flukit is a Flutter UI Kit

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flukit (Flutter UI Kit)是一个Flutter Widget库。





	--lib           //示例目录
	   --src  //widget库目录
	--docs //文档目录,文档必须是markdown格式
      --images //文档用到的图片都放在这里,如截图
      --chs //中文文档目录
      --en //英文文档目录


flutter run



  1. 尽可能多的添加注释,文档注释为三斜线"///"
  2. 添加一个新的Widget后,请在Demo目录添加使用示例,示例应该纯净无干扰,如果一个widget需要多个示例,可以创建一个二级页面,可以参照Pull Refresh、QuickSelectListView。
  3. 如果可以,请尽可能在doc目录下为widget添加使用文档,文档必须是markdown格式,文档名应与widget文件名同名


Widget名称 介绍
QuickScrollbar 可拖动的滚动条
TurnBox 可按任意角度旋转子组件
AnimatedRotationBox 可对子组件执行旋转动画
ScaleView 可以对子组件进行缩放(双指伸缩)
Swiper 一个轮播组件
GradientButton 背景色渐变按钮
RaisedGradientButton 背景色渐变按钮(Raised)
GradientCircularProgressIndicator 一个支持颜色渐变的圆形进度指示器
InfiniteListView 支持下拉刷新的无限加载列表组件
PullRefreshBox(betal) 下拉刷新(该组件并未成熟,将来可能会删掉)
NineGridView 类似微信/微博展示图片九宫格,钉钉群组,微信群组,QQ讨论组头像
DragSortView 类似微博/微信发布动态选图九宫格,拖拽换位



另外一个NineGridView,使用的Stack + Positioned实现,本项目通过封装GridView实现。

AzListView A Flutter sticky headers & index ListView. Flutter 城市列表,联系人列表,索引&悬停。

  • InfiniteListView onRetrieveData

    InfiniteListView onRetrieveData

    var hasMore = await widget.onRetrieveData(1, _items, pullDown); if (_items.isEmpty || _items.length % widget.pageSize != 0 && hasMore != true) { state.noMore = true; } state.items = _items;

    when the _widget.pageSize == items.length, hasMore = false: the state.noMore = true does not work

    opened by Accumulation-dot 2
  • 给 InfiniteListView 加一个刷新控制器

    给 InfiniteListView 加一个刷新控制器

    通常会遇到这样的场景,列表页顶部通常有搜索框,用户输入搜索内容触发整个列表重新获取数据并刷新列表。InfiniteListView并不支持用代码控制刷新。也有朋友给过一些例子 例如在 InfiniteListView 加上 ScrollController,用代码控制ScrollController下拉位置来触发下拉刷新,但是这样做有很多问题,例如当网络延时或其他原因查不到数据时,用这个方法就触发不了第二次刷新。我自己也想了一个解决方案,目前可以正常用代码触发刷新,希望交流一下。 添加一个控制器类 class InfiniteListViewRefreshController { Future Function(bool) refreshFunc; void refresh(bool pullDown) { if(refreshFunc!=null) refreshFunc(pullDown); } }

    在 InfiniteListView的构造函数中传入此类的实例。

    在_InfiniteListViewState 中的initState 方法中将_InfiniteListViewState内置的刷新方法签名赋值给InfiniteListViewRefreshController 实例的refreshFunc字段,代码如下:

    @override void initState() { super.initState();

    state = widget.initState ?? LoadingState<T>();
    if (!state.initialized) {
    if(widget.refreshController!=null) {
      widget.refreshController.refreshFunc = refresh;


    这样可以调用InfiniteListViewRefreshController 的实例方法 refresh 来触发刷新。

    opened by huangxianghan 1
  • convertToPinyinStringWithoutException方法找不到


    Error: Method not found: 'PinyinHelper.convertToPinyinStringWithoutException'. String pinyin = PinyinHelper.convertToPinyinStringWithoutException(list[i].name); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    opened by xieguangqian1992 1
  • [Swiper]  ScrollPosition.viewportDimension 为空报错

    [Swiper] ScrollPosition.viewportDimension 为空报错

    [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value E/flutter (24234): #0 ScrollPosition.viewportDimension (package:flutter/src/widgets/scroll_position.dart:175:53) E/flutter (24234): #1 _PagePosition.getPixelsFromPage (package:flutter/src/widgets/page_view.dart:382:19) E/flutter (24234): #2 PageController.animateToPage (package:flutter/src/widgets/page_view.dart:197:16) E/flutter (24234): #3 _SwiperState.animateToPage (package:flukit/src/swiper.dart:447:11) E/flutter (24234): #4 _SwiperState._start. (package:flukit/src/swiper.dart:408:7) E/flutter (24234): #5 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1436:47) E/flutter (24234): #6 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) E/flutter (24234): #7 _CustomZone.runUnaryGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1244:7) E/flutter (24234): #8 _CustomZone.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:1281:26) E/flutter (24234): #9 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1444:13) E/flutter (24234): #10 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19) E/flutter (24234): #11 _CustomZone.bindUnaryCallback. (dart:async/zone.dart:1265:26) E/flutter (24234): #12 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:395:19) E/flutter (24234): #13 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:426:5) E/flutter (24234): #14 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:184:12)

    opened by BigTimo 0
  • pull_refresh.dart 的几个修改意见

    pull_refresh.dart 的几个修改意见

    1、PullRefreshBox 的构造函数可以这样写:

    PullRefreshBox({Key key, this.child, @required this.onRefresh, PullRefreshIndicator indicator, this.overScrollEffect})
          : this.indicator = indicator ?? DefaultPullRefreshIndicator(),
            super(key: key);
      final PullRefreshCallback onRefresh;
      final Widget child;
      final TargetPlatform overScrollEffect;
      final PullRefreshIndicator indicator;

    2、PullRefreshBoxState 和 _AnimatedRotationBoxState 的initState没有 调用 super.initState() ,这是不合适的。 3、PullRefreshBoxState 中的方法返回Future,但是没有return。

    opened by crazy365966834 0
  • flutter3.3 和 flukit3.0.1似乎不兼容

    flutter3.3 和 flukit3.0.1似乎不兼容

    E/flutter ( 7676): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value E/flutter ( 7676): #0 ScrollPosition.viewportDimension (package:flutter/src/widgets/scroll_position.dart:177:53) E/flutter ( 7676): #1 _PagePosition.getPixelsFromPage (package:flutter/src/widgets/page_view.dart:390:19) E/flutter ( 7676): #2 PageController.animateToPage (package:flutter/src/widgets/page_view.dart:203:16) E/flutter ( 7676): #3 _SwiperState.animateToPage (package:flukit/src/swiper.dart:447:11) E/flutter ( 7676): #4 _SwiperState._start. (package:flukit/src/swiper.dart:408:7) E/flutter ( 7676): #5 _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:398:19) E/flutter ( 7676): #6 _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/timer_impl.dart:429:5) E/flutter ( 7676): #7 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:192:12) E/flutter ( 7676):

    opened by specialbiscuit 0
  • 使用插件出现问题


    flukit-3.0.1/lib/src/safe_value_notifier.dart:20:33: Error: Method 'addPostFrameCallback' cannot be called on 'SchedulerBinding?' because it is potentially null.

    • 'SchedulerBinding' is from 'package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart' ('/D:/flutter/packages/flutter/lib/src/scheduler/binding.dart'). package:flutter/…/scheduler/binding.dart:1 Try calling using ?. instead. SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
    opened by GD-GK 0
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