Provides API to generate Dart source code



DartWriter provides API to generate Dart source code. It can make your job easier while developing flutter/dart tools. You can also generate Flutter UI code.

Hello World Example

var context = EditorContext(enableDartFormatter: true);
var code = Method(
  name: 'main',
  returnType: 'void',
  statements: [
      argument: Argument([
        ArgumentItem("'Hello World!'")

Generated as below:

void main() {
  print('Hello World!');
  return 0;

Flutter Stateless Widget Example


  "as": "Scaffold",
  "appBar": {
    "as": "AppBar",
    "title": {
      "as": "Text",
      "params": [
    "centerTitle": "false"
  "body": {
    "as": "Center",
    "child": {
      "as": "Row",
      "children": [
          "as": "Icon",
          "params": ["Icons.add"],
          "color": ""
          "as": "Text",
          "params": ["'Ahmet'"],
          "textAlign": ""


var context = EditorContext(enableDartFormatter: true);
var dartHelper = DartHelper.instance;
Map map = jsonDecode(json);

var homePage = Class('HomePage',
  baseClass: 'StatelessWidget',
  methods: [
      name: 'build',
      returnType: 'Widget',
      param: Parameter([
        ParameterItem('BuildContext context'),
      statements: [ Return(dartHelper.getCodeFromMap(map)) ]


Generated ui code:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Ahmet'), centerTitle: false),
        body: Center(
            child: Row(children: [
          Icon(Icons.add, color:,
          Text('Ahmet', textAlign:


In the pubspec.yaml of your Flutter / Dart project, add the following dependency:

  dart_writer: any

In your library file add the following import:

import 'package:dart_writer/dart_writer.dart';

API Documentation


  name: 'getMin',
  returnType: 'int',
  statements: [
    Assign('var num1', '5'),
    Assign('var num2', '10'),
    If(condition: 'num1 < num2', statements: [Return('num1')]),
    ElseIf(condition: 'num1 == num2', statements: [Return('num1')]),
    Else(statements: [Return('num2')])

Generated code:

int getMin() {
  var num1 = 5;
  var num2 = 10;
  if (num1 < num2) {
    return num1;
  } else if (num1 == num2) {
    return num1;
  } else {
    return num2;


  name: 'loops',
  returnType: 'void',
  statements: [
    For('i = 0', 'i < 5', 'i++',
      statements: [RawCode('print(i);')]
    ForEach('item', 'userList',
      statements: [
    While('i < 5',
      statements: [ RawCode('print(i);'), Assign('i', 'i + 1')]

Generated code:

void loops() {
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  for (var item in userList) { 
    return UserCard(item);     
  while (i < 5) {
    i = i + 1;


Method(name: 'do', returnType: 'int',
  statements: [
    Assign('var i', '5'),
    Assign('var name', Call('getName')),

Generated code:

int do() {
  var i = 5;
  var name = getName();
  return i;

OOP Concepts


Parameter Description Output
String className Class Name class Bird
bool isAbstract? Generating abstract class if value is true abstract class Animal or class Animal
List? more than one constructor can be defined Singleton._init() , Singleton({this.a}) : super(a)
String? baseClass extends to base class class Bird extends Animal
List? mixins indicates the use of mixins class Bird with Feather, Walk
List? interfaces implements interface class Bird implements Flyable, Crowable
List? attributes; attributes of class final String name;
List? methods; all methods of class such as Method, Getters, Settters final String name;


Parameter Description Output
String className Class Name class Singleton
String consturctorName? if value is null Default constructor. if not value, named constructor. Singleton._init() , Singleton({this.a})
Parameter? param Constructor parameters Singleton({required this.a}), Singleton(this.a, {this.b})
String? superArgument call constructor of base class Singleton(this.a) : super(a)
String? modifier modifier of constructor such as factory factory Singleton()


Parameter Description Output
String name Attribute Name name
String type Attribute type String name
String? modifiers Attribute modifiers final String name
String? value initialize value to attribute final String name = 'Ahmet'



Parameter Description Output
String name Method Name walk
String returnType? Return type void walk
Parameter? param Method parameters void walk({required int step})
bool? isAsync is async method? void walk({required int step}) async {}
String? modifier Modifier of method such as static static void walk
List? statements body of method. Code here...


Parameter Description Output
String name Getter Name get walk
String returnType? Return type void get walk
String? modifier Modifier of method such as static static void get name
List? statements body of method. Code here...


Parameter Description Output
String name Getter Name set name
String param? Return type set name(String name)
List? statements body of method. Code here...

Example Class Code:

  baseClass: 'Animal',
  interfaces: ['Flyable', 'Crowable'],
  mixins: ['Feather', 'Walk'],
  attributes: <Attribute> [
    Attribute(modifiers: 'final', type: 'String', name: 'name'),
  constructors: <Constructor> [
      className: 'Bird',
      constructorName: 'fromName',
      param: Parameter([ParameterItem('', isRequired: true, isNamed: true)]),
        superArgument: Argument([ArgumentItem('name')])
  methods: [
      name: 'onFly',
      returnType: 'double',
      param: Parameter([ParameterItem('double height')]),
      statements: [Return('height * 2')]

Generated code:

class Bird extends Animal with Feather, Walk implements Flyable, Crowable {   
  final String name;

  Bird.fromName({required}) : super(name);

  double onFly(double height) {        
    return height * 2;


Parameter Description Output
String name Interface Name interface Flyable
String? baseClass extends class interface Flyable extends Breathable
List? prototypes abstract methods of interface void doFly();

Example Interface

    baseClass: 'Breathable',
    prototypes: [
      Method(name: 'doFly', returnType: 'void')

Generated code:

abstract class Flyable extends Breathable {
  void doFly();


Expression Example Code Output
Annotation Annotation('override') @override
Import Import('package:dart_writer/dart_writer.dart', as: 'writer') import 'package:dart_writer/dart_writer.dart' as writer;
Enum Enum('Roles', enums: ['USER', 'ADMIN', 'DEVELOPER']) enum Roles { USER, ADMIN, DEVELOPER }
Paramter Parameter([ParameterItem('String name', isNamed: true, isRequired: true)]) {required String name}
Argument Argument([ArgumentItem("'Star'", name:'surname']) surname: 'Star'
RawCode RawCode('var name = user?.name ?? "'ahmet'"') [Output]: var name = user?.name ?? 'ahmet'


  • Unit Tests
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