[Flutter package] An easy and quick way to check if the local app is updated with the same version in their respective stores (Play Store / Apple Store ).


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Retrieve version and url for local app update against store app Android and iOS


Using as reference packages like in_app_update , version_check.

Compares local version with the respective store version for the purpose of detecting user-side version updates.

It also provides widgets like dialog , bottom sheets and pages for you to display the update option to the user.

Getting started

$ flutter pub add app_version_update

or add in your dependencies

  app_version_update: <latest>

to use this app you need to have the app hosted in stores.

To test, you can manually downgrade your pubspec.yaml from your version: , when you run your local version it will be different from the store version


final appleId = '1234567890'; // If this value is null, its packagename will be considered
final playStoreId = 'com.example.app'; // If this value is null, its packagename will be considered
final country = 'br' // If this value is null 'us' will be the default value
await AppVersionUpdate.checkForUpdates(
            appleId: appleId, playStoreId: playStoreId, country: country)
        .then((data) async {
              //showDialog(... your custom widgets view) 
              //or use our widgets
              // AppVersionUpdate.showAlertUpdate
              // AppVersionUpdate.showBottomSheetUpdate
              // AppVersionUpdate.showPageUpdate
              appVersionResult: data, context: context);

Customize the Alert Dialog

// you also have some options to customize our Alert Dialog 
    @required AppVersionResult? appVersionResult,
    @required BuildContext? context,
    String? title = 'New version available',
    String? content = 'Would you like to update your application?',
    String? cancelButtonText = 'Update later',
    String? updateButtonText = 'Update',
    ShowModalType? modalType = ShowModalType.alert_dialog, //anothers: page and bottom_sheet
    Color? backgroundColor = Colors.white,
    TextStyle? cancelTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.red),
    TextStyle? updateTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.green),
    TextStyle? titleTextStyle = const TextStyle(
        fontSize: 20.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700, color: Colors.black),
    ButtonStyle? cancelButtonStyle = const ButtonStyle(
        overlayColor: MaterialStatePropertyAll(Colors.black12)),
    ButtonStyle? updateButtonStyle = const ButtonStyle(
      overlayColor: MaterialStatePropertyAll(Colors.black12),

Customize the our bottom sheet

      {@required BuildContext? context,
      @required AppVersionResult? appVersionResult,
      bool? mandatory = false,
      String? title = 'New version avaible',
      Widget? content}) async {
    await showModalBottomSheet(
        isDismissible: !mandatory!,
        context: context!,
        builder: (context) => BottomSheetUpdateVersion(
              appVersionResult: appVersionResult,
              mandatory: mandatory,
              content: content,
              title: title,

Customize the Page
// you also have some options to customize our Page
    {@required BuildContext? context,
    @required AppVersionResult? appVersionResult,
    bool? mandatory = false,
    Widget? page}) async {
            builder: (context) =>
                page ??
                  mandatory: mandatory,
                  appVersionResult: appVersionResult,

Additional information

Next Updates status
Mandatory or optional update released
Create TestMode development
Bottom sheet widget released
Page widget released
Handle Exceptions development
New options custom widgets released
Automatic country detection released
Modularize files listed

This project is at an initial level, more functions will be included as

So any suggestion and contribution is welcome.

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