A Flutter package allows you to easily implement all calendar UI and calendar event functionality. πŸ‘ŒπŸ”πŸŽ‰


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Build calendar_view

A Flutter package allows you to easily implement all calendar UI and calendar event functionality.

For web demo visit Calendar View Example.




  1. Add dependencies to pubspec.yaml

    Get the latest version in the 'Installing' tab on pub.dev

        calendar_view: <latest-version>
  2. Run pub get.

    flutter pub get
  3. Import package.

    import 'package:calendar_view/calendar_view.dart';


  1. Wrap MaterialApp with CalendarControllerProvider and assign EventController to it.

        controller: EventController(),
        child: MaterialApp(
            // Your initialization for material app.
  2. Add calendar views.

    For Month View

        body: MonthView(),

    For Day View

        body: DayView(),

    For Week view

        body: WeekView(),

    For more info on properties visit documentation.

  3. Use controller to add or remove events.

    To Add event:

    final event = CalendarEventData(
        date: DateTime(2021, 8, 10),
        event: "Event 1",

    To Add events in range of dates:

    final event = CalendarEventData(
            date: DateTime(2021, 8, 10),
            endDate: DateTime(2021,8,15),
            event: "Event 1",

    To Remove event:


    As soon as you add or remove events from the controller, it will automatically update the calendar view assigned to that controller. See, Use of EventController for more info

  4. Use GlobalKey to change the page or jump to a specific page or date. See, Use of GlobalKey for more info.

More on the calendar view

Optional configurations/parameters in Calendar view

For month view

    controller: EventController(),
    // to provide custom UI for month cells.
    cellBuilder: (date, events, isToday, isInMonth) {
        // Return your widget to display as month cell.
        return Container();
    minMonth: DateTime(1990),
    maxMonth: DateTime(2050),
    initialMonth: DateTime(2021),
    cellAspectRatio: 1,
    onPageChange: (date, pageIndex) => print("$date, $pageIndex"),
    onCellTap: (events, date) {
        // Implement callback when user taps on a cell.
    // This callback will only work if cellBuilder is null.
    onEventTap: (event, date) => print(event);

For day view

    controller: EventController(),
    eventTileBuilder: (date, events, boundry, start, end) {
        // Return your widget to display as event tile.
        return Container();
    showVerticalLine: true, // To display live time line in day view.
    showLiveTimeLineInAllDays: true, // To display live time line in all pages in day view.
    minMonth: DateTime(1990),
    maxMonth: DateTime(2050),
    initialMonth: DateTime(2021),
    heightPerMinute: 1, // height occupied by 1 minute time span.
    eventArranger: SideEventArranger(), // To define how simultaneous events will be arranged.
    onEventTap: (events, date) => print(events),

For week view

    controller: EventController(),
    eventTileBuilder: (date, events, boundry, start, end) {
        // Return your widget to display as event tile.
        return Container();
    showLiveTimeLineInAllDays: true, // To display live time line in all pages in week view.
    width: 400, // width of week view.
    minMonth: DateTime(1990),
    maxMonth: DateTime(2050),
    initialMonth: DateTime(2021),
    heightPerMinute: 1, // height occupied by 1 minute time span.
    eventArranger: SideEventArranger(), // To define how simultaneous events will be arranged.
    onEventTap: (events, date) => print(events),

To see the list of all parameters and detailed description of parameters visit documentation.

Use of EventController

EventController is used to add or remove events from the calendar view. When we add or remove events from the controller, it will automatically update all the views to which this controller is assigned.

Methods provided by EventController

Name Parameters Description
add CalendarEventData<T> event Adds one event in controller and rebuilds view.
addAll List<CalendarEventData<T>> events Adds list of events in controller and rebuilds view.
remove CalendarEventData<T> event Removes an event from controller and rebuilds view.
getEventsOnDay DateTime date Returns list of events on date

Use of GlobalKey

User needs to define global keys to access functionalities like changing a page or jump to a specific page or date. Users can also access the controller assigned to respected view using the global key.

By assigning global keys to calendar views you can access methods and fields defined by state class of respected views.

Methods defined by MonthViewState class:

Name Parameters Description
nextPage none Jumps to next page.
previousPage none Jumps to the previous page.
jumpToPage int page Jumps to page index defined by page.
animateToPage int page Animate to page index defined by page.
jumpToMonth DateTime month Jumps to the page that has a calendar for month defined by month
animateToMonth DateTime month Animate to the page that has a calendar for month defined by month

Methods defined by DayViewState class.

Name Parameters Description
nextPage none Jumps to next page.
previousPage none Jumps to the previous page.
jumpToPage int page Jumps to page index defined by page.
animateToPage int page Animate to page index defined by page.
jumpToDate DateTime date Jumps to the page that has a calendar for month defined by date
animateToDate DateTime date Animate to the page that has a calendar for month defined by date

Methods defined by WeekViewState class.

Name Parameters Description
nextPage none Jumps to next page.
previousPage none Jumps to the previous page.
jumpToPage int page Jumps to page index defined by page.
animateToPage int page Animate to page index defined by page.
jumpToWeek DateTime week Jumps to the page that has a calendar for month defined by week
animateToWeek DateTime week Animate to the page that has a calendar for month defined by week

Synchronize events between calendar views

There are two ways to synchronize events between calendar views.

  1. Provide the same controller object to all calendar views used in the project.
  2. Wrap MaterialApp with CalendarControllerProvider and provide controller as argument as defined in Implementation.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Simform Solutions

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • DayView shows today's event tomorrow

    DayView shows today's event tomorrow

    Steps to reproduce: Open https://simformsolutionspvtltd.github.io/flutter_calendar_view/#/ Review MonthView - there are two event planned for today Switch to DayView - no events today

    You can also add an event with date - today and you will see it tommorrow, not today.

    bug priority:1 
    opened by szysl 8
  • More customization without creating our own builder

    More customization without creating our own builder

    Hi! Would it be possible to change some settings of the MonthView without using headerBuilder? For example, change Icons colors, header's background color. (as you can see, all the changes would be focused on colors, because it's recurrent to customize them without having the need to change everything).

    Thanks for this great package!

    enhancement priority:4 
    opened by Ionys320 6
  • Month view scrolls too far to blank area

    Month view scrolls too far to blank area

    I'm adding MonthView() to my project and it scrolls to reveal the full month (which is fine) but it also scrolls past that and shows a blank area after that. I can't seem to get it to only scroll to show the month and nothing else (like in the example).


    My code structure is as follows:

         child: Scaffold(
                body: TabBarView(....: [

    I've wrapped MonthView in a sizedbox or a container and it changes the size of the total widget but doesn't change the behavior. This is scrolling just the weeks, not the header (so not the entire MonthView widget) which makes me think this is a MonthView widget issue (or maybe I haven't formatted it correctly or something). Any insights would be appreciated!

    opened by Elepert 5
  • Next month is wrong when page changes

    Next month is wrong when page changes

    Months with 31 days are buggy when pages change. For example, today: 31 March 2022, when I change the month page (in MonthView) the view jumps to 2022 May.

    To reproduce the bug, you can simply use a mobile phone and change the current system date to 31 March (or any other months with 31 days) and try to swipe to change page.

    opened by petretiandrea 5
  • WeekView header date is different from the calendar view

    WeekView header date is different from the calendar view

    Looks like the WeekView header date is one week after the calendar view. Is it expected behavior?

    For example https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G0RH_Khm8PFCoTcHXyZKrmso4goOd3Tx/view?usp=sharing

    opened by vradchuk 4
  • WeekDayTile causes RenderFlex-Overflow

    WeekDayTile causes RenderFlex-Overflow

    I am using calendar_view (monthView) in a flutter web-project. Resizing the calendar_view works alright, except for the week-day-row.

    When we reduce the screensize the weekDay-tiles are not resized (they keep the width with which they were initialized once), which creates a Renderflex-Overflow on the right side.

    Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-02-23 14-27-56

    opened by philitell 4
  • Bug Week View.  Today 10pm to tommorw 8am event will trhow an error

    Bug Week View. Today 10pm to tommorw 8am event will trhow an error

    _calendarWeekEventList.add(CalendarEventData( date: DateTime(2022, 08, 14, 20, 0), startTime: DateTime(2022, 08, 14, 20, 0), endTime: DateTime(2022, 08, 15, 8, 23), endDate: DateTime(2022, 08, 15, 8, 23), title: '${DateFormat.jm().format(_startDate)} ' '- ${DateFormat.jm().format(_endDate)} ' '\n${_provider.name}', event: _event.toJson(), description: _event.$id, color: colorFromString(_provider.color), ));

    Error Message: startDate must be less than endDate. This error occurs when you does not provide startDate or endDate in CalendarEventDate or provided endDate occurs before startDate. 'package:calendar_view/src/event_arrangers/side_event_arranger.dart': Failed assertion: line 130 pos 11: '!(endTime.getTotalMinutes <= startTime.getTotalMinutes)'

    opened by edoliantesjr 3
  • wrong _currentIndex calculation for _minDate.timeOfDay > _currentDate.timeOfDay  // DayView

    wrong _currentIndex calculation for _minDate.timeOfDay > _currentDate.timeOfDay // DayView

    I have encountered an issue with the _currentIndex calculation for the DayView. To not have the events displayed one day off when the _minDate time of the day is greater than that of the _currentDate the _currentDate and _minDate should be "normalized" to the same hour e.g.

    DateTime _currentNormalizedToHour = DateTime(_currentDate.year, _currentDate.month, _currentDate.day, 0);
    DateTime _minNormalizedToHour = DateTime(_minDate.year, _minDate.month, _minDate.day, 0);
    _currentIndex = _currentNormalizedToHour.getDayDifference(_minNormalizedToHour);
    // _currentIndex = _currentDate.getDayDifference(_minDate);

    To also always get the expected _totalDays _maxDate should also be normalized.

    It would therefore probably be most convenient to change the getDayDifference method

    bug priority:1 
    opened by NicolaiRahm 3
  • [BUG] Duplicate item in cells while adding events in the same session

    [BUG] Duplicate item in cells while adding events in the same session

    First thanks for the package.

    I faced a duplicate issue on my project and then I tested your code and it happen for 100%.

    USE CASE : I simply add events on a common date and the last event is duplicated in cell :

    Capture d’écran 2022-04-16 aΜ€ 15 34 05

    The duplicate is visible only when a previous event is already present in the cell -> Bike task is alone only on the 20 and Swim only on 22-23
    More events I add more it's duplicated x2, x3...

    I checked current issue but nothing found related to this, How can we solve this ?

    opened by Nico3652 3
  • Proper way to remove all events of a day?

    Proper way to remove all events of a day?

    What is the proper way to remove all events of a day?

    I'm trying with below code

    var controller = CalendarControllerProvider.of(context).controller;
    var existingSlots = controller.getEventsOnDay(state.selectedDate);
    existingSlots.forEach((event) {

    E/flutter (21441): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance(length:29) of '_GrowableList'. E/flutter (21441): #0 ListIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:336:7) E/flutter (21441): #1 _MonthEvent.removeEvent (package:calendar_view/src/event_controller.dart:204:21) E/flutter (21441): #2 _YearEvent.removeEvent (package:calendar_view/src/event_controller.dart:174:11) E/flutter (21441): #3 EventController.remove (package:calendar_view/src/event_controller.dart:58:11)

    enhancement priority:2 
    opened by drunkendaddy 3
  • WeekView not showing events

    WeekView not showing events

    I've used MonthView from your package, it works preety well, but now I wanted to use WeekView and events are not showing. Here's code, basiclly copy-paste from example:

    class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
      const MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);
      final String title;
      State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();
    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final event = CalendarEventData(
          date: DateTime(2022, 12, 19),
          endDate: DateTime(2022,12,21),
          event: "Event 1",
          title: 'title'
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            // the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title.
            title: Text(widget.title),
          body: WeekView(
            controller: EventController()..add(event),
            eventTileBuilder: (date, events, boundry, start, end) {
              // Return your widget to display as event tile.
              return Container();
            showLiveTimeLineInAllDays: true, // To display live time line in all pages in week view.
            width: 250, // width of week view.
            minDay: DateTime(1990),
            maxDay: DateTime(2050),
            initialDay: DateTime(2021),
            heightPerMinute: 1, // height occupied by 1 minute time span.
            eventArranger: SideEventArranger(), // To define how simultaneous events will be arranged.
            onEventTap: (events, date) => print(events),
            onDateLongPress: (date) => print(date),
            startDay: WeekDays.sunday, // To change the first day of the week.
    opened by danPyk 2
  • Changing UI of Monthly View Calendar

    Changing UI of Monthly View Calendar

    Is there a way to change the colors of the monthly view? The DayView and WeekView have "backgroundColor" property, but there is nothing like this for MonthlyView. I tried using cell builder but i had further difficulties since there is no documentation about it. Is there any simple way to do this? I would greatly appreciate it.

    DayView (what I want to achieve): image

    MonthView(I want to change, for example, the background colour and text colour): image

    opened by MateuszPeryt 0
  • Q: How can I hide the calendar's view header?

    Q: How can I hide the calendar's view header?


    I wanna hide the header for the date "1-1-2021", because I have a specific custom use case for only the view itself. I don't need the header? How can I do this?

    opened by 3g015st 0
  • Request to release latest master

    Request to release latest master

    Hi, As you have resolved many issues including this issue which was resolved in this PR. I have verified the fix on the master branch, it is working fine now but it is not yet released in any version. Can you create a release for the current master branch so that we can use the latest fix?

    opened by Ayush-gupta-josh 0
  • Resize, drag and drop feature

    Resize, drag and drop feature

    Hi thank you for sharing a beautiful library.

    Are there any plans to add the ability to resize, drag and drop an event to a different time like in the syncfusion_flutter_calendar.


    Thank you

    enhancement priority:4 
    opened by Eradparvar 0
  • Full day events support

    Full day events support

    Hi! Is there a way to add full-day events (similar to what Google Calendar does, that they show on the date header)?

    I have not found how to do this and it would be really helpful.

    enhancement priority:1 
    opened by Brechard 2
  • 1.0.1(Nov 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Enhancement/remove where by @AlexandreMaul in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/53
    • πŸ”₯ Update github workflow flutter_analyze.yml to run on master and dev… by @ParthBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/109
    • Merge work flow changes to master. by @ParthBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/110
    • Showing only 1 day in DayView by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/99
    • Support for locale in month view and week view by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/107
    • Add Week page header color customization by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/108
    • πŸ› : Duplicate item in cells while adding events in the same session #61 by @MehulKK in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/113
    • Revert 113 #61πŸ› : Duplicate item in cells while adding events in the same session #61 by @mobile-simformsolutions in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/114
    • Develop by @ShwetaChauhan18 in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/115
    • Updated Readme by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/111
    • Header Style customization without builders by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/122
    • Fix same event on same time by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/100
    • #61 by @MehulKK in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/116
    • Change starting time of day view by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/112
    • Revert "Change starting time of day view" by @ParthBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/134
    • :sparkles: update logic in side event arranger. by @PRBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/135
    • Compare dates in utc time to avoid DST disalignment by @ParthBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/136
    • Rebase francescovgg/feature/on date tap by @ParthBaraiya in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/137
    • Feature/update change log by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/138
    • Fixed issue and feature for next release by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/139
    • Version update by @faiyaz-shaikh in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/140

    New Contributors

    • @faiyaz-shaikh made their first contribution in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/99
    • @MehulKK made their first contribution in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/113
    • @mobile-simformsolutions made their first contribution in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/114
    • @ShwetaChauhan18 made their first contribution in https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/pull/115

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/flutter_calendar_view/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.2(Sep 3, 2021)

    • Update README.md file.
    • Add license information in package files.
    • Update project description in pubspec.yaml
    • Update documentation.
    • Add CalendarControllerProvider.
    • Add onEventTap callback in WeekView and DayView.
    • Add onCellTap callback in MonthView.
    • Make controller optional parameter in all views where CalendarControllerProvider is provided.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.1(Aug 26, 2021)

Simform Solutions
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