A flutter package from AsurRaa for widgets and utility functions to support mobile departments here.



pub package Latest commit

A flutter package from AsurRaa for custom widgets and utility functions.

Migrate from 0.2.x to 0.3.x


    • remove FutureManager, AsyncSubjectManager, FutureManagerBuilder
    • All manager class now has a separate package
      sura_manager: 0.1.2


Add this to pubspec.yaml

  sura_flutter: ^0.5.1


Widget Description
SuraRaisedButton Custom ElevatedButton with loading notifier
SuraBadge Small badge like notification
SuraActionSheet Custom CupertinoActionSheet for option selector
ConditionalWidget Build a widget base on a boolean condition
SuraToolbar Custom ToolBar or AppBar
SuraFutureHandler FutureBuilder with less boilerplate code
SuraAccordian Custom ExpansionTile
SuraExpandable Similar to SuraAccordion but with different use case
SuraConfirmationDialog Platform adaptive AlertDialog with cancel and confirm action
SuraAsyncButton Fully customize Material ElevatedButton for asynchronus onPressed callback
SuraLoadingDialog Create and manage Loading Dialog
SuraPlatformChecker Platform adaptive widget
SuraSimpleDialog Simple platform adaptive AlertDialog
SuraListTile Custom ListTile
SuraPaginatedList ListView with pagination support
SuraPaginatedGridBuilder Gridview with pagination support
SuraIconButton Custom IconButton
SuraFlatButton Cusztom TextButton or FlatButton
SpaceX SizedBox with only width
SpaceY SizedBox with only height
SuraStreamHandler A Streambuilder with less boilerplate code
SuraNotifier A ValueListenableBuilder with less boilerplate code



Create an override method that will call after the build method has been called

class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with AfterBuildMixin {

  //this method will call after widget has been build
  void afterBuild(BuildContext context) {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();


Provide some property and method when working with Form

field and attribute

  • formKey: a key for form
  • loadingNotifier: a bool ValueNotifier
  • passwordObsecureNotifier: a bool ValueNotitifer for toggling password obsecure field
  • isFormValidated: a bool return by validate formKey


  • toggleLoading: toggle loadingNotifier
  • togglePasswordObsecure: toggle passwordObsecureNotifier
class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with SuraFormMixin {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Form(key: formKey, child: child)


Provider a ValueNotifier and a value toggle function

  • boolNotifier: a bool ValueNotifier


  • toggleValue: toggle loadingNotifier
class _HomePageState extends State<NewPage> with BoolNotifierMixin {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

Widget's Extension

padding, margin

Text("Hello Flutter").padding(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // defaulat value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
Text("Hello Flutter").margin(EdgeInsets.all(16.0)) // defaulat value is EdgeInsets.all(8.0)
///As a value
Text("Hello Flutter").marginValue(all: 12)
Text("Hello Flutter").paddingValue(horizontal: 12, vertical: 8)


Text("Hello Flutter").cssSpacing(margin: [10,10], padding:[16])
//css margin and padding rule

rotate (in degree)

Text("Hello Flutter").rotate(45)

flexible, expanded, clipOval, opacity

Text("Hello Flutter").flexible
Text("Hello Flutter").expanded
Text("Hello Flutter").clipOval
Text("Hello Flutter").opacity(0.5)

TextStyle Extention

Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().normal)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().medium)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().bold)
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().applyColor(Colors.white))
Text("Hello Flutter", style: TextStyle().applFontSize(24))

Other Extension

BuildContext extension

  Size screenSize = context.screenSize;
  Color primaryColor = context.primaryColor;
  Color accentColor = context.accentColor;
  TextTheme textTheme = context.textTheme;
  Theme theme = context.theme;

DateTime extension

DateTime.now().format(format: "dd mmm yyyy", locale: context.locale)
DateTime.now().formatToLocalDate(format: "dd mmm yyyy", locale: context.locale)

String extension

String name = "chunlee".capitalize() // => Chunlee

Utility and Style


alt text

      indicator: DotTabIndicator(
        color: Colors.blue,
        dotAlignment: TabAlignment.bottom,


alt text

      isScrollable: true, //This indicator work best with scrollable tab bar
      indicator: SmallUnderlineTabIndicator(
        color: Colors.blue,
        paddingLeft: 16,
        alignment: TabAlignment.bottom,


This input border solve a problem thath TextField doesn't have a default elevation.

alt text

      decoration: InputDecoration(
        border: ShadowInputBorder(
          elevation: 2.0, //required
          fillColor: Colors.white, //required
          borderRadius: SrauStyle.radius(),
          shadowColor: Colors.black87,



//Get Color from hex string
Color green = SuraColor.fromCode("42f545")

//Get Color from RGB without Alpha or Opacity
Color newColor = SuraColor.fromRGB(8, 182, 155)

//Convert color to MaterialColor
MaterilColor newMaterialColor = SuraColor.toMaterial(0xFF869CF4)


//Get byte from asset bundle
Future<Uint8List> imageByte = await SuraUtils.getBytesFromAsset("image asset path", 200); //200 is imagewidth

//Get random image from unsplash
String carUrlImage =  SuraUtils.unsplashImage(width: 200, height: 200, category: "car");

//Get random from picsum with provided: width and height
String randomUrlImage = SuraUtils.picsumImage(200,300);


Provide some field validation

validator: (value) => SuraFormValidator.validateField(value, field:"username"),

SuraPageNavigator and SuraNavigator

PageNavigator support push, pushReplacement and pushAndRemove method

SuraPageNavigator.push(context, DetailPage());
SuraPageNavigator.pushReplacement(context, HomePage());
SuraPageNavigator.pushAndRemove(context, RootPage());

SuraNavigator also support push, pushReplacement, pushAndRemove without providing a context but you need to add SuraNavigator.navigatorKey to MaterialApp

    navigatorKey: SuraNavigator.navigatorKey,
    home: MyHomePage(),

SuraNavigator also can show dialog without providing a context

var result = await SuraNavigator.dialog(MyDialog());


RoundedRectangleBorder roundRectangle = SuraDecoration.roundRect(12);//default value is 8
BorderRadius radius = SuraDecoration.radius(12); //default value is 8
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