Open source Flutter package, bar indicator made of a series of selected and unselected steps


Step Progress Indicator

GitHub: SandroMaglione Twitter: SandroMaglione

Open source Flutter package, bar indicator made of a series of selected and unselected steps.

Made by Sandro Maglione, check out his personal official website

Check out the full step_progress_indicator tutorial

See the full example here

Check out the official dartdoc for the package here


Install and import the package. Then just customize its parameters.

    sdk: flutter
  step_progress_indicator: ^1.0.2

The last no null-safe version of the package was v0.2.5+8

Horizontal Vertical
Horizontal indicator screen Vertical indicator screen
Circular1 Circular2
Circular step progress indicator screen 1 Circular step progress indicator screen 2
Circular step progress indicator screen 1 Circular step progress indicator example 1


StepProgressIndicator - Example 1

Step Progress Indicator - Example 1

    totalSteps: 10,

StepProgressIndicator - Example 2

Step Progress Indicator - Example 2

    totalSteps: 10,
    currentStep: 6,
    unselectedColor: Colors.yellow,

StepProgressIndicator - Example 3

Step Progress Indicator - Example 3

    totalSteps: 20,
    currentStep: 6,
    size: 10,
    selectedColor: Colors.purple,
    unselectedColor: Colors.transparent,

StepProgressIndicator - Example 4

Step Progress Indicator - Example 4

    totalSteps: 15,
    currentStep: 12,
    size: 20,
    selectedColor: Colors.amber,
    roundedEdges: Radius.circular(10),
    gradientColor: LinearGradient(
        begin: Alignment.topLeft,
        end: Alignment.bottomRight,
        colors: [, Colors.white],

StepProgressIndicator - Example 5

Step Progress Indicator - Example 5

    totalSteps: 100,
    currentStep: 32,
    size: 8,
    padding: 0,
    selectedColor: Colors.yellow,
    unselectedColor: Colors.cyan,
    roundedEdges: Radius.circular(10),
    selectedGradientColor: LinearGradient(
        begin: Alignment.topLeft,
        end: Alignment.bottomRight,
        colors: [Colors.yellowAccent, Colors.deepOrange],
    unselectedGradientColor: LinearGradient(
        begin: Alignment.topLeft,
        end: Alignment.bottomRight,
        colors: [,],

StepProgressIndicator - Example 6

Step Progress Indicator - Example 6

    totalSteps: 12,
    currentStep: 4,
    padding: 6.0,
    size: 12,
    progressDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
    unselectedColor: Colors.black12,
    selectedGradientColor: LinearGradient(
        begin: Alignment.topLeft,
        end: Alignment.bottomRight,
        colors: [Colors.yellowAccent, Colors.deepOrange],
    unselectedGradientColor: LinearGradient(
        begin: Alignment.topLeft,
        end: Alignment.bottomRight,
        colors: [,],

StepProgressIndicator - Example 7

Step Progress Indicator - Example 7

    totalSteps: 5,
    padding: 20.0,
    size: 20,
    customColor: (index) => index == 0
        ? Colors.redAccent
        : index == 4 ? Colors.blueAccent : Colors.deepOrange,

StepProgressIndicator - Example 8

Step Progress Indicator - Example 8

    totalSteps: 6,
    currentStep: 4,
    size: 36,
    unselectedColor: Colors.grey[200],
    customStep: (index, color, _) => color ==
        ? Container(
            color: color,
            child: Icon(
            color: Colors.white,
        : Container(
            color: color,
            child: Icon(

StepProgressIndicator - Example 9

Step Progress Indicator - Example 9

    totalSteps: 10,
    currentStep: 7,
    unselectedColor: Colors.amber,
    customSize: (index) => (index + 1) * 10.0,

CircularStepProgressIndicator - Example 1

Circular Step Progress Indicator - Example 1

    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
    children: <Widget>[
            totalSteps: 10,
            currentStep: 6,
            width: 100,
            roundedCap: (_, isSelected) => isSelected,
            totalSteps: 12,
            currentStep: 6,
            selectedColor: Colors.redAccent,
            unselectedColor: Colors.grey[200],
            selectedStepSize: 10.0,
            width: 100,
            gradientColor: LinearGradient(
                begin: Alignment.topLeft,
                end: Alignment.bottomRight,
                colors: [Colors.cyan, Colors.orangeAccent],
            totalSteps: 20,
            currentStep: 6,
            padding: math.pi / 15,
            selectedColor: Colors.cyan,
            unselectedColor: Colors.yellowAccent,
            selectedStepSize: 3.0,
            unselectedStepSize: 9.0,
            width: 100,

CircularStepProgressIndicator - Example 2

Circular Step Progress Indicator - Example 2

    mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
    children: <Widget>[
        totalSteps: 20,
        currentStep: 12,
        stepSize: 20,
        unselectedColor: Colors.purple[400],
        padding: math.pi / 80,
        width: 150,
        height: 150,
        startingAngle: -math.pi * 2 / 3,
        arcSize: math.pi * 2 / 3 * 2,
        gradientColor: LinearGradient(
            colors: [, Colors.purple[400]],
        totalSteps: 100,
        currentStep: 74,
        stepSize: 10,
        selectedColor: Colors.greenAccent,
        unselectedColor: Colors.grey[200],
        padding: 0,
        width: 150,
        height: 150,
        selectedStepSize: 15,
        roundedCap: (_, __) => true,

CircularStepProgressIndicator - Example 3

Circular Step Progress Indicator - Example 3

    totalSteps: 100,
    currentStep: 72,
    selectedColor: Colors.yellow,
    unselectedColor: Colors.lightBlue,
    padding: 0,
    width: 100,
    child: Icon(
        size: 84,

CircularStepProgressIndicator - Example 4

Circular Step Progress Indicator - Example 4

    totalSteps: 20,
    stepSize: 20,
    customColor: (index) => index % 3 == 0
        ? Colors.deepPurple
        : index % 2 == 0
            ? Colors.deepOrange
            : Colors.grey[100],
    width: 250,

StepProgressIndicator Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
totalSteps int Total number of step of the complete indicator. @required
currentStep int Number of steps to underline, all the steps with index <= currentStep will have Color equal to selectedColor. 0
customStep(int, Color, double) Widget Defines a custom Widget to display at each step, given the current step index, the Color, which could be defined with selectedColor and unselectedColor or using customColor, and its size, which could be defined using size, selectedSize, unselectedSize, or customSize. -
onTap(int) void Function() Defines onTap function given index of the pressed step. -
customColor(int) Color Assign a custom Color for each step. -
customSize(int) double Assign a custom size for each step. -
selectedColor Color Color of the selected steps.
unselectedColor Color Color of the unselected steps. Colors.grey
gradientColor Gradient Apply gradient color to the indicator. -
selectedGradientColor Gradient Apply gradient color to the selected steps of the indicator. -
unselectedGradientColor Gradient Apply gradient color to the unselected steps of the indicator. -
blendMode BlendMode Apply BlendMode to ShaderMask when gradientColor, selectedGradientColor, or unselectedGradientColor defined. -
direction Axis Defines if indicator is horizontal or vertical. Axis.horizontal
progressDirection TextDirection Defines if steps grow from left-to-right / top-to-bottom TextDirection.ltr or right-to-left / bottom-to-top TextDirection.rtl. TextDirection.ltr
size double Size of the indicator (height if direction is Axis.horizontal, width if Axis.vertical). 4.0
padding double Spacing, left-right if horizontal, top-bottom if vertical, of each step. 2.0
fallbackLength double Length of the progress indicator in case the main axis (based on direction attribute) has no size limit i.e. double.infinity. 100.0
selectedSize double Specify a custom size for selected steps. -
unselectedSize double Specify a custom size for unselected steps. -
roundedEdges Radius Add rounded edge corners to first and last step. -
mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment Assign alignment MainAxisAlignment for indicator's container.
crossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment Assign alignment CrossAxisAlignment for indicator's container.
stepMainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment Assign alignment MainAxisAlignment for a single step.
stepCrossAxisAlignment CrossAxisAlignment Assign alignment CrossAxisAlignment for a single step.

CircularStepProgressIndicator Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
totalSteps int Total number of step of the complete indicator. @required
currentStep int Number of steps to underline, all the steps with index <= currentStep will have Color equal to selectedColor. 0
child Widget Widget child contained inside the indicator. -
selectedColor Color Color of the selected steps.
unselectedColor Color Color of the unselected steps. Colors.grey
customColor(int) Color Assign a custom Color for each step. -
gradientColor Gradient Apply a gradient color to the indicator. -
customStepSize(int, bool) double Assign a custom size for each step. -
selectedStepSize double Specify a custom size for selected steps. -
unselectedStepSize double Specify a custom size for unselected steps. -
circularDirection CircularDirection Defines if steps grow clockwise (CircularDirection.clockwise) or counterclockwise (CircularDirection.counterclockwise) CircularDirection.clockwise
stepSize double Size of the each step of the indicator. 6.0
height double Height of the indicator's container. -
width double Width of the indicator's container. -
padding double Spacing between each step. math.pi / 20
startingAngle double Angle in which is placed the starting point of the indicator. 0
roundedCap(int, bool) bool Adds rounded edges at the beginning and at the end of the circular indicator given int index of each step and a bool telling if the step is selected. (_, __) => false
removeRoundedCapExtraAngle bool Removes extra angle caused by StrokeCap.butt when roundedCap is applied #20. false
arcSize double Angle in radiants which represents the size of the arc used to display the indicator. math.pi * 2
fallbackHeight double Height of the indicator's container in case the parent height has no size limit i.e. double.infinity. 100.0
fallbackWidth double Width of the indicator's container in case the parent width has no size limit i.e. double.infinity. 100.0


I am always open for suggestions and ideas for possible improvements or fixes.

Feel free to open a Pull Request if you would like to contribute to the project.

If you would like to have a new feature implemented, just write a new issue.


  • v1.0.2 - 2 January 2022
  • v1.0.1 - 16 June 2021
  • v1.0.0 - 10 May 2021
  • v0.2.5+8 - 01 December 2020
  • v0.2.4+7 - 25 August 2020
  • v0.2.3+6 - 20 May 2020
  • v0.2.2+5 - 26 April 2020
  • v0.2.1+4 - 25 February 2020
  • v0.2.0+3 - 24 February 2020
  • v0.1.1+2 - 24 January 2020
  • v0.1.0+1 - 23 January 2020


If you would like to support my work, why don't you buy me a coffee?


MIT License, see the file for details.

  • Animation between oldValue and new Value

    Animation between oldValue and new Value

    First of all great package!

    One thing I would wish is the possibility to animate from an oldValue to a newValue. This would require a StatefulWidget so I don't know if it is in scope.

    Use case: User gets point for finishing a task. His progress is shown by the step-progress-indicator. Instead of jumping from oldValue to the newValue a smooth animation occurs.

    opened by MiroLiebschner 3
  • make unrounded caps steps same size as rounded caps

    make unrounded caps steps same size as rounded caps

    Hi again,

    Rounded caps are of a bigger size than unrounded ones, it seems like the rounding is added on top of the regular step size. image

    Would you agree it is preferable that these are both the same length, and the rounding should start and end within the stepSize?

    opened by RickVM 3
  • ProgressIndicator not work with gradientColor and padding > 0

    ProgressIndicator not work with gradientColor and padding > 0

    This code is not work

        totalSteps: 10,
        currentStep: 6,
        size: 10,
        unselectedColor: Colors.transparent,
        gradientColor: const LinearGradient(
          begin: Alignment.topLeft,
          end: Alignment.bottomRight,
          colors: [

    but this code is work fine

        totalSteps: 10,
        currentStep: 6,
        size: 10,
        padding: 0,
        selectedColor: Colors.white,
        unselectedColor: Colors.transparent,
        gradientColor: const LinearGradient(
          begin: Alignment.topLeft,
          end: Alignment.bottomRight,
          colors: [


    opened by leech001 3
  • dont have curvy edges modification for CircularStepProgressIndicator widget.

    dont have curvy edges modification for CircularStepProgressIndicator widget.

    Hi Team,

    We don't have curvy edges modification for the CircularStepProgressIndicator widget. Similarly like roundedEdges: Radius.circular(10), for the StepProgressIndicator.

    Is there any option, can you please revert it.

    enhancement next release 
    opened by Vrocks27 3
  • Suggestion: Allow semi-circle indicators

    Suggestion: Allow semi-circle indicators

    What do you think of adding the ability to adjust the step-progress-indicators to display as a semi-circle?

    What I mean is being able to define for example that the progress indicator in circular shape reaches from 225° to 135° and increases clockwise.

    Here is an example:

    opened by HartP97 3
  • When use customeSize, CrossAxisAlignment does not working good...

    When use customeSize, CrossAxisAlignment does not working good...

                                      totalSteps: 20,
                                      currentStep: 7,
                                      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.end,
                                      selectedColor: StudyColors.azul,
                                      unselectedColor: StudyColors.lightPeriwinkle,
                                      customSize: (index, _) {
                                        double size;
                                        if (index == 7 - 1) {
                                          size = 30;
                                        } else if (index == 7 - 2) {
                                          size = 20;
                                        } else {
                                          size = 10;
                                        return size;

    I want to all steps to make it aligned down. but not working....

    스크린샷 2021-05-27 오후 2 42 39

    I want to make it like the picture below.

    스크린샷 2021-05-27 오후 2 52 15
    opened by NewLand-Ju 2
  • Nested (step) indicators

    Nested (step) indicators

    Hi there! Good job on the library, the first impression is pretty good and the documentation is clear. Do you reckon its possible to nest indicators?

    I would like to achieve something like the image below, where multiple progressions can be shown at once, using step and non step indicators.


    I might be able to put in some effort and create a PR if this is not currently possible, although it would depend upon the complexity of the task.

    opened by RickVM 2
  • Linear Color Gradient

    Linear Color Gradient

    Hi there!

    This is my ever first submitted issue so I hope this isn't too vague, but I was wondering if it is at all possible to add a property for a linear color gradient? Thanks!

    enhancement good first issue next release 
    opened by tylercodes1 2
  • Modify Thickness of Circular Progress

    Modify Thickness of Circular Progress

    Great plugin here. Just wish to know if there could be also a property thickness of the progress indicator. Can this be possible, I won't mind sending in a PR? Let me know your thoughts

    opened by muarachmann 2
  • roundedEdges: not working

    roundedEdges: not working

    I have tried both null safety versions but this issue does not solve. Please look into issue and help me to find some good solution . Thanks in advance!

    image image
    opened by AyushTripathi28 1
  • Circular Progress Indicator is not Circular

    Circular Progress Indicator is not Circular


    I was not able to Create a Pure, Circular Indicator, It is Coming up like this, But it was expected, something circular...

    Here is the code which I was using(this code is just copied from the amazing repo)

                                            elevation: 0.4,
                                            child: Wrap(children: [
                                                leading: IconButton(
                                                  onPressed: () {},
                                                  icon: Icon(
                                                title:  CircularStepProgressIndicator(
                                                    totalSteps: streako.streakDays,
                                                    currentStep: 10,
                                                    stepSize: 10,
                                                    padding: 0,
                                                    width: 60,
                                                    height: 60,
                                                    selectedStepSize: 15,
                                                    roundedCap: (_, __) => true,
    opened by madd-project 1
  • Issues with size

    Issues with size

    Since sizing is forced on customStep instead of wrapping content this causes a number of overflow problems.

    This is when using forced sizing: image

    When removing size this is caused: image

    I would suggest allowing wrapping. Because even when size is not set and I try to set the height and width on the container I return in customStep, nothing changes.

    Code to reproduce:

    var steps = ["concern", "photograph", "ai result", "another"];
    var currentStep = 1;
                padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                  horizontal: PaddingSize.medium,
                  // vertical: PaddingSize.medium,
                // color: appBarColor,
                child: StepProgressIndicator(
                  // size: 25,
                  totalSteps: steps.length,
                  currentStep: currentStep,
                  selectedColor: Colors.yellow,
                  unselectedColor: Colors.grey,
                  customStep: (index, color, __) => Container(
                    color: color,
                    child: Column(
                      children: [
                          "${index + 1}. ${steps[index].toUpperCase()}",
                          style: const TextStyle(
                            fontSize: 10,
    opened by CanadianN1nj4 1
  • Black lines are seen on every step

    Black lines are seen on every step

    Implement this library to be able to control the volume and brightness, but there are black lines when totalSteps is 100, is there any solution for this?


    opened by kevin4dhd 0
  • roundedEdges doesn't work when steps are completed

    roundedEdges doesn't work when steps are completed

    I have a progress bar of 8 steps, starting from step 1. When the bar is "full", meaning that the steps are completed, the roundedEdges property doesn't work properly, as on the right side the effect gets removed. I assume it is because the overlay color just gets on top of it.

    I am attaching an image and my code. You can see the right side of the bar does not have any rounded edges.

    Screenshot 2022-01-07 at 15 55 12

    	totalSteps: 8,
    	currentStep: _currentSet,
    	size: 10,
    	padding: 0,
    	selectedColor: const Color(0xFF56DDF5),
    	unselectedColor: Colors.white,
    	roundedEdges: const Radius.circular(7),
    	selectedGradientColor: const LinearGradient(
    		begin: Alignment.topLeft,
    		end: Alignment.bottomRight,
    		colors: [

    Is there any workaround for this? Or am I just doing it wrong?

    Thank you.

    opened by pzehle 2
  • An option to have labels with the current step to help with onboarding or relevant flows

    An option to have labels with the current step to help with onboarding or relevant flows

    Either a String label with the currentStep, vertically center aligned with the current step widget (I guess it needs to be linear for this to work). Or even labels with every step if not just the current one. Should add a new dimension to the package.

    opened by ahamzatariq 1
  • Dynamic height with scrollable for custom length of steps

    Dynamic height with scrollable for custom length of steps

    I am using verticle StepProgressIndicator and I want to give dynamic height to it because I am generating steps based on the length of API.

    Is there any way to give height dynamically with a scrollable list of indicators?

    opened by pratikbutani 2
  • v1.0.2(Jan 2, 2022)

  • v1.0.1(Jun 16, 2021)

    • StepProgressIndicator and CircularStepProgressIndicator constructors as const
    • Added stepMainAxisAlignment and stepCrossAxisAlignment to align single step in StepProgressIndicator (#28)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.5(Dec 1, 2020)

  • v0.2.4(Aug 25, 2020)

    • Added roundedCap property to CircularStepProgressIndicator (#7)
    • Added gradientColor property to CircularStepProgressIndicator, and gradientColor, selectedGradientColor and unselectedGradientColor to StepProgressIndicator (#8)
    • Fixed customStepSize when circularDirection is CircularDirection.counterclockwise: now the step indexes start at 0 from the left to the right as expected
    • Added isSelected bool parameter to customStepSize, used to change the step size based on the selected/unselected status of the current step (breaking change)
    • Updated and expanded documentation examples
    • Fixed documentations updates
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.2(Apr 26, 2020)

  • 0.2.1(Feb 28, 2020)

  • v0.2.0(Feb 24, 2020)

    • Added CircularStepProgressIndicator
    • Added optimized support for Continuous Progress Indicators (by setting padding to 0 and not using custom attributes)
    • Added more attributes
      • customSize
      • selectedSize
      • unselectedSize
      • fallbackLength
    • Made indicator custom attributes (customStep, customColor, onTap, customSize) zero-based (breaking change)
    • Added more examples
    • Updated the documentation with more screens and detailed examples
    • Added CircularStepProgressIndicator animation example
    • Bug fixing
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1+2(Jan 27, 2020)

Sandro Maglione
Coding since I was 12 💻 | Master in Computer Science and Engineering 👨‍🎓 | Open-Source developer 🎉 | Writing technical guides and tutorial articles ✍
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