This Flutter package provides a Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list


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This Flutter package provides a Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list. Provides filtering of items based on the search text.


💻 Installation

In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:




Import this class

import 'package:search_widget/search_widget.dart';

Add Search Widget

  • Accepts data list as input
  • Option for getting selected item. Returns selected item or null if item is deleted
onItemSelected: (item) {
    //Do whatever you would like
    setState(() {
       _selectedItem = item;
  • Option for pop list item builder. This basically returns a widget to show as list item in popup
popupListItemBuilder: (LeaderBoard item) {
   return PopupListItem(item);
  • Option for filtering data list based on search query
queryBuilder: (String query, List<LeaderBoard> list) {
   return list.where((LeaderBoard item) => item.username.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase())).toList();
  • Option provided for selected list item builder which enables when a user selects an item from pop up list
selectedItemBuilder: (LeaderBoard selectedItem, deleteSelectedItem) {
   return SelectedItem(selectedItem,deleteSelectedItem);
  • Option for providing custom TextField. Accepts TextEditingController and FocusNode as parameter
textFieldBuilder: (TextEditingController controller, FocusNode focusNode) {
    return TextField(
        controller: controller,
        focusNode: focusNode,
        //... Other customizations here

Full Implementation

   dataList: list,
   hideSearchBoxWhenItemSelected: false,
   listContainerHeight: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 4,
   queryBuilder: (String query, List<LeaderBoard> list) {
     return list.where((LeaderBoard item) => item.username.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase())).toList();
   popupListItemBuilder: (LeaderBoard item) {
     return PopupListItemWidget(item);
   selectedItemBuilder: (LeaderBoard selectedItem, VoidCallback deleteSelectedItem) {
     return SelectedItemWidget(selectedItem, deleteSelectedItem);
   // widget customization
   noItemsFoundWidget: NoItemsFound(),
   textFieldBuilder: (TextEditingController controller, FocusNode focusNode) {
     return MyTextField(controller, focusNode);

Key Highlights

  • Adaptive Popup Position to prevent popup getting hidden behind keyboard

PieChart PieChart

  • Popup to scroll with scroll gesture if this widget is used inside ScrollView



  • Give support for onItemSelected method to return selected item(s) directly
  • Add support for selecting multiple items
  • Add visibility bool to show selected item widget

My Flutter Packages

  • pie_chart GitHub stars Flutter Pie Chart with cool animation.
  • avatar_glow GitHub stars Flutter Avatar Glow Widget with glowing animation.
  • json_table GitHub stars Create Flutter Json Table from json map directly.
  • animating_location_pin GitHub stars Flutter Animating Location Pin Widget providing Animating Location Pin Widget which can be used while fetching device location.

My Flutter Apps

👍 Contribution

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  • [web] Positioning issue with overlay

    [web] Positioning issue with overlay

    I'm new to Flutter and so wasn't able to figure out quite what's going wrong, but I can't get SearchWidget to work on web. The Inkwell gets highlighted when my cursor is at some offset from the actual list item, and clicking when the inkwell is highlighted just closes the overlay. Clicking on the actual list item doesn't work either. In both cases the overlay just gets closed.

    I suspect it has something to do with the Positioned or CompositedTransformFollower widgets. This gist has a trivial example Flutter web app that demonstrates the issue.

    Would love to get this working, other than this issue it seems to be a really nice widget. Let me know how I can help debug.

    opened by rofrankel 9
  • Exception caught by services library: MissingPluginException

    Exception caught by services library: MissingPluginException

    Hi, it works in the app but I get this exception. Running on newest version 1.0.1, though same error when trying with 1.0.0.

    I/flutter ( 8648): The following MissingPluginException was thrown while activating platform stream on channel
    I/flutter ( 8648): flutter_keyboard_visibility:
    I/flutter ( 8648): MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method listen on channel
    I/flutter ( 8648): flutter_keyboard_visibility)
    [√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.12.13+hotfix.5, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.914], locale en-US)
    [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2)
    [√] Android Studio (version 3.5)
    [√] VS Code (version 1.35.0)
    [√] Connected device (1 available)
    • No issues found!
    opened by anthonyym 9
  • The method 'markNeedsBuild' was called on null.

    The method 'markNeedsBuild' was called on null.

    The method 'markNeedsBuild' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: markNeedsBuild() >>>> TRACE <<<< #0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:50:5) #1 MySingleChoiceSearchState.init.<anonymous closure> (package:search_widget/search_widget.dart:109:22) #2 ChangeNotifier.notifyListeners (package:flutter/src/foundation/change_notifier.dart:206:21) #3 ValueNotifier.value= (package:flutter/src/foundation/change_notifier.dart:273:5) #4 TextEditingController.clear (package:flutter/src/widgets/editable_text.dart:183:5) #5 MySingleChoiceSearchState.onDropDownItemTap (package:search_widget/search_widget.dart:193:17) #6 MySingleChoiceSearchState.onTap.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:search_widget/search_widget.dart:257:39) #7 _InkResponseState._handleTap (package:flutter/src/material/ink_well.dart:635:14) #8<anonymous closure> (package:flu<…>

    opened by tula-Intelads 4
  • Select value in textfield

    Select value in textfield

    Goodmorning again,

    Went through your packages and this is exactly what i need. The only thing i would like to have different is that whenever you choose an item, it is selected in the textField and not in a card below the searchfield. I tried to sent the controller to the selectedItemBuilder and set the text from there, but that didn't seem to work.

    Is there any way on doing this?

    opened by SJente 4
  • Remove overlay on dispose

    Remove overlay on dispose

    I have an icon that opens and closes the SearchWidget. It works great unless I close it without selecting a result. The search results list remains in the overlay even after the SearchWidget is disposed if no item was selected from within the results.

    opened by glorpy 2
  • The method 'toLowerCase' was called on null.

    The method 'toLowerCase' was called on null.

    In the queryBulider function this keeps out putting "The method 'toLowerCase' was called on null." and the query has value.

    queryBuilder: (String query, List<Word> list) {
                               return list.where(
                                    (Word item) => item.translation.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase())

    my Word data structure is

    class Word{
      int id,difficulty;
      String word,definition1,definition2,example,translation;

    Really appreciate what you did tho.

    opened by JosephVoid 1
  • Showing Error in Both iOS and Android

    Showing Error in Both iOS and Android

    It's returning error like this in both Android and iOS

    / . ***/android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/ error: a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of KeyboardVisibilityPlugin import com.github.adee42.keyboardvisibility.KeyboardVisibilityPlugin; ^ 1 error

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at . .\

    opened by balajiks-dev 1
  • After I updated the flutter v1.13.2 He is returning this error to me.

    After I updated the flutter v1.13.2 He is returning this error to me.

    C:\Users\Mobile02\AndroidStudioProjects\siga_atividade_coletiva\android\app\src\main\java\io\flutter\plugins\ error: a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of KeyboardVisibilityPlugin import com.github.adee42.keyboardvisibility.KeyboardVisibilityPlugin; ^ 1 error

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at

    BUILD FAILED in 3m 40s Finished with error: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

    opened by emilson-silva 1
  • Android emulator doesn't work

    Android emulator doesn't work

    when I add this widget as dependency to my Pubspec.yaml file, the app will crash when I run it in debug mode on an android emulator and it gives me this error:

    error: a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of KeyboardVisibilityPlugin import com.github.adee42.keyboardvisibility.KeyboardVisibilityPlugin; ^ 1 error

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at

    the version for the widget is search_widget: ^0.2.0 the app works without it

    opened by mohammadreza490 1
  • Added lots of customizations

    Added lots of customizations

    I've added a couple new parameters to SearchWidget, as well as NoItemFound:

    • Now you can customize & reuse the NoItemFound widget. You can change its title & icon.
    • Ability to select custom padding & contentPadding for the text box.
    • Ability to change both enabled & focused borders.
    • Customize prefix & suffix icons in the text box.
    • Custom text style.
    • Show custom widget when unsuccessful search.
    • Updated example project to reflect these changes.
    • Done quite a bunch of refactor.
    • Updated .gitignore file.

    If there's anything wrong, please contact me. You can update or change whatever you want :)

    opened by jesusrp98 1
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 31% 🎉


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_512.png | 14.45kb | 9.69kb | 32.93% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024.png | 45.89kb | 31.58kb | 31.18% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_16.png | 1.40kb | 1.00kb | 28.62% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_256.png | 5.79kb | 4.27kb | 26.23% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_128.png | 3.20kb | 2.60kb | 18.77% | | | | | | | Total : | 70.73kb | 49.15kb | 30.52% |

    📝docs | :octocat: repo | 🙋issues | 🏅swag | 🏪marketplace

    opened by imgbot[bot] 0
  • Migrate to null safety & fix deprecated warnings

    Migrate to null safety & fix deprecated warnings

    Fixes #30 #29 #22

    • Upgrades flutter_keyboard_visibility to fix deprecation warning
    • Upgrades dart version and migrated to use null safety
    • Updates example app so that it works with new changes
    opened by Villarrealized 0
  • Depricated API used

    Depricated API used

    Hello, seems you using a deprecated API with name " flutter_keyboard_visibility-0.7" ...although the app works fine ..the error keeps coming .

    opened by beautybird 3
  • close indication

    close indication

    hi there,

    is there any indication for search close without selection (such as back press event or outside click)?

    what i'm trying to do is to implement a functionality where there is dim screen behind the results list only when its open.

    opened by man-person 1
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