⚑ Cache Manager A tidy utility to handle cache of your flutter app like a Boss.


⚑ Cache Manager

A tidy utility to handle cache of your flutter app like a Boss. It provides support for both iOS and Android platforms (offcourse).

πŸŽ– Installing

  cache_manager: ^

⚽ Awesome Features

🍧 Cache Utilities

🌟 CacheManagerUtils.conditionalCache({key, valueType, actionIfNull, actionIfNotNull})

  • Conditional builder based on the value of cache. actionIfNull & actionIfNotNull are dynamic arguments used for Navigation through views, Rendering UI, Debugging values etc. The valueType refers to the datatype of cache (StringValue, BoolValue, IntValue, DoubleValue)

🌟 CacheManagerUtils.cacheTextBuilder(textStyle, cacheKey})

  • TextBuilder for the cached value. cacheKey is the key used to address the cache. The builder will return 'Invalid cache' if no cache is missing. Use textStyle to style the value of the cache.

πŸ‘€ Read cache

🌟 ReadCache.getJson(key) : Get JSON stored as cache.

🌟 ReadCache.getString(key) : Get string stored as cache.

🌟 ReadCache.getBool(key) : Get boolean stored as cache.

🌟 ReadCache.getInt(key) : Get integer stored as cache.

🌟 ReadCache.getDouble(key) : Get double stored as cache.

πŸ–Š Write cache

🌟 WriteCache.setJson(key,value) : Set JSON as cache.

🌟 WriteCache.setString(key,value) : Set a string as cache.

🌟 WriteCache.setInt(key,value) : Set an integer as cache.

🌟 WriteCache.setBool(key,value) : Set a boolean as cache.

🌟 WriteCache.setDouble(key,value) : Set a double as cache.

🌟 WriteCache.setListString(key,value) : Set a List of string as cache.

❌ Delete cache

🌟 DeleteCache.deleteKey(key,[takeAction]) : Delete the cache and perform an action when cache is deleted(Optional).

Example : Login flow with caching userID

_SplashViewState(); } class _SplashViewState extends State { Future initiateCache() async { return CacheManagerUtils.conditionalCache( key: "cache", valueType: ValueType.StringValue, actionIfNull: () { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(AppRoutes.LoginRoute); }, actionIfNotNull: () { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(AppRoutes.HomeRoute); }); } @override void initState() { Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), initiateCache); super.initState(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Text("demo app"), ), ); } } //Home view import 'package:cache_manager/core/cache_manager_utils.dart'; import 'package:cache_manager/core/delete_cache_service.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class HomeView extends StatefulWidget { @override _HomeViewState createState() => _HomeViewState(); } class _HomeViewState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: CacheManagerUtils.cacheTextBuilder( textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), cacheKey: "cache"), ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( onPressed: () { DeleteCache.deleteKey( "cache", Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(AppRoutes.LoginRoute)); }, ), ); } }">
//Attached function in a login view
Future<String?> login({
    required BuildContext context,
    required String email,
    required String password,
  }) async {
    try {
      var userId = await _authenticationService.login(
          context: context, email: email, password: password);
      await WriteCache.setString(key: "cache", value: userId!);
    } catch (e) {
      print(e); //Do something if error occurs
//Splash view
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cache_manager/cache_manager.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class SplashView extends StatefulWidget {
  _SplashViewState createState() => _SplashViewState();

class _SplashViewState extends State<SplashView> {
  Future initiateCache() async {
    return CacheManagerUtils.conditionalCache(
        key: "cache",
        valueType: ValueType.StringValue,
        actionIfNull: () {
        actionIfNotNull: () {

  void initState() {
    Timer(Duration(seconds: 1), initiateCache);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Text("demo app"),

//Home view
import 'package:cache_manager/core/cache_manager_utils.dart';
import 'package:cache_manager/core/delete_cache_service.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class HomeView extends StatefulWidget {
  _HomeViewState createState() => _HomeViewState();

class _HomeViewState extends State<HomeView> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: CacheManagerUtils.cacheTextBuilder(
            textStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), cacheKey: "cache"),
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () {
              "cache", Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(AppRoutes.LoginRoute));

❀ Loved the utility? Donate here.

πŸš€ Want to learn more about Flutter? Checkout this out!

πŸ’₯ DM me on Instagram for doubts Follow here

πŸ› Bugs/Requests

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.

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