Extended theme - Extended themes for Flutter


Extended Theme

This package will allow you to extend theming in Flutter so you can define and use your own properties.

What does it solve?

Say you want to style custom widgets in your app, but the properties in ThemeData don't quite fit your need. You'd rather add your own properties that are more descriptive. There are several ways to do this.

One way is to create extensions for Theme. But they will not be as dynamic unless you start putting logic in them.

Another way is to create your own Object that contains your custom styles and provide them to the widget tree, just like Theme does, with an InheritedWidget (or you could use a package like provider).

If you have one single style and don't support light and dark theme, this could be fine.

But what happens if you do want to support dark and light themes, and what if your app has two very distinct parts that should use their own Theme?

You'll end up with:

  • Main Theme light
  • Main Theme dark
  • Main Custom Theme light (for your custom styling)
  • Main Custom Theme dark
  • Secondairy Theme light
  • Secondairy Theme dark
  • Secondairy Custom Theme light
  • Secondairy Custom Theme dark

These are 8 themes that you would keep track of so you are using both the right themes (Main and Secondary), but also both the right brightness (light/dark) variants of these themes.

You could end up with 16 different configurations, while only 4 are valid.

And this is exaxtly what Extended Theme solves. It will take the default Theme and merges it with your custom properties into a single custom theme so you can never mix them up.

How does it work?

Extended Theme relies on code generation to create a whole new custom theme with all the needed utilities based off the definition of your custom properties.

A very basic definition example:

abstract class _MyTheme {
    Color get myCustomColor;

Now you can run the following command in the terminal:

flutter pub run build_runner build

This will generate the following:

  1. A widget called MyTheme (based of the definition name) which you can use almost the same as the normal Theme widget. In fact, this widget will also add the default Theme to the tree so whenever you scope MyTheme it will keep your custom properties and the defualt theme in sync.
  2. A class called MyThemeData which will hold your custom properties as well as the default ThemeData.
  3. An InheritedWidget called $MyTheme that allows you to get MyThemeData anywhere in the tree.

How do I use it?

Now that you've got your custom theme you can start using it.

Defining your themes

You simply define your theme just like you used to do with ThemeData.

final myLightTheme = MyThemeData(
    themeData: ThemeData.light(),
    myCustomColor: Colors.orange,

final myDarkTheme = MyThemeData(
    themeData: ThemeData.dark(),
    myCustomColor: Colors.red,

Add the Extended Theme to the tree

To have access to your custom properties, we must add MyTheme to the tree.

Usually you set ThemeData to the theme field of MaterialApp, this will put it above the Navigator and makes sure it's available throughout the app.

We can't just put our MyThemeData in the theme field, because it's not a ThemeData subtype.

To inject MyTheme above the MaterialApp Navigator, we can use the builder field.

You can do it manually:

return MaterialApp(
    title: 'ExtendedTheme Demo',
    builder: (context, child) => MyTheme(
        light: myLightTheme,
        dark: myDarkTheme,
        child: child,
    home: const Content(),

Which might be usefull if you're injecting other widgets, or you can use the conveniently generated builder:

return MaterialApp(
    title: 'ExtendedTheme Demo',
    builder: MyTheme.builder(
        light: myLightTheme,
        dark: myDarkTheme,
    home: const Content(),

If you happen to have multiple distinctive themes in your app, as mentioned in the beginning, you can scope MyTheme to a specific section of the app by just adding it in the widget tree whereever you need it:

return MyTheme(
    light: mySecondaryLightTheme,
    dark: mySecondaryDarkTheme,
    child: SecondaryThemedPage(),

Using your custom properties

Accessing your custom properties is as easy as:

return Container(
    color: MyTheme.of(context).myCustomColor,


In our previous example we only used a simple property. But what if we want to add styling for a custom widget?

Just like the ExtendedTheme you are able to define ExtendedThemeData.

Let's say we have a custom widget which has a couple of properties:

abstract class _MyWidget {
    Color get backgroundColor;
    Color get foregroundColor;
    double? get width;
    double? get height;
    BoxShape get shape;

This will generate a class called MyThemeData that will hold the properties we've defined and a proper constructor.


  • Add convenient methods copyWith, merge, etc
  • Add default values
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  • ext_theme_generator doesn't work in combination with some other generators

    ext_theme_generator doesn't work in combination with some other generators

    I've noticed that when I use ext_theme_generator as a single generator, all is fine, but in case there another generators like , e.g. auto_route_generator or hive_generator theme generator seems to be skipped (all the generation process finished with no issues) and no *.g.dart file with custom themes :-/ . FYI: When I use theme generator in parallel with (only) freezed generator, all is fine and I it ends up with generated theme file as expected. I've tested it on the example project from this package and the result is the same as in my project.

    Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.10.3, on macOS 12.2.1 21D62 darwin-x64, locale en-PL)
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 31.0.0-rc4)
    [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 13.2)
    [✓] Android Studio (version 2021.1)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.65.0)
    [!] Connected device
        ! Error: XXX iPhone is not connected. Xcode will continue when XXX iPhone is connected. (code -13)
    [✓] HTTP Host Availability
    ! Doctor found issues in 1 category.
    opened by speszke 3
  • ext_theme can not use with dart_json_mapper.

    ext_theme can not use with dart_json_mapper.

    Hi, I am using your library and dart_json_mapper. Both use Reflection to generate the file. Your library requires a very new version of Reflection, so the two cannot be used together. Can you reduce the version Reflection is using in your library?

    Resolving dependencies...
    The current Dart SDK version is 2.16.0-134.5.beta.
    Because dart_json_mapper <0.1.1 requires SDK version >=1.12.0 <=2.0.0-dev.58.0 and dart_json_mapper >=1.0.3 <1.1.0 depends on build ^0.12.7+3, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=1.0.3 <1.1.0-∞ requires build ^0.12.7+3.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=0.1.3 <1.0.3 depends on build ^0.12.0 and dart_json_mapper >=1.5.9 <1.5.16 depends on reflectable ^2.2.4, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=0.1.3 <1.1.0-∞ or >=1.5.9 <1.5.16-∞ requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.2.4.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.5.7 <1.5.9 depends on reflectable ^2.2.3 and dart_json_mapper >=1.3.4 <1.5.7 depends on reflectable ^2.2.1+2, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=0.1.3 <1.1.0-∞ or >=1.3.4 <1.5.16-∞ requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.2.1+2.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.3.3 <1.3.4 depends on reflectable 2.2.0 and dart_json_mapper >=1.2.7 <1.3.3 depends on reflectable ^2.2.1, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=0.1.3 <1.1.0-∞ or >=1.2.7 <1.5.16-∞ requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable 2.2.0 or >=2.2.1 <3.0.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.2.0 <1.2.7 depends on reflectable ^2.2.0 and dart_json_mapper >=1.1.12 <1.2.0 depends on reflectable ^2.1.0, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=0.1.3 <1.1.0-∞ or >=1.1.12 <1.5.16-∞ requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.1.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.1.11 <1.1.12 depends on reflectable ^2.0.12 and dart_json_mapper >=1.1.2 <1.1.11 depends on reflectable ^2.0.10+1, dart_json_mapper <0.1.1-∞ or >=0.1.3 <1.1.0-∞ or >=1.1.2 <1.5.16-∞ requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.10+1.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.1.0 <1.1.2 depends on reflectable ^2.0.8 and dart_json_mapper >=0.1.1 <0.1.3 depends on reflectable ^2.0.0, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.0.
    And because reflectable >=0.1.1 <2.0.2 requires SDK version >=1.8.0 <2.0.0-dev.infinity and dart_json_mapper >=2.1.17 depends on analyzer ^2.7.0, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16-∞ or >=2.1.17 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2 or analyzer ^2.7.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=2.1.13 <2.1.17 depends on analyzer ^2.5.0 and dart_json_mapper >=2.1.7 <2.1.13 depends on analyzer ^2.2.0, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16-∞ or >=2.1.7 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2 or analyzer ^2.2.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=2.1.4 <2.1.7 depends on analyzer ^2.0.0 and dart_json_mapper >=2.1.3 <2.1.4 depends on analyzer ^1.7.0, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16-∞ or >=2.1.3 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2 or analyzer ^1.7.0 or ^2.0.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=2.1.0 <2.1.3 depends on analyzer ^1.5.0 and dart_json_mapper >=2.0.1 <2.1.0 depends on analyzer ^1.1.0, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16-∞ or >=2.0.1 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2 or analyzer >=1.1.0 <2.0.0 or ^2.0.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.6.3 <2.0.1 depends on analyzer >=0.40.3 <=0.50.4 and dart_json_mapper >=1.6.0 <1.6.3 depends on reflectable ^2.2.6, dart_json_mapper <1.5.16-∞ or >=1.6.0 requires build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2 or analyzer >=0.40.3 <=0.50.4 or >=1.1.0 <2.0.0 or ^2.0.0.
    And because dart_json_mapper >=1.5.16 <1.6.0 depends on reflectable ^2.2.5 and every version of ext_theme_generator depends on analyzer ^3.1.0, if dart_json_mapper any and ext_theme_generator any then build ^0.12.0 or reflectable ^2.0.2.
    Because reflectable >=2.0.2 <3.0.0-nullsafety.0 depends on logging ^0.11.0 and build >=2.0.0 depends on logging ^1.0.0, reflectable >=2.0.2 <3.0.0-nullsafety.0 is incompatible with build >=2.0.0.
    Thus, one of build >=2.0.0 or dart_json_mapper any or ext_theme_generator any must be false.
    And because every version of ext_theme_generator depends on build ^2.2.1, dart_json_mapper is incompatible with ext_theme_generator.
    So, because langlearning depends on both dart_json_mapper any and ext_theme_generator any, version solving failed.
    opened by o7planning 1
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