A Flutter EventBus using RxDart



A Flutter EventBus using RxDart

Pub Package Pub Package

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1. Add to pubspec.yaml

  rxbus: latest version

2. Define Event

Any Dart class or List or any Data can be used as an event.

class ChangeTitleEvent {
  String title;


3. Register RxBus

Register RxBus

import 'package:rxbus/rx_bus.dart';

RxBus.singleton.register<ChangeTitleEvent>().listen((event) {
      ···//do something

4. Send Event

Register listeners for specific events:

 RxBus.singleton.post(ChangeTitleEvent("Changed by event"));

5. Dispose RxBus

  void dispose() {


The MIT License (MIT)

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  • Dependency Mismatch Error

    Dependency Mismatch Error

        sdk: flutter
      flutter_bloc: ^0.19.0
      chopper: ^2.4.2
      built_value: ^6.7.0
      kiwi: ^0.2.0
      shared_preferences: ^0.5.3+4
      url_launcher: ^5.1.1
      event_bus: ^1.1.0
      flutter_sms: ^1.0.1
      rxdart: ^0.22.0
      rxbus: ^0.0.2`

    After adding rxbus I am getting the following error:

    Running "flutter pub get" in example_project...                    
    Because example_project depends on rxbus ^0.0.2 which depends 
    on rxdart ^0.20.0, rxdart ^0.20.0 is required.
    So, because example_project depends on rxdart ^0.22.0, 
    version solving failed.
    pub get failed (1)
    Process finished with exit code 1
    I guess you need to upgrade your RxDart version to latest.
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  • Concurrent modification during iteration

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    static void destroy({tag}) { _list.forEach((rxBus) { if (tag != null && tag != _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER && rxBus.tag == tag) { rxBus.subject.close(); _list.remove(rxBus); } else if ((tag == null || tag == _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER) && rxBus.tag == _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER) { rxBus.subject.close(); _list.remove(rxBus); } }); } 在进行迭代循环时试图删除list中内容,导致异常抛出,建议的修改方案如: ///事件关闭 static void destroy({tag}) { var toRemove = []; _list.forEach((rxBus) { if (tag != null && tag != _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER && rxBus.tag == tag) { rxBus.subject.close(); toRemove.add(rxBus); } else if ((tag == null || tag == _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER) && rxBus.tag == _DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER) { rxBus.subject.close(); toRemove.add(rxBus); } }); toRemove.forEach((rxBus) { _list.remove(rxBus); }); }

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