A Flutter plugin to access TensorFlow Lite apis.



pub package

A Flutter plugin to access TensorFlow Lite apis. TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow’s lightweight solution for mobile and embedded devices. With TensorFlow Lite you can deploy machine learning models on phones in your Android/iOS app.


Add tensorflow_lite to your pubspec.yaml

Copy your models to an asset dir like assets/mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite And add it to your pubspec.yaml

     - assets/mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite

Import tensorflow_lite in your app

import 'package:tensorflow_lite/tensorflow_lite.dart';

Create a new Interpreter instance based on your tflite model file

Interpreter model = await Interpreter.createInstance(modelFilePath: modelPath);

Pass some bytes to the model to get the output

dynamic result = await _interpreter.run(imageToByteList(image), new Uint8List(_labelList.length));

Image Classification example

tensorflow_lite also includes a wrapper for image classification models which can be easily loaded without much of boilerplate code.

Future<Null> loadRecognitions() async {
    var classifier = await TFLiteImageClassifier.createInstance(
      assets: rootBundle,
      modelPath: "assets/mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite",
      labelPath: "assets/labels.txt",
      inputSize: 224,
    print('Classifier ready');
    var imageBytes = (await rootBundle.load("assets/cat500.png")).buffer;
    img.Image image = img.decodePng(imageBytes.asUint8List());
    image = img.copyResize(image, 224, 224);
    _recognitions = await classifier.recognizeImage(image);
    setState(() {});

    await classifier.close();

Please check the example for full usage.


  • Works only on Android
  • Tested only on image classification


I am new to Flutter and I haven't worked on iOS yet. So if you are an iOS developer, i'd be glad to receive some contribution. Just send a PR or open up an issue!

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  • Await function does not gets execute.

    Await function does not gets execute.

    I have taken the sample example as shown README.md (which is same as mentioned at https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/tensorflow_lite#-example-tab- ) with appropriate instruction.

    When I run the app keeps on loading; when debugged, the below await function gets stuck and does not responds with no output/error message. var classifier = await TFLiteImageClassifier.createInstance( assets: rootBundle, modelPath: "assets/assetsmobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite", labelPath: "assets/labels.txt", inputSize: 224, );

    My pubspec.yaml- `name: ai_edge description: A new Flutter project.

    dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter

    cupertino_icons: ^0.1.0 tensorflow_lite: ^0.0.3 image: ^1.1.32

    dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter

    assets: - assets/mobilenet_quant_v1_224.tflite - assets/cat_Image.jpg- - assets/labels.txt

    flutter: uses-material-design: true `

    Is there something which I missed.

    opened by sachinpatel248 6
  • your sample does it not work

    your sample does it not work

    Hello, I have tried to run your example, but unfortunately it does not work. You have tried it, it works for you ?. Thanks for your time and information.


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