A WordPress API client for dart with support for WooCommerce and custom namespaces.


WordPress REST API client for Dart | Flutter

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A WordPress REST API client for dart with support for WooCommerce and custom namespaces/endpoints.


  • Retrieve data from standard WordPress endpoints.
  • Retrieve data from any custom namespace


In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

  wordpress_api: <latest_version>


  • Import the package
import 'package:wordpress_api/wordpress_api';
  • Initialize WPAPI
  WordPressAPI api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
  • Retrieve posts from .posts getter

    • You can fetch a list of posts by simply calling .posts. More arguments can be passed to further filter the data returned
      void main() async {
        final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
        final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch();
        for (final post in res.data) {
    • As of v0.3.0, you can query a single post from the same endpoint by passing an id

      void main() async {
        final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
        final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch(id: 1);
  • Retrieve data from a custom endpoint

  void main() async {
    final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
    final WPResponse res = await api.get(endpoint: 'your-custom-endpoint');


  • Authentication using Application Passwords. WordPress 5.6+ only
  • Fully integrated WooCommerce support.
  • Full CRUD operations.
  • Support for other popular WordPress Plugins.

Contributions are welcome, report any issues here

Special Thanks

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Kellvem Barbosa


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

  • Documentation


    Please provide a full documentation with fully working example to know how to use and fetch posts, pages, categories, tags, images, how to search in posts etc. πŸ‘

    opened by Mayanktaker 4
  • Add more abstraction

    Add more abstraction

    Thanks for the package! I believe you should add more extraction, like a function called getPosts() for fetching posts instead of leaving it up to the dev to read the wp api first. This is how other api clients are written, and it'll also prevent more errors from misspelled endpoints.

    opened by ThinkDigitalSoftware 4
  • Added the possibility to customize Dio parameters

    Added the possibility to customize Dio parameters

    But once, thanks for this beautiful package, it saves my time and I would like to contribute!

    The possibility of starting Dio with custom parameters is very important, because there are several packages that add incredible functionality to Dio (dio_http_cache) some are listed on the pub.dev/dio page.

    So I added the possibility and I'm requesting this pull...

    This way we can customize the initializer

    final BaseOptions options = BaseOptions(
        connectTimeout: 5000,
        receiveTimeout: 10000,
    final wp = WordPressAPI('kellvem.pt', dio: Dio(options));

    If you do not want this we can also start in the original way made by you!

    final wp = WordPressAPI('kellvem.pt');

    So it's up to the user to use it :))

    opened by kellvembarbosa 3
  • postschema-meta-fixed


    WordPress returns meta field as list [ ] when no meta but, returns map<String, dynamic> when meta fields are available. So I changed the type map<String, dynamic> to dynamic is PostSchema

    opened by 2shrestha22 3
  • Cast Error

    Cast Error

    Using this library with WordPress sites that have meta value in getPosts cause cast error. With the site which have empty meta, meta = [ ] (in JSON ) library is working properly. WordPress API send meta as a map,

    "meta": {
                "spay_email": "",
                "jetpack_publicize_message": ""

    in this case library gives type error.

    opened by 2shrestha22 3
  • [fix] change the Utils class to WPUtils to remove error

    [fix] change the Utils class to WPUtils to remove error

    I had an error in the main.dart where there were the Util to call the logger (instant of Logger) based in the lib/src/utils.dart file. I was just about to rename the Utils class to WPUtils which was the actual correct name in the lib/src/utils.dart

    opened by NemesisX1 2
  • Problem with local server

    Problem with local server

    Hello I have installed wordpress on local mamp server. So when i want to fetch post from local server i am getting below errors.

    #0 packages/wordpress_api/src/main.dart 160:18 _discover β”œβ”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„β”„ β”‚ β›” DioError [DioErrorType.response]: XMLHttpRequest error. β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/core_patch.dart 906:28 get current β”‚ β›” packages/dio/src/dio_mixin.dart 819:20 assureDioError β”‚ β›” packages/dio/src/dio_mixin.dart 678:13 _dispatchRequest β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 60:31 β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1617:54 runBinary β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 166:20 handleError β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 716:46 handleError β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 737:13 _propagateToListeners β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 547:5 [_completeError] β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 603:7 callback β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 40:11 _microtaskLoop β”‚ β›” dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 49:5 _startMicrotaskLoop

    opened by kalismeras61 2
  • Exmaple App

    Exmaple App

    We need example app for this library. I am new to programming and having problem with this package.

    Here is code and I don't know data type so put List in return. How should I do if I don't want to put dynamic all over the app code and need a model?

     Future<List<dynamic>> fetchPosts(int pageNum) async {
        return wp.getPosts();
    opened by 2shrestha22 2
  • Always 404

    Always 404

    I'm try do work with the sample: import 'package:wordpress_api/wordpress_api.dart';

    WordPressAPI api = WordPressAPI('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/');

    void main() async { final wp = WordPressAPI('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts'); final posts = await wp.getPosts(); for (final post in posts) { print(post.title['rendered']); } } But always return 404: Exception: DioError [DioErrorType.RESPONSE]: Http status error [404] #0 WordPressAPI.getAsyc (package:wordpress_api/src/main.dart:249:7) #1 WordPressAPI.getPosts (package:wordpress_api/src/main.dart:281:23) #2 main (package:mercurio_comunicator/getcardContent.dart:7:26) #3 _startIsolate. (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:301:19) #4 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:168:12)

    opened by caam1406 2
  • How to get the typed data when make a request?

    How to get the typed data when make a request?

    currently i am doing this

        final WPResponse response = await api.getPosts();
        final List<PostSchema> posts =
            (response.data as List).map((e) => PostSchema.fromJson(e)).toList();

    is there a less boilerplate way and safe?

    thank you

    opened by CurrySenpai 2
  • Can't get data from WP API if endpoint contains forward slash (/)

    Can't get data from WP API if endpoint contains forward slash (/)

    This code final posts = (await wordpress.getAsync('posts'))['data']; works fine.

    But if you add a forward slash to the endpoint, flutter throws an exception: Invalid argument(s): The source must not be null Sample code: final posts = (await wordpress.getAsync('posts/1'))['data'];

    opened by jkclaudio20 2
  • How to use the search function with this package?

    How to use the search function with this package?

    Hello I'm trying to do a search function for my wordpress posts but I'm not quite sure on how to do with your package, can you refer me to an example made with your package and how it potentially works?

    opened by akotorri 0
  • How to use

    How to use "embedModel"

    Im Sorry for new Topic, but I need help. How can I get url from json below. I use argument const arg = {"per_page": "100", "_embed": "author"}; but I cannot get url. Please help. Thanks

    "_embedded": { "author": [ { "id": 2, "name": "test", "url": "http://egmrm.ru", "description": "", ...

    opened by Willi180 0
  • Where to add Username and Password?

    Where to add Username and Password?

    ToDo Authentication using Application Passwords. WordPress 5.6+ only

    I don't know what does that means. Where should I set my WordPress login info?

    I run the app like example (within localhost WordPress) and I get this error:

    β”‚ #0   packages/wordpress_api/src/main.dart 160:20                          _discover
    β”‚ β›” DioError [DioErrorType.response]: XMLHttpRequest error.
    opened by gabrimatic 2
  • v1.2.0(Sep 22, 2021)

    What's New

    • A new utility abstract class WPUtils has been introduced. This class contains some useful functions.
    • Added EmbedModel thanks Ankii

    What Changed

    • In response to issue #26 , the HTML tags have been preserved. In order to parse the HTML, a utility function from WPUtils is now available as shown in the example below.
        void main() async {
          final api = WordPressAPI('site.com');
          final res = await api.posts.fetch();
          for (final post in res.data as List<Post>) {
            // This will provide the content as it is without stripping the HTML tags.
            // This will strip all the HTML tags using parseHtml from WPUtils

    Other contributions

    • Thanks NemesisX1 for prefixing the Utils class
    • Updated Logger to v1.1.0
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(May 2, 2021)

    Breaking Changes

    • Changed the get method on endpoints to fetch. This has been done to preserve the dart keyword get.
    • Changed the return turn for each endpoint to WPResponse. This changed was made to enable more control over the response returned and also get the necessary metadata returned from the response.

    Example 1: Fetch multiple posts

    void main() async {
      final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.domain');
      final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch();
       for (final post in res.data) {

    Example 2: Fetch a single posts

    void main() async {
      final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.domain');
      final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch(id: 26);
      final Post post = res.data;
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(May 2, 2021)

    Breaking Changes/ What's New

    As of v1+, every api endpoint is set to a getter. For example,

    final WordPressAPI api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.domain');
    // Getting posts the OLD WAY
    final List<Post> posts = await api.getPosts();
    // The new way as of v1.0+
    final List<Post> posts = await api.posts.get();

    The new way is applicable to categories, pages, users, tags, taxonomies, media, application-passwords and any other endpoints to be added.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0+2(Apr 19, 2021)

  • v0.3.0+1(Apr 19, 2021)

  • v0.3.0(Apr 19, 2021)

  • v0.2.1(Oct 9, 2020)

  • v0.2.0(Jul 22, 2020)

    Breaking Changes

    • Renamed Base*Model to *Schema, e.g BaseCategoryModel is now CategorySchema

    What's New

    • Added Search, Taxonomy, Settings, and Pages endpoints.
    • WPReponse class was added to handle all responses.
    • Additional WordPress schemas that can be extended.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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