Made with Clean architecture + TDD + GraphQL + flutter_bloc + CodeCov + GitHooks + GitHub Actions (CI/CD) and finally with 💙


Rick and Morty Info

Actions Status Actions Status codecov Flutter version style: effective dart License: MIT

A simple app to demonstrate Clean Architecture with GraphQL and flutter_bloc


In Martin Fowler's words,

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” (Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, 1999, p. 22)

With this idea in mind, I wanted to demonstrate how we can make a simple app in production grade (and I hope I made my case).

"Production level" implementations


Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3


  • Check if you are in the beta channel of flutter SDK and the version v2.0.1 or higher. Instruction to change flutter channel.
  • Clone the repo
    git clone
  • And then we can use the normal build and run procedure
    flutter pub get
    flutter run
  • Some files like *.freezed.dart, *.g.dart, *.iconfig.dart are auto generated. If there is any issue from these files just run this command to regenerate them.
    flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Thanks to

  • unclebob (For the infamous Clean Architecture)
  • resocoder (Followed his style in Clean architecture)
  • felangel (For his amazing state management solution)
  • Axel Fuhrmann (For the Rick and Morty GraphQL API)
  • Authors of all the packages I have used, who made our lives easier.

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

  • Updated dependencies to work on flutter 2.2.0

    Updated dependencies to work on flutter 2.2.0


    I noticed the app was not working on the newest version of flutter. Here are the changes I made:

    • I updated most of the dependencies to the latest version, and did the necessary changes for depreciated usages.

    • I changed the mock package from Mockito to Mocktail (

    • I upgrade the gradle version

    • I set the IOS platform to 9 for sqflite to work

    Please let me know if there's something you need me to change 💙

    opened by aumb 5
  • Upgraded to null safety

    Upgraded to null safety

    I upgraded most packages to their null safety versions:

    • data_connection_checker is discontinued (no null safety version) so i replaced the package with internet_connection_checker ( which is basically the same package but with null safety.

    • Some tests where failing because null safety requires mocking Future<void> functions so i added them

    opened by aumb 2
  • Question about the entity model

    Question about the entity model

    In the api documentation, the character schema has a list of the episode schema.

    If I want to make a query like this:

    query($page: Int!) {
      characters(page: $page) {
        results {
          episode {

    Can I insert the List field in the character entity, for example?

    opened by smiqueias 1
  • project build/run instructions

    project build/run instructions

    hi, thanks for this great example/template project. unf. ive had no luck in being able to get it to build/run. would you be able to add instructions for this ?

    opened by SogoGolf 1
  • unable to run example with latest version of graphql-flutter

    unable to run example with latest version of graphql-flutter

    I tried to run the app with the new version 1.5 of Flutter and also the latest version of graphql-flutter: ^1.0.0+4

    and ran into issues.

    The main issue is the fact the Client is not used in the new graphql-flutter version. and refactor to

    static final HttpLink httpLink = HttpLink(
        uri: '',

    is not working.

    Are you able to update the example with Flutter 1.5

    BTW: using the graphql-flutter version 0.9.5 in combination with Flutter 1.5 gives all kind of errors in the console

    thx, and already thx for the great example.

    opened by HBO2 1
  • ♻️ Refactored

    ♻️ Refactored

    • Use functional_enum for types which can be replaced by enums. this decreases the amount of code by a lot btw
    • Use JsonConverter for converting types instead of using static methods
    • Remove deprecated abstract keyword for freezed classes
    opened by elias8 0
  • Remove interface INetworkInfo and Change tests accordingly

    Remove interface INetworkInfo and Change tests accordingly

    Refactor NetworkInfo

    Removed Abstract class INetworkInfo from network_info.dart and made suitable changes in home_repository.dart and home_repository_test.dart.

    Fixes #14

    opened by agent515 0
  • How to use this GraphQL implementation for Authenticated link. when auth token is generated in real time.

    How to use this GraphQL implementation for Authenticated link. when auth token is generated in real time.

    I was trying your graphql implementation on an app which has authentication (login/signup) now after the login we get the token, how to update the graphql link with the new auth link.

    opened by bhartendu27 1
  • What about example with mutations?

    What about example with mutations?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A read-only example is just a tiny tip of the iceberg. When we start to modify data there are a lot of new problems appear.

    opened by denis-isaev 0
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