Flutter Cupertino Date Picker


Flutter Cupertino Date Picker

[pub packages] | 中文说明

Flutter cupertino date picker.



1. Depend

Add this to you package's pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_cupertino_date_picker: ^1.0.26+2

2. Install

Run command:

$ flutter packages get

3. Import

Import in Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_cupertino_date_picker/flutter_cupertino_date_picker.dart';

4. Display DatePicker

Bottom Sheet DatePicker
/// Display date picker in bottom sheet.
/// context: [BuildContext]
/// minDateTime: [DateTime] minimum date time
/// maxDateTime: [DateTime] maximum date time
/// initialDateTime: [DateTime] initial date time for selected
/// dateFormat: [String] date format pattern
/// locale: [DateTimePickerLocale] internationalization
/// pickerMode: [DateTimePickerMode] display mode: date(DatePicker)、time(TimePicker)、datetime(DateTimePicker)
/// pickerTheme: [DateTimePickerTheme] the theme of date time picker
/// onCancel: [DateVoidCallback] pressed title cancel widget event
/// onClose: [DateVoidCallback] date picker closed event
/// onChange: [DateValueCallback] selected date time changed event
/// onConfirm: [DateValueCallback] pressed title confirm widget event
  BuildContext context,
  DateTime minDateTime,
  DateTime maxDateTime,
  DateTime initialDateTime,
  String dateFormat,
  DateTimePickerLocale locale: DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  DateTimePickerMode pickerMode: DateTimePickerMode.date,
  DateTimePickerTheme pickerTheme: DatePickerTheme.Default,
  DateVoidCallback onCancel,
  DateVoidCallback onClose,
  DateValueCallback onChange,
  DateValueCallback onConfirm,
DatePicker Widget
/// Display date picker widget.
/// minDateTime: [DateTime] minimum date time
/// maxDateTime: [DateTime] maximum date time
/// initialDateTime: [DateTime] initial date time for selected
/// dateFormat: [String] date format pattern
/// locale: [DateTimePickerLocale] internationalization
/// pickerTheme: [DateTimePickerTheme] the theme of date time picker
/// onCancel: [DateVoidCallback] pressed title cancel widget event
/// onChange: [DateValueCallback] selected date time changed event
/// onConfirm: [DateValueCallback] pressed title confirm widget event
  DateTime minDateTime,
  DateTime maxDateTime,
  DateTime initialDateTime,
  DateTimePickerLocale locale: DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  DateTimePickerTheme pickerTheme: DatePickerTheme.Default,
  DateVoidCallback onCancel,
  DateValueCallback onChange,
  DateValueCallback onConfirm,
TimePicker Widget
/// Display time picker widget.
/// minDateTime: [DateTime] minimum date time
/// maxDateTime: [DateTime] maximum date time
/// initialDateTime: [DateTime] initial date time for selected
/// dateFormat: [String] date format pattern
/// locale: [DateTimePickerLocale] internationalization
/// pickerTheme: [DateTimePickerTheme] the theme of date time picker
/// minuteDivider: [int] minute restriction, e.g. 5: every 5th minute will be shown (0, 5, 10, 15 ...)
/// onCancel: [DateVoidCallback] pressed title cancel widget event
/// onChange: [DateValueCallback] selected date time changed event
/// onConfirm: [DateValueCallback] pressed title confirm widget event
  DateTime minDateTime,
  DateTime maxDateTime,
  DateTime initialDateTime,
  DateTimePickerLocale locale: DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  DateTimePickerTheme pickerTheme: DatePickerTheme.Default,
  int minuteDivider: 1,
  DateVoidCallback onCancel,
  DateValueCallback onChange,
  DateValueCallback onConfirm,
DateTimePicker Widget
/// Display date time picker widget.
/// minDateTime: [DateTime] minimum date time
/// maxDateTime: [DateTime] maximum date time
/// initialDateTime: [DateTime] initial date time for selected
/// dateFormat: [String] date format pattern
/// locale: [DateTimePickerLocale] internationalization
/// pickerTheme: [DateTimePickerTheme] the theme of date time picker
/// onCancel: [DateVoidCallback] pressed title cancel widget event
/// onChange: [DateValueCallback] selected date time changed event
/// onConfirm: [DateValueCallback] pressed title confirm widget event
  DateTime minDateTime,
  DateTime maxDateTime,
  DateTime initialDateTime,
  DateTimePickerLocale locale: DATETIME_PICKER_LOCALE_DEFAULT,
  DateTimePickerTheme pickerTheme: DatePickerTheme.Default,
  DateVoidCallback onCancel,
  DateValueCallback onChange,
  DateValueCallback onConfirm,

5. DateTimePickerLocale


  • en_us: English (EN) United States [Default locale]
  • ar: Arabic (ar)
  • ar_eg: Arabic (ar) Egypt
  • bn: Bengali (BN)
  • bs: Bosnian (BS)
  • de: German (DE)
  • es: Spanish (ES)
  • fr: French (FR)
  • hr: Croatian (HR)
  • hu: Hungarian (HU)
  • in_id: Bahasa (IN) Indonesia
  • it: Italian (IT)
  • jp: Japanese (JP)
  • ko: Korea (KO)
  • nl: Dutch (NL)
  • pt_br: Portuguese (PT) Brazil
  • ro: Romanian (RO)
  • ru: Russian (RU)
  • sr_cyrl: Serbia (sr) Cyrillic
  • sr_latn: Serbia (sr) Latin
  • tr: Turkish (TR)
  • uk: Ukraine (UK)
  • vi: Vietnamese (VI) Vietnam
  • zh_cn: Chinese (ZH) Simplified
Add more language
1. Add language i18n file

Fork this project, add language file in lib/src/i18n/ directory, e.g. strings_en_us.dart.

/// English (EN) United States
class _StringsEnUs extends _StringsI18n {
  const _StringsEnUs();

  String getCancelText() {
    // TODO return cancel widget's text
    return null;

  String getDoneText() {
    // TODO return done widget's text
    return null;

  List<String> getMonths() {
    // TODO return the array of month's full name [January, February ... December]
    return null;

  List<String> getMonthsShort() {
    // TODO return the array of month's short name [Jan, Feb ... Dec]. If return null, will substring the full name (max length is 3)
    return null;

  List<String> getWeeksFull() {
    // TODO return the array of week's full name [Monday, Tuesday ... Sunday]
    return null;

  List<String> getWeeksShort() {
    // TODO return the array of week's short name [Mon, Tue ... Sun]
    return null;
2. Add Locale

Add language locale in lib/src/i18n/date_picker_i18n.dart file.

enum DateTimePickerLocale {
  /// English (EN) United States
3. Add Locale-Language relationship

Add language-locale relationship in lib/src/i18n/date_picker_i18n.dart file.

const Map<DateTimePickerLocale, _StringsI18n> datePickerI18n = {
  DateTimePickerLocale.en_us: const _StringsEnUs(),

6. dateFormat

Pattern Meaning e.g.
yyyy year 2019, 2020
yy year, 2 digits 19, 20
MMMM month January(en_us), 01(zh_cn)
MMM month, abbreviated Jan(en_us), 01(zh_cn)
MM month, 2 digits 01、11
M month 1, 11
dd day in month, 2 digits 05, 25
d day in month 5, 25
EEEE day of week Monday(en_us), 星期一(zh_cn)
EEE day of week, abbreviated Mon(en_us), 周一(zh_cn)
HH hour (0~23), 2 digits 04, 12, 20
H hour (0~23) 4, 12, 20
mm minute, 2 digits 05, 40
m minute 5, 40
ss second, 2 digits 06, 55
s second 6, 55
yyyy年 format 2019年, 2020年
H时 format 5时, 21时
Date Format Separator

Support separator: |,-/\._: .

7. DateTimePickerTheme

/// DateTimePicker theme.
/// [backgroundColor] DatePicker's background color.
/// [cancelTextStyle] Default cancel widget's [TextStyle].
/// [confirmTextStyle] Default confirm widget's [TextStyle].
/// [cancel] Custom cancel widget.
/// [confirm] Custom confirm widget.
/// [title] Custom title widget. If specify a title widget, the cancel and confirm widgets will not display. Must set [titleHeight] value for custom title widget.
/// [showTitle] Whether display title widget or not. If set false, the default cancel and confirm widgets will not display, but the custom title widget will display if had specified one custom title widget.
/// [pickerHeight] The value of DatePicker's height.
/// [titleHeight] The value of DatePicker's title height.
/// [itemHeight] The value of DatePicker's column height.
/// [itemTextStyle] The value of DatePicker's column [TextStyle].
const DateTimePickerTheme({
  this.pickerHeight: DATETIME_PICKER_HEIGHT,


Example sources

Example APK

Example APK Download


Example: DatePicker

Example: DatePickerWidget


Example: TimePicker

Example: TimePickerWidget


Example: DateTimePicker

Example: DateTimePickerWidget


Copyright 2018 wuzhen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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