The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!



CocoaPods Compatible Platform Swift 4.x Swift 5.x

SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them type-safe to use.

SwiftGen Logo Then generate constants for:

There are multiple benefits in using this:

  • Avoid any risk of typo when using a String
  • Free auto-completion
  • Avoid the risk of using a non-existing asset name
  • All this will be ensured by the compiler and thus avoid the risk of crashing at runtime.

Also, it's fully customizable thanks to Stencil templates, so even if it comes with predefined templates, you can make your own to generate whatever code fits your needs and your guidelines!


There are multiple possibilities to install SwiftGen on your machine or in your project, depending on your preferences and needs:

Download the ZIP for the latest release

We recommend that you unarchive the ZIP inside your project directory and commit its content to git. This way, all coworkers will use the same version of SwiftGen for this project.

If you unarchived the ZIP file in a folder e.g. called swiftgen at the root of your project directory, you can then invoke SwiftGen in your Script Build Phase using:


Via CocoaPods

If you're using CocoaPods, simply add pod 'SwiftGen', '~> 6.0' to your Podfile.

Then execute pod install --repo-update (or pod update SwiftGen if you want to update an existing SwiftGen installation) to download and install the SwiftGen binaries and dependencies in Pods/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen next to your project.

Given that you can specify an exact version for SwiftGen in your Podfile, this allows you to ensure all coworkers will use the same version of SwiftGen for this project.

You can then invoke SwiftGen in your Script Build Phase using:

if [[ -f "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen" ]]; then
  echo "warning: SwiftGen is not installed. Run 'pod install --repo-update' to install it."

Similarly, be sure to use Pods/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen instead of just swiftgen where we mention commands with swiftgen in the rest of the documentation.

Note: SwiftGen isn't really a pod, as it's not a library your code will depend on at runtime; so the installation via CocoaPods is just a trick that installs the SwiftGen binaries in the Pods/ folder, but you won't see any swift files in the Pods/SwiftGen group in your Xcode's Pods.xcodeproj. That's normal; the SwiftGen binary is still present in that folder in the Finder.

Via Homebrew (system-wide installation)

To install SwiftGen via Homebrew, simply use:

$ brew update
$ brew install swiftgen

This will install SwiftGen system-wide. The same version of SwiftGen will be used for all projects on that machine, and you should make sure all your coworkers have the same version of SwiftGen installed on their machine too.

You can then invoke swiftgen directly in your Script Build Phase (as it will be in your $PATH already):

swiftgen … 

Via Mint (system-wide installation)

❗️ SwiftGen 6.0 or higher only.

To install SwiftGen via Mint, simply use:

$ mint install SwiftGen/SwiftGen

Compile from source (only recommended if you need features from the `stable` branch or want to test a PR)

This solution is when you want to build and install the latest version from stable and have access to features which might not have been released yet.

  • If you have homebrew installed, you can use the following command to build and install the latest commit:
brew install swiftgen --HEAD
  • Alternatively, you can clone the repository and use rake cli:install to build the tool and install it from any branch, which could be useful to test SwiftGen in a fork or a Pull Request branch.

Some Ruby tools are used in the build process, and the system Ruby works well if you are running a recent macOS. However, if you are using rbenv you can run rbenv install to make sure you have a matching version of Ruby installed.

Then install the Ruby Gems:

# Install bundle if it isn't installed
gem install bundle
# Install the Ruby gems from Gemfile
bundle install

You can now install to the default locations (no parameter) or to custom locations:

# Binary is installed in `./.build/swiftgen/bin`
$ rake cli:install
# - OR -
# Binary will be installed in `~/swiftgen/bin``
$ rake cli:install[~/swiftgen/bin]

You can then invoke SwiftGen using the path to the binary where you installed it:

~/swiftgen/bin/swiftgen …

Or add the path to the bin folder to your $PATH and invoke swiftgen directly.

Known Installation Issues On macOS Before 10.14.4

Starting with SwiftGen 6.2.1, if you get an error similar to dyld: Symbol not found: _$s11SubSequenceSlTl when running SwiftGen, you'll need to install the Swift 5 Runtime Support for Command Line Tools.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Update to macOS 10.14.4 or later
  • Install Xcode 10.2 or later at /Applications/
  • Rebuild SwiftGen from source using Xcode 10.2 or later

Configuration File

❗️ If you're migrating from older SwiftGen versions, don't forget to read the Migration Guide.

SwiftGen is provided as a single command-line tool which uses a configuration file to define the various parsers to run (depending on the type of input files you need to parse) and their parameters.

To create a sample configuration file as a starting point to adapt to your needs, run swiftgen config init.

Each parser described in the configuration file (strings, fonts, ib, …) typically corresponds to a type of input resources to parse (strings files, IB files, Font files, JSON files, …), allowing you to generate constants for each types of those input files.

To use SwiftGen, simply create a swiftgen.yml YAML file (either manually or using swiftgen config init) then edit it to adapt to your project. The config file should list all the parsers to invoke, and for each parser, the list of inputs/outputs/templates/parameters to use for it.

For example:

  inputs: Resources/Base.lproj
    - templateName: structured-swift5
      output: Generated/Strings.swift
    - Resources/Images.xcassets
    - Resources/MoreImages.xcassets
    - Resources/Colors.xcassets
    - templateName: swift5
      output: Generated/Assets.swift

Then you just have to invoke swiftgen config run, or even just swiftgen for short, and it will execute what's described in the configuration file.

The dedicated documentation explains the syntax and possibilities in details – like how to pass custom parameters to your templates, use swiftgen config lint to validate your config file, how to use alternate config files, and other tips.

There are also additional subcommands you can invoke from the command line to manage and configure SwiftGen:

  • The swiftgen config subcommand to help you with the configuration file, especially swiftgen config init to create a starting point for your config and swiftgen config lint to validate that your Config file is valid and has no errors
  • The swiftgen template subcommands to help you print, duplicate, find and manage templates bundled with SwiftGen

Lastly, you can use --help on swiftgen or one of its subcommand to see the detailed usage.

Directly invoking a parser without a config file

While we highly recommend the use a configuration file for performance reasons (especially if you have multiple outputs, but also because it's more flexible), it's also possible to directly invoke the available parsers individually using swiftgen run:

  • swiftgen run colors [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run coredata [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run files [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run fonts [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run ib [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run json [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run plist [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run strings [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run xcassets [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run yaml [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …

One rare cases where this might be useful — as opposed to using a config file — is if you are working on a custom template and want to quickly test the specific parser you're working on at each iteration/version of your custom template, until you're happy with it.

Each parser command generally accepts the same options and syntax, and they mirror the options and parameters from the configuration file:

  • --output FILE or -o FILE: set the file where to write the generated code. If omitted, the generated code will be printed on stdout.
  • --templateName NAME or -n NAME: define the Stencil template to use (by name, see here for more info) to generate the output.
  • --templatePath PATH or -p PATH: define the Stencil template to use, using a full path.
  • Note: you should specify one and only one template when invoking SwiftGen. You have to use either -t or -p but should not use both at the same time (it wouldn't make sense anyway and you'll get an error if you try)
  • --filter REGEX or -f REGEX: the filter to apply to each input path. Filters are applied to actual (relative) paths, not just the filename. Each command has a default filter that you can override with this option.
  • Note: use .+ to match multiple characters (at least one), and don't forget to escape the dot (\.) if you want to match a literal dot like for an extension. Add $ at the end to ensure the path ends with the extension you want. Regular expressions will be case sensitive by default, and not anchored to the start/end of a path. For example, use .+\.xib$ to match files with a .xib extension. Use a tool such as RegExr to ensure you're using a valid regular expression.
  • Each command supports multiple input files (or directories where applicable).
  • You can always use the --help flag to see what options a command accept, e.g. swiftgen run xcassets --help.

Choosing your template

SwiftGen is based on templates (it uses Stencil as its template engine). This means that you can choose the template that fits the Swift version you're using — and also the one that best fits your preferences — to adapt the generated code to your own conventions and Swift version.

Bundled templates vs. Custom ones

SwiftGen comes bundled with some templates for each of the parsers (colors, coredata, files, fonts, ib, json, plist, strings, xcassets, yaml), which will fit most needs; simply use the templateName output option to specify the name of the template to use. But you can also create your own templates if the bundled ones don't suit your coding conventions or needs: just store them anywhere (like in your project repository) and use the templatePath output option instead of templateName, to specify their path.

💡 You can use the swiftgen template list command to list all the available bundled templates for each parser, and use swiftgen template cat to show a template's content and duplicate it to create your own variation.

For more information about how to create your own templates, see the dedicated documentation.

Templates bundled with SwiftGen:

As explained above, you can use swiftgen template list to list all templates bundled with SwiftGen. For most SwiftGen parsers, we provide, among others:

  • A swift4 template, compatible with Swift 4
  • A swift5 template, compatible with Swift 5
  • Other variants, like flat-swift4/5 and structured-swift4/5 templates for Strings, etc.

You can find the documentation for each bundled template here in the repo, with documentation organized as one folder per SwiftGen parser, then one MarkDown file per template. You can also use swiftgen template doc to open that documentation page in your browser directly from your terminal.

Each MarkDown file documents the Swift Version it's aimed for, the use case for that template (in which cases you might favor that template over others), the available parameters to customize it on invocation (using the params: key in your config file), and some code examples.

Don't hesitate to make PRs to share your improvements suggestions on the bundled templates 😉

Additional documentation


The SwiftGen.playground available in this repository will allow you to play with the code that the tool typically generates, and see some examples of how you can take advantage of it.

This allows you to have a quick look at how typical code generated by SwiftGen looks like, and how you will then use the generated constants in your code.

Dedicated Documentation in Markdown

There is a lot of documentation in the form of Markdown files in this repository, and in the related StencilSwiftKit repository as well.

Be sure to check the "Documentation" folder of each repository.

Especially, in addition to the previously mentioned Migration Guide and Configuration File documentation, the Documentation/ folder in the SwiftGen repository also includes:


You can also find other help & tutorial material on the internet, like this classroom about Code Generation I gave at FrenchKit in Sept'17 — and its wiki detailing a step-by-step tutorial about installing and using SwiftGen (and Sourcery too)

Available Parsers

Asset Catalog

  inputs: /dir/to/search/for/imageset/assets
    templateName: swift5
    output: Assets.swift

This will generate an enum Asset with one static let per asset (image set, color set, data set, …) in your assets catalog, so that you can use them as constants.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum Asset {
  internal enum Files {
    internal static let data = DataAsset(value: "Data")
    internal static let readme = DataAsset(value: "README")
  internal enum Food {
    internal enum Exotic {
      internal static let banana = ImageAsset(value: "Exotic/Banana")
      internal static let mango = ImageAsset(value: "Exotic/Mango")
    internal static let `private` = ImageAsset(value: "private")
  internal enum Styles {
    internal enum Vengo {
      internal static let primary = ColorAsset(value: "Vengo/Primary")
      internal static let tint = ColorAsset(value: "Vengo/Tint")
  internal enum Symbols {
    internal static let exclamationMark = SymbolAsset(name: "Exclamation Mark")
    internal static let plus = SymbolAsset(name: "Plus")
  internal enum Targets {
    internal static let bottles = ARResourceGroupAsset(name: "Bottles")
    internal static let paintings = ARResourceGroupAsset(name: "Paintings")

Usage Example

// You can create new images by referring to the enum instance and calling `.image` on it:
let bananaImage = Asset.Exotic.banana.image
let privateImage = Asset.private.image

// You can create colors by referring to the enum instance and calling `.color` on it:
let primaryColor = Asset.Styles.Vengo.primary.color
let tintColor = Asset.Styles.Vengo.tint.color

// You can create data items by referring to the enum instance and calling `.data` on it:
let data =
let readme =

// You can load an AR resource group's items using:
let bottles = Asset.Targets.bottles.referenceObjects
let paintings = Asset.Targets.paintings.referenceImages

// You can create new symbol images by referring to the enum instance and calling `.image` on it (with or without configuration)
let plus =
let style = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(textStyle: .headline)
let styled = Asset.Symbols.exclamationMark.image(with: style)


❗️ We recommend to define your colors in your Assets Catalogs and use the xcassets parser (see above) to generate color constants, instead of using this colors parser described below.
The colors parser below is mainly useful if you support older versions of iOS where colors can't be defined in Asset Catalogs, or if you want to use Android's colors.xml files as input.

  inputs: /path/to/colors-file.txt
    templateName: swift5
    output: Colors.swift

This will generate a enum ColorName with one static let per color listed in the text file passed as argument.

The input file is expected to be either:

  • a plain text file, with one line per color to register, each line being composed by the Name to give to the color, followed by ":", followed by the Hex representation of the color (like rrggbb or rrggbbaa, optionally prefixed by # or 0x) or the name of another color in the file. Whitespaces are ignored.
  • a JSON file, representing a dictionary of names -> values, each value being the hex representation of the color
  • a XML file, expected to be the same format as the Android colors.xml files, containing tags <color name="AColorName">AColorHexRepresentation</color>
  • a *.clr file used by Apple's Color Palettes.

For example you can use this command to generate colors from one of your system color lists:

  inputs: ~/Library/Colors/MyColors.clr
    templateName: swift5
    output: Colors.swift

Generated code will look the same as if you'd use a text file.

Example of code generated by the bundled template

Given the following colors.txt file:

Cyan-Color       : 0xff66ccff
ArticleTitle     : #33fe66
ArticleBody      : 339666
ArticleFootnote  : ff66ccff
Translucent      : ffffffcc

The generated code will look like this:

internal struct ColorName {
  internal let rgbaValue: UInt32
  internal var color: Color { return Color(named: self) }

  /// <span style="display:block;width:3em;height:2em;border:1px solid black;background:#339666"></span>
  /// Alpha: 100% <br/> (0x339666ff)
  internal static let articleBody = ColorName(rgbaValue: 0x339666ff)
  /// <span style="display:block;width:3em;height:2em;border:1px solid black;background:#ff66cc"></span>
  /// Alpha: 100% <br/> (0xff66ccff)
  internal static let articleFootnote = ColorName(rgbaValue: 0xff66ccff)


Usage Example

// You can create colors with the convenience constructor like this:
let title = UIColor(named: .articleBody)  // iOS
let footnote = NSColor(named: .articleFootnote) // macOS

// Or as an alternative, you can refer to enum instance and call .color on it:
let sameTitle = ColorName.articleBody.color
let sameFootnote = ColorName.articleFootnote.color

This way, no need to enter the color red, green, blue, alpha values each time and create ugly constants in the global namespace for them.

Core Data

  inputs: /path/to/model.xcdatamodeld
    templateName: swift5
    output: CoreData.swift

This will parse the specified core data model(s), generate a class for each entity in your model containing all the attributes, and a few extensions if needed for relationships and predefined fetch requests.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal class MainEntity: NSManagedObject {
  internal class var entityName: String {
    return "MainEntity"

  internal class func entity(in managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSEntityDescription? {
    return NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: managedObjectContext)

  @nonobjc internal class func makeFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<MainEntity> {
    return NSFetchRequest<MainEntity>(entityName: entityName)

  @NSManaged internal var attributedString: NSAttributedString?
  @NSManaged internal var binaryData: Data?
  @NSManaged internal var boolean: Bool
  @NSManaged internal var date: Date?
  @NSManaged internal var float: Float
  @NSManaged internal var int64: Int64
  internal var integerEnum: IntegerEnum {
    get {
      let key = "integerEnum"
      willAccessValue(forKey: key)
      defer { didAccessValue(forKey: key) }

      guard let value = primitiveValue(forKey: key) as? IntegerEnum.RawValue,
        let result = IntegerEnum(rawValue: value) else {
        fatalError("Could not convert value for key '\(key)' to type 'IntegerEnum'")
      return result
    set {
      let key = "integerEnum"
      willChangeValue(forKey: key)
      defer { didChangeValue(forKey: key) }

      setPrimitiveValue(newValue.rawValue, forKey: key)
  @NSManaged internal var manyToMany: Set<SecondaryEntity>

// MARK: Relationship ManyToMany

extension MainEntity {
  @NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)

  @NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)

  @NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)

  @NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)

Usage Example

// Fetch all the instances of MainEntity
let request = MainEntity.makeFetchRequest()
let mainItems = try myContext.execute(request)

// Type-safe relationships: `relatedItem` will be a `SecondaryEntity?` in this case
let relatedItem = myMainItem.manyToMany.first


  inputs: path/to/search
  filter: .+\.mp4$
    templateName: structured-swift5
    output: Files.swift

The files parser is intended to just list the name and mimetype of the files and subdirectories in a given directory. This will recursively search the specified directory using the given filter (default .*), defining a struct File for each matching file, and an hierarchical enum representing the directory structure of files.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum Files {
  /// test.txt
  internal static let testTxt = File(name: "test", ext: "txt", path: "", mimeType: "text/plain")
  /// subdir/
  internal enum Subdir {
    /// subdir/A Video With Spaces.mp4
    internal static let aVideoWithSpacesMp4 = File(name: "A Video With Spaces", ext: "mp4", path: "subdir", mimeType: "video/mp4")

Usage Example

// Access files using the `url` or `path` fields
let txt = Files.testTxt.url
let video = Files.Subdir.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path

// In addition, there are `url(locale:)` and `path(locale:)` to specify a locale
let localeTxt = Files.testTxt.url(locale: Locale.current)
let localeVideo = Files.Subdir.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path(locale: Locale.current)

Flat Structure Support

SwiftGen also has a template if you're not interested in keeping the folder structure in the generated code.

Example of code generated by the flat bundled template
internal enum Files {
  /// test.txt
  internal static let testTxt = File(name: "test", ext: "txt", path: "", mimeType: "text/plain")
  /// subdir/A Video With Spaces.mp4
  internal static let aVideoWithSpacesMp4 = File(name: "A Video With Spaces", ext: "mp4", path: "subdir", mimeType: "video/mp4")

Given the same file and folder structure as above the usage will now be:

// Access files using the `url` or `path` fields
let txt = Files.testTxt.url
let video = Files.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path

// In addition, there are `url(locale:)` and `path(locale:)` to specify a locale
let localeTxt = Files.testTxt.url(locale: Locale.current)
let localeVideo = Files.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path(locale: Locale.current)


  inputs: /path/to/font/dir
    templateName: swift5
    output: Fonts.swift

This will recursively go through the specified directory, finding any typeface files (TTF, OTF, …), defining a struct FontFamily for each family, and an enum nested under that family that will represent the font styles.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum FontFamily {
  internal enum SFNSDisplay: String, FontConvertible {
    internal static let regular = FontConvertible(name: ".SFNSDisplay-Regular", family: ".SF NS Display", path: "SFNSDisplay-Regular.otf")
  internal enum ZapfDingbats: String, FontConvertible {
    internal static let regular = FontConvertible(name: "ZapfDingbatsITC", family: "Zapf Dingbats", path: "ZapfDingbats.ttf")

Usage Example

// You can create fonts with the convenience constructor like this:
let displayRegular = UIFont(font: FontFamily.SFNSDisplay.regular, size: 20.0) // iOS
let dingbats = NSFont(font: FontFamily.ZapfDingbats.regular, size: 20.0)  // macOS

// Or as an alternative, you can refer to enum instance and call .font on it:
let sameDisplayRegular = FontFamily.SFNSDisplay.regular.font(size: 20.0)
let sameDingbats = FontFamily.ZapfDingbats.regular.font(size: 20.0)

Interface Builder

  inputs: /dir/to/search/for/storyboards
    - templateName: scenes-swift5
      output: Storyboard Scenes.swift
    - templateName: segues-swift5
      output: Storyboard Segues.swift

This will generate an enum for each of your NSStoryboard/UIStoryboard, with respectively one static let per storyboard scene or segue.

Example of code generated by the bundled template

The generated code will look like this:

// output from the scenes template

internal enum StoryboardScene {
  internal enum Dependency: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Dependency"

    internal static let dependent = SceneType<UIViewController>(storyboard: Dependency.self, identifier: "Dependent")
  internal enum Message: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Message"

    internal static let messagesList = SceneType<UITableViewController>(storyboard: Message.self, identifier: "MessagesList")

// output from the segues template

internal enum StoryboardSegue {
  internal enum Message: String, SegueType {
    case customBack = "CustomBack"
    case embed = "Embed"
    case nonCustom = "NonCustom"
    case showNavCtrl = "Show-NavCtrl"

Usage Example

// You can instantiate scenes using the `instantiate` method:
let vc = StoryboardScene.Dependency.dependent.instantiate()

// You can perform segues using:
vc.perform(segue: StoryboardSegue.Message.embed)

// or match them (in prepareForSegue):
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
  switch StoryboardSegue.Message(segue) {
  case .embed?:
    // Prepare for your custom segue transition, passing information to the destination VC
  case .customBack?:
    // Prepare for your custom segue transition, passing information to the destination VC
    // Other segues from other scenes, not handled by this VC


  inputs: /path/to/json/dir-or-file
    templateName: runtime-swift5
    output: JSON.swift
  inputs: /path/to/yaml/dir-or-file
    templateName: inline-swift5
    output: YAML.swift

This will parse the given file, or when given a directory, recursively search for JSON and YAML files. It will define an enum for each file (and documents in a file where needed), and type-safe constants for the content of the file.

Unlike other parsers, this one is intended to allow you to use more custom inputs (as the formats are quite open to your needs) to generate your code. This means that for these parsers (and the plist one), you'll probably be more likely to use custom templates to generate code properly adapted/tuned to your inputs, rather than using the bundled templates. To read more about writing your own custom templates, see see the dedicated documentation.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum JSONFiles {
  internal enum Info {
    private static let _document = JSONDocument(path: "info.json")
    internal static let key1: String = _document["key1"]
    internal static let key2: String = _document["key2"]
    internal static let key3: [String: Any] = _document["key3"]
  internal enum Sequence {
    internal static let items: [Int] = objectFromJSON(at: "sequence.json")

Usage Example

// This will be a dictionary
let foo = JSONFiles.Info.key3

// This will be an [Int]
let bar = JSONFiles.Sequence.items


  inputs: /path/to/plist/dir-or-file
    templateName: runtime-swift5
    output: Plist.swift

This will parse the given file, or when given a directory, recursively search for Plist files. It will define an enum for each file (and documents in a file where needed), and type-safe constants for the content of the file.

Unlike other parsers, this one is intended to allow you to use more custom inputs (as the format is quite open to your needs) to generate your code. This means that for this parser (and the json and yaml ones), you'll probably be more likely to use custom templates to generate code properly adapted/tuned to your inputs, rather than using the bundled templates. To read more about writing your own custom templates, see see the dedicated documentation.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum PlistFiles {
  internal enum Test {
    internal static let items: [String] = arrayFromPlist(at: "array.plist")
  internal enum Stuff {
    private static let _document = PlistDocument(path: "dictionary.plist")
    internal static let key1: Int = _document["key1"]
    internal static let key2: [String: Any] = _document["key2"]

Usage Example

// This will be an array
let foo = PlistFiles.Test.items

// This will be an Int
let bar = PlistFiles.Stuff.key1


  inputs: /path/to/language.lproj
    templateName: structured-swift5
    output: Strings.swift

This will generate a Swift enum L10n that will map all your Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict (or other tables) keys to a static let constant. And if it detects placeholders like %@,%d,%f, it will generate a static func with the proper argument types instead, to provide type-safe formatting.

Note that all dots within the key names are converted to dots in code (by using nested enums). You can provide a different separator than . to split key names into substructures by using a parser option – see the parser documentation.

Example of code generated by the structured bundled template

Given the following Localizable.strings file:

"alert_title" = "Title of the alert";
"alert_message" = "Some alert body there";
"bananas.owner" = "Those %d bananas belong to %@.";

And the following Localizable.stringsdict file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>You have no apples</string>
            <string>You have one apple</string>
            <string>You have %d apples. Wow that is a lot!</string>

Reminder: Don't forget to end each line in your *.strings files with a semicolon ;! Now that in Swift code we don't need semi-colons, it's easy to forget it's still required by the Localizable.strings file format 😉

The generated code will contain this:

internal enum L10n {
  /// Some alert body there
  internal static let alertMessage ="alert_message")
  /// Title of the alert
  internal static let alertTitle ="alert_title")

  internal enum Apples {
    /// Plural format key: "%#@apples@"
    internal static func count(_ p1: Int) -> String {
      return"apples.count", p1)

  internal enum Bananas {
    /// Those %d bananas belong to %@.
    internal static func owner(_ p1: Int, _ p2: Any) -> String {
      return"bananas.owner", p1, String(describing: p2))

Note that if the same key is present in both the .strings and the .stringsdict files, SwiftGen will only consider the one in the .stringsdict file, as that's also how Foundation behaves at runtime.

Usage Example

Once the code has been generated by the script, you can use it this way in your Swift code:

// Simple strings
let message = L10n.alertMessage
let title = L10n.alertTitle

// with parameters, note that each argument needs to be of the correct type
let apples = L10n.Apples.count(3)
let bananas = L10n.Bananas.owner(5, "Olivier")

Flat Strings Support

SwiftGen also has a template to support flat strings files (i.e. without splitting the keys in substructures using "dot syntax"). The advantage is that your keys won't be mangled in any way; the disadvantage is that auto-completion won't be as nice.

Example of code generated by the flat bundled template
internal enum L10n {
  /// Some alert body there
  internal static let alertMessage ="Localizable", "alert__message")
  /// Title of the alert
  internal static let alertTitle ="Localizable", "alert__title")
  /// Plural format key: "%#@apples@"
  internal static func applesCount(_ p1: Int) -> String {
    return"Localizable", "apples.count", p1)
  /// Those %d bananas belong to %@.
  internal static func bananasOwner(_ p1: Int, _ p2: Any) -> String {
    return"Localizable", "bananas.owner", p1, String(describing: p2))

Given the same Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict as above the usage will now be:

// Simple strings
let message = L10n.alertMessage
let title = L10n.alertTitle

// with parameters, note that each argument needs to be of the correct type
let apples = L10n.applesCount(3)
let bananas = L10n.bananasOwner(5, "Olivier")


This code and tool is under the MIT Licence. See the LICENCE file in this repository.


This tool is powered by

It is currently mainly maintained by @AliSoftware and @djbe. But I couldn't thank enough all the other contributors to this tool along the different versions which helped make SwiftGen awesome! 🎉

If you want to contribute, don't hesitate to open a Pull Request, or even join the team!

Other Libraries / Tools

If you want to also get rid of String-based APIs not only for your resources, but also for UITableViewCell, UICollectionViewCell and XIB-based views, you should take a look at my Mixin Reusable.

If you want to generate Swift code from your own Swift code (so meta!), like generate Equatable conformance to your types and a lot of other similar things, use Sourcery.

SwiftGen and Sourcery are complementary tools. In fact, Sourcery uses Stencil too, as well as SwiftGen's StencilSwiftKit so you can use the exact same syntax for your templates for both!

You can also follow me on twitter for news/updates about other projects I am creating, or read my blog.

  • Strings: Support plurals / parse .stringsdict files

    Strings: Support plurals / parse .stringsdict files

    As discussed in #184, this PR adds support for parsing .stringsdict files and it adds support for (basic) plurals. Since there are some decisions that still need to be made, I marked the PR as WIP.

    To be able to parse .stringsdict in addition to .strings files, I created subparsers similar to the subparsers used for Colors. The .stringsdict file is parsed by creating a StringsDict type conforming to Decodable and then parsing the file using the PropertyListDecoder. Since @djbe highlighted in #184 that the .stringsdict files can also contain non-plural dictionaries, which are used for variable width strings, I chose to parse those as well to be able to use them at a later point in SwiftGen.


    • [x] Decide whether to provide only one plural translation in the doc comment of the generated file, or multiple/all
    • [x] Fix the stencil so that vertical_whitespace_opening_braces doesn't trigger
    • [x] Decide how to handle Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict having the same (table) name.
    • [x] Add tests for the plurals-advanced and plurals-same-table contexts

    Closes #184.

    opened by ffittschen 54
  • New Command: Add Support for Core Data

    New Command: Add Support for Core Data

    Closes #45, closes #185, refs #191, refs #195.


    Here's an implementation that adds basic support for generating code from a Core Data model file. I'm putting up this WIP PR as this implementation is not feature complete, but I would like some feedback on some of the code and structure before I continue implementing things that are not currently implemented.

    Things that are currently not implemented:

    • ~Support for fetch request templates~
    • ~Support for fetched properties~
    • ~Support for parsing user info dictionaries on the various types~
    • ~Support for non-default configurations~

    The big question I have is how to do testing of this new parser. All the other parsers return straight basic types and collections as their Stencil context, which means they can be easily serialized to disk for testing purposes. However, the Core Data parser does not do this, since it needs to establish relationships between different objects to model things like super entities and model relationships. Thus, the context that the Core Data parser returns contains full model objects, not basic collection types, and leverages reflection to expose properties to the templates. As a result, I'm not quite sure how testing should be handled in this case.

    The other question I have is if there's a recommended comment header template. There appears to be mixed usage of Xcode's default header, and a simplified format. I wasn't sure what's the recommended, so I left in Xcode's default for the new files for now, but I can change it if there is a preferred one.

    opened by grantjbutler 44
  • Cut a release to 3.0.2

    Cut a release to 3.0.2

    Hey i know there's a fix to a the swift3 colors template that fixes the line_length bug from swiftlint currently in master but could we cut a release so I don't have to have a custom template in my project? (I'm using carthage so I can't specify the version via the Podfile and have to use homebrew's version.)

    More than willing to squash a few issues to expedite it too. Just point me to the ones you're looking to get in before next release :)

    type: question 
    opened by dostrander 39
  • Make the font's path relative to how they'll be included in the final bundle

    Make the font's path relative to how they'll be included in the final bundle

    We mainly include the path in the generated code so we can register() the font automatically if it's not registered when the user tries to use it. See the generated code here.

    That path could also be used to create a template generating the necessary entries in the users Info.plist — as we generally need to declare custom fonts in there too for them to work (we should provide such a template at some point btw, that would be nice too)

    But I'm wondering if it's a good thing that we currently base that registration on the relative path of the font as found in the Xcode project / in the filesystem's hierarchy.

    Because once the app is compiled and bundled into an .ipa, the font is gonna generally end up at the root of the generated .ipa bundle. Except if the user added their Fonts folder as a "folder reference" in their Xcode project (in which case the folder hierarchy is gonna be kept identical once bundled in the .ipa), but if they just added their Fonts folder as a "group" (yellow folder icon in Xcode) and not a "folder reference" (blue folder icon in Xcode project) then the font will be copied at the root of the IPA bundle along with all other files in the ipa. So the register() and the Info.plist should use that final relative path in the bundle, not the one determined by how the fonts are in the repo's file system, right?

    Also related to: #323

    opened by AliSoftware 31
  • Update project to Swift 3

    Update project to Swift 3

    • [x] run migrator to swift 3
    • [x] update pods to latest, swift 3 compatible versions
    • [x] audit APIs for swift 3 compliance

    Here's a migration to swift 3 as per issue #169 with a goal to bring all the project dependencies up to date.

    opened by ahtierney 30
  • New parser: file resources

    New parser: file resources

    Add a new parser which allows accessing any other specified files that need to be accessed from the bundle, usually with Bundle.main.url(forResource:withExtension:) and the like.

    • [x] I've started my branch from the develop branch (gitflow)
      • [x] And I've selected develop as the "base" branch for this Pull Request I'm about to create
    • [x] I've added an entry in the file to explain my changes and credit myself
      (or added #trivial to the PR title if I think it doesn't warrant a mention in the CHANGELOG)
      • [x] Add the entry in the appropriate section (Bug Fix / New Feature / Breaking Change / Internal Change)
      • [x] Add a period and 2 spaces at the end of your short entry description
      • [x] Add links to your GitHub profile to credit yourself and to the related PR and issue after your description

    Fixes #665, fixes #637, fixes #496, fixes #284, fixes #146, fixes #109.

    type: enhancement 
    opened by mgray88 28
  • Strings: valid format `% d` is ignored by SwiftGen, but still formatted.

    Strings: valid format `% d` is ignored by SwiftGen, but still formatted.

    100% daily becomes 1000aily because the Swift template function tr always returns String(format: format, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args) even if args is empty.

    % (followed by space) is afaik the invisible plus sign so somehow String(format: interprets it like a valid format argument (not sure if it should).

    But the problem is that the tr function should just return the result from NSLocalizedString if no args. So just adding guard !args.isEmpty else { return format } before the last line would fix it.

    type: bug/fix 
    opened by franmowinckel 28
  • SwiftGen 5.0.0

    SwiftGen 5.0.0

    Right, so we're nearing the point to release SwiftGen 5.0, the remain issues to tackle are:

    Breaking PRs

    • [x] Merge "unify storyboard templates" (
    • [x] Merge "font templates refactor" (
    • [x] Merge "parser protocol" (
    • [x] Merge "swiftlint version check" ( and propagate it to the other repos
    • [x] Remove old CLI options (#301)
    • [x] Update documentation/templates (#305,


    • [x] Release StencilSwiftKit 2.0 (
    • [x] Release SwiftGenKit 2.0 (
    • [x] Update SwiftGen to match SwiftGenKit changes (#313)
    • [x] Create & merge a PR for "rename some subcommands" (#311, propagate to templates repo)
    • [x] Release templates 2.0


    • [x] Update SwiftGen documentation with new commands/options/templates and sample output (#314)
    • [x] Review/Update SwiftGen README (#318)
    • [x] Update Playground code (#319)
    • [x] Write a general migration guide (#320)
    • [x] Check on each repo that we didn't forget any CHANGELOG entries esp after the last PRs we did recently in a rush (#321)
    • [x] Write a changelog entry that includes the major items from the other repositories (#321)
    • [x] Update wiki if needed

    And finally…

    • [x] Check that the submodule for each repo points to master (#321)
    • [x] Check that it isn't necessary to move the 2.0.0 tags for SwiftGenKit & StencilSwiftKit after all those last-minute hot fixes?
    • [ ] Quick test installing and using swiftgen locally (as we still don't have unit test for the CLI layer), like rake cli:install + ./build/swiftgen/bin/swiftgen -v, ./build/swiftgen/bin/swiftgen list templates, etc
    • [x] Release SwiftGen 5.0 (#321)
    • [x] rake changelog:reset on all repos
    status: WIP type: internal 
    opened by djbe 28
  • Images command fails for asset catalogs with an empty folder

    Images command fails for asset catalogs with an empty folder

    @AliSoftware I need your help as I am not able to generate the source code for image asset catalog for my iOS app based on swift3. When I run the command swiftgen images App/Assets.xcassets -t swift3 --output App/Asset.swift always got the message error: failed to render template invalidInputType. I am not able to understand whats wrong with it.

    I have installed the swiftgen through the homebrew and I hope it has installed the latest version. Moreover I have checked the app image asset but find no issue with them. Any idea why it is happening

    type: bug/fix 
    opened by kamarshad 26
  • New version fails to generate sources but exists with code 0

    New version fails to generate sources but exists with code 0

    Version: SwiftGen v5.2.0 (Stencil v0.9.0, StencilSwiftKit v2.3.0, SwiftGenKit v2.1.1)

    I wasted a good 20 minutes trying to figure out why my build on Travis was failing. Turns out the latest SwiftGen stopped generating sources, but I didn't see this locally because the old sources worked, and new ones weren't being generated, despite the build phase not failing:

    Error: You need to choose EITHER a named template OR a template path. Found name 'structured-swift3' and path ''

    This is my script:

    swiftgen fonts "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/../app/resources/fonts" --output "$OUTPUT_DIR/Fonts.swift" -t swift3
    swiftgen colors "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/resources/Colors.clr" --output "$OUTPUT_DIR/Colors.swift" -t swift3
    swiftgen strings "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/en.lproj/Localizable.strings" --output "$OUTPUT_DIR/Strings.swift" -t structured-swift3
    swiftgen xcassets "$FRAMEWORK_DIR/Assets.xcassets" --output "$OUTPUT_DIR/Images.swift" -t swift3 --param noAllValues

    I still don't really know why this broke, but either way this error should make swiftgen fail instead of continuing silently.

    type: bug/fix 
    opened by NachoSoto 25
  • Remove use of libxml2

    Remove use of libxml2 could be replaced with something like

    This would remove the need for and libxml2, and would make SwiftGen buildable with Swift PM without having to run brew install libxml2

    type: internal 
    opened by yonaskolb 24
  • [homebrew] swiftgen build issue, not finding xcode

    [homebrew] swiftgen build issue, not finding xcode

    ==> bundle exec rake cli:install[/opt/homebrew/Cellar/swiftgen/6.6.2/libexec]
    Your RubyGems version ( has a bug that prevents `required_ruby_version` from working for Bundler. Any scripts that use `gem install bundler` will break as soon as Bundler drops support for your Ruby version. Please upgrade RubyGems to avoid future breakage and silence this warning by running `gem update --system 3.2.3`
    == Building Binary ==
    rake aborted!
    [!!!] SwiftGen requires Xcode ~> 13.0, but we were not able to find it. If it's already installed, either `xcode-select -s` to it, or update your Spotlight index with 'mdimport /Applications/Xcode*'

    Looks like there are some similar reports in this repo before with other xcode versions.

    (trying to build bottle for ventura-arm) relates to

    opened by chenrui333 0
  • Scope of variables

    Scope of variables

    Is there no way to have a variable that is set inside a for loop escape the scope of the loop? Basically I'm trying to loop files and set a variable inside the loop and then use it after the loop.. However it seems impossible to make the var escape the scope of the loop

    {% set test %}test{% endset %} {% for f in files%} inside {{test}} {% set test %}test indeside{% endset %} {% set insidevar %}test indeside{% endset %} {% endfor %} outside {{test}} insidevar {{insidevar}}

    opened by icedice 1
  • Support Double Length Pseudolanguage for localizable strings

    Support Double Length Pseudolanguage for localizable strings

    Hi! Thanks a lot for such a great project!

    It would be really great feature to allow specifying SwiftUI environment attribute which would utilize iOS Double Length Pseudolanguage for SwiftUI previews so the developers could see labels with double text in SwiftUI previews. I wonder if that's something the team could consider as a new feature to support.

    opened by LeonidKokhnovich 0
  • Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available'

    Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available'

    After bumping to version 6.6.2 with Cocoapods, this piece of code:

        #if canImport(SwiftUI)
            @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
            internal private(set) lazy var swiftUIColor: SwiftUI.Color = .init(asset: self)

    brings the following compile error with Xcode 14 (my project supports iOS 12+):

    Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available'

    After applying the following edit on the generated file:

    -    #if canImport(SwiftUI)
    -        @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
    -        internal private(set) lazy var swiftUIColor: SwiftUI.Color = .init(asset: self)
    -    #endif
         fileprivate init(name: String) {
    = name
    +#if canImport(SwiftUI)
    +    @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
    +    extension ColorAsset {
    +        var swiftUIColor: SwiftUI.Color {
    +            .init(asset: self)
    +        }
    +    }
     internal extension ColorAsset.Color {
         @available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, macOS 10.13, *)
         convenience init?(asset: ColorAsset) {

    I got my project to compile OK.

    I would be happy to help with this issue if you give me any guidance, as suggested by the CONTRIBUTING file of the project.


    opened by dirtyhenry 0
  • String placeholder type that doesn't accept Any

    String placeholder type that doesn't accept Any

    At the moment if you have a localisation string with a parameter, eg.

    "error_message" = "An unexpected error has occurred: %@";

    Then the resulting generated file looks like this:

    internal static func errorMessage(_ p1: Any) -> String {
      return"Localizable", "error_message", String(describing: p1), fallback: "An unexpected error has occurred: %@")

    The errorMessage function accepts an Any, rather than a string. This is causing us issues - we only want to allow strings to be passed in, but this of course allows any object. Is there a way for the generated function to only accept String? I see that %s will generate an 'UnsafePointer' parameter, but this seems a bit scary...?

    opened by t8n 0
  • 6.6.2(Aug 13, 2022)

  • 6.6.1(Jul 31, 2022)

  • 6.6.0(Jul 31, 2022)

    Changes in core dependencies of SwiftGen

    Breaking Changes

    • Strings: due to the bugfix for fallback translations, custom lookupFunctions will need to accept 3 arguments (table, key and value), up from 2 arguments (table and key).
      David Jennes #964


    • The Swift 4 templates are now deprecated. This means we will no longer test if the generated output is valid Swift code. We will still try to keep these up-to-date with context changes.
      David Jennes #955
    • Our spacing & trimming "hack" is now considered deprecated, and in the next major version we'll switch to Stencil's new "smart" trimming behaviour (see Stencil documentation for more information). Our built-in templates have already switched to this modern behaviour, you can try it with your own templates by using the --experimental-modern-spacing flag.
      David Jennes #977
    • XCAssets: some old properties & parameters are being deprecated. Read the migration guides for more information.
      David Jennes #978

    New Features

    • Added support for --quiet/-q flag, to suppress all logs (except errors).
      Andre113 #823 #846
    • CoreData: ensure generated classes are final when model isn't abstract.
      grsouza #940
    • Added .artifactbundle release uploads to support SE-0325 Swift Plugins.
      nicorichard #913 #926
    • Strings: added support for .strings files comments. The built-in templates will now use them for comments instead of the translation of a key.
      CraigSiemens #563 #813
    • CoreData: support derived attributes.
      David Jennes #928 #961
    • Added an experimental flag --experimental-modern-spacing to enable modern spacing control, see Stencil documentation for more information. It will disable our own trimming "hack", and enable Stencil's "smart" trimming.
      David Jennes #977
    • XCAssets & Fonts: added support for SwiftUI. You can now easily access colors images, symbols and custom fonts from your SwiftUI code.
      David Jennes #979

    Bug Fixes

    Internal Changes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB) MB)
  • 6.5.1(Oct 4, 2021)

  • 6.5.0(Oct 3, 2021)

    Changes in core dependencies of SwiftGen

    New Features

    Bug Fixes

    • XCAssets: fixed some availability annotations that were incorrect.
      David Jennes #789
    • Strings: objc-h template now emits valid documentation comments.
      @szotp #822
    • Generate xcfilelist: Adds the template file path to the inputs xcfilelist (for custom templates).
      Craig Siemens #815
    • Strings: built-in templates now have better handling of multi-line translations.
      @mrackwitz #774

    Internal Changes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 6.4.0(Oct 7, 2020)

    New Features

    • The built-in templates will now correctly handle Swift Package Manager resources, using Bundle.module if it's available. As before, you can override the used Bundle using the bundle or lookupFunction template parameters.
      Arnaud Dorgans #763
    • Added config generate-xcfilelist subcommand to generate input and output xcfilelists based on your configuration file. These files should then be used in an Xcode build step that executes swiftgen config run. Don't forget to regenerate the file lists after adding/removing resources in your project in a way that might impact them.
      @CraigSiemens #441
    • Colors: the XML parser now accepts a colorFormat option, used to change the color format. The default format is rgba.
      @kevinstier #562 #768
    • IB: Added support for instantiating scenes while providing a creator block, commonly used for dependency injection. This feature is available in generated code starting from iOS 13, tvOS 13 and macOS 10.15.
      @matsune David Jennes #778

    Bug Fixes

    • Plist: Update the parsing strategy (using Codable) to fix parsing of Bool values as Integer in some cases.
      @fortmarek Olivier Halligon #779
    • JSON/Plist/YAML: fixed issue with inline templates which incorrectly generated 1/0 as values, instead of true/false as expected.
      David Jennes #779 #783
    • JSON: the parser now correctly recognizes 0 and 1 as Int (instead of Bool).
      David Jennes #786

    Internal Changes

    • Update the Swift version in .swift-version so that the right version is used when building manually (using swiftenv).
      @cfiken #764
    • Update Yams from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0.
      @hungrxyz #772
    • Updated Pods and Gems dependencies, and Xcode 12.
      David Jennes #782
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 6.3.0(Aug 4, 2020)


    • Fonts: the generated Font typealias (to UIFont/NSFont) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
      David Jennes #728

    New Features

    • Strings: support for plurals declared in .stringsdict files.
      Florian Fittschen #184 #634
    • Fonts: the templates now support a new fontTypeName template parameter that you can use to change the name of the struct representing a font to something else.
      David Jennes #728
    • Fonts: the templates now support a new fontAliasName that you can use to change the typealias's name from Font to something else. For example: this is useful when working with SwiftUI which already defines a Font type. Note that as this typealias is deprecated (see deprecations above), this template parameter will also be removed in the next major release.
      David Jennes #647 #728
    • CoreData: Deprecates fetchRequest() and adds makeFetchRequest() to avoid ambiguous function usage.
      David Rothera #726
    • XCAssets: image assets now load faster on macOS if they're in the main bundle. MacOS only provides a caching mechanism for images in the main bundle, for other cases you may need to provide your own caching mechanism as needed.
      David Jennes #648 #733
    • Fonts/IB/JSON/Plist/Strings/XCAssets: all templates that load data at runtime from a bundle now support a bundle template parameter, which you can use to override the bundle from which resources are loaded. Check out the template specific documentation for more information. For an in-depth explanation, also check the customize loading of resources article.
      David Jennes #737
    • Fonts/IB/JSON/Plist: Similar to the strings templates, these templates now support a lookupFunction template parameter, which allows you to provide your own resource lookup mechanism at runtime. Check the template specific documentation for more information. For an in-depth explanation, also check the customize loading of resources article.
      David Jennes #738

    Bug Fixes

    • Strings: fix incorrect interpretation of format placeholders when there were missing positional parameters (e.g. "%2$@" without a %1$… defined).
      @AliSoftware #634
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 6.2.1(Jul 5, 2020)

    There are no major changes in this release, although JSON & Plist template writers may want to read the small migration guide to prepare for upcoming context changes.


    • JSON & Plist: if you wrote your own templates, know that the documents property of a file has been deprecated in favour of document. The old documents property will be removed in the next major release.
      David Jennes #702 #732

    Bug Fixes

    • Prevent generating default.profraw (code coverage) files.
      David Jennes #722
    • JSON/Plist/YAML: Fix issue with homogeneous Arrays in the Inline templates (such as [String]).
      #687 @fjtrujy
    • Avoid breaking the system swift installation when installing SwiftGen via Homebrew on macOS 10.14.4 or higher.
      David Jennes #686 #730

    Internal Changes

    • Parsers are now executed in parallel, making SwiftGen faster when multiple parsers are used. Note: only applies when using a configuration file.
      Marcelo Fabri #699
    • Use JSONSerialization instead of Yams for parsing JSONs, making the json parser faster.
      Marcelo Fabri #698
    • JSON/Plist/YAML: Lazily evaluate metadata of documents, making SwiftGen faster if the metadata field is never used in a template.
      Marcelo Fabri #700
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • 6.2.0(Jun 19, 2020)

    ⚠️ This minor version contains a lot of deprecations that may apply to your configuration and how you use SwiftGen. With the exception of swift3 templates (which have been removed), everything should still work as before. But be warned that all features marked as deprecated will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0.

    Read the SwiftGen 6.2 Migration Guide for a list of changes you'll need to apply.

    Breaking Changes

    • As Swift 3 is officially no longer maintained, we're obsoleting the Swift 3 templates and they are no longer included with SwiftGen. You can still use the old swift 3 templates by getting them from older SwiftGen versions, or from GitHub by browsing older tags.
      David Jennes #601 #691


    • XCAssets: the colorAliasName and imageAliasName template parameters are now deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.
      David Jennes #614
    • The use of swiftgen <parser> (e.g. swiftgen strings, swiftgen xcassets, …) command line for running individual parsers is now deprecated in favor of swiftgen run <parser>. See "New Features" below.
      @AliSoftware #705
    • The subcommand swiftgen templates has been renamed swiftgen template (singular); the plural form of the command has been deprecated and will be removed in next major version.
      @AliSoftware #697
    • The ability for SwiftGen to search custom named templates in ~/Library/Application Support has been deprecated and will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0. This little known feature made SwiftGen dependent on the machine it was running on. Use templatePath to reference custom templates by path instead.
      @AliSoftware #717

    New Features

    • Invoking individual parsers from the command line is now done via swiftgen run <parser>. We still highly recommend to use a configuration file for flexibility and performance reasons in your projects, and only use swiftgen run <parser> for things like quick iterations when writing your own custom templates.
      @AliSoftware #705
    • You can now easily create a new config file using swiftgen config init. This will create an example and commented config file and open it to let you edit it to your needs. Note that the generated config file is static content which doesn't take the user's project into account (though that might change in the future).
      @AliSoftware #694
    • You can now use swiftgen template doc [parser] [templateName] on the command line to quickly open the documentation for templates on GitHub directly from your terminal.
      @AliSoftware #697
    • Each parser now accepts an options dictionary, with which you can set internal parser settings to change its behaviour. See the parser's specific documentation for available options.
      David Jennes #587 #597
    • Strings: the parser now accepts a separator option, used to split keys into structured components. The default separator remains .. For more information, check the parser's documentation.
      David Jennes #576 #588
    • Core Data: the built-in templates now support an optional extraImports parameter. With this you can provide a list of modules to additionally import, for when you have properties with types from external modules. For more information, check the template's documentation.
      David Jennes #591 #592
    • Core Data: the built-in templates now support RawRepresentable attributes (such as enum, OptionSet, …). They'll check the "User Info" of an attribute for a RawType key, which should be set to the type name you want to use for that attribute. To avoid optional attributes, you can also add the unwrapOptional user info key. For more information, check the template's documentation.
      David Jennes #566 #609 #593 #610
    • Strings: the built-in templates now accept a parameter lookupFunction for customizing the localization function, check the template documentation for more information.
      Steven Magdy 426 468 573 716
    • Strings: templates to generate Objective-C. Please check the template's documentation for more information.
      Eric Slosser SwiftGen/SwiftGen#378
    • XCAssets: the parser now supports AR Resource Groups, together with reference images and objects.
      David Jennes #614
    • Templates: Bundle now use static property on BundleToken for better performance.
      shuoli84 #623
    • All parsers now have built-in Swift 5 templates.
      David Jennes #595 #600
    • Most templates now accept a parameter to force having the file name used as namespace (enum <FileName>) in generated code even if there's only one single input file.
      Viktoras Laukevičius #669 @AliSoftware #693

    Bug Fixes

    • SwiftGen now properly shows a better help message and the command usage when running an incomplete command, instead of complaining about a config file.
      @AliSoftware #706
    • XCAssets: improved the performance for color assets by caching the resolved colors.
      David Jennes #578 #589
    • Core Data: entityName is now correctly a class var instead of a class func.
      David Jennes #590
    • Strings: we now correctly generate the type Any (instead of String) for %@ placeholders.
      David Jennes 620
    • Colors: Reduce initializer type inference for improved compilation performance.
      Markus Faßbender #663
    • Config Lint: fix config lint not processing relative paths containing ".." correctly.
      Wolfgang Lutz #688
    • Core Data: the generated code was missing , (comma) for fetch requests with multiple arguments.
      David Jennes #692
    • Colors: Fix compile time warning when long expression type checking is enabled.
      Ryan Mason-Davies #704 #710

    Internal Changes

    • The main branch of the repository has been renamed from master to stable. If you pointed your Podfile or dependency managment tool to master instead of an official release/tag, you will have to update the branch name in your dependency file.
      @AliSoftware #714
    • Documentation: Improved doc for creating custom templates, and added a Documentation Table of Contents.
      @AliSoftware #713
    • Refactoring: Reduce globals & rearrange CLI code.
      @AliSoftware #586
    • Moved generated test output files into subdirectories per template.
      David Jennes #598
    • Compile generated output using configuration files for easier management.
      David Jennes #365 #599
    • XCAssets: renamed the catalogs we use for sample code & testing to avoid some confusion.
      David Jennes #613
    • Update SwiftLint and enable some extra SwiftLint rules.
      David Jennes #617
    • Some CI fixes related to software versions.
      Patrick Nollet #645
    • Updated to CocoaPods 1.9.0.
      David Jennes #619
    • Updated Pods and Gems dependencies.
      David Jennes #684
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  • 6.1.0(Jan 29, 2019)

    Changes in core dependencies of SwiftGen

    New Features

    Bug Fixes

    • Colors: Fix an issue where the public access modifier was not being added correctly in the literals-swift3 and literals-swift4 templates when the publicAccess parameter was specified. Also remove some uneccessary public access modifiers from the swift3 and swift4 templates.
      Isaac Halvorson #549

    Internal Changes

    • Resolve path if the binary is a symbolic link in order to find bundled templates.
      Liquidsoul #559
    • Update to SwiftLint 0.30.1 and enable some extra SwiftLint rules.
      David Jennes #574 #583
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  • 6.0.2(Oct 7, 2018)

  • 6.0.1(Oct 4, 2018)

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    Bug Fixes

    Internal Changes

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  • 6.0.0(Sep 29, 2018)

    ⚠️ This major version is a big milestone in which a lot of refactoring and cleaning has been done. Many features added over previous releases have been reworked and unified, while also preparing SwiftGen for future additions. This means that you'll need to adapt your configuration files (or command line invocations) and custom templates to work with this new major version.

    Read the SwiftGen 6.0 Migration Guide for a list of changes you'll need to apply.

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    Breaking Changes

    • Don't normalize string keys while parsing, let all transformation be done on template side. This makes the developer responsible to keep the language file organized, duplications won't be removed.
      Diego Chohfi #257
    • Remove Swift 2 support.
      David Jennes #420
    • Renamed the storyboards command to ib, to better reflect it's purpose. An alias for storyboards still exists, but it will be removed at some point.
      David Jennes #423
    • XCAssets: the generated templates won't namespace groups by default anymore, use the forceProvidesNamespaces flag to enable this behaviour again.
      jechris #453
    • XCAssets: the templates won't generate any all-values accessors anymore by default. Use the allValues flag to enable this behaviour again. Note: this replaces the old noAllValues flag (with an inverse behaviour).
      David Jennes #480
    • XCAssets: Dropped the deprecated allValues constant, use the type specific constants such as allColors, allDataItems and allImages. The default value of imageAlias has also been changed from Image to AssetImageTypeAlias, to be consistent with the other types.
      David Jennes #482
    • Interface Builder: split up the storyboards template into 2 parts, one for scenes and one for segues.
      David Jennes #419

    New Features

    • Add ability to list all custom fonts and register them using FontFamily.registerAllCustomFonts.
      Olivier Halligon #394
    • Add support for Swift Package Manager and Mint.
      Yonas Kolb #411
    • The swiftgen.yml config file now accepts multiple outputs for each command, allowing you to generate multiple outputs from the same files and content. This also means that the output parameter is now deprecated, in favour of the outputs parameter, and it may be removed in a future version of SwiftGen. Similarly, the paths parameter has been renamed to inputs for consistency. You can always use swiftgen config lint to validate your configuration file.
      David Jennes #424 #510
    • Use swiftlint:disable all in generated files to avoid interference with SwiftLint rules custom to the host project.
      Frederick Pietschmann David Jennes #409 #506
    • XCAssets: Added support for NSDataAssets.
      Oliver Jones #444
    • Organised the generated code in sections for better readability, with all generated constants at the top of the file.
      David Jennes Olivier Halligon #456 #481
    • Added support for JSON, Plist and YAML files using the swiftgen json, swiftgen plist and swiftgen yaml commands. The parsed contexts and the generated files for each command have been kept quite similar, for easier switching between file formats.
      John T McIntosh Toshihiro Suzuki Peter Livesey David Jennes #379 #359 #288 #188 #493 #504
    • Updated the playgrounds with the new json, plist and yaml commands, and updated the other pages to reflect the template changes.
      David Jennes #495
    • We're deprecating the old --template CLI option in favor of --templateName, to better match the naming of the other options and the configuration file. The old --template option will remain until the next major version.
      David Jennes #509

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix memory leak in generated code for Fonts.
      Olivier Halligon #394
    • Interface Builder: ensure the templates handle GLKViewController, AVPlayerViewController and NSPageController correctly.
      David Jennes #404 #414
    • Interface Builder: ensure the parser can handle files with and without "trait variations".
      David Jennes #367 #429
    • Restrict SceneType and InitialSceneType to UIViewController when not targeting AppKit. When targeting AppKit, remove superfluous Any.
      Darron Schall #463 #464
    • Fonts: disable a warning in generated font files for projects with conditional_returns_on_newlines SwiftLint rule enabled.
      Ryan Davies #436 #465
    • Interface Builder: the parser and templates now handle the "Inherit module from target" setting.
      David Jennes #435 #485
    • Strings: the parser now correctly handles formats such as % d and %#x.
      David Jennes #502
    • Strings: ensure strings without arguments are not processed using String(format:).
      David Jennes #503

    Internal Changes

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  • 5.3.0(May 16, 2018)

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    New Features

    Internal Changes

    • Merged the SwiftGenKit and templates repositories back into this repository for easier development and maintenance.
      David Jennes #356
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  • 5.2.1(Oct 24, 2017)

  • 5.2.0(Oct 22, 2017)

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    New Features

    Bug Fixes

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  • 5.1.2(Sep 25, 2017)

  • 5.1.1(Aug 21, 2017)

  • 5.1.0(Aug 20, 2017)

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    New Features

    • Added Swift 4 templates. Use -t swift4 or whatever variant you want to use (see swiftgen templates list for the available names).
      David Jennes SwiftGen/templates/#67
    • XCAssets: Added support for named colors. When using swiftgen xcassets the bundled templates will now also include colors found in the Asset Catalog in addition to the images.
      David Jennes SwiftGen/templates/#68
    • Fonts: the path to fonts will now default to just the font filename, but you can disable this behaviour by enabling the preservePath parameter.
      David Jennes SwiftGen/templates/#71
    • Colors: new template that uses #colorLiterals.
      Use swiftgen colors -t literals-swift3 / swiftgen colors -t literals-swift4 to use them.
      David Jennes SwiftGen/templates/#72
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  • 5.0.0(Aug 12, 2017)

    ⚠️ This major version is a big milestone in which a lot of refactoring and cleaning has been done. Many features added over previous releases have been reworked and unified, while also preparing SwiftGen for future additions. This means that you'll need to adapt your command line invocations and custom templates to work with this new major version.

    Read the SwiftGen 5.0 Migration Guide for a list of changes you'll need to apply.

    Changes in other SwiftGen modules

    Breaking Changes

    • Removed deprecated CLI options. Please consult the migration guide should you still use them.
      David Jennes #301
    • Disable default value for named template option and ensure that there is a template option.
      Liquidsoul #283
    • Templates are now grouped by subcommand on the filesystem. This is only important if you had custom templates in the Application Support directory. To migrate your templates, place them in a subfolder with the name of the subcommand, and remove the prefix of the template filename.
      David Jennes #304
    • The images command has been renamed to xcassets to better reflect its functionality.
      Olivier Halligon #317

    Notable breaking changes from other SwiftGen repositories

    New Features

    Internal Changes

    Notable internal changes from other SwiftGen repositories

    • Switch back from actool to an internal parser to fix numerous issues with the former. This fixes issues a few people encountered when using asset catalogs that contained some of the less common set types.
      David Jennes #228 SwiftGen/SwiftGenKit#43
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  • 4.2.1(May 9, 2017)

    • 🔗 SwiftGenKit 1.1.0 • 🔗 StencilSwiftKit 1.0.2 • 🔗 Stencil 0.9.0 • 🔗 templates 1.1.0

    Bug Fixes

    • Fix a bug in which the version of SwiftGen was reported as v0.0 by swiftgen --version.
      Olivier Halligon

    Internal Changes

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  • 4.2.0(Feb 20, 2017)

    • 🔗 SwiftGenKit 1.0.1 • 🔗 StencilSwiftKit 1.0.0 • 🔗 Stencil 0.8.0 • 🔗 templates 1.0.0

    ℹ️ Don't forget to look at the CHANGELOGs of the other repositories too (links above) in addition to this one, to see all the changes across all of SwiftGen.

    Bug Fixes

    Notable bug fixes from other SwiftGen repositories

    New Features

    • You can now pass custom parameters to your templates using the --param X=Y syntax.
      @djbe #265
      • This command-line option can be repeated at will and used to pass structured custom parameters (e.g. --param tabs=2 --param --param foo.baz=2).
      • You can then use them in your templates using e.g. {{param.tabs}}, {{}} & {{}}.
    • Templates can now access environment variables via the env key of the Stencil context (e.g. {{env.USER}}, {{env.LANG}}).
      @djbe #265
      • This is especially useful when integrating SwiftGen as a Script Build Phase in your Xcode project as you can then access Xcode Build Settings exposed as environment variables by Xcode, e.g. {{env.PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME}}.

    Notable new features from other SwiftGen repositories


    In preparation for an upcoming cleanup of SwiftGen to remove some legacy code as well as Stencil old variables, tags and filters, and change the default templates to Swift 3, some things are being deprecated and will be removed in the next major version 5.0.

    As a result, if you wrote custom templates, you should already prepare for the upcoming 5.0 by migrating your templates to use the new variables (already avaiable in SwiftGen 4.2 / SwiftGenKit 1.0).

    See #244 and the Migration Guide in the Wiki for a list of deprcations and their replacements.

    Internal changes

    • SwiftGen has migrated to its own GitHub organization 🎉.
    • SwiftGen has been split in multiple repositories and separate modules.
      @AliSoftware @djbe #240 #265
      • The present SwiftGen is the CLI parsing. It is in charge of calling the frameworks, feeding them appropriate parameters according to the command line arguments.
      • SwiftGenKit is the framework responsible for parsing your assets/resources and turning them into a structured representation compatible with Stencil templates.
      • StencilSwiftKit is a framework adding some extensions to the template engine Stencil used by SwiftGen. It adds some tags and filters as well as convenience methods shared both by SwiftGen itself and by Sourcery.
      • The SwiftGen templates has been moved into a dedicated templates repo so they can evolve and be unit-tested separately of SwiftGen.

    Note: The next minor version will focus on bringing more documentation for all this new structure and improve ease of future contributions.

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  • 4.1.0(Jan 3, 2017)

    Bug Fixes

    • Strings: fix issue with dot-syntax-swift3 where function definitions were not Swift 3 guidelines compliant.
      David Jennes #248
    • Snake cased keys with uppercase letters are correctly camel cased again. Cihat Gündüz #226

    New Features

    • Added a storyboards-osx-swift3 template.
      Felix Lisczyk #225
    • Added a strings-no-comments-swift3 template that does not include the default translation of each key.
      Loïs Di Qual #222
    • Images: new dot-syntax template, use dot-syntax-swift3 or dot-syntax (for Swift 2.3).
      David Jennes #206
    • Reworked the "dot-syntax" and "structured" templates to use the new macro and call tags, which greatly simplifies the templates, and also removes the limitation of 5-level deep structures.
      David Jennes #237
    • Storyboards: automatically detect the correct modules that need to be imported. The --import option has therefore been deprecated, as well as the extraImports template variable. Instead use the the new modules variable, which offers the same functionality.
      David Jennes #243
    • Support multiple input paths for some commands:
      David Jennes #213
      • fonts accepts multiple input directories, all found fonts will be added to the families template variable.
      • images now supports multiple asset catalogs as input. Templates can now use the catalogs variable to access each individual catalog.
      • storyboards accepts multiple paths (to folders or storyboard files). All found storyboards will be available in the storyboards template variable.

    Internal changes

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  • 4.0.1(Dec 4, 2016)

    Bug Fixes

    Internal changes

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  • 4.0.0(Nov 20, 2016)

    • Add support for multiline string in *.strings file.
      Jeong Yonguk #192
    • Change swift 3 storyboard segue template's sender from AnyObject to Any.
      Derek Ostrander #197
    • Fix swift 3 storyboard templates to be compliant with swift 3 api design guidelines.
      Afonso #194
    • Add option to add import statements at the top of the generated swift file (for storyboards) using the import flag. Multiple imports can be added by repeating this flag.
      David Jennes #175
    • Remove the key param label from the tr function for Localized String in the swift3 template.
      AndrewSB #190
    • Escape reserved swift keywords in the structured and dot-syntax generated strings code.
      Afonso #198
    • The swiftgen images command now uses the actool utility to parse asset catalogs, ensuring that the parser correctly handles namespaced folders.
      David Jennes #199
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  • 3.0.1(Nov 6, 2016)

  • 3.0.0(Sep 4, 2016)

    • Add template that calls NSLocalizedString() separately for each string, which is useful when trying to extract strings in the app to a .strings file.
      Ahmet Karalar
    • Add some file_length and similar SwiftLint exceptions in bundled templates, as files generated by SwiftGen might contain lots of constants and can be long by design.
      Olivier Halligon
    • Error messages ("template not found", etc) are now printed on stderr.
      Olivier Halligon
    • Add more swiftgen templates subcommands.
      Olivier Halligon
      • swiftgen templates list lists all the available templates
      • swiftgen templates which <name> prints the path to the template named <name>
      • swiftgen templates cat <name> prints the content to the template named <name>
      • <name> here can be either a subcommand name like colors or a composed name colors-rawValue for a specific template.
    • Fix swift 3 renaming change in strings-swift3.stencil.
      Kilian Koeltzsch, #150
    • Fix non-custom class, non-base view controller handling in storyboards-swift3.stencil.
      Syo Ikeda, #152
    • Add strongly typed initialViewController() overrides for storyboard templates if available.
      Syo Ikeda, #153, #163
    • Add support for font files containing multiple descriptors.
      Chris Ellsworth, #156
    • Update deprecated usage of generics for Swift 3 / Xcode 8 beta 6.
      Chris Ellsworth, #158
    • Fix case when missing positional parameters, which leads to parameters in the enum with unspecified type (undeterminable from the Localizable.strings format analysis) where reported as Any — which is not a CVarArgType. Now using UnsafePointer<()> arguments instead for such odd edge-cases that should never happen anyway.
      Olivier Halligon
    • Now reports an error when it failed to parse a color in a color input file.
      Olivier Halligon, #162
    • New Strings template (available via -t dot-syntax), allowing string keys containing dots (like to be organized as a hierarchy and accessible via dot syntax. Cihat Gündüz, #159
    • Update Swift 3 templates to use lowercase enums.
      Olivier Halligon, #166
    • New Strings template (available via -t dot-syntax-swift3), allowing keys with dots in Swift 3 (see above).
      Cihat Gündüz, #168

    💡 You can now create your custom templates more easier than ever, by cloning an existing template!

    e.g. to clone the default strings-default.stencil template:

    • use swiftgen templates cat strings --output strings-custom.stencil
    • modify the cloned strings-custom.stencil template to your liking
    • use it with swiftgen strings … --templatePath strings-custom.stencil … in your projects!

    Important Notes

    • Some keys for various templates have changed to provide more flexibility and enable some new features in the templates. As a result, if you created your own custom templates, they might not all be totally compatible with SwiftGen 3.0.0 (hence the new major version). Please read the Custom Templates documentation to find out the new Stencil context keys and update your custom templates accordingly.

    If you're using one of the bundled templates, all of them have been updated appropriately.

    • Also if you use Swift 3, and thus use the -t swift3 flag to use the Swift 3 templates, be advised those has been modified to take the latest Swift 3 modifications into account (including naming convensions) so your code might need to be updated according to match the latest Swift 3 recommendations.
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  • 2.0.0(Jun 28, 2016)

    Note: The Stencil context keys (the name of the variables used in templates) for storyboard has changed a bit. Especially, class has been renamed into customClass (see #131) to better describe the intent (as this isn't defined if there is no custom class set in the Storyboard), and new keys isBaseViewController and baseType has been added.

    This means that if you did implement your own custom templates for storyboards (instead of using the bundled ones), you'll have to remplace {{class}} by {{customClass}} in those storyboard templates, otherwise they'll probably stop working as expected. That's the main reason why the version has been bumped to a major version 2.0.0.

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  • 1.1.2(Jun 9, 2016)

  • 1.1.1(Jun 8, 2016)

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