A simple Hacker News reader made with Flutter.

  • attempt to add share story icon

    attempt to add share story icon

    i wasnt sure how to change the icon itself, and share_plus needs to be added to pubspec. hopefully it works? it seems pretty simple.

    sharing for comments still needs to be added.

    opened by Efreak 9
  • Split abi

    Split abi

    The apk is too large for a news reader... Could you please add something like https://github.com/nfcim/nfsee/blob/master/android/app/build.gradle#L94 so that we can build smaller apks with single abi? Thanks!

    opened by linsui 5
  • On First Comment Collapse, Subsequent Top Level Comments Fail To Load

    On First Comment Collapse, Subsequent Top Level Comments Fail To Load

    I'm on a Pixel 6 Pro stock Android stable.

    When you collapse the first comment tree in a thread, the subsequent comments do not load when you scroll down. You must uncollapse the top comment, then scroll down to get the comments to load. I'm not sure I'd call this a bug, but I'd prefer an option to more aggressively load comment content. Maybe a middle ground between the full blown offline mode and the current implementation.

    Love the app and thanks for the hard work and frequent updates!

    opened by ZeroCool2u 4
  • F-Droid build failed

    F-Droid build failed

    e: /home/vagrant/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/workmanager-0.4.1/android/src/main/kotlin/be/tramckrijte/workmanager/BackgroundWorker.kt: (132, 21): Object is not abstract and does not implement abstract member public abstract fun error(p0: String, p1: String?, p2: Any?): Unit defined in io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.Result
    e: /home/vagrant/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/workmanager-0.4.1/android/src/main/kotlin/be/tramckrijte/workmanager/BackgroundWorker.kt: (137, 25): 'error' overrides nothing
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':workmanager:compileReleaseKotlin'.

    Could you please take a look? Thanks!

    opened by linsui 4
  • White borders on app icon

    White borders on app icon

    When using the Pixel launcher, the app-icon is displayed with small white spots at the bottom and on the right side of the orange background.

    Using the Nova Launcher, however, the icon is displayed correctly.

    It's a small thing, but now that I've seen it once, I can't unsee it.

    Screenshot_20221119-202232_Pixel Launcher

    opened by rask0lnikow 3
  • attempt to add a preference to use default browser

    attempt to add a preference to use default browser

    not sure if this will work. i do not have a flutter/dart environment and have never done anything with it before. basically i just fgrep -i complexstory . -R and for and duplicated them for a browser view resources used:

    • https://flutterforyou.com/how-to-open-url-in-external-browser-in-flutter/
    • https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher
    • https://developer.android.com/training/package-visibility/use-cases#java

    I have no idea what the chromesafaribrowserclass does, but an guessing it's related to enforcing WebView, so i left that section alone, apart from modifying the conditional. I'm hoping this does what i want (it probably wont), or is at least helpful. Basically, I'm hoping that the last launchUrl() starts the default browser; this is the part I'm unsure about (according to the resources above, it should. But then why didn't the launchUrl() above that do it?)

    Custom tabs would be better, but, again, I don't really know what I'm doing here. It also doesn't help that I'm doing this on my tablet without an IDE (I'm using termux/nano). Partially I want to be able to use my ad blocker, partially I want to use reader mode, partially I want to be able to share URLs to other apps (I'll be submitting a request for this as well). Secondly, it would also be nice to have URLs registered with other apps open in them (e.g. redreader for Reddit, untrackme for Twitter, YouTube, medium, etc.

    opened by Efreak 3
  • Feature request: Please add 'best' stories and other lists

    Feature request: Please add 'best' stories and other lists

    Currently there's tabs at the top for top, new, show, ask, and jobs. Please add a new tab for the best list. It might be worthwhile to consider adding pool, active, invited as well (see lists for all lists available).

    opened by Efreak 3
  • allow plaintext http connections

    allow plaintext http connections

    via https://stackoverflow.com/a/56837613

    I was unable to open an article just now, and a few minutes later was unable to open a comment (since the webview is still being forced on my not-yet-updated client, i have to find the artocle to open it.

    opened by Efreak 2
  • Feature request: a way to expand the content view to fullscreen on tablets

    Feature request: a way to expand the content view to fullscreen on tablets

    I'm using a 10" tablet, and when I open a story, I'd prefer to see only the comments on that story, and not also see the list of articles. It would be nice to have either of the following:

    1. A setting to emulate the (I assume) mobile view down in the screenshots, where only comments and not stories are shown
    2. A button to expand the current view to fullscreen
    opened by Efreak 2
  • Can't open links

    Can't open links

    I'm unable to open links. Tapping the title and the starburst icon does nothing at all. Similarly, tapping links in posts and links in the about page also does nothing (view licenses and close works; developer, source code, and like do not).

    See a video here.

    Version: 0.2.9 installed via fdroid. Android 12 on SM-T860 (Galaxy Tab S6)

    logcat, error

    I'm pretty sure the relevant part is ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, however chrome is absolutely installed and up to date (though I mostly use Lynket with Firefox as renderer; I've got Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Firefox Nightly, jQuarks, Samsung Internet, and Samsung Internet Beta installed). Even if this wasn't the case for me, custom tabs should fall back to the default browser.

    The logcat below was created with pidcat com.jiaqifeng.hacki.

                                Process com.jiaqifeng.hacki created for pre-top-activity {com.jiaqifeng.hacki/com.jiaqifeng.hacki.MainActivity}
                                PID: 13708   UID:    GIDs: 
    b'           ProcessState  D  Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument'
    b'         ActivityThread  D  setConscryptValidator'
    b'                         D  setConscryptValidator - put'
    b'                         D  handleBindApplication()++ app=com.jiaqifeng.hacki'
    b'atibilityChangeReporter  D  Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10611; state: DISABLED'
    b'         jiaqifeng.hack  W  ClassLoaderContext classpath element mismatch. expected=/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar, found=/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar (PCL[]{PCL[/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*3941666722]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*3941666722]})'
    b"    GraphicsEnvironment  V  ANGLE Developer option for 'com.jiaqifeng.hacki' set to: 'default'"
    b'                         V  App is not on the allowlist for updatable production driver.'
    b'              LoadedApk  D  LoadedApk::makeApplication() appContext.mOpPackageName=com.jiaqifeng.hacki appContext.mBasePackageName=com.jiaqifeng.hacki'
    b'  NetworkSecurityConfig  D  No Network Security Config specified, using platform default'
    b'                         D  No Network Security Config specified, using platform default'
    b'   WM-WrkMgrInitializer  D  Initializing WorkManager with default configuration.'
    b'         ActivityThread  D  handleBindApplication() --'
    b'         OpenGLRenderer  D  RenderThread::requireGlContext()'
    b'           AdrenoGLES-0  I  QUALCOMM build                   : 3dad7f8ed7, I593c16c433'
    b'                         I  Build Date                       : 10/01/21'
    b'                         I  OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.32.02.02'
    b'                         I  Local Branch                     :'
    b'                         I  Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.9.1.R1.'
    b'                         I  Remote Branch                    : NONE'
    b'                         I  Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING'
    b'                         I  Build Config                     : S P 10.0.7 AArch64'
    b'                         I  Driver Path                      : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so'
    b'                         I  PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000'
    b'atibilityChangeReporter  D  Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10611; state: DISABLED'
    b'         OpenGLRenderer  D  RenderThread::setGrContext()'
    b'         WebViewFactory  I  Loading com.google.android.webview version 101.0.4951.61 (code 495106134)'
    b'  cr_WVCFactoryProvider  I  Loaded version=101.0.4951.61 minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2'
    b'       cr_LibraryLoader  I  Successfully loaded native library'
    b'  cr_CachingUmaRecorder  I  Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms.'
    b'vityAndFragmentDelegate  W  A splash screen was provided to Flutter, but this is deprecated. See flutter.dev/go/android-splash-migration for migration steps.'
    b'              DecorView  I  [INFO] isPopOver=false, config=true'
    b'                         I  updateCaptionType >> DecorView@49e3df5[], isFloating=false, isApplication=true, hasWindowControllerCallback=true, hasWindowDecorCaption=false'
    b'                         D  setCaptionType = 0, this = DecorView@49e3df5[]'
    b'                         I  getCurrentDensityDpi: from real metrics. densityDpi=360 msg=resources_loaded'
    b'                         I  notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  setView = com.android.internal.policy.DecorView@49e3df5 TM=true'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  onWindowVisibilityChanged(0) true io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1600,2560) new=(0,0,1600,2560) req=(1600,2560)0 dur=12 res=0x7 s={true -5476376632029528064} ch=true fn=-1'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  windowStopped(false) true io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1600,2452} of ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  [DP] dp(1) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.reportNextDraw:11374 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4167 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2893'
    b'        hw-ProcessState  D  Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument'
    b'         OpenGLRenderer  D  eglCreateWindowSurface'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  pST: sr = Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 2452) sw = 1600 sh = 2452'
    b'                         I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0'
    b'                         I  pST: mTmpTransaction.apply, mTmpTransaction = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@c06e7bc'
    b'                         I  updateSurface: mVisible = true mSurface.isValid() = true'
    b'                         I  updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated = false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true'
    b'                         I  surfaceCreated 1 #8 io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1600,2452}'
    b'                         I  surfaceChanged (1600,2452) 1 #8 io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1600,2452}'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  [DP] dp(2) 1 android.view.SurfaceView.updateSurface:1375 android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$1$SurfaceView:254 android.view.SurfaceView$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.onPreDraw:2'
    b'                         I  [DP] pdf(1) 1 android.view.SurfaceView.notifyDrawFinished:599 android.view.SurfaceView.performDrawFinished:586 android.view.SurfaceView.$r8$lambda$st27mCkd9jfJkTrN_P3qIGKX6NY:0'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 0 - 1600, 2452) rtsw = 1600 rtsh = 2452'
    b'                         I  onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 0 sx = 1.0 sy = 1.0'
    b'                         I  aOrMT: uB = true t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@f42345 fN = 1 android.view.SurfaceView.access$500:124 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:1728 android.graphics.RenderNode$CompositePositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:319'
    b'                         I  aOrMT: vR.mWNT, vR = ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  mWNT: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@f42345 fN = 1 android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1628 android.view.SurfaceView.access$500:124 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionChanged:1728'
    b'                         I  mWNT: merge t to BBQ'
    b'    BufferQueueProducer  I  [ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:358c00000000,api:1,p:13708,c:13708) queueBuffer: queued for the first time.'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  [DP] pdf(0) 1 android.view.ViewRootImpl.lambda$addFrameCompleteCallbackIfNeeded$3$ViewRootImpl:4969 android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda16.run:6 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938'
    b'                         I  [DP] rdf()'
    b'                         D  reportDrawFinished (fn: -1)'
    b'                         I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1 1'
    b'     InputMethodManager  D  startInputInner - Id : 0'
    b'                         I  startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus'
    b'                         D  startInputInner - Id : 0'
    b'    BufferQueueProducer  I  [SurfaceView - com.jiaqifeng.hacki/com.jiaqifeng.hacki.MainActivity@cc5e00b@0#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:358c00000001,api:1,p:13708,c:13708) queueBuffer: queued for the first time.'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'            UrlLauncher  I  component name for https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/opc-news/news-and-announcements/2022/nr-c_220601/ is {kuesji.link_eye/kuesji.link_eye.Main}'
    b'                flutter  E  [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(ChromeBrowserManager, ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, null, null)'
    b'                         E  #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607)'
    b'                         E  #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:167)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'                         E  #2      ChromeSafariBrowser.open (package:flutter_inappwebview/src/chrome_safari_browser/chrome_safari_browser.dart:112)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'            UrlLauncher  I  component name for https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31585612 is {kuesji.link_eye/kuesji.link_eye.Main}'
    b'                flutter  E  [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(ChromeBrowserManager, ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, null, null)'
    b'                         E  #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607)'
    b'                         E  #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:167)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'                         E  #2      ChromeSafariBrowser.open (package:flutter_inappwebview/src/chrome_safari_browser/chrome_safari_browser.dart:112)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'            UrlLauncher  I  component name for https://livinglist.github.io is {kuesji.link_eye/kuesji.link_eye.Main}'
    b'                flutter  E  [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(ChromeBrowserManager, ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, null, null)'
    b'                         E  #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607)'
    b'                         E  #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:167)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'                         E  #2      ChromeSafariBrowser.open (package:flutter_inappwebview/src/chrome_safari_browser/chrome_safari_browser.dart:112)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'            UrlLauncher  I  component name for https://github.com/Livinglist/Hacki is {kuesji.link_eye/kuesji.link_eye.Main}'
    b'                flutter  E  [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(ChromeBrowserManager, ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, null, null)'
    b'                         E  #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607)'
    b'                         E  #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:167)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'                         E  #2      ChromeSafariBrowser.open (package:flutter_inappwebview/src/chrome_safari_browser/chrome_safari_browser.dart:112)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'            UrlLauncher  I  component name for https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jiaqifeng.hacki&hl=en_US&gl=US is {com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.activities.MainActivity}'
    b'                flutter  E  [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(ChromeBrowserManager, ChromeCustomTabs is not available!, null, null)'
    b'                         E  #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:607)'
    b'                         E  #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:167)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'                         E  #2      ChromeSafariBrowser.open (package:flutter_inappwebview/src/chrome_safari_browser/chrome_safari_browser.dart:112)'
    b'                         E  <asynchronous suspension>'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  ViewPostIme pointer 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme pointer 1'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme key 0'
    b'                         I  ViewPostIme key 1'
    b'                         I  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 0 1'
    b"         InputTransport  D  Input channel destroyed: 'ClientS', fd=175"
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  handleAppVisibility mAppVisible=true visible=false'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  onWindowVisibilityChanged(8) false io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,2452} of ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'                         I  pST: mTmpTransaction.apply, mTmpTransaction = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@c06e7bc'
    b'                         I  surfaceDestroyed callback.size 1 #2 io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,2452}'
    b'                         I  updateSurface: mVisible = false mSurface.isValid() = true'
    b'                         I  tryReleaseSurfaces: set mRtReleaseSurfaces = true'
    b'                         I  112235436 wPL, frameNr = 0'
    b'                         I  remove() from RT android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener@6b093ac Surface(name=SurfaceView - com.jiaqifeng.hacki/com.jiaqifeng.hacki.MainActivity@cc5e00b@0)/@0x9357875'
    b'                         I  remove() io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,2452} Surface(name=SurfaceView - com.jiaqifeng.hacki/com.jiaqifeng.hacki.MainActivity@cc5e00b@0)/@0x9357875'
    b'                         I  aOrMT: uB = true t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@f693e98 fN = 0 android.view.SurfaceView.access$500:124 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionLost:1785 android.graphics.RenderNode$CompositePositionUpdateListener.positionLost:326'
    b'                         I  aOrMT: vR.mWNT, vR = ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  mWNT: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@f693e98 fN = 0 android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1628 android.view.SurfaceView.access$500:124 android.view.SurfaceView$SurfaceViewPositionUpdateListener.positionLost:1785'
    b'                         I  mWNT: merge t to BBQ'
    b'         OpenGLRenderer  D  setSurface called with nullptr'
    b'                         D  setSurface() destroyed EGLSurface'
    b'                         D  destroyEglSurface'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1600,2560) new=(0,0,1600,2560) req=(1600,2560)8 dur=5 res=0x5 s={false 0} ch=true fn=34'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  I  windowStopped(true) false io.flutter.embedding.android.h{cc5e00b V.E...... ........ 0,0-1600,2452} of ViewRootImpl@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]'
    b'                         D  updateSurface: surface is not valid'
    b'                         D  updateSurface: surface is not valid'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  stopped(true) old=false'
    b'    SurfaceView@cc5e00b  D  updateSurface: surface is not valid'
    b'                         I  onDetachedFromWindow: tryReleaseSurfaces()'
    b'         OpenGLRenderer  D  setSurface called with nullptr'
    b'l@4a3a2d7[MainActivity]  I  dispatchDetachedFromWindow'
    b"         InputTransport  D  Input channel destroyed: '678b920', fd=154"
                                Process com.jiaqifeng.hacki (PID: 13708) ended
    opened by Efreak 2
  • F-Droid release

    F-Droid release

    Hi, Thanks for making this App!

    I just wanted to suggest that you publish this app on the open source app market 'f-droid'. As this application is made for tech savvy people, some of them with privacy concerns, I think this would be a good fit.


    opened by Libric0 2
  • Cannot login on Android 11

    Cannot login on Android 11

    I have several devices with Android 11 and when I try to login to my Hacker News account the app keeps loading and never succeeds to gain access to it. Screenshot_2022-06-22-07-50-29-671_com.jiaqifeng.hacki.jpg

    bug help wanted android 
    opened by il-santo 11
  • Bugs when switching apps

    Bugs when switching apps

    This might be useful: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20897

    1. start Hacki by opening a URL to a story on news.ycombinator.com.
    2. Switch to a different story
    3. scroll down a ways, start replying
    4. Switch apps (or open the story link or a comment link in the external browser)
    5. Close the new app you've opened by hitting the back button in Android or telling the app to close itself
    6. Instead of being back at Hacki, I'm now at my launcher.
    7. Open Hacki from recents
    8. Hacki opens to the link from step 1, not step 2
      • if Hacki was opened from launcher, without steps 1-2, it opens to the main page with no story open.
      • if I was in the middle of writing a comment, and opened browser to research that comment, everything I've written has disappeared
      • Pick up where you left off doesn't appear until after the story list has finished loading/animating (this should probably be a separate bug report)
    bug help wanted android 
    opened by Efreak 4
Jiaqi Feng
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News app where you can see all trending news

News App A new Flutter application which show live news Description With the help of this app you can read live news from any categories: Business Ent

Akash Lilhare 13 Dec 26, 2022
null 357 Dec 27, 2022
Music reader for online data (Google Drive implementation). Cross platform goal : iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows

omusic A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this i

JeanNicolasdeLamballerie 0 Nov 30, 2021
Simple and modern news app that incorporates REST API (newsapi.org), all built entirely with Flutter.

A simple news app with a minimalistic and clean UI that incorporates the newsapi.org api all built entirely with Flutter. Be sure to leave a star ??

Carlton Aikins 73 Dec 1, 2022
This is a simple news app. It created using flutter as front-end and firebase as back end.

This is a simple news app. It created using flutter as front-end and firebase as back end. Only one person (Admin)can upload news. There is SignUp feature. Only one preDefined Admin who can login to account and upload news. It also uses Shared Preference for saving Admin's login inform.

sanal parakkal 2 Aug 5, 2022
build standings, matchs, players, news and all about premier league with flutter

premier_league A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started i

null 1 Feb 27, 2022
Flutter News, Events and Podcast App

OneStop OneStop application lets the user view news on various topic for different countries, events for various locations and various podcast sites t

Sumita Sharma 22 Mar 12, 2022
This is a mobile app created using Flutter, corona.lmao.ninja (Real Time News about Covid 19).

Covid 19 News This is a mobile app created using Flutter, corona.lmao.ninja (Real Time News about Covid 19). There are some test files that needed to

Achintha Isuru 10 Jan 28, 2022
Flutter news app with NewsApi Org

Installation flutter pub get Usage flutter run Learn I will show how to create a flutter news app with NewsApi Org, In Flutter News App we will load

Sanskar Tiwari 378 Jan 1, 2023
A coronavirus statistics, news and general information app with a symptom checker. 🚀

Corona Spectator Corona Spectator is a coronavirus statistics and news app that has real time global COVID-19 stats. It includes useful tips to help g

Carlton Aikins 26 Oct 8, 2022
Latest and easy-to-read news, all in your pocket 📱

Observer-flutter About Flutter app for getting live news in different categories Tools used Inshorts News API v2 This API's documentation Get the App

null 3 Jul 13, 2022
Personalized news app

taja_khobor It's a mobile application that will use the machine learning algorithm to personalize news according to individual taste. In addition to t

Md. Siam 6 Nov 2, 2022
Informatics Project: News app for politics

PoliNEWS A news app specifically for politics. Feature Technology App & UI Flutter Get the news (preview w/ title) RSS View the articles WebView What

null 6 Apr 19, 2022
Proyecto Dinamics News - MisionTIC Ciclo 4 Grupo 7

Welcome page, Login Page and Sign up page - Flutter UI Watch it on YouTube Packages we are using: flutter_svg: link We design 3 screens first one is a

null 9 Jul 25, 2022
An application for showing off the news.

news_app A new Flutter project with news stories. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get y

Josh 0 Nov 27, 2021