Crypto Trackers
Crypto Currency A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it.
Our Goal The objective of this project is to provide information about the trend of crypto coins in various currency like USD, INR and many others currencies.
What you will create Finally we will create a beautifull User Interface in which user can select the currency in which he wants to gather the information about the crypto BTC, ETH & LIT.
List Of Currencies 'AUD','INR','PLN','IDR'
What you will learn - How to use the DropdownButton Widget from Material design.
- How to loop through code using Dart for and for-in loops.
- How to use Cupertino Widgets in your app.
- How to check the platform your app is being run on to customise the UI for that platform.
- Revise previous points by completing the challenges.
IDE & Programming language This Application was devlopped with Flutter using the Android Studio
Running The App No requirements you just have to set your device and select the desired currency and automatically you will get the value of BTC, ETH, LIT in selected currency
2 - https://sites.google.com/view/bloodfank/social/github