MPAndroidChart Flutter version



flutter charts just like MPAndroidChart

The minimum version currently supported is 1.7.3. If you use flutter with lower version, checkout and use 'localPosition-support' branch, this branch support for flutter version which XXXDetails and PointerXXXEvent not support wiget local postion

Thanks for MPAndroidChart, when translate this library to flutter I learned a lot about matrix use in animation.


1.potential bugs fix

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1.add dependencies

        mp_chart: ^0.2.2 example and see how to use

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Copyright 2019 SunPointed

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • horizontal zoom not working as individual

    horizontal zoom not working as individual

    horizontal zoom not working as individual even when pinchZoomEnabled: false it is zooming proportional when I try to zoom horizontal. But vertical zooming working individual.

    opened by keskink 14
  • flutter版本用1.5.4出现错误。


    运行测试例子,flutter版本用1.5.4,出现错误,如下: Error: The method 'groupBars' isn't defined for the class 'BarChart'. Error: The getter 'localPosition' isn't defined for the class 'PointerDownEvent'. Error: The getter 'localPosition' isn't defined for the class 'TapDownDetails'.等等。 请问能否支持flutter1.5.4版本?

    opened by inprise1980 9
  • Chart can't move when inside a PageView

    Chart can't move when inside a PageView

    If a chart is inside a PageView, swiping horizontally does not move the chart but instead moving the PageView. Steps to reproduce: 1: Create a chart inside a PageView. This PageView should have more than 2 pages. 2: Pinch the chart to zoom in 3: Drag the chart to move but can't. If you drag vertically then switch to horizontally, the chart can move normally. However, If you try to move it horizontally first, it will not work.

    opened by khanhnguyen-96 4
  • textColor not chaning any legent label colors. (still continue this issue.)

    textColor not chaning any legent label colors. (still continue this issue.)

    textColor not chaning any legent label colors.

    I try too many different method for change legent text color for dark mode. Now legend color is blakc. it can not shown in dark mode.


    opened by keskink 4
  • TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated.

    TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated.

    Hello everyone , I now create line chart. sorry that I am not strong English. I have some problem which I don't know why my console call "TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated." while i was tapping the chart ,the marker view didn't show also. Does anyone know what to do for fixing? This is my Code.

    class CreateTest{

    CreateTest(); Widget returnLineChart() { var desc = Description()..enabled = false; var dataPoint = List(); List dataSets = List(); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 1, y: 2)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 2, y: 3)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 3, y: 4)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 4, y: 5)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 5, y: 6)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 6, y: 7)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 7, y: 8)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 8, y: 9)); dataPoint.add(Entry(x: 9, y: 1)); LineDataSet set1; set1 = LineDataSet(dataPoint, "DataSet 1"); set1.setDrawIcons(false); set1.enableDashedLine(10, 5, 0); set1.setColor1(ColorUtils.BLACK); set1.setCircleColor(ColorUtils.BLACK); set1.setHighLightColor(ColorUtils.PURPLE); set1.setLineWidth(1); set1.setCircleRadius(3); set1.setDrawCircleHole(false); set1.setFormLineWidth(1); set1.setFormLineDashEffect(DashPathEffect(10, 5, 0)); set1.setFormSize(15); set1.setValueTextSize(9); set1.enableDashedHighlightLine(10, 5, 0); set1.setDrawFilled(true); set1.setFillColor(ColorUtils.FADE_RED_END); dataSets.add(set1); var controller = LineChartController( axisLeftSettingFunction: (axisLeft, controller) { axisLeft ..drawLimitLineBehindData = true ..enableGridDashedLine(10, 10, 0) ..enableAxisLineDashedLine(5, 5, 0) ..setAxisMaximum(10) ..setAxisMinimum(1); }, axisRightSettingFunction: (axisRight, controller) { axisRight.enabled = (false); }, legendSettingFunction: (legend, controller) { legend.shape = (LegendForm.LINE); }, xAxisSettingFunction: (xAxis, controller) { xAxis ..drawLimitLineBehindData = true ..enableAxisLineDashedLine(5, 5, 0) ..enableGridDashedLine(10, 10, 0); }, drawGridBackground: false, backgroundColor: ColorUtils.WHITE, dragXEnabled: true, dragYEnabled: true, scaleXEnabled: true, scaleYEnabled: true, pinchZoomEnabled: true, description: desc); controller.setViewPortOffsets(16, 16, 16, 16); = LineData.fromList(dataSets); return LineChart(controller); }


    opened by izzabellerina 4
  • [bug] problem in autoScale

    [bug] problem in autoScale

    i create to custom autoScale for combind follow Candle data

      void onMoveUpdate(double x, double y) {
        double xmin=controller.getValuesByTouchPoint(controller.viewPortHandler.contentLeft(),controller.viewPortHandler.contentBottom(), AxisDependency.RIGHT).x;
        double xmax=controller.getValuesByTouchPoint(controller.viewPortHandler.contentRight(),controller.viewPortHandler.contentBottom(), AxisDependency.RIGHT).x;
        double ymin=controller.getValuesByTouchPoint(controller.viewPortHandler.contentRight(),controller.viewPortHandler.contentBottom(), AxisDependency.RIGHT).y;
        double ymax=controller.getValuesByTouchPoint(controller.viewPortHandler.contentRight(),controller.viewPortHandler.contentTop(), AxisDependency.RIGHT).y;
        double candle_y_max=0;
        double candle_y_min=double.maxFinite;
        for(int i=xmin.toInt();i<xmax;i++){
          if(i>=0 && i< entries.length){
        double space=0.20;
        controller.moveViewTo(xmin,(candle_y_min+((ymax-ymin)/2))-space, AxisDependency.RIGHT);
    opened by m2faridi 4
  • LongPress events?

    LongPress events?

    Please consider adding onLongPressStart, onLongPressMoveUpdate, and onLongPressEnd events to OnTouchEventListener.

    Because I want to implement like this: On simple drag => move the chart On long press drag => move the highlight marker

    opened by crizant 3
  • Pie Chart Center Text fontFamily and fontWeight bug fix and new options centerTextColor and centerTextSize

    Pie Chart Center Text fontFamily and fontWeight bug fix and new options centerTextColor and centerTextSize

    • Pie Chart Center Text fontFamily and fontWeight were not working, fixed the bug, now below code should set the font PieChartController(centerTextTypeface: TypeFace(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontWeight: FontWeight.bold));

    • Pie Chart Center Text added new options to customize centerTextColor and centerTextSize, current version was always painting text in Black with 12 font size. After this change if values are provided using PieChartController these will be used, if these are null then current implementation will work with backward compatibility PieChartController(centerText: '2020',centerTextColor:, centerTextSize: 20); Change details

    @SunPointed If you like the changes, feel free to pull

    opened by absar 2
  • moveViewToX does not work

    moveViewToX does not work

    opened by typ0520 2
  • Transparence does not work

    Transparence does not work

    I want to combine 2 Horizontal Bar Chart and Scatter Plot Chart. Although I use Stack to overlap together, 2 charts are put on one background but don't have transparent field => Chart 1 cannot be displayed. I set drawGridBackground: false but it doesn't work. Please give me a solution, thank you.

    opened by dunght196 2
  • Linechart  setGradientColors not working...

    Linechart setGradientColors not working...

    I am using linechart in one of my application. I want to show multiple gradient colors. I have used setGradientColors() as follow;

    LineDataSet set1 = LineDataSet(vals, Strings.emptyString); set1.setColor1(; set1.setDrawValues(false); set1.setDrawFilled(true); List<GradientColor> gradientColors = []; gradientColors.add(GradientColor(,; gradientColors.add(GradientColor(Colors.yellow,; gradientColors.add(GradientColor(Colors.amber,; gradientColors.add(GradientColor(Colors.purple, Colors.cyan)); gradientColors.add(GradientColor(, Colors.yellow)); set1.setGradientColors(gradientColors); set1.setLineWidth(1); set1.setDrawCircles(false);

    But its not working and linechart shows only one color as following;

    Screenshot 2022-01-20 at 9 29 09 PM

    @SunPointed So, pls help to find proper solution. Thanks in advance.

    opened by nbsathawara 0
  •  The method 'then' isn't defined for the class 'FutureOr<dynamic>'

    The method 'then' isn't defined for the class 'FutureOr'

    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'then'. .then((value) { ^^^^ /C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'text' isn't defined for the class 'InlineSpan'.

    • 'InlineSpan' is from 'package:flutter/src/painting/inline_span.dart' ('/C:/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/painting/inline_span.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'text'. var preText = painter.text.text;
    opened by safu2011 5
  • Is this lib discontinued ?

    Is this lib discontinued ?

    As this lib has no update since 30th October 2020 :

    So, is there any update after this ?

    because , in our current running project its conflicting with other libs.

    Please provide updates.

    opened by mehtahardikr 2
  • Problems encountered when running the sample project(运行示例项目碰到的问题)

    Problems encountered when running the sample project(运行示例项目碰到的问题)

    Q1:../lib/mp/chart/chart.dart:51:12: Error: The method 'then' isn't defined for the class 'FutureOr<dynamic>'. Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'then'. .then((value) {

    A1:change ‘../lib/mp/chart/chart.dart:51’ before: ImageGallerySaver.saveImage(Uint8List.fromList(imgFile.readAsBytesSync())) .then((value) { imgFile.delete(); }); after: var result = ImageGallerySaver.saveImage(Uint8List.fromList(imgFile.readAsBytesSync())); if(result is Future<dynamic>){ result.then((value) => imgFile.delete()); }

    Q2:`../lib/mp/core/utils/painter_utils.dart:15:34: Error: The getter 'text' isn't defined for the class 'InlineSpan'.

    • 'InlineSpan' is from 'package:flutter/src/painting/inline_span.dart' ('/E:/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/painting/inline_span.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'text'. var preText = painter.text.text;A2:change '../lib/mp/core/utils/painter_utils.dart:15' before:var preText = painter.text.text;after:var preText = (painter.text as TextSpan).text;`

    If you have other questions, you can try to leave me a message

    opened by Alrey-xxl 1
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