Flutter package: Json Table Widget to create table from json array


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This Flutter package provides a Json Table Widget for directly showing table from a json(Map). Supports Column toggle also.

Live Demo: https://apgapg.github.io/json_table/

Live Data Testing: https://apgapg.github.io/json_table/#/customData


  • The table constructed isn't the flutter's native DataTable.
  • The table is manually coded hence serves a great learning purpose on how to create simple tables manually in flutter
  • Supports vertical & horizontal scroll
  • Supports custom columns includes default value, column name, value builder
  • Supports nested data showing
  • Supports pagination
  • Supports row select color, callback

JsonTable JsonTable JsonTable JsonTable JsonTable JsonTable

πŸ’» Installation

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:


  json_table: <latest version>

❔ Usage

Import this class

import 'package:json_table/json_table.dart';

- Vanilla Implementation

//Decode your json string
final String jsonSample='[{"id":1},{"id":2}]';
var json = jsonDecode(jsonSample);

//Simply pass this json to JsonTable
child: JsonTable(json)

- Implementation with HEADER and CELL widget builders

   tableHeaderBuilder: (String header) {
     return Container(
       padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 4.0),
       decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(width: 0.5),color: Colors.grey[300]),
       child: Text(
         textAlign: TextAlign.center,
         style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w700, fontSize: 14.0,color: Colors.black87),
   tableCellBuilder: (value) {
     return Container(
       padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 4.0, vertical: 2.0),
       decoration: BoxDecoration(border: Border.all(width: 0.5, color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5))),
       child: Text(
         textAlign: TextAlign.center,
         style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1.copyWith(fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.grey[900]),

Head over to example code: simple_table.dart

- Implementation with custom COLUMNS list

  • Pass custom column list to control what columns are displayed in table
  • The list item must be constructed using JsonTableColumn class
  • JsonTableColumn provides 4 parameters, namely,
JsonTableColumn("age", label: "Eligible to Vote", valueBuilder: eligibleToVote, defaultValue:"NA")
  • First parameter is the field/key to pick from the data
  • label: The column header label to be displayed
  • defaultValue: To be used when data or key is null
  • valueBuilder: To get the formatted value like date etc


//Decode your json string
final String jsonSample='[{"name":"Ram","email":"[email protected]","age":23,"DOB":"1990-12-01"},'
                              '{"name":"Shyam","email":"[email protected]","age":18,"DOB":"1995-07-01"},'
                              '{"name":"John","email":"[email protected]","age":10,"DOB":"2000-02-24"},'
var json = jsonDecode(jsonSample);
//Create your column list
var columns = [
      JsonTableColumn("name", label: "Name"),
      JsonTableColumn("age", label: "Age"),
      JsonTableColumn("DOB", label: "Date of Birth", valueBuilder: formatDOB),
      JsonTableColumn("age", label: "Eligible to Vote", valueBuilder: eligibleToVote),
      JsonTableColumn("email", label: "E-mail", defaultValue: "NA"),
//Simply pass this column list to JsonTable
child: JsonTable(json,columns: columns)

//Example of valueBuilder
String eligibleToVote(value) {
    if (value >= 18) {
      return "Yes";
    } else
      return "No";

Head over to example code: custom_column_table.dart

- Implementation with nested data list

Suppose your json object has nested data like email as shown below:

{"name":"Ram","email":{"1":"[email protected]"},"age":23,"DOB":"1990-12-01"}
  • Just use email.1 instead of email as key
JsonTableColumn("email.1", label: "Email", defaultValue:"NA")


//Decode your json string
final String jsonSample='[{"name":"Ram","email":{"1":"[email protected]"},"age":23,"DOB":"1990-12-01"},'
                               '{"name":"Shyam","email":{"1":"[email protected]"},"age":18,"DOB":"1995-07-01"},'
                               '{"name":"John","email":{"1":"[email protected]"},"age":10,"DOB":"2000-02-24"}]';
var json = jsonDecode(jsonSample);
//Create your column list
var columns = [
      JsonTableColumn("name", label: "Name"),
      JsonTableColumn("age", label: "Age"),
      JsonTableColumn("DOB", label: "Date of Birth", valueBuilder: formatDOB),
      JsonTableColumn("age", label: "Eligible to Vote", valueBuilder: eligibleToVote),
      JsonTableColumn("email.1", label: "E-mail", defaultValue: "NA"),
//Simply pass this column list to JsonTable
child: JsonTable(json,columns: columns)

Head over to example code: custom_column_nested_table.dart

Column toggle

Option for toggling column(s) also. User can customise which columns are to be shown

 showColumnToggle: true


Row Highlighting

Add row highlighting with custom color support


allowRowHighlight: true,
rowHighlightColor: Colors.yellow[500].withOpacity(0.7),

Row Select Callback

Get the index and data map of a particular selected row. Note index might return incorrect value in case of pagination

onRowSelect: (index, map) {


Just provide an int value to paginationRowCount parameter


paginationRowCount: 4,


  • Custom header list parameter. This will help to show only those keys as mentioned in header list
  • Add support for keys missing in json object
  • Add support for auto formatting of date
  • Extracting column headers logic must be change. Not to depend on first object
  • Nested data showing support
  • Row highlight support
  • Row select callback
  • Wrap filters in expansion tile
  • Pagination support
  • Add option to change header row to vertical row on left

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πŸ‘ Contribution

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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  • I can't able to load json data from url

    I can't able to load json data from url

    can you please help me to load data from api request i tried many but i can't able to load data from dynamic data please help me waiting for your fast response...

    opened by parthvirani95 7
  • Exception:  ' " while response data from stream">

    Exception: "type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'List' " while response data from stream

    Screen Shot 2019-11-24 at 2 05 43 PM The exception logged while call JsonTable(json) inside StreamBuilder. it is run well while stand alone (the commented code). It make me 4 hours, and I am stuck right now.
    opened by ntancnit 5
  • http request sample needed

    http request sample needed

    Can someone provide me sample of how to get jason from web then display please.

    the widget is really useful i will use it in my project but I was tried to show json from the web but it failed, need a good short sample thank you.

    opened by singnoi 3
  • When we have nested json data then json converted to String

    When we have nested json data then json converted to String

    String getFormattedValue(dynamic value) { if (value == null) return column?.defaultValue ?? ''; if (column?.valueBuilder != null) { return column.valueBuilder(value); } return value.toString(); }

    in Code you have return value.toString(); this cause error but if i am using only return value can work perfect for me for nested json please fix this.

    opened by shubh-151410 3
  • Different table height when korean was inserted.

    Different table height when korean was inserted.


    Hi guys. Today I used this library for make a table from json file.

    But I have some problems like this.

    There was okay If there is only numbers and english. But if korean is inserted, its height change different.

    How can I fix it?

    opened by herbcookey 2
  • RangeError (index): Invalid value: Only valid value is 0: 4

    RangeError (index): Invalid value: Only valid value is 0: 4

    Hi guys! How are you?

    The component is great and works perfect. But i'm having trouble now:

    I am showing a json on the screen and when wanting with a button to load another of smaller size, this error appears:

    RangeError (index): Invalid value: Only valid value is 0: 4 The relevant error-causing widget was JsonTable

    But if with the button I load another one of greater size the problem does not happen

    Could you help me please?

    opened by dukenebur 2
  • importing local json file to use in json table widget

    importing local json file to use in json table widget

    i am getting an issue: 'Future' is not a subtyoe of type 'List

    code :

    import 'dart:convert';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:json_table/json_table.dart';
    class SewingHourlyProduction extends StatefulWidget {
      _SewingHourlyProductionState createState() => _SewingHourlyProductionState();
    class _SewingHourlyProductionState extends State<SewingHourlyProduction> {
      Future<dynamic> loadValue () async {    
        String jsonData = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString("assets/HPR.json"); 
        final jsonResult = jsonDecode(jsonData);
        return jsonResult;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        dynamic json = loadValue();
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Hourly Production Report')),
          body: Container(
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                showColumnToggle: true,
                tableHeaderBuilder: (String header) {
                          return Container(
                            padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                                horizontal: 8.0, vertical: 4.0),
                            decoration: BoxDecoration(
                                border: Border.all(width: 0.5),
                                color: Colors.grey[300]),
                            child: Text(
                              textAlign: TextAlign.center,
                              style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1.copyWith(
                                  fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
                                  fontSize: 14.0,
                                  color: Colors.black87),
                        tableCellBuilder: (value) {
                          return Container(
                            padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                                horizontal: 4.0, vertical: 2.0),
                            decoration: BoxDecoration(
                                border: Border.all(
                                    width: 0.5,
                                    color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.5))),
                            child: Text(
                              textAlign: TextAlign.center,
                              style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1.copyWith(
                                  fontSize: 14.0, color: Colors.grey[900]),
                        allowRowHighlight: true,
                        rowHighlightColor: Colors.yellow[500].withOpacity(0.7),
                        paginationRowCount: 4,
    opened by sambitraze 2
  • Showing array from array: Error

    Showing array from array: Error

    The error say:

    Unhandled Exception: type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'int' of 'index'

    My Json :

    "listaGobernanciaPorPiso": [ { "piso": 1, "habitacionesEnPiso": 6, "pasajerosEnPiso": 8, "detalleHabitacion": [ { "habitacion": 2, "pasajerosEnHabitacion": 2, "titular": "JORGE ENRIQUE FERNANDEZ ", "fechaIn": "17-06-2019", "fechaOut": "21-06-2019" } ] }, { "piso": 2, "habitacionesEnPiso": 1, "pasajerosEnPiso": 1, "detalleHabitacion": [ { "habitacion": 10, "pasajerosEnHabitacion": 1, "titular": "ROBERT TAYLOR ", "fechaIn": "18-06-2019", "fechaOut": "23-06-2019" } ] } ],

    So, this is possible with this library? or the problem is when extract the json?


    And when extract only this:


    No showing error, but all data is empty. Screen Shot 2019-09-09 at 10 29 41 PM

    Can help me?

    opened by xhidnoda 2
  • Type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'List<dynamic>'

    Type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'List'

    Hello...thanks for the library!!

    But i have a problem with my own json. I pass this json to JsonTable as parameter and i use this columns:

    widget.columns = [ JsonTableColumn("titularNombres", label: "Titular Nombre"), JsonTableColumn("titularApellidos", label: "Titular Apellido"), JsonTableColumn("usuarioReserva", label: "Usuario Reserva", defaultValue: "NA"), ];


    { "estado": "OK", "razon": "TRANSACCION CORRECTA", "response": { "data": { "consultaReservaResponse": [ { "numeroReserva": 5575, "titularApellidos": "XXXX", "titularNombres": "XXXX", "fechaDesdeReserva": "02-06-2019", "estadoReserva": "R", "paisOrigenTitular": "PARAGUAY", "formaDePago": "EFECTIVO", "fechaHastaReserva": "02-06-2019", "solicitanteReserva": "XXXX", "formaDeReserva": "Via Email", "usuarioReserva": "XXXX", "nroConfirmacionReserva": 5086 }, { "numeroReserva": 5528, "titularApellidos": "XXXX", "titularNombres": "XXXX", "fechaDesdeReserva": "02-06-2019", "estadoReserva": "R", "paisOrigenTitular": "IRLANDA", "formaDePago": "EFECTIVO", "fechaHastaReserva": "12-06-2019", "solicitanteReserva": "XXXX", "formaDeReserva": "Via Email", "usuarioReserva": "XXXXX", "nroConfirmacionReserva": 5041 } ] } }, "token": "XXXXX", "ts": "2019-08-14 13:37:24" }

    And i get this error: Type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'List'

    Can anyone help me? Thaks!

    opened by xhidnoda 2
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 31% πŸŽ‰


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_512.png | 14.45kb | 9.69kb | 32.93% | | /src/ss3.png | 175.97kb | 119.47kb | 32.11% | | /src/ss4.png | 243.34kb | 165.71kb | 31.90% | | /src/ss6.png | 246.59kb | 168.16kb | 31.81% | | /src/ss5.png | 261.02kb | 178.52kb | 31.61% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024.png | 45.89kb | 31.58kb | 31.18% | | /src/ss1.png | 174.66kb | 121.79kb | 30.27% | | /src/ss2.png | 229.23kb | 162.36kb | 29.17% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_16.png | 1.40kb | 1.00kb | 28.62% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_256.png | 5.79kb | 4.27kb | 26.23% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_128.png | 3.20kb | 2.60kb | 18.77% | | /example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/[email protected] | 10.85kb | 10.68kb | 1.62% | | | | | | | Total : | 1,412.40kb | 975.84kb | 30.91% |

    πŸ“docs | :octocat: repo | πŸ™‹issues | πŸ…swag | πŸͺmarketplace

    opened by imgbot[bot] 0
  • Feature: Select first row on load

    Feature: Select first row on load

    A nice feature would be be able to select an active row by index on load. The table should then show the row as marked and the onRowSelect should fire with the selected row.

    good first issue 
    opened by mnn-softjoy 3
  • The provided ScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.

    The provided ScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition.

    In my page I have a row with containing two widgets. One table widget and one form widget. The form widget has a ListView to enable scrolling in the form. primary is set to false.

    The other Widget is a ContainedBox with a JsonTable as child. Everything works perfectly. I only got the exception

    ════════ Exception caught by animation library ═════════════════════════════════ The provided ScrollController is currently attached to more than one ScrollPosition. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════

    in the debug console when I scroll in the table. Removing the table removes the exception.

    opened by mnn-softjoy 0
  • How to know which cell belongs to which column

    How to know which cell belongs to which column

    Example I have a column for column name: "color" which has the hex color string and I want that if the cell is in column "color" then I show the color tile in it.

    opened by Tushargupta9800 2
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