A Geocoding plugin for Flutter


Flutter geocoding plugin

The Flutter geocoding plugin is build following the federated plugin architecture. A detailed explanation of the federated plugin concept can be found in the Flutter documentation. This means the geocoding plugin is separated into the following packages:

  1. geocoding: the app facing package. This is the package users depend on to use the plugin in their project. For details on how to use the geocoding plugin you can refer to its README.md file. At this moment the Android and iOS platform implementations are also part of this package;
  2. geocoding_platform_interface: this packages declares the interface which all platform packages must implement to support the app-facing package. Instructions on how to implement a platform packages can be found in the README.md of the geocoding_platform_interface package.
  • The plugin `geocoder` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.

    The plugin `geocoder` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.

    To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if this plugin supports the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider removing it since a future release of Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs. If you are plugin author, take a look at the docs for migrating the plugin to the V2 embedding: https://flutter.dev/go/android-plugin-migration.

    platform: android status: waiting for customer response 
    opened by Bilonik 24
  • GeocodingPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API

    GeocodingPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API

    πŸ”™ Regression

    Note: /Users/jouleslabs/AndroidStudioProjects/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/geocoding-2.0.1/android/src/main/java/com/baseflow/geocoding/GeocodingPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.


    Version: 7.7.1


    • [x] :robot: Android
    opened by shaunhossain 11
  • placemarkFromCoordinates() not working

    placemarkFromCoordinates() not working

    πŸ› Bug Report

    i try use placemarkFromCoordinates() but i get bellow error:

    [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(199)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates (latitude: 25.697771, longitude: 78.654394)., null, null)
    E/flutter ( 5364): #0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope
    E/flutter ( 5364): #1      MethodChannel._invokeMethod
    E/flutter ( 5364): <asynchronous suspension>
    E/flutter ( 5364): #2      MethodChannelGeocoding.placemarkFromCoordinates
    E/flutter ( 5364): <asynchronous suspension>
    E/flutter ( 5364): #3      _SingleAddressDetailWidgetState.build.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure>
    E/flutter ( 5364): <asynchronous suspension>
    E/flutter ( 5364):

    I use geocoding: ^2.0.0 plugin and check other older versions like 1.0.5

    my code:

    388    LatLng newLatLng = LatLng(25.697771, 78.654394);
    390    List<Placemark> dbAddress =
    391       await placemarkFromCoordinates(
    392          newLatLng.latitude,
    393          newLatLng.longitude,
    394        );

    Version: 2.0.0


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    • [x] :robot: Android
    opened by mshamsi502 11
  • locationFromAddress doesn't work

    locationFromAddress doesn't work

    πŸ› Bug Report

    Below is part of my code try { locations = await GeocodingPlatform.instance.locationFromAddress(text);
    } catch (e) { print(e); } print('Total ${locations.length} results found!'); // other parts are fetching the lat, long data from the List and show a tag on google map. //I used Google Place API works perfectly fine, but too expensive so I try to use this plugin.

    Expected behavior

    1. Most of the places doesn't work and return exception like below. I/flutter (11746): London I/flutter (11746): PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the address ''., null, null) I/flutter (11746): Total 0 results found!

    I/flutter (11746): St. Martin in the fields I/flutter (11746): PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the address ''., null, null) I/flutter (11746): Total 0 results found!

    1. It works in some places in Hong Kong(even in Cantonese) and returns one location, like below

    I/flutter (11746): ζ²™η”° I/flutter (11746): Total 1 results found!

    I have read your message on https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-geocoding/issues/9 and https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-geocoding/issues/23 but they do not help me to solve the problem.

    Could you please give me more advice? Thank you!

    Reproduction steps


    Run one real Android mobile. Flutter is the latest version that I update on April 2021. using geocoding: ^2.0.0

    Version: 1.x ^2.0.0 Platform:

    • [ ] :robot: Android
    opened by AlanTso 10
  • PlatformException (PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates (latitude: 30.867672, longitude: 122.209517)., null, null))

    PlatformException (PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates (latitude: 30.867672, longitude: 122.209517)., null, null))

    πŸ› Bug Report

    the reason is unknown, it was working half an hour ago, this problem happened before but it stopped for a few days and now it came back, my device is connected to the enternet (android emulator on windows pc) also "try{}catch{}" isnt stoping the problem the app crashes.


    Expected behavior

    getting the place marks

    Reproduction steps



    Version: 1.x


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    • [ ] :robot: Android
    opened by yosef406 9
  • Getting locationFromAddress noticeably freezes main thread

    Getting locationFromAddress noticeably freezes main thread

    πŸ› Bug Report

    When calling locationFromAddress() it noticeably freezes the main thread of the application and we can not move it to separate isolate as then it returns null.

    Expected behavior

    It should work more performance-friendly.

    Reproduction steps

    just call it with some animation or try to click on the UI and it's freezed


    Pixel 4

    Flutter 2.2.1 β€’ channel stable β€’ https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Framework β€’ revision 02c026b03c (4 weeks ago) β€’ 2021-05-27 12:24:44 -0700 Engine β€’ revision 0fdb562ac8 Tools β€’ Dart 2.13.1

    Version: 1.x

    geocoding: ^2.0.0


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS (didn't test that)
    • [X] :robot: Android
    opened by marcinOz 8
  • placemarkFromCoordinates erratically fails or causes an error exception

    placemarkFromCoordinates erratically fails or causes an error exception

    πŸ› Bug Report

    placemarkFromCoordinates sometimes fails and it seems to me it is random. I cannot reproduce it consistently. Can I get some help?

    Note: occured in emulator, haven't encountered it in a real device but I will update this if it shows there also.

    As it will successfully get an address the next try, my workaround for now is as below (kinda ugly but works for now):

        List<Placemark> placeMarks;
        try {
          placeMarks = await placemarkFromCoordinates(lat, long);
        } catch (e) {
          await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300));
          try {
            placeMarks = await placemarkFromCoordinates(lat, long);
          } catch (e) {
            showSnackBar(2, 'Address was not retrieved, please fill out manually');

    Expected behavior

    Should consistently get address from coordinates

    Reproduction steps

     List<Placemark> placeMarks = await placemarkFromCoordinates(lat, long);


    Version: 1.0.5


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    • [x] :robot: Android
    opened by kalmigs 8
  • placemarkFromCoordinates implementation is missing on WEB

    placemarkFromCoordinates implementation is missing on WEB

    Overflow on channel: flutter.baseflow.com/geocoding. Messages on this channel are being discarded in FIFO fashion. The engine may not be running or you need to adjust the buffer size if of the channel. Error: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method placemarkFromCoordinates on channel flutter.baseflow.com/geocoding)

    Version: geocoding: ^1.0.5


    • WEB
    opened by RajuMuliyashiya 7
  • PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates

    PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates

    πŸ”™ Regression

    Old (and correct) behavior

    PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates

    Reproduction steps


    Version: 1.x


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    • [ ] :robot: Android
    opened by dev-abdullah-github 7
  • Any plans for web and other platforms?

    Any plans for web and other platforms?

    πŸš€ Feature Requests


    Any plans for web and other platforms? I was looking at other reverse geocoding packages, and the codebases are pretty similar (https://github.com/bazrafkan/google_geocoding) . Might be just enabling sg on the package page?

    Contextualize the feature

    Describe the feature

    Platforms affected (mark all that apply)

    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    • [ ] :robot: Android
    opened by giorgio79 6
  • MissingPluginException


    Hi everyone,

    i try to run the "geocoding_platform_interface 1.0.1+1" from pub.dev but i get the error:

    [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(177)] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method locationFromAddress on channel flutter.baseflow.com/geocoding) #0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:157:7) <asynchronous suspension> #1 MethodChannel.invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:332:12) #2 MethodChannelGeocoding.locationFromAddress (package:geocoding_platform_interface/src/implementations/method_channel_geocoding.dart:29:46)

    I am not sure, what i did wrong. I want to get the cordinates of an address String:

    List<Location> locations = await GeocodingPlatform.instance.locationFromAddress("Gronausestraat 710, Enschede"); first i try it with:

    List<Location> locations = await locationFromAddress("Gronausestraat 710, Enschede");

    but the methode can not be found.

    The import that i use is:

    import 'package:geocoding_platform_interface/geocoding_platform_interface.dart';

    Have you some ideas ? I see the other issues with the similar problem. but a restart dosnt work.

    Thank you :)

    opened by jonahmons 6
  • Flutter Geocoding iOS locationFromAddress not working in iOS.

    Flutter Geocoding iOS locationFromAddress not working in iOS.

    πŸ› Bug Report

    locationFromAddress is not working in iOS. it is always returning an empty list. while the same code is working in android with the same address.

    Expected behavior

    locationFromAddress should return a list of locations when you pass the address to the method.

    Reproduction steps


    Version: latest


    • [ ] :iphone: iOS
    opened by adiShinwari 0
  • Network Error on Iran Ip

    Network Error on Iran Ip

    πŸ› Bug Report

    when I use this package for reverse coding my addresses with Iran Ip thats throws me a Exception about network error but with VPN every thing works fine

    opened by Abolfazl-MI 0
  • Throttle for max request limit.

    Throttle for max request limit.

    I am using the https://pub.dev/packages/geocoding geocoding package. I have a list of coordinates but it says throttle for max requests. How can i prevent the limit reach error. I like this package but i can't.

    opened by anilenepal 0
  • No implementation found for method placemarkFromCoordinates on channel flutter.baseflow.com/geocoding

    No implementation found for method placemarkFromCoordinates on channel flutter.baseflow.com/geocoding

    πŸ’¬ Questions and Help

    For questions or help we recommend checking:

    List<Placemark> place = await placemarkFromCoordinates(_currentPosition!.latitude, _currentPosition!.longitude);

    Hello guys. I am aware that as of May 2021, the web platform didn't support geocoding. I'd like to know if this is still the case now that it's December 2022. Has there been a fix for it?

    opened by fred33bondi 0
  • How to store Placemark into Firebase with json_serializable / custom JsonConverter?

    How to store Placemark into Firebase with json_serializable / custom JsonConverter?

    I am trying to store a Placemark from the Geolocator plugin to Firebase with json_serializable, but having problem creating a JsonConverter similar to Geopoint

    I tried this so far

    class PlacemarkConverter implements 
        JsonConverter<Placemark, Placemark> {
          const PlacemarkConverter();
          Placemark fromJson(map) {
            return Placemark.fromMap(map);
          Placemark toJson(Placemark placemark) => placemark;

    but getting

    E/flutter (17813): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: type '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Placemark' in type cast

    opened by giorgio79 0
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