Animated Login for Flutter is a ready-made login/signup screen with soft and pleasant animations.


Animated Login

Author: Bahrican Yeşil

Pub Hits License: MIT

Animated Login for Flutter is a ready-made login/signup screen with soft and pleasant animations. It is fully responsible to be able to use on both web and mobile apps. You can welcome your users with this beautiful animated screen that gives functionality for both login and sign up.

Web View Example Video

Web View

Mobile View Example Video

Mobile View


You can follow the instructions for installation here


Property Type Description
onSignup SignupCallback Signup callback that will be called after signup button pressed.
onLogin LoginCallback Login callback that will be called after login button pressed.
socialLogins List List of social login options that will be provided.
loginTexts LoginTexts Determines all of the texts on the screen.
loginTheme LoginTheme Determines all of the theme related variables on the screen.
onForgotPassword ForgotPasswordCallback Callback that will be called after on tap of forgot password text. Commonly it navigates user to a screen to reset the password.
animationCurve Curve Custom animation curve that will be used for animations.
formWidthRatio double Ratio of width of the form to the width of the screen.
animationDuration Duration The duration of the animations.
formKey GlobalKey The optional custom form key, if not provided will be created locally.
formElementsSpacing double The spacing between the elements of form.
socialLoginsSpacing double The spacing between the social login options.
checkError bool Indicates whether the login screen should handle errors, show the error messages returned from the callbacks in a dialog.
showForgotPassword bool Indicates whether the forgot password option will be enabled.
showChangeActionTitle bool Indicates whether the change action title should be displayed.
showPasswordVisibility bool Indicates whether the user can show the password text without obscuring.
nameController TextEditingController Optional TextEditingController for name input field.
emailController TextEditingController Optional TextEditingController for email input field.
passwordController TextEditingController Optional TextEditingController for password input field.
confirmPasswordController TextEditingController Optional TextEditingController for confirm password input field.
actionButtonStyle ButtonStyle Custom button style for action button (login/signup).
changeActionButtonStyle ButtonStyle Custom button style for change action button that will switch auth mode.
welcomePadding EdgeInsets Padding of the welcome part widget.
formPadding EdgeInsets Padding of the form part widget.
backgroundImage String Full asset image path for background of the welcome part.
logo String Full asset image path for the logo.
logoSize Size Size of the logo in the welcome part.
signUpMode SignUpModes Enum to determine which text form fields should be displayed in addition to the email and password fields: Name / Confirm Password / Both.


Property Type Description
welcome String Welcome title in signUp mode for the informing part.
welcomeDescription String Welcome description in signUp mode for the informing part.
signUp String Action button text for sign up mode.
signUpFormTitle String Form title for sign up mode.
signUpUseEmail String Use email CTA for sign up mode.
welcomeBack String Welcome title in login mode for the informing part.
welcomeBackDescription String Welcome description in login mode for the informing part.
login String Action button text for login mode.
loginFormTitle String Form title for login mode.
loginUseEmail String Use email CTA for login mode.
forgotPassword String Forgot password text for login mode.
notHaveAnAccount String Text above the sign up button to direct users who don't have an account.
alreadyHaveAnAccount String Text above the login button to direct users who already have an account.
nameHint String Hint text for name [TextFormField]
emailHint String Hint text for email [TextFormField]
passwordHint String Hint text for password [TextFormField]
confirmPasswordHint String Hint text for confirm password [TextFormField]
passwordMatchingError String The error text for not matching password and confirm password inputs.
dialogButtonText String The button text of error dialog.


Property Type Description
formTitleStyle TextStyle Text style for the title of form part.
welcomeTitleStyle TextStyle Text style for the title of welcome part.
welcomeDescriptionStyle TextStyle Text style for the description of welcome part.
changeActionStyle TextStyle Text style for the change action CTA of welcome part.
useEmailStyle TextStyle Text style for the use email text of form part.
forgotPasswordStyle TextStyle Text style for the forgot password CTA of form part.
hintTextStyle TextStyle Text style for hint texts in the text form fields.
errorTextStyle TextStyle Text style for error texts in the text form fields.
textFormStyle TextStyle Text style for input texts in the text form fields.
actionTextStyle TextStyle Text style for action button text in the form part.
changeActionTextStyle TextStyle Text style for change action button text in the welcome part.
textFormFieldDeco InputDecoration Input decoration for the text form fields.
nameIcon Widget Prefix widget for name text form field.
emailIcon Widget Prefix widget for email text form field.
passwordIcon Widget Prefix widget for password text form field.
formFieldElevation double Elevation for text form fields.
formFieldBackgroundColor Color Background color for text form fields.
formFieldShadowColor Color Shadow color for text form fields.
formFieldBorderRadius BorderRadius Border radius for text form fields.
formFieldSize Size Size of text form fields.
formFieldHoverColor Color Hover color for text form fields.
backgroundColor Color Background color of the login screen.
errorBorderColor Color Error border color for text form fields.
focusedErrorBorderColor Color Focused error border color for text form fields.
focusedBorderColor Color Focused border color for text form fields.
enabledBorderColor Color Enabled border color for text form fields.
enabledBorder InputBorder Enabled border for text form fields.
errorBorder InputBorder Error border for text form fields.
focusedErrorBorder InputBorder Focused error border for text form fields.
focusedBorder InputBorder Focused border for text form fields.
showFormFieldErrors bool Indicates whether the error messages should be displayed below the text form fields.
showLabelTexts bool Indicates whether the labels should be displayed above the text form fields.
socialLoginHoverColor Color Hover color for social login widgets.
socialLoginBorder BorderSide Border for social login widgets.


Property Type Description
iconPath String Full asset path of the social platform logo.
callback SocialLoginCallback The callback will be called on click to logo of the social platform.


Property Type Description
email String Email text the user entered to the email [TextFormField]
password String Password text the user entered to the password [TextFormField]


Property Type Description
name String Name text the user entered to the name [TextFormField]
email String Email text the user entered to the email [TextFormField]
password String Password text the user entered to the password [TextFormField]
confirmPassword String Confirm password text the user entered to the confirm password [TextFormField]


Enum Description
name Only displays name text form field, not displays confirm password.
confirmPassword Only displays confirm password form field, not name.
both Displays both name and confirm password text form fields.

Sign up modes to determine which text form fields should be displayed.

Complete Example

You can see the complete example in the example folder with the example project. The video recordings for the example project are shown above via gifs.

Basic example

onForgotPassword(String email) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); print('Successfully navigated.'); return null; } } ">
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:animated_login/animated_login.dart';
class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const LoginScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  /// Simulates the multilanguage, you will implement your own logic.
  /// According to the current language, you can display a text message
  /// with the help of [LoginTexts] class.
  final String langCode = 'en';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AnimatedLogin(
      onLogin: onLogin,
      onSignup: onSignup,
      onForgotPassword: onForgotPassword,
      formWidthRatio: 60,
      logo: 'images/logo.gif',
      // backgroundImage: 'images/background_image.jpg',
      signUpMode: SignUpModes.both,
      loginTheme: _loginTheme,
      loginTexts: _loginTexts,

  /// You can adjust the colors, text styles, button styles, borders
  /// according to your design preferences.
  /// You can also set some additional display options such as [showLabelTexts].
  LoginTheme get _loginTheme => LoginTheme(
        // showLabelTexts: false,
        backgroundColor:, // const Color(0xFF6666FF),
        formFieldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
        changeActionTextStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),

  LoginTexts get _loginTexts => LoginTexts(
        nameHint: _username,
        login: _login,
        signUp: _signup,

  /// You can adjust the texts in the screen according to the current language
  /// With the help of [LoginTexts], you can create a multilanguage scren.
  String get _username => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Kullanıcı Adı' : 'Username';
  String get _login => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Giriş Yap' : 'Login';
  String get _signup => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Kayıt Ol' : 'Sign Up';

  /// Login action that will be performed on click to action button in login mode.
  Future<String?> onLogin(LoginData loginData) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    print('Successfully logged in.');
    return null;

  /// Sign up action that will be performed on click to action button in sign up mode.
  Future<String?> onSignup(SignUpData loginData) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    print('Successfully signed up.');
    return null;

  /// Action that will be performed on click to "Forgot Password?" text/CTA.
  /// Probably you will navigate user to a page to create a new password after the verification.
  Future<String?> onForgotPassword(String email) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    print('Successfully navigated.');
    return null;

Basic example with social login options and data checks

get _socialLogins => [ SocialLogin( callback: () async => socialLogin('Google'), iconPath: 'images/google.png'), SocialLogin( callback: () async => socialLogin('Facebook'), iconPath: 'images/facebook.png'), SocialLogin( callback: () async => socialLogin('Linkedin'), iconPath: 'images/linkedin.png'), ]; /// Login action that will be performed on click to action button in login mode. Future onLogin(LoginData loginData) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); print(""" Successfully logged in.\n Email: ${}\n Password: ${loginData.password}"""); return null; } /// Sign up action that will be performed on click to action button in sign up mode. Future onSignup(SignUpData signupData) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); print(""" Successfully signed up.\n Username: ${}\n Email: ${}\n Password: ${signupData.password}\n Confirm Password: ${signupData.confirmPassword}"""); return null; } /// Action that will be performed on click to "Forgot Password?" text/CTA. /// Probably you will navigate user to a page to create a new password after the verification. Future onForgotPassword(String email) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); print('Successfully navigated. Email is $email'); return null; } /// Social login callback example. Future socialLogin(String type) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); print('Successfully logged in with $type.'); return null; } } ">
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:animated_login/animated_login.dart';

class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const LoginScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  /// Simulates the multilanguage, you will implement your own logic.
  /// According to the current language, you can display a text message
  /// with the help of [LoginTexts] class.
  final String langCode = 'en';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AnimatedLogin(
      onLogin: onLogin,
      onSignup: onSignup,
      onForgotPassword: onForgotPassword,
      formWidthRatio: 60,
      logo: 'images/logo.gif',
      // backgroundImage: 'images/background_image.jpg',
      signUpMode: SignUpModes.both,
      socialLogins: _socialLogins,
      loginTheme: _loginTheme,
      loginTexts: _loginTexts,

  /// You can adjust the colors, text styles, button styles, borders
  /// according to your design preferences.
  /// You can also set some additional display options such as [showLabelTexts].
  LoginTheme get _loginTheme => LoginTheme(
        // showLabelTexts: false,
        backgroundColor:, // const Color(0xFF6666FF),
        formFieldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
        changeActionTextStyle: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),

  LoginTexts get _loginTexts => LoginTexts(
        nameHint: _username,
        login: _login,
        signUp: _signup,

  /// You can adjust the texts in the screen according to the current language
  /// With the help of [LoginTexts], you can create a multilanguage scren.
  String get _username => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Kullanıcı Adı' : 'Username';
  String get _login => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Giriş Yap' : 'Login';
  String get _signup => langCode == 'tr' ? 'Kayıt Ol' : 'Sign Up';

  /// Social login options, you should provide callback function and icon path.
  /// Icon paths should be the full path in the assets
  /// Don't forget to also add the icon folder to the "pubspec.yaml" file.
  List<SocialLogin> get _socialLogins => <SocialLogin>[
            callback: () async => socialLogin('Google'),
            iconPath: 'images/google.png'),
            callback: () async => socialLogin('Facebook'),
            iconPath: 'images/facebook.png'),
            callback: () async => socialLogin('Linkedin'),
            iconPath: 'images/linkedin.png'),

  /// Login action that will be performed on click to action button in login mode.
  Future<String?> onLogin(LoginData loginData) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    Successfully logged in.\n
    Email: ${}\n
    Password: ${loginData.password}""");
    return null;

  /// Sign up action that will be performed on click to action button in sign up mode.
  Future<String?> onSignup(SignUpData signupData) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    Successfully signed up.\n
    Username: ${}\n
    Email: ${}\n
    Password: ${signupData.password}\n
    Confirm Password: ${signupData.confirmPassword}""");
    return null;

  /// Action that will be performed on click to "Forgot Password?" text/CTA.
  /// Probably you will navigate user to a page to create a new password after the verification.
  Future<String?> onForgotPassword(String email) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    print('Successfully navigated. Email is $email');
    return null;

  /// Social login callback example.
  Future<String?> socialLogin(String type) async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    print('Successfully logged in with $type.');
    return null;

More Screenshots

Web Login Mobile Login
Web Login Mobile Login
Web Sign Up Mobile Sign Up
Web Sign Up Mobile Sign Up
Color Change Without Social Logins
Color Change Without Social Logins
Error Example
Error Example


Contributions are so important for both me and those who want to use this package. I will be very appreciative if you allocate time to push forward the package.

All help is welcomed but if you have questions, bug reports, issues, feature requests, pull requests, etc, please first refer to the Contributing Guide.

If you like and benefit from this package, please give us a star on GitHub and like on to help!


  • MIT License
  • Taping on login does not remove focus from TextFields

    Taping on login does not remove focus from TextFields

    Describe the bug After entering a password or username and taping login on mobile. The TextField continue to have focus. So the keyboard is still showing.

    Expected When tapin or clicking on login, the cursor is remove from the textfield. So this is cleaner and when showing a snackbar for showing error while login this is not hide behind the keyboard (on android at least! )

    opened by wer-mathurin 19
  • Changing the width of the login button with the style does not work

    Changing the width of the login button with the style does not work

    I tried all those properties without any effect on the login button size.

    fixedSize: MaterialStateProperty.all(Size.fromWidth(220)), minimumSize: MaterialStateProperty.all(Size.fromWidth(220)), maximumSize: MaterialStateProperty.all(Size.fromWidth(220)),

    opened by wer-mathurin 10
  • Validators


    There is no way to overpass the password validation other than passing false to the LoginTheme (showFormFieldErrors: false). I think this is misleading.

    The general use case: As of user, I want to be able to use my own validator on fields and decide when to apply it.

    opened by wer-mathurin 6
  • Internationalize the validators and email verification

    Internationalize the validators and email verification


    When validating the email the error message is hardcoded.

    if (!isValid) return 'Please enter a valid email'

    I propose to add an option to the LoginText(emailValidation:) or something

    Same thing for Validators if (!containsUpperCase) return 'Must contain upper case character.';

    The only tricky one the length validation 'Must be longer than or equal to $length characters';

    But for this one, in the LoginText we can provide a String Function(length)? instead of a String?.

    opened by wer-mathurin 3
  • Button Style for change language

    Button Style for change language

    Styling the language button is different than styling the login button. If there is no particular reason, I would like to style it like the other button using a ButtonStyle.

    opened by wer-mathurin 3
  • animatedComponentOrder missing export AnimationType

    animatedComponentOrder missing export AnimationType

    When using the animatedComponentOrder since the AnimationType is not export with the library we can't use the FULL functionnality. (controlling the animation LEFT and RIGHT)

    opened by wer-mathurin 2
  • DISCUSSION: Section customization and simplification

    DISCUSSION: Section customization and simplification

    One use case is being able to hide the Welcome title or do more fancy stuff.

    What do you think of being able to pass Widget instead of text for LoginText where it make sense and/or completely removing LoginText, I will show you later with example what I have in mind.

    By default, if no widget it provided use a Text widget with default TextTheme. (exactly like today) This can also remove the need of passing the TextTheme to the loginTheme.

    If you need you style the Welcome here is what I have in mind...

    If you need to change the Style

       welcome: (defaultText, languageOption) => Text(defaultText, style: TextStyle(...))

    If you need to remove the widget and space.

       welcome: (defaultText, languageOption) => Container()

    By providing the languageOption is simpler to display the appropriate message

       welcome: (defaultText, languageOption) => Text(MY_LOCALIZED_MESSAGE(languageOption))

    For customizing the TextFormField maybe we can use the standard InputDecoration instead of passing the text in LoginText and style in LoginTheme.

       login: (decoration, languageOption) => decoration.copyWith(...)

    I think this will remove the need for multiple properties like welcomePadding. Since you can change the padding by providing yours :-)

    opened by wer-mathurin 2
  • Ability to change forgot password location

    Ability to change forgot password location

    Usually the forgot password is place under the login button.

    There are multiple solution but here I propose a cool one....I think.

    We would need to have a way to order components.

    A suggestion: Define an enum enum Components{ title, title_description, form, login_action_button, accrount_creation_action, forgot_password_action }

    Add a property display_order to the AnimatedLogin class OR to the Theme with a default value provided for the list. This will not break the current API.

    And you can mark the showForgotPassord as deprecated....and in the meantime when this is true...change the display_order list ! Same thing for showChangeActionTitle


    opened by wer-mathurin 1
  • Being able to provide our own widget for the logo section

    Being able to provide our own widget for the logo section

    Instead of passing a string to display the image, provide a Widget. So this is opening the doors of using an SVG image as an example. Just make sure to wrap this widget in a box with constraints.

    opened by wer-mathurin 1
  • Add a way to style the default language dialog

    Add a way to style the default language dialog

    We are not able change the look and feel of the dialog box.

    If you can add a property(LanguageTheme ) to the AnimatedLogin class like proposed bellow

    Classes skeleton to show you what I think cover styling of the current available dialog

    class LanguageTheme {
      final ButtonStyle? languageButtonStyle;
      final AnimatedDialogTheme? dialogtheme;
    class AnimatedDialogTheme {
      final TextStyle? title;
      final TextStyle? items;
      final DividerTheme? dividerTheme;
      final ShapeBorder? shape;
    opened by wer-mathurin 1
  • actionButtonStyle


    When theming the button everything work as expected for the desktop view, here is an example:


    But when going into the mobile view the theming of the button is not right. I would expect the button to be orange in my example, like the image shown previously image

    When looking at the code, you would need to change the getter Widget get _formPart => FormPart(

    for a function to pass the right actionButtonStyle depending of the View.

    Widget _formPart(ButtonStyle? style) => ...
    actionButtonStyle: style,

    By doing, this everything working like a charm.

    Also, the actionTextStyle supersede the ButonStyle texttheme. (this is not obvious at first sight) An idea would be removing the actionTextStyle property completly and only use the actionButtonStyle.

    Sounds ok for you?

    opened by wer-mathurin 1
  • Icon in password-input is too large

    Icon in password-input is too large

    Describe the bug Opening the app either in web or desktop, the hide/show-icon button in the password-inputs are too large. This also leads to the password-input having a greater height compared to the other inputs. All password inputs (in login and in registration) are affected.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Open login or registration in windows/chrome
    2. notice the too large hide/show icons in the password input

    Code Example

      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return AnimatedLogin(
          onLogin: mounted ? LoginFunctions(context).onLogin : null,
          onSignup: mounted ? LoginFunctions(context).onSignup : null,
              mounted ? LoginFunctions(context).onForgotPassword : null,
          loginDesktopTheme: _desktopTheme,
          loginMobileTheme: _mobileTheme,
          loginTexts: _loginTexts,
          changeLanguageCallback: (LanguageOption? language) {
            if (language != null) {
                'Successfully changed the language to: ${language.value}.',
              if (mounted) setState(() => language = language);
          languageOptions: _languageOptions,
          selectedLanguage: language,
          initialMode: currentMode,
          onAuthModeChange: (AuthMode newMode) => currentMode = newMode,

    Expected behavior Icons should be similar in size to the mobile views.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Screenshot of View while logging in Screenshot of View while registering

    Platforms, Devices, and Versions

    • Platforms [Windows, Web]
    • Browser [chrome (not tested on others)]
    • Flutter Version [3.3.7]
    • Animated Login Package Version [v1.5.5]
    opened by GyroGoober 0
  • add loginTexts.signupemailhint

    add loginTexts.signupemailhint

    My authorization works both by corporate login and by email, but registration can only be by email (corporate login is issued elsewhere). Therefore, please share hints for email in authorization and registration image

    opened by tas-unn 2
  • v1.4.0(Feb 12, 2022)

    [1.4.0] - 12.02.2022

    • Extracted main components as widgets
    • Enabled custom ordering of the screen elements
    • Wrapped most elements with padding to enable custom margins around the components
    • Collected auth operations in auth provider and minimized business on view files
    • Optimizations on example app
    • Screen size adjustments

    [1.3.0] - 28.01.2022

    • Loading indicators are integrated to the buttons instead of dialogs.
    • Integrated cancelable operations for auth functions.
    • CopyWith method is added to the AnimatedDialogTheme and LanguageDialogTheme.
    • Small optimizations and bug fixes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.1(Jan 27, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • V0.3 by @bahricanyesil in
    • V0.3 by @bahricanyesil in
    • Few Suggestions from issue #4 by @bahricanyesil in
    • Validator changes from issue #5 by @bahricanyesil in
    • Removed unnecessary change language button style properties by @bahricanyesil in
    • Initial language change by @bahricanyesil in
    • Transferred style parameters to login theme by @bahricanyesil in
    • Issue#11/action button style by @bahricanyesil in
    • Issue#15/auto fill hints by @bahricanyesil in
    • Issue#14/custom dialog theme by @bahricanyesil in
    • V0.0.4 PR by @bahricanyesil in
    • Imported dialog builder by @bahricanyesil in
    • Imports are gathered in one file by @bahricanyesil in
    • Fixed export bug by @bahricanyesil in
    • Fixed class documentations, used VoidCallback, AsyncCallback by @bahricanyesil in
    • Platform specific dialogs by @bahricanyesil in
    • Converted logo string (asset path) to custom logo widget by @bahricanyesil in
    • Issue#25/readme update by @bahricanyesil in
    • Ready to go with V1.0.0 by @bahricanyesil in
    • Issue#36 / text field focus by @bahricanyesil in
    • V1.1.0 is ready by @bahricanyesil in
    • Ready for V1.2.1 by @bahricanyesil in

    New Contributors

    • @bahricanyesil made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Bahrican Yesil
*BSTEVR&SambaPOS - Flutter&Node.js Developer *Bogazici University-Computer Engineering
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Provides login screen with login/signup functionalities to help speed up development

Flutter Login FlutterLogin is a ready-made login/signup widget with many animation effects to demonstrate the capabilities of Flutter Installation Fol

Near Huscarl 945 Nov 2, 2021
Ready for Building Production-Ready Healthcare/ Doctor Consult Android and iOS app UI using Flutter.

Production-Ready Doctor Consultant App - Flutter UI Watch it on YouTube Packages we are using: flutter_svg: link Complete Source code (Patreon) In thi

Abu Anwar 211 Jan 1, 2023
Ready for Building Production-Ready Healthcare/ Doctor Consult Android and iOS app UI using Flutter.

Production-Ready Doctor Consultant App - Flutter UI Packages we are using: flutter_svg: link In this full series, we will show you how to Building Pro

Anurag Jain 26 Nov 28, 2022
A Dart package that converts big numbers to what's pleasant to see

Convert big numbers to what's pleasant to see (an adorable, little girl, perhaps?)

Nobuharu Shimazu 3 Apr 16, 2022
Basic login and signup screen designed in flutter

flutter_login_signup Simple basic authentication app designed in flutter. App design is based on Login/Register Design designed by Frank Arinze Downlo

Sonu Sharma 551 Jan 6, 2023