A library to easily handle sequential queueing of futures in dart.

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Easily queue futures and await their values.

This library allows you to send a future to central queue. The queue will execute the futures in the order they are queued and once the future is complete it will return its result.

My use case was to rate limit calls to bluetooth devices. There were multiple bluetooth devices connected that may have different commands being sent from lots of areas in the app. The devices were tripping over themselves and not responding. A stream wasn't the appropriate tool as I needed to get the result back. Hence a library was born.

Alternative use cases could be spidering a website, downloading a number of files, or rate limiting calls to an API.

πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ Shameless plug! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

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The most simple example:

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';

main() async {
  final queue = Queue();

  //Queue up a future and await its result
  final result = await queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));

  //Thats it!

A proof of concept:

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';

main() async {
  //Create the queue container
  final Queue queue = Queue(delay: Duration(milliseconds: 10));
  //Add items to the queue asyncroniously
  queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100)));
  queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));
  //Get a result from the future in line with await
  final result = await queue.add(() async {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1));
    return "Future Complete";
  //100, 10, 1 will reslove in that order.
  result == "Future Complete"; //true

Parallel processing

This doesn't work in batches and will fire the next item as soon as as there is space in the queue Use [Queue(delayed: ...)] to specify a delay before firing the next item

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';

main() async {
  final queue = Queue(parallel: 2);

  //Queue up a future and await its result
  final result1 = await queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));
  final result2 = await queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));

  //Thats it!

On complete

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';

main() async {
  final queue = Queue(parallel: 2);

  //Queue up a couple of futures
  queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));
  queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));

  // Will only resolve when all the queue items have resolved.
  await queue.onComplete;

Rate limiting

You can specify a delay before the next item is fired as per the following example:

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';

main() async {
  final queue = Queue(delay: Duration(milliseconds: 500)); // Set the delay here

  //Queue up a future and await its result
  final result1 = await queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));
  final result2 = await queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));

  //Thats it!


If you need to stop a queue from processing call Queue.cancel();

This will cancel the remaining items in the queue by throwing a QueueCancelledException. A cancelled queue is "dead" and should be recreated. If you try adding items to the queue after you call cancel, it will throw a QueueCancelledException.

If you have no reason to listen to the results of the items, simply call dispose.

If you want to wait until all the items which are inflight complete, call Queue.onComplete first.


If you need to dispose of the queue object (best practice in flutter any any time the queue object will close) simply call queue.dispose();

This is necessary to close the Queue.remainingItems controller.


If you want to query how many items are outstanding in the queue, listen to the Queue.remainingItems stream.

import 'package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart';
final queue = Queue();

final remainingItemsStream = queue.remainingItems.listen((numberOfItems)=>print(numberOfItems));

//Queue up a couple of futures
queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));
queue.add(()=>Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10)));

// Will only resolve when all the queue items have resolved.
await queue.onComplete;
queue.dispose(); // Will clean up any resources in the queue if you are done with it.


Pull requests are welcome. There is a shell script ci_checks.sh that will run the checks to get past CI and also format the code before committing. If that all passes your PR will likely be accepted.

Please write tests to cover your new feature.

  • Wait for all futures before disposing?

    Wait for all futures before disposing?

    Hi, thanks for this useful plugin!

    Would it be possible to add a way to wait on all futures before disposing? I'm using this to queue writes to a file, so it'd be quite helpful as it's important data that needs to be written.

    opened by hacker1024 4
  • identifier to each queue so that the same algorithm is rerun while in process

    identifier to each queue so that the same algorithm is rerun while in process

    Hello, I am implementing this library with the video thumbnail, but I have a problem, which is that sometimes the same element is called 2 times, causing an unnecessary queue to be generated, so I would like for example:

    opened by kevin4dhd 2
  • In readme file Import path is incorrect.

    In readme file Import path is incorrect.

    I am getting error if I user import path as

    import "package:dart_queue/dart_queue.dart";

    It is resolved by keeping path as

    import "package:queue/queue.dart";
    opened by suneeltechnew 1
  • Is this package still maintained?

    Is this package still maintained?

    Hi @rknell, what is the status of the package? Are you actively maintaining it, looking for contributors or something else?

    I noticed that there was no activity in the last months, should we guess that the gin distillery is taking more time than expected? Let us know what kind of support you need here, if any, and/or what is the plan for this package.

    All the best πŸ‘‹

    opened by lucaspal 1
  • Queue swallows StackTraces

    Queue swallows StackTraces

    The queue ignores the stackTrace and doesn't pass it to the completer.


    opened by Bungeefan 0
  • Add generic types + hide implementation

    Add generic types + hide implementation


    Thanks for creating this package, I find it very useful :) I edited your code a little, I thought I could make this PR.

    This PR:

    • Adds generic types. I think they're very necessary for type inference, particularly for the add method.
    • Hides the implementation. In particular, it makes private the following fields: nextCycle, isCancelled, isProcessing. Keeping them public could break the logic if they're modified. It also makes the process function private, I thought it would be better, what do you think?
    • Adds some documentation for public functions and fields.
    opened by axel-op 0
  • Queue.onComplete not return when queue is empty

    Queue.onComplete not return when queue is empty

    I used queue to wait for all requests finished like this:

    var queue = Queue(parallel: 4);
    for (final item in items) {
       if(valid(item)) {
            queue.add(() => _sendRequest(item));
    await queue.onComplete;

    For some reasons, if there is no valid item in for loop, the queue is empty. And in this case it pauses at await queue.onComplete forever. Expect: it should allow to go through next line if queue is empty.

    opened by ductranit 4
  • Specify the maximum size

    Specify the maximum size

    In combination with #6, a way to limit the queue in size would be helpful as well.

    This may be trickier to achieve if items are added from both sides.

    opened by ened 0
  • Feature/priorities


    We needed the option to enqueue tasks with priorities. This is a first shot at it. Let me know what you think.

    • Also fixes obsolete imports in the README.

    First step towards https://github.com/rknell/dart_queue/issues/3

    And one question: Some tests were running very flaky on my machine, namely it should handle an error correctly (also testing oncomplete) fails from time to time with this error message:

    00:32 +5 -1: Queue it should handle an error correctly (also testing oncomplete) [E]                                                                             
      TimeoutException after 0:00:30.000000: Test timed out after 30 seconds. See https://pub.dev/packages/test#timeouts
      dart:isolate  _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage

    Any idea? I am on latest macOS 11.2.1 and this is my flutter doctor:

    [βœ“] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.1, on macOS 11.2.1 20D74 darwin-x64, locale en-GB)
    [βœ“] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3)
    [βœ“] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS
    [βœ—] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find Chrome executable at /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome)
        ! Cannot find Chrome. Try setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE to a Chrome executable.
    [βœ“] Android Studio (version 4.1)
    [βœ“] VS Code (version 1.54.1)
    [βœ“] Connected device (2 available)
    opened by hffmnn 4
  • Inserting item at a specific position in the queue

    Inserting item at a specific position in the queue

    If i for example have five items remaining in the queue is there any way to insert a new future into for example a second position? And thanks for the package, it's really useful!

    opened by logic-and-math 2
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