Dart common utils library. DateUtil, EncryptUtil, JsonUtil, LogUtil, MoneyUtil, NumUtil, ObjectUtil, RegexUtil, TextUtil, TimelineUtil, TimerUtil.


Language: English | 中文简体

Pub      Pub



  common_utils: ^2.0.2

2、如果您是Flutter项目,请使用Flutter常用工具类库 flustars,该库依赖于本项目。flustars库为大家提供更多的工具类,例如SpUtil,ScreenUtil, DirectoryUtil等等。

  flustars: ^2.0.1  

Dart常用工具类库 common_utils

  1. TimelineUtil : 时间轴.
  2. TimerUtil : 倒计时,定时任务.
  3. MoneyUtil : 精确转换,元转分,分转元,支持格式输出.
  4. LogUtil : 简单封装打印日志.
  5. DateUtil : 日期转换格式化输出.
  6. RegexUtil : 正则验证手机号,身份证,邮箱等等.
  7. NumUtil : 保留x位小数, 精确加、减、乘、除, 防止精度丢失.
  8. ObjectUtil : 判断对象是否为空(String List Map),判断两个List是否相等.
  9. EncryptUtil : 异或对称加/解密,md5加密,Base64加/解密.
  10. TextUtil : 银行卡号每隔4位加空格,每隔3三位加逗号,隐藏手机号等等.
  11. JsonUtil : 简单封装json字符串转对象.

Flutter常用工具类库 flustars

  1. SpUtil : 单例"同步"SharedPreferences工具类。支持get传入默认值,支持存储对象,支持存储对象数组。
  2. ScreenUtil : 屏幕适配,获取屏幕宽、高、密度,AppBar高,状态栏高度,屏幕方向.
  3. WidgetUtil : 监听Widget渲染状态,获取Widget宽高,在屏幕上的坐标,获取网络/本地图片尺寸.
  4. ImageUtil : 获取网络/本地图片尺寸.
  5. DirectoryUtil : 文件目录工具类.
  6. DioUtil : 单例Dio网络工具类(已迁移至此处DioUtil)。


  • SpUtil 强大易用的SharedPreferences工具类,详细使用请参考原仓库flustars
City.fromJson(v)); print("City: " + (hisCity == null ? "null" : hisCit.toString())); /// 存储实体对象list示例。 List list = new List(); list.add(new City(name: "成都市")); list.add(new City(name: "北京市")); SpUtil.putObjectList("loc_city_list", list); List _cityList = SpUtil.getObjList("loc_city_list", (v) => City.fromJson(v)); print("City list: " + (_cityList == null ? "null" : _cityList.toString()));">
/// 等待Sp初始化完成。
await SpUtil.getInstance();  
/// 同步使用Sp。支付默认值。
String name = SpUtil.putString("key_username", "Sky24n");
bool isShow = SpUtil.getBool("key_show", defValue: true);
/// 存储实体对象示例。
City city = new City();
city.name = "成都市";
SpUtil.putObject("loc_city", city);
City hisCity = SpUtil.getObj("loc_city", (v) => City.fromJson(v));
print("City: " + (hisCity == null ? "null" : hisCit.toString()));
/// 存储实体对象list示例。
List<City> list = new List();
list.add(new City(name: "成都市"));
list.add(new City(name: "北京市"));
SpUtil.putObjectList("loc_city_list", list);
List<City> _cityList = SpUtil.getObjList("loc_city_list", (v) => City.fromJson(v));
print("City list: " + (_cityList == null ? "null" : _cityList.toString()));
yyyy/yy month -> MM/M day -> dd/d /// hour -> HH/H minute -> mm/m second -> ss/s class DataFormats { static String full = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; static String y_mo_d_h_m = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"; static String y_mo_d = "yyyy-MM-dd"; static String y_mo = "yyyy-MM"; static String mo_d = "MM-dd"; static String mo_d_h_m = "MM-dd HH:mm"; static String h_m_s = "HH:mm:ss"; static String h_m = "HH:mm"; static String zh_full = "yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒"; static String zh_y_mo_d_h_m = "yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分"; static String zh_y_mo_d = "yyyy年MM月dd日"; static String zh_y_mo = "yyyy年MM月"; static String zh_mo_d = "MM月dd日"; static String zh_mo_d_h_m = "MM月dd日 HH时mm分"; static String zh_h_m_s = "HH时mm分ss秒"; static String zh_h_m = "HH时mm分"; } getDateTimeByMs : . getDateMsByTimeStr : . getNowDateMs : 获取现在 毫秒. getNowDateStr : 获取现在 日期字符串.(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) formatDate : 格式化日期 DateTime. formatDateStr : 格式化日期 字符串. formatDateMs : 格式化日期 毫秒. getWeekday : 获取星期几. getDayOfYear : 在今年的第几天. isToday : 是否是今天. isYesterday : 是否是昨天. isWeek : 是否是本周. yearIsEqual : 是否同年. isLeapYear : 是否是闰年. // example DateUtil.formatDateMs(dateMs, format: DateFormats.full); //2019-07-09 16:16:16 DateUtil.formatDateStr('2019-07-09 16:16:16', format: "yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss"); //2019/7/9 16:16:16 DateUtil.formatDate(DateTime.now(), format: DateFormats.zh_full); //2019年07月09日 16时16分16秒">
/// 一些常用格式参照。可以自定义格式,例如:"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss","yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss"。
/// 格式要求
/// year -> yyyy/yy   month -> MM/M    day -> dd/d
/// hour -> HH/H      minute -> mm/m   second -> ss/s
class DataFormats {
  static String full = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
  static String y_mo_d_h_m = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";
  static String y_mo_d = "yyyy-MM-dd";
  static String y_mo = "yyyy-MM";
  static String mo_d = "MM-dd";
  static String mo_d_h_m = "MM-dd HH:mm";
  static String h_m_s = "HH:mm:ss";
  static String h_m = "HH:mm";

  static String zh_full = "yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒";
  static String zh_y_mo_d_h_m = "yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分";
  static String zh_y_mo_d = "yyyy年MM月dd日";
  static String zh_y_mo = "yyyy年MM月";
  static String zh_mo_d = "MM月dd日";
  static String zh_mo_d_h_m = "MM月dd日 HH时mm分";
  static String zh_h_m_s = "HH时mm分ss秒";
  static String zh_h_m = "HH时mm分";

getDateTimeByMs                 : .
getDateMsByTimeStr              : .
getNowDateMs                    : 获取现在 毫秒.
getNowDateStr                   : 获取现在 日期字符串.(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
formatDate                      : 格式化日期 DateTime.
formatDateStr                   : 格式化日期 字符串.
formatDateMs                    : 格式化日期 毫秒.
getWeekday                      : 获取星期几.
getDayOfYear                    : 在今年的第几天.
isToday                         : 是否是今天.
isYesterday                     : 是否是昨天.
isWeek                          : 是否是本周.
yearIsEqual                     : 是否同年.
isLeapYear                      : 是否是闰年.

// example
DateUtil.formatDateMs(dateMs, format: DateFormats.full); //2019-07-09 16:16:16
DateUtil.formatDateStr('2019-07-09 16:16:16', format: "yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss"); //2019/7/9 16:16:16
DateUtil.formatDate(DateTime.now(), format: DateFormats.zh_full); //2019年07月09日 16时16分16秒
  • EncryptUtil
encodeMd5                   : md5 加密.
encodeBase64                : Base64加密.
decodeBase64()              : Base64解密.
xorCode()                   : 异或对称加密.
xorBase64Encode()           : 异或对称 Base64 加密.
xorBase64Decode()           : 异或对称 Base64 解密.

const String key = '11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66';
String userName = 'Sky24n';
String encode = EncryptUtil.xorBase64Encode(userName, key); // WH1YHgMs
String decode = EncryptUtil.xorBase64Decode(encode, key); // Sky24n
  • JsonUtil
City.fromJson(v)); String listStr = "[{\"name\":\"成都市\"}, {\"name\":\"北京市\"}]"; List cityList = JsonUtil.getObjList(listStr, (v) => City.fromJson(v));">
encodeObj                   : object to json string.
getObj                      : json string to object.
getObject                   : json string / map to object.
getObjList                  : json string list to object list.
getObjectList               : json string / map list to object list.

String objStr = "{\"name\":\"成都市\"}";
City hisCity = JsonUtil.getObj(objStr, (v) => City.fromJson(v));
String listStr = "[{\"name\":\"成都市\"}, {\"name\":\"北京市\"}]";
      cityList = JsonUtil.getObjList(listStr, (v) => City.fromJson(v));

  • LogUtil
init(tag, isDebug, maxLen)  : tag 标签, isDebug: 模式, maxLen 每行最大长度.
e(object, tag)              : 日志e
v(object, tag)              : 日志v,只在debug模式输出.

common_utils e  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — st — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
common_utils e | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,
common_utils e | 7,988,989,990,991,992,993,994,995,996,997,998,999,
common_utils e  — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ed — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
  • MoneyUtil 精确转换,防止精度丢失 -> Example
changeF2Y                   : 分 转 元, format格式输出.
changeFStr2YWithUnit        : 分字符串 转 元, format 与 unit 格式 输出.
changeF2YWithUnit           : 分 转 元, format 与 unit 格式 输出.
changeYWithUnit             : 元, format 与 unit 格式 输出.
changeY2F                   : 元 转 分. 
getIntByValueStr            : 数字字符串转int.
getDoubleByValueStr         : 数字字符串转double.
getNumByValueStr            : 保留x位小数 by 数字字符串.
getNumByValueDouble         : 保留x位小数 by double.
isZero                      : 是否为0.
add                         : 加(精确相加,防止精度丢失).
subtract                    : 减(精确相减,防止精度丢失).
multiply                    : 乘(精确相乘,防止精度丢失).
divide                      : 除(精确相除,防止精度丢失).
remainder                   : 余.
lessThan                    : < .
thanOrEqual                 : <= .
greaterThan                 : > .
greaterOrEqual              : >= .
isEmptyString             : 判断String是否为空.
isEmptyList               : 判断List是否为空.
isEmptyMap                : 判断Map是否为空.
isEmpty                   : 判断对象是否为空.(String List Map).
isNotEmpty                : 判断对象是否非空.(String List Map).
twoListIsEqual            : 判断两个List是否相等.
isMobileSimple            : 简单验证手机号
isMobileExact             : 精确验证手机号
isTel                     : 验证电话号码
isIDCard                  : 验证身份证号码
isIDCard15                : 验证身份证号码 15 位
isIDCard18                : 简单验证身份证号码 18 位
isIDCard18Exact           : 精确验证身份证号码 18 位
isEmail                   : 验证邮箱
isURL                     : 验证 URL
isZh                      : 验证汉字
isDate                    : 验证 yyyy-MM-dd 格式的日期校验,已考虑平闰年
isIP                      : 验证 IP 地址
isUserName                : 验证用户名
isQQ                      : 验证 QQ
  • TextUtil
isEmpty                     : isEmpty.
formatSpace4                : 每隔4位加空格,格式化银行卡.
formatComma3                : 每隔3三位加逗号.
formatDoubleComma3          : 每隔3三位加逗号.
hideNumber                  : 隐藏号码.
replace                     : replace.
split                       : split.
reverse                     : reverse.
/// example
String phoneNo = TextUtil.formatSpace4("15845678910"); // 1584 5678 910
String num     = TextUtil.formatComma3("1234"); // 123,4
String phoneNo = TextUtil.hideNumber("15845678910")// 158****8910
enum DayFormat {
  ///(小于30s->刚刚)、x分钟、x小时、[今年: (昨天/1天前)、(2天前)、MM-dd],[往年: yyyy-MM-dd].
  ///小于30s->刚刚)、x分钟、x小时、[今年: (昨天 HH:mm/1天前)、(2天前)、MM-dd HH:mm],[往年: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm].
abstract class TimelineInfo {
  String suffixAgo(); //suffix ago(后缀 后).
  String suffixAfter(); //suffix after(后缀 前).
  int maxJustNowSecond() => 30; // max just now second.
  String lessThanOneMinute() => ''; //just now(刚刚).
  String customYesterday() => ''; //Yesterday(昨天).优先级高于keepOneDay
  bool keepOneDay(); //保持1天,example: true -> 1天前, false -> MM-dd.
  bool keepTwoDays(); //保持2天,example: true -> 2天前, false -> MM-dd.
  String oneMinute(int minutes); //a minute(1分钟).
  String minutes(int minutes); //x minutes(x分钟).
  String anHour(int hours); //an hour(1小时).
  String hours(int hours); //x hours(x小时).
  String oneDay(int days); //a day(1天).
  String days(int days); //x days(x天).
setLocaleInfo               : 自定义设置配置信息.
formatByDateTime            : 格式输出时间轴信息 by DateTime .
format                      : 格式输出时间轴信息.
formatA                     : 格式输出时间轴信息. like QQ.
setInterval                 : 设置Timer间隔.
setTotalTime                : 设置倒计时总时间.
startTimer()                : 启动定时Timer.
startCountDown              : 启动倒计时Timer.
updateTotalTime             : 重设倒计时总时间.
cancel                      : 取消计时器.
setOnTimerTickCallback      : 计时器回调.
isActive                    : Timer是否启动.

Flutter Demos

  • |--demos
    • |-- city_select_page.dart 城市列表(索引&悬停)示例
    • |-- date_page.dart 日期格式化示例
    • |-- image_size_page.dart 获取网络/本地图片尺寸示例
    • |-- money_page.dart 金额(元转分/分转元)示例
    • |-- pinyin_page.dart 汉字转拼音示例
    • |-- regex_page.dart 正则工具类示例
    • |-- round_portrait_page.dart 圆形圆角头像示例
    • |-- timeline_page.dart 时间轴示例
    • |-- timer_page.dart 倒计时/定时器示例
    • |-- widget_page.dart 获取Widget尺寸/屏幕坐标示例


Blankj AndroidUtilCode 强大易用的安卓工具类库。
Andres Araujo timeago Dart时间轴库。
a14n decimal 精确运算,避免精度丢失。


GitHub : Sky24n
掘金     : Sky24n
简书     : Sky24n


Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed.


A GitHub client app developed with Flutter, which supports Android iOS Web.
Web :Flutter Web.

  • 编译报错


    ../../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/money_util.dart:87:59: Error: The method 'toInt' isn't defined for the class 'Decimal'.

    • 'Decimal' is from 'package:decimal/decimal.dart' ('../../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/decimal-2.0.0/lib/decimal.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'toInt'. return NumUtil.multiplyDecStr(yuan.toString(), '100').toInt(); ^^^^^ ../../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:134:29: Error: A value of type 'Rational' can't be returned from a function with return type 'Decimal'.
    • 'Rational' is from 'package:rational/rational.dart' ('../../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/rational-2.0.0/lib/rational.dart').
    • 'Decimal' is from 'package:decimal/decimal.dart' ('../../../../development/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/decimal-2.0.0/lib/decimal.dart'). return Decimal.parse(a) / Decimal.parse(b); ^
    opened by iLoveNintendo 9
  • MissingPluginException


    你好,我使用了你的库里面的日志打印,出现了MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logE on channel x_log) 请问是什么原因导致的,是我的配置不对吗? 环境: sdk: ">=2.1.0 <3.0.0" common_utils: ^1.1.3

    具体的日志内容如下: E/flutter (20889): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(148)] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method logE on channel x_log) E/flutter (20889): #0 MethodChannel.invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:314:7) E/flutter (20889): E/flutter (20889): #1 Log.e (package:ddw/utils/log_utils.dart:39:16) E/flutter (20889): #2 HttpUtil._onError (package:ddw/framework/net/http_util.dart:174:9) E/flutter (20889): #3 HttpUtil.requestNetwork. (package:ddw/framework/net/http_util.dart:120:9) E/flutter (20889): #4 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1132:38) E/flutter (20889): #5 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1029:19) E/flutter (20889): #6 _FutureListener.handleValue (dart:async/future_impl.dart:137:18) E/flutter (20889): #7 Future._propagateToListeners.handleValueCallback (dart:async/future_impl.dart:678:45) E/flutter (20889): #8 Future._propagateToListeners (dart:async/future_impl.dart:707:32) E/flutter (20889): #9 Future._completeWithValue (dart:async/future_impl.dart:522:5) E/flutter (20889): #10 _AsyncAwaitCompleter.complete (dart:async-patch/async_patch.dart:30:15) E/flutter (20889): #11 _completeOnAsyncReturn (dart:async-patch/async_patch.dart:288:13) E/flutter (20889): #12 HttpUtil._request (package:ddw/framework/net/http_util.dart) E/flutter (20889): E/flutter (20889): #13 HttpUtil.requestNetwork (package:ddw/framework/net/http_util.dart:103:18) E/flutter (20889): E/flutter (20889): #14 _LoginPageState._login (package:ddw/pages/login/page/login_page.dart:143:29) E/flutter (20889): E/flutter (20889): #15 _InkResponseState._handleTap (package:flutter/src/material/ink_well.dart:654:14) E/flutter (20889): #16 _InkResponseState.build. (package:flutter/src/material/ink_well.dart:729:32) E/flutter (20889): #17 GestureRecognizer.invokeCallback (package:flutter/src/gestures/recognizer.dart:182:24) E/flutter (20889): #18 TapGestureRecognizer._checkUp (package:flutter/src/gestures/tap.dart:365:11) E/flutter (20889): #19 TapGestureRecognizer.acceptGesture (package:flutter/src/gestures/tap.dart:312:7) E/flutter (20889): #20 GestureArenaManager.sweep (package:flutter/src/gestures/arena.dart:156:27) E/flutter (20889): #21 GestureBinding.handleEvent (package:flutter/src/gestures/binding.dart:222:20) E/flutter (20889): #22 GestureBinding.dispatchEvent (package:flutter/src/gestures/binding.dart:198:22) E/flutter (20889): #23 GestureBinding._handlePointerEvent (package:flutter/src/gestures/binding.dart:156:7) E/flutter (20889): #24 GestureBinding._flushPointerEventQueue (package:flutter/src/gestures/binding.dart:102:7) E/flutter (20889): #25 GestureBinding._handlePointerDataPacket (package:flutter/src/gestures/binding.dart:86:7) E/flutter (20889): #26 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1136:13) E/flutter (20889): #27 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1029:19) E/flutter (20889): #28 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:931:7) E/flutter (20889): #29 _invoke1 (dart:ui/hooks.dart:263:10) E/flutter (20889): #30 _dispatchPointerDataPacket (dart:ui/hooks.dart:172:5) E/flutter (20889):

    opened by jisuz 3
  • decimal >=2.0.0 break

    decimal >=2.0.0 break

    • Return type changed https://github.com/a14n/dart-decimal/commit/d03e865f30e81889ea85d1899d974cc3d0c39671#diff-f1c57ad606ae249192fad6d5c8d3837d2af89a04d1a03a8b6067c51f1bc1671dR110
    • toInt deleted https://github.com/a14n/dart-decimal/commit/d03e865f30e81889ea85d1899d974cc3d0c39671#diff-f1c57ad606ae249192fad6d5c8d3837d2af89a04d1a03a8b6067c51f1bc1671dL176

    If we want use > 2.0.0, we should to release v3.

    opened by Runrioter 2
  • DateUtil.getDateStrByMs在1.2版本中不存在


    我项目使用的是flustars: ^0.2.6+1,使用的是common_utils1.1.3,在新环境flutter pub get 拉取的是1.2版本,报错DateUtil.getDateStrByMs不存在。在yaml文件添加common_utils1.1.3插件依赖版本还是不行,请问要怎么处理啊

    opened by byteslaves 2
  • dateTimeSeparate 分隔符替换无效

    dateTimeSeparate 分隔符替换无效

    你好 我这边使用DateUtils的时候,替换日期和时间中间的分隔符未起作用

            format: DateFormat.NORMAL,
            dateSeparate: "/",
            timeSeparate: ".",
    opened by realchen 2
  • flutter  Decimal  升级2.0.1 报错

    flutter Decimal 升级2.0.1 报错


    /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:70:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal addDec(num a, num b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:76:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal subtractDec(num a, num b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:82:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal multiplyDec(num a, num b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:88:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal divideDec(num a, num b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:93:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal remainder(num a, num b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:118:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal addDecStr(String a, String b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:123:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal subtractDecStr(String a, String b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:128:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal multiplyDecStr(String a, String b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:133:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal divideDecStr(String a, String b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:138:10: Error: Type 'Decimal' not found. static Decimal remainderDecStr(String a, String b) { ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:119:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) + Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:119:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) + Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:124:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) - Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:124:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) - Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:129:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) * Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:129:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) * Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:134:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) / Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:134:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) / Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:139:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) % Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:139:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) % Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:144:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) < Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:144:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) < Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:149:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) <= Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:149:32: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) <= Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:154:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) > Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:154:31: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) > Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:159:12: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) >= Decimal.parse(b); ^^^^^^^ /D:/flutter_windows_2.0.6-stable/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/num_util.dart:159:32: Error: Undefined name 'Decimal'. return Decimal.parse(a) >= Decimal.parse(b);

    opened by yangchaoxun 1
  • 在Flutter2.8.0上报错了


    ../../Develop/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/common_utils-2.0.2/lib/src/money_util.dart:87:59: Error: The method 'toInt' isn't defined for the class 'Decimal'. - 'Decimal' is from 'package:decimal/decimal.dart' ('../../Develop/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.flutter-io.cn/decimal-2.0.0/lib/decimal.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'toInt'. return NumUtil.multiplyDecStr(yuan.toString(), '100').toInt();

    opened by flutting 1
  • README里formatComma3的输出是不对的


    README中 String num = TextUtil.formatComma3("12345678"); // 123,456,78 应为 String num = TextUtil.formatComma3("12345678"); // 12,345,678

    opened by WeiCongcong 1
  • [text_util.dart]格式化参数存在问题


    /// 每隔 x位 加 pattern, 从末尾开始 static String formatDigitPatternEnd(String text, {int digit = 4, String pattern = ' '}) { String temp = reverse(text); temp = formatDigitPattern(temp, digit: 3, pattern: ','); temp = reverse(temp); return temp; }

    pattern 参数问题

    opened by yunhe-lin 1
  • isActive 无法返回布尔值

    isActive 无法返回布尔值

    bool _setTime() {

      if(timerCountDown.isActive()){ return false;}
      timerCountDown = new TimerUtil(mInterval: 1000, mTotalTime: 90 * 1000);
      timerCountDown.setOnTimerTickCallback((int value) {
        double tick = (value / 1000);
        setState(() {
          timeOut = tick.toInt().toString();


    v 1.0.9

    opened by js1121302139 1
  • MoneyUtil 现在只支持,int 的数据类型,为什么不支持为 double 类型呢,保留两位小数位的精度呢?

    MoneyUtil 现在只支持,int 的数据类型,为什么不支持为 double 类型呢,保留两位小数位的精度呢?

    ` /// fen to yuan, format output. /// 分 转 元, format格式输出.

    static String changeF2Y(int amount, {MoneyFormat format = MoneyFormat.NORMAL}) { if (amount == null) return null; String moneyTxt; double yuan = NumUtil.divide(amount, 100); switch (format) { case MoneyFormat.NORMAL: moneyTxt = yuan.toStringAsFixed(2); break; case MoneyFormat.END_INTEGER: if (amount % 100 == 0) { moneyTxt = yuan.toInt().toString(); } else if (amount % 10 == 0) { moneyTxt = yuan.toStringAsFixed(1); } else { moneyTxt = yuan.toStringAsFixed(2); } break; case MoneyFormat.YUAN_INTEGER: moneyTxt = (amount % 100 == 0) ? yuan.toInt().toString() : yuan.toStringAsFixed(2); break; } return moneyTxt; }


    建议将 参数 amount 的类型调整为 double

    opened by hqwlkj 0
  • NumUtil.divide 存在的问题

    NumUtil.divide 存在的问题

    NumUtil.divide 方法,当 a/b = 1/3 时,


    'package:decimal/decimal.dart': Failed assertion: line 27 pos 38: '_rational.hasFinitePrecision': is not true.


    使用 toDecimal() 方法需要添加 scaleOnInfinitePrecision 参数

    opened by LiWenHui96 4
  • 会显示一分之后,是什么原因


    int elapsed = _locTimeMs - ms; String suffix; if (elapsed < 0) { suffix = _info.suffixAfter(); // suffix after is empty. user just now. if (suffix.isNotEmpty) { elapsed = elapsed.abs(); _dayFormat = DayFormat.Simple; } else { return _info.lessThanOneMinute(); } }

    opened by shenggen1987 0
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