Customizable Icons for Flutter :boom:


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pub package

Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by react-native-vector-icons


  1. v1.0.0 has major Api changes, please be careful to upgrade
  2. icon names that begin with a number are preceded by a $prefix
  3. icon named with the dart keyword have the _ suffix added

Bundled Icon Sets

Browse all.


To use this plugin, add flutter_icons as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.



Prop Description
selectedIconData Icon is displayed when value is true
unselectedIconData Icon is displayed when value is false
activeColor When value is true, the icon color is displayed
inactiveColor When value is false, the icon color is displayed
value Whether this IconToggle is selected.
onChanged Called when the value of the IconToggle should change.
duration The duration of the transition from selected Icon to unselected Icon
reverseDuration he duration of the transition from unselected Icon to selected Icon
transitionBuilder Transition animation function between the selected Icon and the unselected Icon


// Import package
import 'package:flutter_icons/flutter_icons.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// 1.0.0 version used

// After 1.1.0, the FlutterIcons class is provided to access all Icons
// Icon name in the original basis added icon set abbreviation name as suffix
// Hereinafter referred to as the following
//Ant Design Icons -> ant,
//Entypo Icons -> ent,
//Evil Icons -> evi,
//Feather Icons -> fea,
//Font Awesome Icons -> faw,
//Font Awesome 5 Regular -> faw5
//Font Awesome 5 Solid -> faw5s
//Font Awesome 5 Brands -> faw5b
//Foundation Icons -> fou,
//Ionicons Icons -> ion,
//Material Community Icons -> mco,
//Material Icons -> mdi,
//Octicons Icons -> oct,
//Simple Line Icons -> sli,
//Zocial Icons -> zoc,
//Weather Icons -> wea

// Previous versions of 1.0.0 are used
Icon(FontAwesome5.getIconData("address-book",weight: IconWeight.Solid));
Icon(FontAwesome5.getIconData("500px", weight: IconWeight.Brand));

How to keep only the fonts used in the project.

step 1

Execute the command

pub global activate split_icon


Add the font you want to leave in the project's pubspec file

//Ant Design Icons -> ant,
//Entypo Icons -> ent,
//Evil Icons -> evi,
//Feather Icons -> fea,
//Font Awesome Icons -> faw,
//Font Awesome 5 Regular -> faw5
//Font Awesome 5 Solid -> faw5s
//Font Awesome 5 Brands -> faw5b
//Foundation Icons -> fou,
//Ionicons Icons -> ion,
//Material Community Icons -> mco,
//Material Icons -> mdi,
//Octicons Icons -> oct,
//Simple Line Icons -> sli,
//Zocial Icons -> zoc,
//Weather Icons -> wea




Execute the command in the project directory

  • Big resource (font) files

    Big resource (font) files

    Asset files which referenced in pubspec.yaml are too big. I want to keep only fonts which used in the project.

    opened by shinsenter 7
  • Requesting an icon which does not exist returns IconData Object not null

    Requesting an icon which does not exist returns IconData Object not null

    If I request an Icon which does not exist IconData gets returned anyway with the codePoint = null. This leads to a weird flutter assert which has nothing to do with the IconData and it is hard to track. Could u please just return null or throw an exception

    IconData data = MaterialIcons.getIconData(key);

    opened by ride4sun 7
  • Null safety migration

    Null safety migration

    Getting errors related to null safety support Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies don't support null safety:

    • package:flutter_icons

    For solutions, see

    Error: Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies don't support null safety:

    • package:flutter_icons

    **Please do migrate the package to null safety **

    opened by baimamboukar 5
  • Access all icons with single API

    Access all icons with single API

    Is it possible to access all icons with a single API? For example, I want to select the best looking calendar icon from all of the sets. But, I have to type the name of all sets one by one and add dot calendar after them. If all the icons are accessible from a single class it would be easier to select the best calendar icon.

    Thank you for the great package.

    opened by deadsoul44 4
  • [Feature Request] Split the lib into many subpackages by family.

    [Feature Request] Split the lib into many subpackages by family.

    Hi folks.

    First of all I want to thanks you. I'm currently using this package and it's great! :)

    I was wondering if it makes sense split this package into several subpackages in order to optimize application size. In my case I'm just using MaterialCommunityIcons. AFAIK I have to import the whole package, including the other .ttfs & resources, increasing the total size.

    Is this possible? Do I am wrong assuming that all resources are bundled into the release builds?


    opened by henry2man 3
  • All Icons should be searchable in one list - copy and paste should work to get the names

    All Icons should be searchable in one list - copy and paste should work to get the names

    All Icons should be searchable in one list to search all libraries - copy and paste should work to get the names to copy them. Also, the search icon has to be clicked to start a search. Search should be triggered by just typing. The Chinese string in the search field does not work with most of the world. Could you change it to English to make it more comprehensible ( I am German ) ?

    I like the package - don't get me wrong.

    opened by ride4sun 3
  • Could we add a more user friendly API?

    Could we add a more user friendly API?

    It would be cool to have an easier Interface as an extension to your package which allows the extraction of the Icons like this:

    ///searches all libs and returns the first finding
    IconData data = IconCache('altimeter')
    ///searches only Material Icons 
    IconData data = IconCache('altimeter', IconLib.mdi)
    ///searches only Material Icons 
    IconData data = IconCache('mdi.altimeter')

    all methods return a default icon if no Icon is found (could be changed to null). This addresses #12

    Here is the implimentation:

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_icons/flutter_icons.dart';
    import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
    final _log = new Logger('ui.icon_cache.dart');
    enum IconLib {
      ///All Icons
      ///Ant Design Icons
      ///Entypo Icons
      ///Evil Icons
      ///Feather Icons
      ///Font Awesome Icons
      ///Foundation Icons
      ///Ionicons Icons
      ///Material Community Icons
      ///Material Icons
      ///Octicons Icons
      ///Simple Line Icons
      ///Zocial Icons
      ///Weather Icons
    class IconCache {
      static final IconCache _singleton = new IconCache._internal();
      factory IconCache() {
        return _singleton;
      IconData operator [](String name) {
        return _singleton.icon(name);
      IconLib _fromString(String iconLibEnumPrefix) => IconLib.values.firstWhere(
          (e) => e.toString().split('.').last == iconLibEnumPrefix,
          orElse: null);
      // The format is like '' which loads the car
      // icon from the Material Design Icons
      //if the name contains the prefix separated with a dot and the prefix
      // is the default than the prefix is taken from the name. e.g.
      IconData icon(String name, {IconLib prefix = IconLib.all}) {
        String iconName;
        IconLib namePrefix;
        //if the name contains the prefix separated with a dot and the prefix
        // is the default than the prefix is taken from the name. e.g.
        if (name.contains('.') && prefix == IconLib.all) {
          namePrefix = _fromString(name.split('.').first);
          iconName = name.split('.').last;
          //defaults to all lib
          if (namePrefix == null || iconName == null) throw ArgumentError();
          return _iconInternal(namePrefix, iconName);
        } else {
          return _iconInternal(prefix, name);
      IconData _iconInternal(IconLib prefix, String name) {
        IconData data;
        if (prefix != IconLib.all) {
          data = _extractIconFromSpecificLib(prefix, name);
          if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
            _log.finest('Could not load Icon $name ');
            return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
          } else {
            return data;
        return _searchIconsInAllLibs(data, name, prefix);
      _searchIconsInAllLibs(IconData data, String name, IconLib prefix) {
        try {
          //return MdiIcons()[name];
          data = _searchMaterialIcons(name);
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchMaterialCommunityIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchMaterialCommunityIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchAntDesignIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchEntypoIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchEvilIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchFeatherIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchFontAwesomeIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchFoundationIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchIonIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchOcticonsIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchSimpleLineIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchZocialIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            data = _searchWeatherIcons(name);
          } else {
            return data;
          if (data == null) {
            _log.finest('Could not load Icon $name from lib: $prefix');
            return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
          } else {
            _log.finest('Could not load Icon $name, from lib: $prefix}');
            return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
        } catch (e) {
              'Could not load Icon $name, from lib: $prefix, Error: ${e.toString()}');
          return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
      IconData _extractIconFromSpecificLib(IconLib prefix, String name) {
        switch (prefix) {
          case IconLib.ant:
            return _searchAntDesignIcons(name);
          case IconLib.all:
            _log.finest('Could not load Icon $name');
            return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
          case IconLib.ent:
            return _searchEntypoIcons(name);
          case IconLib.evi:
            return _searchEvilIcons(name);
          case IconLib.fea:
            return _searchFeatherIcons(name);
          case IconLib.faw:
            return _searchFontAwesomeIcons(name);
          case IconLib.fou:
            return _searchFoundationIcons(name);
          case IconLib.ion:
            return _searchIonIcons(name);
          case IconLib.mco:
            return _searchMaterialCommunityIcons(name);
          case IconLib.mdi:
            return _searchMaterialIcons(name);
          case IconLib.oct:
            return _searchOcticonsIcons(name);
          case IconLib.sli:
            return _searchSimpleLineIcons(name);
          case IconLib.zoc:
            return _searchZocialIcons(name);
          case IconLib.wea:
            return _searchWeatherIcons(name);
              _log.finest('Could not load Icon $name');
              return MaterialIcons.getIconData('error');
      IconData _searchWeatherIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = WeatherIcons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchZocialIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Zocial.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchSimpleLineIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = SimpleLineIcons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchOcticonsIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Octicons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchIonIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Ionicons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchFoundationIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Foundation.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchFontAwesomeIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = FontAwesome.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchFeatherIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Feather.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchEvilIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = EvilIcons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchEntypoIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = Entypo.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchAntDesignIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = AntDesign.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchMaterialIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = MaterialIcons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
      IconData _searchMaterialCommunityIcons(String name) {
        IconData data = MaterialCommunityIcons.getIconData(name);
        if (data == null || data.codePoint == null) {
          return null;
        } else {
          return data;
    opened by ride4sun 2
  • Does cherry picking work with this library

    Does cherry picking work with this library

    I am wondering if by using this Library dart/ flutter tree shaking still works or if all Icons are loaded in memory because I can access them with an indexer (map)?

    FYI Tree shaking. In computing, tree shaking is a dead code elimination technique that is applied when optimizing code written in ECMAScript dialects like Dart, JavaScript, or TypeScript into a single bundle that is loaded by a web browser.

    opened by ride4sun 2
  • Outline or solid is not quit clear

    Outline or solid is not quit clear

    Hi, thanks for wonderful icons!

    the icon preview from website, is not same with I set in flutter app:


    As you can see, the grin icon it not solid, while website is like this:


    I want it to be solid so that fits the style of my app. Do u know why it's not same?

    opened by jinfagang 2
  • Is material_icons from home-outline is missing

    Is material_icons from home-outline is missing

    Hi, first, thanks a lot for this project.

    In the Readme, it says this project it's inspired by react-native-vector-icons. And then I checked, it says MaterialIcons is from Then I checked, it redirects to Then I searched for home-outline icon, I found the result at BUT from the latest project code flutter-icons/lib/material_icons.dart, I can not find home-outline at all.


    opened by sgon00 2
  • All icons appearing as empty boxes

    All icons appearing as empty boxes

    Is this package alive? I thought it would be really useful for my app but none of the icons is working. example: Icon(WeatherIcons.wi_cloudy) or any other icon is not working. All i'm getting is a box kind of looking thing.

    opened by DjordjeMancic97 1
  • Migrate to null safety

    Migrate to null safety

    9cf4b48 fixes the majority of the analyzer warnings (mostly redundant const declarations).

    0889610 migrates the package to null safety.


    Please consider this PR for release, because the package complicates migration to null safety for the apps that using it.

    Fixes #41. Fixes #45. Fixes #46.

    opened by jibiel 14
  • Can't find some Ionicons (Ellipsis-Horizontal-circle and others)

    Can't find some Ionicons (Ellipsis-Horizontal-circle and others)

    Env info

    Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
    [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.0.2, on Linux, locale en_GB.UTF-8)
    [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3)
    [✗] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find Chrome executable at google-chrome)
       ! Cannot find Chrome. Try setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE to a Chrome executable.
    [!] Android Studio (not installed)
    [✓] VS Code (version 1.53.2)
    [✓] Connected device (1 available)
    ! Doctor found issues in 2 categories.

    Bug info

    Can't Find Some icons, especially Ionicons. Some Icons I noticed to be missing are
    * Ionicons.ellipsis-horizontal-circle
    * Ionicons.ellipsis-horizontal-circle-outline
    * Ionicons.paper-plane-outline
    * Ionicons.ios-paper-plane-outline
    * MaterialIcons.all-inbox
    opened by Lone-Wolf17 1
  • Integrate SimpleIcons and BrandIcons

    Integrate SimpleIcons and BrandIcons

    They have npm integration already at

    MaterialDesignIcons no longer accepts Brand Icons

    1. BrandIcons They already have a Flutter package at

    Use case


    opened by giorgio79 0
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