Plugin to access VPN service for Flutter | Flutter 的 VPN 插件


Flutter VPN plugin

Pub Package Awesome Flutter

This plugin help developers to access VPN service in their flutter app.
本插件帮助开发者在自己的应用内调用 VPN 服务。

The Android part was implemented by strongswan which support ikev2 protocol.
The iOS part was implemented by NEVPNManager.

Issues and PRs are welcome!


For Android

Modify your app/build.gradle to use abiFilter since flutter doesn't apply abiFilter for target platform yet.

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                if (!project.hasProperty('target-platform')) {
                    abiFilters 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86_64'
                } else {
                    def platforms ='target-platform').split(',')
                    def platformMap = [
                            'android-arm'  : 'armeabi-v7a',
                            'android-arm64': 'arm64-v8a',
                            'android-x86'  : 'x86',
                            'android-x64'  : 'x86_64',
                    abiFilters ={ e ->
                        platformMap.containsKey(e) ? platformMap[e] : e

The plugin will automatically download pre-build native libraries from here if they haven't been downloaded.

For iOS

You need to open Personal VPN and Network Extensions capabilities in Xcode: see Project->Capabilities.

VPN connection errors are handled in swift code, you need to use Xcode to see connection errors if there is any.

  • When pressing back button on the app brings to home screen and crash

    When pressing back button on the app brings to home screen and crash

    When pressing back button on the app brings to home screen and crash.

    It says:

    App keeps stopping

    Unable to destroy activity com.myapp.testvpn/com.example.testvpn MainActivity): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: io.xdea.flutter_vpn.FlutterVpnPlugin$


    opened by aldwnesx 15
  • every time getting FlutterVpnState.unreachableError status

    every time getting FlutterVpnState.unreachableError status

    Whenever i am trying to connect to any VPN server using this plugin getting unreachableError as status and unable to connect to any VPN. I pinged those servers and checked, they are working fine.

    opened by smobiledev 8
  • App Lunch Failed after installing Release APK

    App Lunch Failed after installing Release APK

    Hi, I am facing a problem when building release apk.

    Whenever I am trying to install release apk generated by running "flutter build apk --release", It crushes before starting.

    But the apk generated from "flutter run --release" seems to work just fine.

    opened by bubundas17 7
  • Release app don't run

    Release app don't run

    Hi, I was trying out the library and it works just fine in debug mode but when I tried to build the apk it builds with an error Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. And the app crash when I tried to open the app.

    If there is fix please let me know. And thank you very much.

    opened by GlitchIO-bd 6
  • Guide on setting up the VPN server

    Guide on setting up the VPN server

    Hey guys,

    I've already setup an IKev2 strongswan vpn server, but the server needs a trusted CA cert, while the plugin can't upload a ca cert.

    any guides on how to setup the IKev2 vpn server that would work with this plugin, server that doesnt need adding a ca cert?

    opened by mfo33 5
  • vpn connection not stopped when force close app

    vpn connection not stopped when force close app

    when i close the app I mean ending the app process.. the vpn is still connected....

    how to fix this when i force close or end app process disconnect vpn?

    opened by aldwnesx 5
  • doesn't work on devices like pixel 2

    doesn't work on devices like pixel 2

    I added the ndk filters as described on read me.

    However when I build appbundle and run it on pixel 2 , it crashes on start up

    drops java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError coudln't find

    opened by aldwnesx 5
  • Not working in iOS

    Not working in iOS


    Example app is not working in iOS. I used latest release version (not master branch).

    I already opened Personal VPN and Network Extensions in capabilities. Status shows "connected" but I don't see any VPN sign. And then I clicked status updated, It's show now "disconnected"

    Btw: It's working well in Android. Same server same config.

    opened by pyaehein 4
  • stop when prepare() called on android 6.1

    stop when prepare() called on android 6.1

    VM environment

    Nexus 6 API 23

    D/AndroidRuntime(15737): Shutting down VM
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): Process: com.example.shadowsock, PID: 15737
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=0, result=0, data=null} to activity {com.example.shadowsock/com.example.shadowsock.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reply already submitted
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at$H.handleMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at$
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Reply already submitted
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at io.flutter.view.FlutterNativeView$1.reply(
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler$1.error(
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at io.xdea.fluttervpn.FlutterVpnPlugin$Companion.onPrepareResult(FlutterVpnPlugin.kt:53)
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at io.xdea.fluttervpn.FlutterVpnPlugin$onMethodCall$1.onActivityResult(FlutterVpnPlugin.kt:64)
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	at
    E/AndroidRuntime(15737): 	... 9 more
    I/Process (15737): Sending signal. PID: 15737 SIG: 9
    Lost connection to device.
    Exited (sigterm)
    opened by shyandsy 4
  • error occur when build release apk

    error occur when build release apk

    PS D:\std> flutter build apk
    Initializing gradle...                                       0.9s
    Resolving dependencies...                                    4.4s
    Gradle task 'assembleRelease'...
    Note: C:\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\\flutter_vpn-0.0.3\android\src\main\java\org\strongswan\android\logic\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    opened by shyandsy 3


    This package works fine in development environment and debug build, but application WILL NOT WORK after build Release so you can't run or upload application in google store, I find out this problem too late after I finished my application development, its too pain.

    Don't waste your time

    opened by realbitt 2
  • NEVPNManager object is invalid ios

    NEVPNManager object is invalid ios

    Runner[36110:3052503] [] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(4, Start error: The VPN configuration associated with the NEVPNManager object is invalid., null, null)

    opened by Caqil 2
  • remoteIdentifier and serverAddress are using the same parma for iOS

    remoteIdentifier and serverAddress are using the same parma for iOS

    I check the VPNHandler.swift, and i found the remoteIdentifier and serverAddress are using the same parma, but some time they are not the same things. Could you add additional parma for remoteIdentifier? Thank you. remoteID

    opened by hanorz 0
  •  Where to find a data retrieval service to connect to a VPN via ikev2

    Where to find a data retrieval service to connect to a VPN via ikev2

    Where to find a data retrieval service to connect to a VPN via ikev2

    I have already looked at many paid services, but there is practically no ikev2 anywhere. If you know a good service where you can buy this data, I will be very grateful for the recommendation.

    opened by xande-er 1
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