✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨


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This is a specification for recognizing contributors to an open source project in a way that rewards each and every contribution, not just code.

The basic idea is this:

Use the project README (or another prominent public documentation page in the project) to recognize the contributions of members of the project community.

People are giving themselves and their free time to contribute to open source projects in so many ways, so we believe everyone should be praised for their contributions (code or not).

The All Contributors Table

Below is an example of how using the all-contributors spec table can recognize all contributors

All Contributors Table Screenshot

You can use the @all-contributors bot 🤖 to automate acknowledging contributors to your open source projects


The specification is detailed on allcontributors.org

Emoji key

The Emoji Key (and Contribution Types) can be found on allcontributors.org


If you've ever wanted to contribute to open source, and a great cause, now is your chance!

See the contributing docs for more information


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Kent C. Dodds

💬 📖 👀 📢

Jeroen Engels

📖 👀 🔧

Jake Bolam

📖 🔧 🚇 🚧 👀 💬

Tyler Benning

🚧 💻 🎨

Jeff Wen

🚧 👀

Maximilian Berkmann

🌍 📖 🚧 👀 📢

Matheus Rocha Vieira

🌍 💻 📖

Robert Lluberes



📖 🌍

Wenqing Xue


Divjot Singh

📖 👀

Ben Briggs

📖 👀

James Monger


Chris Simpkins

📖 👀

F. Hemberger


Daniel Kraft


Mayank Badola

📖 🔧

Marco Biedermann


Itai Steinherz


Patrick Connolly


Nikola Đuza


Demian Dekoninck


Michael Peyper


David Sima

📖 🌍





Maryam Pazirandeh


Cassandra Venere




Sung Kim

🌍 📖

Thomas Brok




Megumi Aliya




Sylvain Pace


Peter Hürlimann


Thiago Delgado Pinto


Rogerio Prado de Jesus


Tobias Andersen




João Pedro Raskopf


Edwin Vargas




John Murphy


Kirstie Whitaker


Patryk Peas

📖 🌍 💻





nils måsén


Masato Urai (@uraway_)


Kyle Holmberg


Simon Aronsson




Jérémie Astor


Rachel M. Carmena




César Richard

📖 📓



Mudassar Ali


Andrew Mason


Mauro M.


Nicolas Goutay


William Entriken




Stefano Moia


Adam Tuttle




Ilaï Deutel


Hendrik Brummermann


Sang Lostrie




Ivan Paulovich


Jake Wiesler


Micael Jarniac


Markus Löning


Austin Huang


Nils Andresen






Ali Torki


Josh Soref


Ikko Ashimine




Cornelius Roemer


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!



  • Build a bot

    Build a bot

    I think it's clear that there's interest in the all-contributors spec. There are 259 .all-contributorsrc files on GitHub!

    I think that even more people would receive the gratitude they deserve if we had a bot to automate things for us. My vision is I could open an issue or even comment on an issue or pull request with something like:

    Hey @AllContributorsBot, please add @soandso to contributors for answering questions and helping with docs

    And magic would happen. Anyone wanna do this?!?!?!

    help wanted priority: critical 
    opened by kentcdodds 43
  • Emoji title

    Emoji title

    I think it would be better when hover on some emoji on generated list of all contributors to show what that emoji means. Because currently it shows the code for emoji (for example, :eyes:), which kinda force you to navigate to the space (almost always, until you learn all of them ;d) to see what it means.

    opened by tunnckoCore 34
  • docs: add guide for moving contributors table

    docs: add guide for moving contributors table

    What: Fixed #553

    Why: Easier guide for new maintainers using the Bot in separating the contributors table from the README.md file.

    How: Added more info for moving contributors table to another file.


    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Ready to be merged
    • [ ] Added myself to contributors table. Bot Usage
    opened by hanisirfan 20
  • Use all-contributors-cli to generate contributors list

    Use all-contributors-cli to generate contributors list

    Update README.md and .all-contributorsrc to use all-contributors-cli v2.0.0. It is currently in beta (npm i -g all-contributors-cli@beta).

    • Contributors are listed in .all-contributorsrc, next to the generation settings.
    • The generator uses the contributor list in .all-contributorsrc to generate the list of contributors (using all-contributors generate)
    • If you want to modify the data of a contributor, do it in the rc file, then run the generator again.
    • If you want to add a contributor, run all-contributors add <githublogin> <contributions>. For example all-contributors add kentcdodds doc,review. The contributor's data will be fetched from GitHub, and the avatar will link to his "blog" if available, otherwise to his github page).
    • The badge count is updated at every generation.
    • The tool uses comment tags, like <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START --><!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END --> to find where to inject the contributor list and the badge list.
    • I have added the possibility to define custom templates for most of the generations
    • It's possible to configure the tool to go update multiple files, like README.md and CONTRIBUTORS.md. If for example, there is only the badge in the former and the contributor list in the latter, both will be updated (as long as the appropriate comment tags are present).

    Let me know what you think!

    Preview of the README here

    opened by jfmengels 18
  • Adding

    Adding "data" emoji for collected data

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I discovered all-contributors thanks to tedana, a package for neuroimaging data analysis. I'm trying to implement it for phys2bids, another package for neuroimaging related data handling. I hope this is not too similar to #63 , but the thing is that "content" as specified now doesn't seem to cover those people who collect data and contribute to a project in that way. Also, it might be useful to distinguish between data for testing and data for "consumption".

    Describe the solution you'd like It would be nice to either update the definition of "content" contributors, or to add a new entry for "data" contributor (that doesn't seem too bounded to text production).

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    Additional context It would even be better to have two entries, one for generic "data" and one for "data for tests".

    enhancement discussion status: accepted 
    opened by smoia 17
  • Consider a more explicit and simpler contributor acknowledgment workflow for project maintainers and contributors

    Consider a more explicit and simpler contributor acknowledgment workflow for project maintainers and contributors

    My workflow for acknowledgment of user efforts currently includes a scan of included issue reports and pull requests with each new release, followed by an update of the project CONTRIBUTORS.md file. I attempt to link contributor GitHub accounts with their name on the CONTRIBUTORS.md page. This is a time consuming manual task for projects with a low-moderate number of contributors and I would venture to guess it is not a sustainable model for projects with large numbers of contributors who meet these criteria. My acknowledgment workflow includes far less information/modification of the contributors page than you propose here. I would consider modifying your spec to support the following:

    1. encourage contributors to pull request their own information into the acknowledgment section/page that you specify
    2. include an information page that explicitly defines the project specific contribution levels that meet criteria for inclusion as a contributor

    This has been an issue for us in the Hack project where source code commits are a very minor component of the intellectual/design/development contributions that have occurred in the project and therefore acknowledgment of these efforts is an entirely manual process outside of the contributors list provided by GitHub. I've chosen to be very inclusive in the level of contribution necessary to be considered a project contributor because I highly value this input and it leads to modifications/improvements in the project. In my opinion, the acknowledgment is both appropriate and important for this project. If someone else were maintaining this project or a similar type of project, the criteria could be very different. IMO, a contributor is entitled to this information and I look forward to how you approach this issue as guidance for those of us who maintain open source projects.

    As a project maintainer, I want to commit to the acknowledgement of, and actually acknowledge, contributions according to your specifications, but it needs to be feasible to do so when the proposal is a manual task like you suggest here. As a contributor to other projects, I want to understand the type of contribution that is necessary to be included as a project contributor and expect that contributions of my time at these levels are appropriately acknowledged. I think that you have the opportunity to try to bridge that divide here.

    Kudos to you for this effort.

    opened by chrissimpkins 17
  • New Accessibility (a11y) emoji key

    New Accessibility (a11y) emoji key

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    On https://github.com/theodo/falco, we are seeing a few contributors reporting a11y issues and/or pushing a11y-related pull requests. I feel like those contributions should be properly rewarded by a specific emoji key.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    A new emoji key, called a11y or accessibility:

    Emoji/Type | Represents | Comments :---: | :---: | :---: ♿️
    a11y | Accessibility | Reporting or working on accessibility issues

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    I’m not convinced by my choice of emoji, here are a few other suggestions: 🕊🙌✨

    enhancement discussion 
    opened by phacks 16
  • New Markdown collaborator list templates

    New Markdown collaborator list templates

    PR includes:

    • New examples/markdown.md Markdown template gallery + collaborator list markup to simplify manual implementation and provide recommended collaborator list examples
    • New link from README.md to the examples/markdown.md page
    opened by chrissimpkins 16
  • Question: badge is not updated automatically

    Question: badge is not updated automatically

    I don't think this is exactly a bug (as I see this working fine in other projects), but I can't get the "all contributors" badge automatically updated properly in my repo, so I guess something is wrong in my config but I can't find what is it.

    This is my repo. I set it up first with the CLI and then switched to the bot, I don't know if that could affect the badge but the bot modified some stuff added from the CLI so I assumed everything was fine. I have checked the docs and the only thing I can find related to the badge is the config to customize the template, but I suppose I don't need to set that.

    Can you help me with this? Thanks :)

    priority: medium status: waiting for feedback 
    opened by Belco90 15
  • PR another branch except master branch

    PR another branch except master branch

    I'd like to suggest an option on which target branch to choose when PR. Currently using @all-contributors add command, only push the master branch.

    How would you think about this?

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by MrSyee 15
  • [WIP] Replace emoji in title to aliases

    [WIP] Replace emoji in title to aliases

    Probably it could help to https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors/pull/22#issuecomment-191134970 and https://github.com/kentcdodds/all-contributors/pull/22#issuecomment-191260240.

    opened by ewnd9 14
  • Adding wrapperTemplate docs

    Adding wrapperTemplate docs


    Fixes #85

    Accomplished by adding support for wrapper configuration, linked to https://github.com/all-contributors/cli/pull/348

    Why: In markdown implementations, styling isnt supported such that a minimalist version is limited. This wrapper configuration allows users to use different wrapping tags that can result in more minimalistic styles without css.

    How: Providing configuration for custom wrapping tags instead of enforcing only table tags


    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Ready to be merged
    • [ ] Added myself to contributors table. Bot Usage
    opened by jdalrymple 0
  • docs: prefer dynamic badge over bot-updated static badge (#406)

    docs: prefer dynamic badge over bot-updated static badge (#406)

    What: updates the badge documentation to prefer the dynamic badge (h/t @JoeIzzard) over the bot-managed static badge.

    • #406

    Why: there have been problems related to the static badge (for example, as of this writing the live README's static badge says 54, but it should say 98), and it does not support custom styling that survives the bot-managed update.

    How: updates docs. Intentionally does not drop support for the bot-managed badge.


    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Ready to be merged
    • [ ] Added myself to contributors table. Bot Usage
      • Looks like the maintainers have been managing this with comments in contributor PRs. In addition to adding me if this PR is accepted, consider adding JoelIzzard for his contributing the All Contributors shield to Shields https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors/issues/406?show_full=true#issue-630711906
    opened by olets 0
  • [Feature Request] [Question] Support for CITATION.cff?

    [Feature Request] [Question] Support for CITATION.cff?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. CFF is GitHub's standard to maintain a project's citation meta data. Its section on the repository authors is basically a list of contributors. Thus, I would like to maintain that list by this bot.

    Describe the solution you'd like Please consider to add support for CFF. The format is based on YAML 1.2, the list of authors I would like to have it maintained by the bot is an array of person and entity objects named authors, given at the top level of the YAML hierarchy.

    Describe alternatives you've considered Maybe CFF is already supported and I just failed to find the corresponding section in the documentation; if so, I would like to ask you to please provide me a link to the respective section.

    Additional context

    • the CFF main repository: https://github.com/citation-file-format/citation-file-format
    • the definition of CFF: https://github.com/citation-file-format/citation-file-format/blob/main/schema.json
    opened by kevinmatthes 2
  • The bot thinks someone has been added already, if a request was made, but then deleted

    The bot thinks someone has been added already, if a request was made, but then deleted

    Describe the bug The bot thinks someone has been added already, if a request was made, but then deleted. https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/pull/2375#issuecomment-1318041822 Deleting the old branch, which hadn't been merged, and was linked to a closed PR already, solved the issue.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. @all-contributors please add @X for Y
    2. Close PR without merging
    3. @all-contributors please add @X for Y
    4. @all-contributors: "@X already contributed before to Y"

    Expected behavior The bot should ideally be looking at the .all-contributorsrc to work out who has previously been added, which this suggests it isn't

    opened by da5nsy 0
  • Responsive grid

    Responsive grid

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I get frustrated that:

    • Each commit to add a new contributor is a rather large commit because of the way the HTML is set up (example)
    • The grid on the readme is not responsive so when it is viewed on a small screen the right-most columns get cut off

    Describe the solution you'd like

    A system whereby the grid was made responsive such that when a new user was added, it didn't change the whole grid (and also so that it looks nice).

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    We could turn off alphabetic ordering for our grid, and that would be a partial solution.

    Additional context

    I've mocked up a hacky idea here. I don't really know HTML/CSS, and so this is probably as far as I can push this, but I think there might be something there that others might be able to use for inspiration. It's based on a combo of this and this. (For some reason, the image links aren't working 🤷 )

    opened by da5nsy 2
  • Two PRs are created instead of one: the first one is incorrect, the second one is as expected

    Two PRs are created instead of one: the first one is incorrect, the second one is as expected

    Describe the bug Two PRs are created instead of one. The first one is irrelevant (wrong username and wrong emoji key) while the second one (which got created after manually closing the first one) gets created correctly.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: it is unclear how this can be reproduced, but here's a link to the issue where the bug happened.

    1. Add a contributor from a recently closed issue using the exact same phrasing as per the docs: @all-contributors please add @<username> for bug

    Expected behavior A single PR should be created, i.e. this one.

    Screenshots Here, it can be seen that two PRs were created. Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 18 10 50

    Additional context Here's what happened for the above screenshot to have gotten to where it is (timezone in CDT):

    1. 5:52pm: the command @all-contributors please add @<username> for bug is invoked from a comment inside an issue.
    2. 5:52pm: the first (incorrect) PR is created.
    3. 5:54pm: the same PR is closed in this comment as it was irrelevant.
    4. 5:54pm: a new PR is created, this one is OK.
    5. 5:55pm: that second PR is merged.
    6. 5:55pm: all-contributors bot added a comment linking to the two PRs it created. It says Please make sure to use valid contribution names, however the original request was for the emoji bug, which is listed in the Emoji Key table.

    We have benefited tremendously from all-contributors so far in the above linked repo! Thank you very much! 🙂

    bug bug:confirmed 
    opened by sglavoie 5
All Contributors
✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨
All Contributors
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