Hive is a lightweight and blazing fast key-value database


Hive Manager

Hive is a lightweight and blazing fast key-value database


  • Cross platform -> mobile, desktop
  • Performance
  • Strong encryption built in

More details in


You should add these packages into pubspec.yaml file like in the screenshot


You can store values as key-value or as a hive object. If you want to store values as an object, you need to define a class that must extends HiveObject and HiveUserObject has a hive type and each variable defined as a hive field.

import 'package:hive/hive.dart';

part 'hive_user.g.dart';

@HiveType(typeId: 1)
class HiveUserObject extends HiveObject {
  int? userId;
  String? firstName;
  String? surname;
  String? userName;
  String? email;

      {this.userId, this.firstName, this.surname, this.userName,});

     json) {
    userId = json['userId'];
    firstName = json['firstName'];
    surname = json['surname'];
    userName = json['userName'];
    email = json['email'];

      toJson() {
    final Map
       data = 
    data['userId'] = userId;
    data['firstName'] = firstName;
    data['surname'] = surname;
    data['userName'] = userName;
    data['email'] = email;
    return data;


After this part, you need to start hive database in main method

void main() async {
  await HiveManager.preferencesInit();

Run these command flutter pub get flutter packages pub run build_runner

After running these command, the type adapter will be created because you defined type adapter in hive object class (part 'hive_user.g.dart');


part of 'hive_user.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// TypeAdapterGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class HiveUserObjectAdapter extends TypeAdapter
  final int typeId = 1;

  HiveUserObject read(BinaryReader reader) {
    final numOfFields = reader.readByte();
    final fields = 
      for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++) reader.readByte():,
    return HiveUserObject(
      userId: fields[0] as int?,
      firstName: fields[1] as String?,
      surname: fields[2] as String?,
      userName: fields[3] as String?,
      email: fields[4] as String?,

  void write(BinaryWriter writer, HiveUserObject obj) {

  int get hashCode => typeId.hashCode;

  bool operator ==(Object other) =>
      identical(this, other) ||
      other is HiveUserObjectAdapter &&
          runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
          typeId == other.typeId;


In the Hive Manager, you need to give your type adapter in preferencesInit method and if you define another hive object, you need to organise methods (add, get...) as below

static preferencesInit() async {
    await Hive.initFlutter();

    final appDocumentDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();


    await openBox();
     addUser(HiveUserObject user) async {
    await _db[1].add(user);

      updateUser(HiveUserObject user, int index) async {
    await _db[1].putAt(index, user);

  HiveUserObject getUser(int index) => _db[1].getAt(index);


If you want to store values as key-value, you need to create a enum that include any information you want to store

enum HiveKeys {

How to use?

  • Store as key-value
await HiveManager.instance.setIntValue(HiveKeys.USERID, form.userId!);
await HiveManager.instance.setStringValue(HiveKeys.FIRSTNAME, form.firstName!);
await HiveManager.instance.setStringValue(HiveKeys.SURNAME, form.surname!);
await HiveManager.instance.setStringValue(HiveKeys.USERNAME, form.userName!);
await HiveManager.instance.setStringValue(HiveKeys.EMAIL,!);
  • Store as an object
final HiveUserObject _hiveUserObject = HiveUserObject();
_hiveUserObject.userId = 0;
_hiveUserObject.firstName =  "Okan";
_hiveUserObject.surname = "Rüzgar";
_hiveUserObject.username =  "Vasseurr"; =  "[email protected]";

//save user as an object
  • Get values as key-value
  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
  children: [
    const Text("Get User Info with key-value"),
    userField("User Id", HiveManager.instance.getIntValue(HiveKeys.USERID), context),
    userField("Username", HiveManager.instance.getStringValue(HiveKeys.USERNAME), context),
    userField("First Name", HiveManager.instance.getStringValue(HiveKeys.FIRSTNAME), context),
    userField("Surname", HiveManager.instance.getStringValue(HiveKeys.SURNAME), context),
    userField("E-mail", HiveManager.instance.getStringValue(HiveKeys.EMAIL), context),
  • Get values as an object
  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
  children: [
    const Text("Get User Info with object"),
    userField("User Id", HiveManager.instance.getUser(0).userId, context),
    userField("Username", HiveManager.instance.getUser(0).userName!, context),
    userField("First Name", HiveManager.instance.getUser(0).firstName!, context),
    userField("Surname", HiveManager.instance.getUser(0).surname!, context),
    userField("E-mail", HiveManager.instance.getUser(0).email!, context),
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