A Flutter plugin to use Chrome Custom Tabs.


Flutter Custom Tabs Plugin

With the Flutter Custom Tabs Plugin, you can use Custom Tabs as easily as url_launcher.

This plugin is built as federated plugins, see the flutter_custom_tabs package for details.


Copyright (C) 2021 Shinya Kumagai

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • v0.6.0 freezes on open

    v0.6.0 freezes on open

    Since 0.6.0, every time I try to launch a URL, the app and phone totally freeze. I have to lock and unlock the screen, and only then do I see the loaded custom tab.

    Happens on multiple devices and versions of Android. Does not have this issue on 0.5.0

    The code I use to launch

      void launchURL(String url) async {
        try {
          await launch(
            option: new CustomTabsOption(
                toolbarColor: mainColor,
                enableDefaultShare: true,
                enableUrlBarHiding: true,
                showPageTitle: true,
                animation: new CustomTabsAnimation.slideIn()),
        } catch (e) {
    opened by jovanovski 10
  • package android.support.annotation does not exist

    package android.support.annotation does not exist

    when use flutter_html_view that have dependency with this library, I get error like this:

    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:6: error: package android.support.annotation does not exist
    import android.support.annotation.AnimRes;
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:7: error: package android.support.annotation does not exist
    import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:8: error: package android.support.annotation does not exist
    import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:9: error: package android.support.annotation does not exist
    import android.support.annotation.RestrictTo;
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
    import android.support.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent;
      symbol:   class CustomTabsIntent
      location: package android.support.customtabs
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:19: error: cannot find symbol
    @RestrictTo(RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY) public class Launcher {
      symbol: class RestrictTo
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:43: error: cannot find symbol
      public CustomTabsIntent buildIntent(@NonNull Map<String, Object> options) {
      symbol:   class CustomTabsIntent
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:74: error: package CustomTabsIntent does not exist
      private void applyAnimations(@NonNull CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder,
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:107: error: cannot find symbol
          @NonNull CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent, @Nullable List<String> extraCustomTabs) {
      symbol:   class CustomTabsIntent
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:7: error: package android.support.annotation does not exist
    import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
    import android.support.customtabs.CustomTabsIntent;
      symbol:   class CustomTabsIntent
      location: package android.support.customtabs
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:38: error: cannot find symbol
      public Launcher(@NonNull Context context) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:43: error: cannot find symbol
      public CustomTabsIntent buildIntent(@NonNull Map<String, Object> options) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:42: error: cannot find symbol
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @NonNull
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:74: error: cannot find symbol
      private void applyAnimations(@NonNull CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder,
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:75: error: cannot find symbol
          @NonNull Map<String, String> animations) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:98: error: cannot find symbol
      @AnimRes private int resolveAnimationIdentifierIfNeeded(@NonNull String identifier) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:98: error: cannot find symbol
      @AnimRes private int resolveAnimationIdentifierIfNeeded(@NonNull String identifier) {
      symbol:   class AnimRes
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:106: error: cannot find symbol
      public void launch(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri,
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:106: error: cannot find symbol
      public void launch(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Uri uri,
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:107: error: cannot find symbol
          @NonNull CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent, @Nullable List<String> extraCustomTabs) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:107: error: cannot find symbol
          @NonNull CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent, @Nullable List<String> extraCustomTabs) {
      symbol:   class Nullable
      location: class Launcher
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:39: error: cannot find symbol
      private CustomTabsPlugin(@NonNull PluginRegistry.Registrar registrar) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class CustomTabsPlugin
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:57: error: cannot find symbol
      private void launch(@NonNull Map<String, Object> args, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result result) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class CustomTabsPlugin
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:57: error: cannot find symbol
      private void launch(@NonNull Map<String, Object> args, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result result) {
      symbol:   class NonNull
      location: class CustomTabsPlugin
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:44: error: package CustomTabsIntent does not exist
        final CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/internal/Launcher.java:44: error: package CustomTabsIntent does not exist
        final CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
    /Users/anu/app/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-0.4.0/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsPlugin.java:60: error: cannot find symbol
        final CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = launcher.buildIntent(options);
      symbol:   class CustomTabsIntent
      location: class CustomTabsPlugin
    28 errors
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    opened by hahn 7
  • No signature of method

    No signature of method

    App fails to build.

    Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * Where:
    Build file '/home/unknown/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-1.0.3/android/build.gradle' line: 25
    * What went wrong:
    A problem occurred evaluating project ':flutter_custom_tabs'.
    > No signature of method: build_5j3mke80mlase395y1phokujd.android() is applicable for argument types: (build_5j3mke80mlase395y1phokujd$_run_closure2) values: [build_5j3mke80mlase395y1phokujd$_run_closure2@5479451b]
    * Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
    * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
    BUILD FAILED in 636ms
    Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1
    Exited (sigterm)
    opened by 55nknown 5
  • Not show directly

    Not show directly

    I use flutter_custom_tabs 0.6.0 on android emulate and my mobile phone.

    In emulate (Android 8) it works well (although the system is not support browser exactly). But in my own mobile phone (Android 10), a single launch() action has no effect. If I invoke launch() twice, the last action has no effect also, but after I press the back button, the first page will be shown (navigator changed only when pressed back button).

    There is my code: (nearly is same with demo)

    Future launchInBrowser({BuildContext context, String url}) async {
      try {
        await launch(
          option: CustomTabsOption(
            toolbarColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor,
            enableDefaultShare: true,
            enableUrlBarHiding: false,
            showPageTitle: true,
            animation: CustomTabsAnimation(
              startEnter: 'slide_up',
              startExit: 'android:anim/fade_out',
              endEnter: 'android:anim/fade_in',
              endExit: 'slide_down',
            extraCustomTabs: [
      } catch (ex) {
        return Future.error(ex);
      onTap: () => launchInBrowser(context: context, url: xxx),
    opened by Aoi-hosizora 5
  • AndroidX support

    AndroidX support

    Support for AndroidX with updated compile and target version bumped up to 28 in order to fix #9. First merging into develop for more testing.

    In order to run it properly the PR https://github.com/droibit/CustomTabsLauncher/pull/3 in the library have to be merged first with a new version tag into master. After that i or @droibit can also update the version tag of the library in the gradle file.

    Example worked perfect for me with the new version of the pr.

    If you want to give all a try here is a version with the gradle file updated to my test branch https://github.com/Gurkengewuerz/flutter_custom_tabs/tree/workaround

    opened by Gurkengewuerz 5
  • Can not release the app

    Can not release the app

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'flutter_custom_tabs'.

    SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

    BUILD FAILED in 2s

    The plugin flutter_custom_tabs could not be built due to the issue above. Process finished with exit code 1

    opened by skabirgithub 3
  • Can't open the URL with view-source

    Can't open the URL with view-source

    I tried to open the URL like view-source:https://www.google.com/ but I can't open the URL its says " Flutter Custom Tabs only supports URL of http or https scheme."

    Then I open the file custom_tabs_launcher.dart and commented on the code if (url.scheme != 'http' && url.scheme != 'https') { throw PlatformException( code: 'NOT_A_WEB_SCHEME', message: 'Flutter Custom Tabs only supports URL of http or https scheme.', ); } Then it gives me the error " PlatformException(LAUNCH_ERROR, No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=view-source:https://google.com }, null)"

    I try to open the URL using the webview_flutter, then it's working fine.

    the view-source also works in the chrome browser.

    Is there is any way to open that URL by using custom tabs?

    opened by hm-harshit 3
  • Tab Not Opening in Release Mode I am getting black screen.

    Tab Not Opening in Release Mode I am getting black screen.

    My Tabs are working fine in debug mode but in release mode tabs are not opening.I am getting only black screen.

    this is my flutter doctor output C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\Flutter Projects\hind_news>flutter doctor -v [√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.12.13+hotfix.5, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.592], locale en-IN) • Flutter version 1.12.13+hotfix.5 at C:\src\flutter\flutter • Framework revision 27321ebbad (9 weeks ago), 2019-12-10 18:15:01 -0800 • Engine revision 2994f7e1e6 • Dart version 2.7.0

    [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3) • Android SDK at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Android\sdk • Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support) • Platform android-29, build-tools 28.0.3 • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b03) • All Android licenses accepted.

    [√] Android Studio (version 3.5) • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio • Flutter plugin version 40.0.2 • Dart plugin version 191.8423 • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_202-release-1483-b03)

    [√] VS Code (version 1.41.1) • VS Code at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code • Flutter extension version 3.7.1

    [√] Connected device (1 available) • SM G610F • 33006936147764cd • android-arm • Android 8.1.0 (API 27)

    • No issues found!

    and my pubspec.yaml is.......

    name: hind_news description: A new Flutter project.

    version: 1.0.0+1

    environment: sdk: ">=2.2.0 <3.0.0"

    dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 http: ^0.12.0+2 webview_flutter: ^0.3.19+5 flutter_custom_tabs: ^0.6.0 shared_preferences: ^0.5.6 dynamic_theme: ^1.0.0 cached_network_image: ^2.0.0 #pull_to_refresh: ^1.5.8

    dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter


    uses-material-design: true assets:

    • images/ fonts:
    • family: Gelasio fonts:
      • asset: fonts/Gelasio-Medium.ttf

    I am using this method for launching tabs..

    static void launchURL(BuildContext context, String url) async { try { await launch( url, option: CustomTabsOption( toolbarColor: Theme.of(context).primaryColor, enableDefaultShare: true, enableUrlBarHiding: true, showPageTitle: true, animation: CustomTabsAnimation.slideIn(), extraCustomTabs: [ // ref. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox 'org.mozilla.firefox', // ref. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.emmx 'com.microsoft.emmx', ], ), ); } catch (e) { debugPrint(e.toString()); } }

    opened by pktintali 2
  • Get notified when custom_tabs is closed

    Get notified when custom_tabs is closed

    I need to detect and do something when custom_tabs were closed.

    For example, I need to open the payment window. After payment is being made the window will be closed and I want to check payment status and navigate the user to a successful/failed screen.

    For now, this method ("on closed" callback) is not provided by flutter_custom_tabs, due that I need to move to flutter_inappwebview but this package is simpler than that one. So I might come back if that functionality is added.

    opened by themisir 2
  • Cannot build on Mac Mini M1

    Cannot build on Mac Mini M1

    Project made with Android Studio, had no issues until used this lib.

    When use Xcode run button:

    fatal error: module map file '/Users/suser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-apowyhreykdokqgcyelbhhgqjexu/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/flutter_custom_tabs/flutter_custom_tabs.modulemap' not found 1 error generated.

    When use Android Studio run button: error: the following command failed with exit code 0 but produced no further output CompileC /Users/suser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-apowyhreykdokqgcyelbhhgqjexu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Pods.build/Release-iphoneos/FMDB.build/Objects-normal/arm64/FMDatabaseQueue.o /Users/suser/StudioProjects/Mobin/Sources/trunk/ios/Pods/FMDB/src/fmdb/FMDatabaseQueue.m normal arm64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler (in target 'FMDB' from project 'Pods')

    and some warnings

    Tried tons of solutions with no luck.

    After disabling lib, project run with no problem.

    opened by maxim-ilinov 1
  • app crush on ios

    app crush on ios

      try {
        await launch(url);
      } catch (e) {}

    if the String url has a space at the beginning, the app crushes on IOS, on android nothing happens.

    • maybe trim() the string before use, incase human forgot to do so
    opened by SidneyMachara 1
  • How to close the in-app browser programmatically

    How to close the in-app browser programmatically

    Hey, I have been using this package for a while. I want to know (if it's already available\request a feature) how to close the in-app webview called using launch function.


      try {
        await launch(
          customTabsOption: const CustomTabsOption(
            toolbarColor: Color(0xff000000),
            enableDefaultShare: false,
            enableUrlBarHiding: true,
            showPageTitle: true,
            extraCustomTabs: <String>[
          safariVCOption: const SafariViewControllerOption(
            preferredBarTintColor: Color(0xff000000),
            preferredControlTintColor: Colors.white,
            barCollapsingEnabled: true,
            entersReaderIfAvailable: false,
            dismissButtonStyle: SafariViewControllerDismissButtonStyle.close,
      } catch (e) {

    Screenshot 2022-11-21 101451

    I'hv marked it in the above image. The event called when the X button is clicked should be called programmatically.

    opened by fathah 2
  • Add closeAllIfPossible() method

    Add closeAllIfPossible() method

    What is this?

    I have added closeAllIfPossible(), which closes all launched SFSafariViewControllers via flutter_custom_tabs, to launcher.

    Before this PR

    Once the app launched a SFSafariViewController via flutter_custom_tabs, it could not be closed until the user closed it. Therefore, the SFSafariViewController was masking the deep link transition.

    After this PR

    The app can close all SFSafariViewController at any time. It is especially useful before deep link transitions.

    How to use

    Like this,

    import 'package:flutter_custom_tabs/flutter_custom_tabs.dart' as custom_tabs;
    await custom_tabs.launch(uriString);
    // When deeplink is invoked
    await custom_tabs.closeAllIfPossible();
    await transition(deeplink);

    It avoids occuring a transition behind a SFSafariViewController that is not closed by user.

    Android and web

    In Android and web, empty operations have been implemented because there is no proper way to close customTabs. At least, Android doesn't require it in case of deep link scenario. This is because customTabs are automatically closed when app returns from background.

    opened by em-yhoshino 3
  • Need to use returned params when the tab is closed.

    Need to use returned params when the tab is closed.

    I have a login system on a web and im trying to use custom_tabs to login and to get the returned token to use it on the app. Is there any way to get this to work?

    opened by renanmgs 1
  • CustomTabsFactory.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.

    CustomTabsFactory.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.

    Note: /home/beknazarov/Dev/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/flutter_custom_tabs-1.0.4/android/src/main/java/com/github/droibit/flutter/plugins/customtabs/CustomTabsFactory.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.

    opened by LightkingB 0
  • Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' at custom tab plugin

    Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' at custom tab plugin

    android/app/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java:29: error: package com.github.droibit.flutter.plugins.customtabs does not exist flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new com.github.droibit.flutter.plugins.customtabs.CustomTabsPlugin()); ^ 1 error

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

    Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    • Get more help at https://help.gradle.org

    BUILD FAILED in 15s Exception: Gradle task assembleDebug failed with exit code 1

    opened by ayechan-maung 0
Shinya Kumagai
Android/iOS Developer.
Shinya Kumagai
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notify_inapp show custom in-app notification with any Widgets. Getting Started Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: notify_in

NewTab 3 Aug 19, 2022
Flutter custom widget to make a group buttons. Included Radio and CheckBox buttons.

Flutter widget to create a group of buttons fast ?? Included Radio and CheckBox buttons models with custom groping types ?? Show some ❤️ and star the

Stanislav Ilin 162 Dec 26, 2022
Flutter Custom, Text, 3D, Social media button's package

Flutter Button flutter_button, which is a flutter package, contains animated, cool and awesome buttons. That you may like, thanks to this package you

Ismael Shakverdiev 15 Dec 29, 2022
Flutter Number Picker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by using add and minus buttons

Flutter Number Picker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by using add and minus buttons. Getting Started Head to /p

Vũ Phương 2 Jul 4, 2022
A Flutter widget which synchronize a ScrollView and a custom tab view

scrollable_list_tabview A Flutter widget which synchronize a ScrollView and a custom tab view. The main idea is to create a custom tab view synchroniz

Aswanath C K 0 Apr 12, 2022
Custom bottom sheet widget, that can resize by drag and then scroll.

Bottom Sheet This package is part of the SurfGear toolkit made by Surf. About Custom bottom sheet widget that can be resized in response to drag gestu

Surf 92 Dec 16, 2022
NumberPicker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by scrolling spinners.

NumberPicker NumberPicker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by scrolling spinners. Example: (See example for more)

Marcin Szałek 273 Nov 4, 2022
A custom dropdown button lets the user select from a number of items

CircularDropDownMenu Description A custom dropdown button lets the user select from a number of items. The button shows the currently selected item as

Surya Dev Singh 2 Dec 5, 2020
A custom Slider which accepts a list of ordered values.

MultiSlider A custom Slider which accepts a list of ordered values. It's meant to be as simple as the original Slider! UI with it Usages Continuous sl

Sthefano Schiavon 7 Dec 3, 2022
"wi_custom_bar" - a custom bar widget that implements a thermometer gauge bar created by wannai team

About wi_custom_bar "wi_custom_bar" is a custom bar widget that implements a thermometer gauge bar created by wannai team. Installing: In your pubspec

null 3 Feb 23, 2022