Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier.


duration pub package

Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier.

NOTE: Use prettyDuration, prettySeconds, prettyMilliseconds instead of printDuration, printSeconds, printMilliseconds if you only want to format/convert and don't want to print to console!

Format duration

Use printDuration to print a human readable durations. By default, printDuration will print the duration down to the second. It uses english locale by default.

main() {
  final dur = Duration(
    days: 5,
    hours: 23,
    minutes: 59,
    seconds: 59,
    milliseconds: 999,
    microseconds: 999,

  // => 5d, 23h, 59m, 59s

  // => 3 seconds
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 3000);

  // => 2 seconds 250 milliseconds
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 2250);

  // => 1 day 3 hours 2 minutes
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 97320000);

With desired locale

Use locale parameter to format with desired locale.

main() {
  // => 5 días 9 horas
    aDay * 5 + anHour * 9,
    abbreviated: false,
    locale: DurationLocale.fromLanguageCode('ru'),

Abbreviate units

Use abbreviated parameter to use abbreviated units.

main() {
  final dur = Duration(
    days: 5,
    hours: 23,
    minutes: 59,
    seconds: 59,
    milliseconds: 999,
    microseconds: 999,

  // => 5d, 23h, 59m, 59s, 999ms, 999us
  printDuration(dur, abbreviated: true, tersity: DurationTersity.all);


Use spacer to add a string between amount and unit.

main() {
  // => 5 whole days 9 whole hours
  printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9, spacer: ' whole ');


Use delimiter to separate each individual part with a string.

main() {
  // => 5 days, 9 hours and 10 minute
  printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9 + aMinute * 10, delimiter: ', ');


Use conjugation to add a string before the final unit. Use it in conjunction with delimiter to add ',' and 'and' to separate individual parts.

main() {
  // => 5 days, 9 hours and 10 minutes
    aDay * 5 + anHour * 9 + aMinute * 10,
    delimiter: ', ',
    conjugation: ' and ',

Parse duration

Parse duration

main() {
  final Duration dur = parseDuration('245:09:08.007006');

Parse time

main() {
  final Duration dur = parseTime('245:09:08.007006');
  • Max Tersity and Hebrew locale

    Max Tersity and Hebrew locale

    I added an option called maxTersity which allows the limiting of the number of time epochs that are being printed. This is useful if you have limited space for the time string and you don't care about losing the granularity of smaller time epochs.

    I also added Hebrew locale. It works 95% but due to syntactic differences in the Hebrew language support for the other 5% will require some architectural changes. I will make these in a separate pull request

    opened by yonatann 3
  • Fixed DurationTersity being dependant on time contained inside Duration

    Fixed DurationTersity being dependant on time contained inside Duration

    Right now if you specify for instance DurationTersity.minute but the Duration is less than 1 day, printDuration will print hours, minutes and seconds. This commit ensures that printDuration will always only print up to the limit set in the tersity parameter.

    opened by eligt 3
  • Add Czech locale

    Add Czech locale

    I'm adding support for Czech language.

    I hope you don't mind creating enum CzechDurationLocalePluralization as using switch statement feels more natural to me.

    On the other hand, this enum will be available to consumers because it's public API of library now, if it's a problem I can just replace it with if-else statements instead.

    opened by comatory 2
  • Can not parse duration from a string with weeks

    Can not parse duration from a string with weeks

    If I try to parse the duration '19w, 3d, 5m' I got an exception "Invalid duration format". But if I try to parse the duration '138d, 5m' I got the correct result.

    The error is because the regex does not expect the 'w' format: final match = RegExp(r'^(\d+)(d|h|m|s|ms|us)$').matchAsPrefix(part);

    So I can go from a duration to a text but I can't go from a text to a duration.

    Can you fix this please?

    Thank you!

    opened by GrupoDO 2
  • Remove debug logging from printDuration

    Remove debug logging from printDuration

    Looks like printDuration has a debug logging in. See here

    Reproduced below

    String printDuration(Duration duration,
        {DurationTersity tersity = DurationTersity.second,
        DurationLocale locale = const EnglishDurationLocale(),
        String spacer,
        String delimiter,
        String conjugation,
        bool abbreviated = false}) {
      final String fmt = prettyDuration(duration,
          tersity: tersity,
          locale: locale,
          spacer: spacer,
          delimiter: delimiter,
          conjunction: conjugation,
          abbreviated: abbreviated);
      return fmt;
    opened by jeffjose 2
  • [Suggestion] Support

    [Suggestion] Support "uppperTersity"

    Support "uppperTersity"

    Example: If you have Duration(hours: 25), you may want it to print hours 25 instead of days 1 hours 24

    Adding an "upperTersity" option would enable such behavior

    opened by nwparker 2
  • Formats supported by parse function?

    Formats supported by parse function?

    To me from the documentation, it is not clear what format the parse function supports. I'm currently interested into that function but I'm holding back as the documentation is not clear.

    opened by ichitaka 2
  • Year, month and week support added

    Year, month and week support added

    I need to print duration as a year, month and week too, I just add these features to your package and update the version, the changelog of the package. pub publish is enough 💯

    I need these features so can you publish the new version of the package as soon as possible by the way, Would you consider adding me as an uploader to be able to upload new features?

    opened by onatcipli 2
  • Always printing. ALWAYS.

    Always printing. ALWAYS.

    First of all thanks for the great plugin. Second of all is there a way to get the duration without printing it to the terminal?

    It is super annoying doing debug with this especially if i'm checking for the duration every second. That means a print statement in every second.

    Thanks again for plugin it just needs some more locales. If you need help with the Arabic locale send me a message.

    opened by omargalal20084 2
  • Add Japanese locale and Add defaultSpacer for CJK locale

    Add Japanese locale and Add defaultSpacer for CJK locale

    Hi, I just added Japanese locale.

    and I added defaultSpacer to DurationLocale for CJK locale. It should be no space between value and unit on CJK locale.

    const dur = Duration(days: 5, hours: 23);
    prettyDuration(dur, locale: ChineseSimplifiedDurationLocale())
    // current: '5 日 23 小时'
    // changed: '5日 23小时'
    prettyDuration(dur, locale: JapaneseDurationLocale())
    // current: '5 日 23 時間'
    // changed: '5日 23時間'
    prettyDuration(dur, locale: KoreanDurationLocale())
    // current: '5 일 23 시간'
    // changed: '5일 23시간'

    Thank you!

    opened by kyle-seongwoo-jun 1
  • upperTersity param not working in printDuration

    upperTersity param not working in printDuration

    I am trying to limit the upperTersity to days, but its taking the default value of weeks. The code is -

    final playTime = Duration(minutes: value); // value = 14966
    final humanizedTime = printDuration(
        abbreviated: true,
        tersity: DurationTersity.hour,
        upperTersity: DurationTersity.day,
    ); // output = 1w, 3d, 9h

    I have tested the tersity param and its working. upperTersity is not working with any value of DurationTersity, it is always giving weeks

    opened by tusharlock10 1
  • Handle negative durations properly

    Handle negative durations properly

    Dart 2.18, Windows 10 64-bit This code:

    import "package:duration/duration.dart";
    void main() {
    	print(prettyDuration(Duration(seconds: -1), abbreviated: false));

    prints: 59 seconds
    when I run it, instead of something like 1 second ago.

    opened by Keithcat1 0
  • [CJK] update hour() about abbreviation

    [CJK] update hour() about abbreviation

    I fixed wrong expressions. these shouldn't be abbreviated.

    时 / 時 / 시 are units used to indicate specific time. (e.g. at 1 o' clock)

    小时 / 小時 / 時間 / 시간 are units used to indicate duration. (e.g. it takes 1 hour.)

    opened by kyle-seongwoo-jun 0
  • PrettyDuration with abbreviated : true has incorrect identifier for minutes.

    PrettyDuration with abbreviated : true has incorrect identifier for minutes.

    This code snippet produces 5h, 33min, 20s. I expected min to be abbreviated to m.

        Duration(milliseconds: 20000000),
        abbreviated: true,
    opened by bruntzcreative 0
  • Add number of months instead of weeks if they exceed a certain amount

    Add number of months instead of weeks if they exceed a certain amount

    • default is 2 months as until that a timespan in weeks is sufficient (totally based on my personal gut feeling)
    • calculates with a rough average of 365 / 12 = 30.42 days per month
    opened by sebastianmueller 1
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