml.

1. Add the following dependency to pubspec.yaml of your project.

  live_flutter_plugin: latest version number

2. Grant camera and mic permissions to enable the audio and video call features.


1. Add requests for camera and mic permissions in Info.plist:

<string>Video calls are possible only with camera permission.</string>
<string>Audio calls are possible only with mic permission.</string>

2. Add the field io.flutter.embedded_views_preview and set the value to Yes.


1. Open /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

2. Add xmlns:tools="" to “manifest”.

3. Add tools:replace="android:label" to “application”.

Note: Without the above steps, the “Android Manifest merge failed” error will occur and the compilation will fail.

Quick Start

1. Setup License

import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_premier.dart';

 /// License Management View (
setupLicense() {
  // License URL of your application
  var LICENSEURL = "";
  // License key of your application

2. Setup V2TXLivePusher

note: Please use a real device, Simulator are not supported.

2.1 init V2TXLivePusher

import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_pusher.dart';

/// V2TXLivePusher Initialization
initPusher() {
  _livePusher = V2TXLivePusher(V2TXLiveMode.v2TXLiveModeRTC);
  /// setup Pusher listener

/// pusher observer
onPusherObserver(V2TXLivePusherListenerType type, param) {
  debugPrint("==pusher listener type= ${type.toString()}");
  debugPrint("==pusher listener param= $param");

2.2 Setup Video RenderView

import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/widget/v2_tx_live_video_widget.dart';

// viewId: view ID generated by `V2TXLiveVideoWidget`
Widget renderView() {
  return V2TXLiveVideoWidget(
    onViewCreated: (viewId) async {

2.3 Start Push

startPush() async {
  // open camera
  await _livePusher.startCamera(true);
  // open microphone
  await _livePusher.startMicrophone();
  // generate RTMP/TRTC url
  var url = "";
  // start push
  await _livePusher.startPush(url);

2.4 Stop Push

stopPush() async {
  // close camera
  await _livePusher.stopCamera();
  // close microphone
  await _livePusher.stopMicrophone();
  // stop push
  await _livePusher.stopPush();

3. Setup V2TXLivePlayer

note: Please use other devices to test。

3.1 Init V2TXLivePlayer

import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_player.dart';

initPlayer() {
   /// Create V2TXLivePlayer
  _livePlayer = V2TXLivePlayer();

/// Player observer
onPlayerObserver(V2TXLivePlayerListenerType type, param) {
  debugPrint("==player listener type= ${type.toString()}");
  debugPrint("==player listener param= $param");

3.2 Setup Video RenderView

import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/widget/v2_tx_live_video_widget.dart';

// viewId: view ID generated by `V2TXLiveVideoWidget`
Widget renderView() {
  return V2TXLiveVideoWidget(
    onViewCreated: (viewId) async {
      // set video renderView

3.3 Start Play

startPlay() async {
  // generate RTMP/TRTC/Led url
  var url = ""
  // start play
  await _livePlayer?.startPlay(url);

3.4 Stop Play

/// stop play
stopPlay() {

Common problem

How do I view logs?

live_flutter_plugin logs are compressed and encrypted by default with the XLOG extension. You can set setLogCompressEnabled to specify whether to encrypt logs. If a log filename contains C (compressed), the log is compressed and encrypted; if it contains R (raw), the log is in plaintext.

  • iOS:Documents/log of the application sandbox
  • Android
    • 6.7 or below: /sdcard/log/tencent/liteav
    • 6.8 or above: /sdcard/Android/data/package name/files/log/tencent/liteav/

IOS cannot display video (Android is good)

Please confirm io.flutter.embedded_views_preview is YES in your info.plist

Android Manifest merge failed

Please Open '/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml' file。

1.Add xmlns:tools="" to manifest

2.Add tools:replace="android:label" to application

  • ios模拟器上运行一直报错Framework not found TXFFmpeg

    ios模拟器上运行一直报错Framework not found TXFFmpeg

    之前是好的,不知道是啥原因,今天突然不行了,找了好多办法,一直不行。升级了版本也是一样 Xcode's output: ↳ Writing result bundle at path: /var/folders/1g/fvwnmlyd3vdgbc4wdn261wnc0000gn/T/flutter_tools.IM32cA/flutter_ios_build_temp_dirS8atXd/temporary_xcresult_bundle

    warning: [CP] TXSoundTouch.xcframework: Unable to find matching slice in 'ios-x86_64-simulator ios-arm64_armv7' for the current build architectures (arm64 x86_64 i386) and platform
    warning: [CP] TXFFmpeg.xcframework: Unable to find matching slice in 'ios-x86_64-simulator ios-arm64_armv7' for the current build architectures (arm64 x86_64 i386) and platform (-iphonesimulator).
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onError(_:message:extraInfo:)' have different
    optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onError(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:2:19: note: requirement 'onError(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onError(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onWarning(_:message:extraInfo:)' have different
    optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onWarning(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                  ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:3:19: note: requirement 'onWarning(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onWarning(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onPushStatusUpdate(_:message:extraInfo:)' have
    different optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onPushStatusUpdate(_ status: V2TXLivePushStatus, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                                   ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:7:19: note: requirement 'onPushStatusUpdate(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onPushStatusUpdate(_ status: V2TXLivePushStatus, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameter of 'onStatisticsUpdate' has different optionality
    than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onStatisticsUpdate(_ statistics: V2TXLivePusherStatistics!) {
                    ^                                                        ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:8:19: note: requirement 'onStatisticsUpdate' declared here
        optional func onStatisticsUpdate(_ statistics: V2TXLivePusherStatistics)
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameter of 'onSnapshotComplete' has different optionality
    than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onSnapshotComplete(_ image: UIImage!) {
                    ^                                  ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:10:19: note: requirement 'onSnapshotComplete' declared here
        optional func onSnapshotComplete(_ image: UIImage)
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: default will never be executed
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: 'setSystemVolumeType' is deprecated: use
    TRTCCloud#startLocalAudio:quality instead
            let code = deviceManager.setSystemVolumeType(type)
    <module-includes>:1:9: note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
    #import "Headers/TXLiteAVSDK.h"
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: 'setSystemVolumeType' is deprecated: use
    TRTCCloud#startLocalAudio:quality instead
            let code = deviceManager.setSystemVolumeType(type)
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onError(_:message:extraInfo:)' have different
    optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onError(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:2:19: note: requirement 'onError(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onError(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onWarning(_:message:extraInfo:)' have different
    optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onWarning(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                  ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:3:19: note: requirement 'onWarning(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onWarning(_ code: V2TXLiveCode, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameters of 'onPushStatusUpdate(_:message:extraInfo:)' have
    different optionality than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onPushStatusUpdate(_ status: V2TXLivePushStatus, message msg: String!, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
                    ^                                                                   ~                                ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:7:19: note: requirement 'onPushStatusUpdate(_:message:extraInfo:)' declared here
        optional func onPushStatusUpdate(_ status: V2TXLivePushStatus, message msg: String, extraInfo: [AnyHashable : Any])
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameter of 'onStatisticsUpdate' has different optionality
    than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onStatisticsUpdate(_ statistics: V2TXLivePusherStatistics!) {
                    ^                                                        ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:8:19: note: requirement 'onStatisticsUpdate' declared here
        optional func onStatisticsUpdate(_ statistics: V2TXLivePusherStatistics)
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: parameter of 'onSnapshotComplete' has different optionality
    than expected by protocol 'V2TXLivePusherObserver'
        public func onSnapshotComplete(_ image: UIImage!) {
                    ^                                  ~
    TXLiteAVSDK_Professional.V2TXLivePusherObserver:10:19: note: requirement 'onSnapshotComplete' declared here
        optional func onSnapshotComplete(_ image: UIImage)
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: default will never be executed
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensureReachability()' is unused
        ^                 ~~
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensurePathMonitor()' is unused
        ^                ~~
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensurePathMonitor()' is unused
        ^                ~~
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensureReachability()' is unused
        ^                 ~~
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensurePathMonitor()' is unused
        ^                ~~
    /Users/end/.pub-cache/hosted/ warning: result of call to 'ensurePathMonitor()' is unused
        ^                ~~
    ld: framework not found TXFFmpeg
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    note: Using new build system
    note: Planning
    note: Build preparation complete
    note: Building targets in parallel
    Result bundle written to path:

    Error (Xcode): Framework not found TXFFmpeg

    Could not build the application for the simulator. Error launching application on iPod touch (7th generation).

    opened by Tianyazz 4
  • 连麦mixStreams空指针



    opened by ymback 2
  • ios cocoapods 找不到 TXCustomBeautyProcesserPlugin插件

    ios cocoapods 找不到 TXCustomBeautyProcesserPlugin插件

    pubspec.yaml 直接导入 live_flutter_plugin: 1.0.11 报 [!] Unable to find a specification for TXCustomBeautyProcesserPlugin depended upon by live_flutter_plugin

    opened by xienas 1
  • 不要使用latest.release,请使用指定的版本号


    api 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Live:latest.release' 这么弄,现在下到最新版本9.9.0.11820 com.tencent.rtmp.TXLog没了,也没了 做SDK的话,不要这么弄,请考虑未来维护滞后的问题,应当指定版本号 现在这个latest.release=>,实际可用的应该是9.5.11582,项目组互相沟通好谢谢

    opened by ymback 0
  • 安卓模拟器无法运行


    Log: ` W/SoLoader( 4432): load library txsoundtouch from system path W/SoLoader( 4432): load library : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found W/SoLoader( 4432): load library txsoundtouch false W/SoLoader( 4432): load library txffmpeg from system path W/SoLoader( 4432): load library : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found W/SoLoader( 4432): load library txffmpeg false W/SoLoader( 4432): load library livesdk from system path W/SoLoader( 4432): load library : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found W/SoLoader( 4432): load library livesdk false W/SoLoader( 4432): load library liteavsdk from system path W/SoLoader( 4432): load library : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found W/SoLoader( 4432): load library liteavsdk false E/chtv.rmzskanka( 4432): No implementation found for void com.tencent.liteav.base.Log.nativeWriteLogToNative(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_tencent_liteav_base_Log_nativeWriteLogToNative and Java_com_tencent_liteav_base_Log_nativeWriteLogToNative__ILjava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): Process: com.touchtv.rmzskankan, PID: 4432 E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for void com.tencent.liteav.base.Log.nativeWriteLogToNative(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (tried Java_com_tencent_liteav_base_Log_nativeWriteLogToNative and Java_com_tencent_liteav_base_Log_nativeWriteLogToNative__ILjava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at com.tencent.liteav.base.Log.nativeWriteLogToNative(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at com.tencent.liteav.base.Log.i(SourceFile:177) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at com.tencent.liteav.basic.log.TXCLog.i(SourceFile:36) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.invokeHandler( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.lambda$dispatchMessageToQueue$0$io-flutter-embedding-engine-dart-DartMessenger( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger$$ Source:12) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at$ E/AndroidRuntime( 4432): at

    I/Process ( 4432): Sending signal. PID: 4432 SIG: 9

    Lost connection to device.` Exited

    opened by kira2015 1
  • Flutter 直接集成Android无法运行,可能是机器Flutter环境是FVM管理导致

    Flutter 直接集成Android无法运行,可能是机器Flutter环境是FVM管理导致

    提示无法找到: /Users/mac/fvm/versions/2.10.4/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/android-arm/flutter.jar.


    插件的android/build.gradle里的 compileOnly files("$flutterRoot/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/android-arm/flutter.jar")

    opened by Mauiie 1
  • 调动 V2TXLivePlayer 的 destroy() 方法会导致 app闪退

    调动 V2TXLivePlayer 的 destroy() 方法会导致 app闪退

    E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.invokeMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)' on a null object reference E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at$V2TXLivePlayerObserverImpl.invokeListener( E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at$V2TXLivePlayerObserverImpl.onStatisticsUpdate( E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at com.tencent.live2.leb.b$ E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at$ E/AndroidRuntime( 8987): at

    opened by weishirongzhen 2
  • android 中多次调用setRenderViewID 会导致  MissingPluginException:No implementation found for method setRenderView

    android 中多次调用setRenderViewID 会导致 MissingPluginException:No implementation found for method setRenderView

    pageview中使用 V2TXLiveVideoWidget

                      onViewCreated: (viewId) async {
                       final code = await vpLiveController.controller.setRenderViewID(viewId);

    连续滚动后会出现 MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method setRenderView on channel player_1c64bf80-ac18-11ec-b836-d3630a6fdec1

    opened by weishirongzhen 1
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