Flutter Community - A central place for community made Flutter content.

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Flutter Community

Flutter Community

A central place for community made Flutter content.

The Flutter Community is an organization aimed at providing a central place for community made Flutter packages and content to live.

Our goal is to ensure packages made by the Flutter community are kept alive and maintained in one place.

Medium Articles

To go along with the packages, we have started a Medium publication as a central location for community content to be published - especially if it relates to the packages here.



These are the packages featured on the Flutter Community.

Name Release Description Maintainer
android_alarm_manager_plus Pub Flutter plugin for accessing the Android AlarmManager service, and running Dart code in the background when alarms fire. Miguel Beltran
android_intent_plus Pub Flutter plugin for launching Android Intents. Not supported on iOS. Miguel Beltran
app_review Pub Request and Write Reviews and Open Store Listing for Android and iOS in Flutter. Rody Davis
backdrop Pub Backdrop implementation in dart. (https://material.io/design/components/backdrop.html) Harsh Bhikadia
breakpoint Pub A Flutter plugin to calculate the material design breakpoints. Rody Davis
sealed_unions Pub Sealed Unions for Dart George Medve
firestore_helpers Pub Firestore helper function to create dynamic and location based queries Thomas Burkhart
draggable_scrollbar Pub A scrollbar that can be dragged for quickly navigation through a vertical list. Additional option is showing label next to scrollthumb with information about current item. Marina Kuznetsova
after_layout Pub Execute code after the first layout of your widget has been performed, i.e. after the first frame has been displayed. Simon Lightfoot
flutter_blurhash Pub Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Encode a blurry image under 30 caracters for instant display like used by Medium Robert Felker
contacts_service Pub A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices. Lukas Dickie
flutter_downloader Pub A plugin for creating and managing download tasks. Supports iOS and Android. Hung Duy Ha
flutter_google_places Pub Google places autocomplete widgets for flutter. No wrapper, use https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/google_maps_webservice Kev Morelli
infinite_listview Pub ListView with items that can be scrolled infinitely in both directions. Simon Lightfoot
flutter_launcher_icons Pub A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon. Mark O'Sullivan
flutter_sms Pub A Flutter plugin to Send SMS and MMS on iOS and Android. If iMessage is enabled it will send as iMessage on iOS. This plugin must be tested on a real device on iOS. Rody Davis
sticky_headers Pub Flutter Sticky Headers - Lets you place headers on scrollable content that will stick to the top of the container whilst the content is scrolled. Simon Lightfoot
flutter_uploader Pub A plugin for creating and managing upload tasks with optional background exection support. Sebastian Roth
wear Pub A plugin that offers Flutter support for Wear OS by Google NO MAINTAINER PROVIDED
flutter_webview_plugin Pub Plugin that allow Flutter to communicate with a native Webview. Rafal Wachol
flutter_whatsnew Pub A new Flutter package to show updates to users. Rody Davis
workmanager Pub Flutter Workmanager. This plugin allows you to schedule background work on Android and iOS. NO MAINTAINER PROVIDED
font_awesome_flutter Pub The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons. Provides 1500 additional icons to use in your apps. Brian Egan
get_it Pub Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface from a concrete implementation and to access the concrete implementation from everywhere in your App" Thomas Burkhart
get_version Pub Get the Version Name, Version Code, Platform and OS Version, and App ID on iOS and Android. Rody Davis
import_sorter Pub Automatically sort all your dart imports. Support for any dart project. Matthew Gleich
native_widgets Pub A new Flutter package for using Android and iOS natively on each platform. Rody Davis
page_turn Pub Page Turn Widget - Add a page turn effect to widgets in your app. Rody Davis
persist_theme Pub A flutter plugin for persisting the theme data. Support for Dark Mode. Rody Davis
redux Pub Redux is a predictable state container for Dart and Flutter apps John Ryan
redux_undo Pub Make your redux store undo- and redoable. Inspired by the JS redux_undo package. Michel Engelen
responsive_scaffold Pub On mobile it shows a list and pushes to details and on tablet it shows the List and the selected item. Rody Davis
rx_command Pub Reactive event handler wrapper class inspired by ReactiveUI. Thomas Burkhart
state_persistence Pub Persist state across app launches. By default this library store state as a local JSON file called data.json in the applications data directory. Simon Lightfoot

Submitting your packages

If you'd like to submit your package to the Flutter Community GitHub organization, please see the Flutter Community Transfer Guide.

Getting in contact

For any questions regarding the Flutter Community, please open an issue on the /community repository.

Note to packages owners

Flutter Community aims to bring the best community-made packages forward. Because of this, not all proposed packages will be accepted.

  • Package Proposal: redux_undo

    Package Proposal: redux_undo

    Package Proposal: redux_undo

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): redux_undo Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/redux_undo Current Git repository link: https://github.com/michelengelen/redux_undo Description: redux_undo gives you the possibility to go back in the state history making undo and redo actions possible Current maintainer: Michel Engelen, [email protected], michelengelen Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO (could be better with some more contributors, though) New maintainer (if applicable): / Reason for transfer: I think it is a good use-case to have the possibilities it provides in a redux-based application. Maybe there are some developers that want to help improving this package Comments: It is currently working as is, but could maybe be improved with more help

    package proposal package approved package released 
    opened by michelengelen 34
  • Package proposal: backdrop

    Package proposal: backdrop


    I've registered a new package which aims to provide Widgets to easily implement backdrop with flutter. The package is targeted to implement all options and use-cases mentioned in the material design guideline for backdrop

    I am actively working on implementing the remaining ToDos to publish v1.0.0. I'm hoping for contribution and feedback from the flutter-community.


    dart pub link: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/backdrop

    git repo link : https://gitlab.com/daadu/backdrop (I'm maintaining this repo on gitlab, hope that is not an issue ;))

    package proposal package approved package released 
    opened by daadu 25
  • Package Proposal: Pull to Reveal

    Package Proposal: Pull to Reveal

    Package Proposal: Pull to Reveal

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): pull_to_reveal Current pub.dev Link: https://pub.dev/packages/pull_to_reveal Description: Wrapper around a ListView that reveals a given element when the list is pulled down - most likely for a search bar Current maintainer: Craig Labenz, [email protected], @craiglabenz Needs new maintainer after transfer: No New maintainer (if applicable): N/A Reason for transfer: Want to give back! Comments: :wave:

    package proposal package needs improvement no response 
    opened by craiglabenz 21
  • Package Proposal: Chewie

    Package Proposal: Chewie

    Package Proposal: Chewie

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): chewie Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/chewie Current Git repository link: https://github.com/brianegan/chewie Description: Video player Current maintainer: Rebar Ahmad, @Ahmadre Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO Reason for transfer: The community has done a fantastic job maintaining the package for a while now. I'd like to transfer it to the proper FC org so the maintainers have full control over the repo!

    package proposal 
    opened by brianegan 19
  • Package Proposal: import_sorter

    Package Proposal: import_sorter

    Package Proposal: import_sorter

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): import_sorter Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/import_sorter Current Git repository link: https://github.com/Matt-Gleich/import_sorter Description: Dart package that automatically sorts all your flutter or dart imports Current maintainer: Matthew Gleich, [email protected], @Matt-Gleich Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO Reason for transfer: Wanna expose more people to this package as I think it can help a lot of people. Comments: Excited 😄

    package proposal package approved package released 
    opened by gleich 19
  • Package Proposal: redux.dart

    Package Proposal: redux.dart

    Package Proposal: Redux.dart

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): redux Current pub.dev Link: https://pub.dev/packages/redux Description: Redux is a predictable state container for Dart and Flutter apps Current maintainer: Brian Egan (@brianegan / [email protected]) and John Ryan (@johnpryan) Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO Reason for transfer: Redux is a fairly popular package that currently lives under John's personal GitHub. Since the package is the work of the community -- with code, issues, help and documentation provided by many members of the community, we'd like to recognize the package as a work of the community.

    package proposal package approved package released 
    opened by brianegan 14
  • Package Proposal: flutter_uploader

    Package Proposal: flutter_uploader

    Package Proposal: flutter_uploader

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): flutter_uploader Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_uploader Current Git repository link: https://github.com/BlueChilli/flutter_uploader Description: A plugin for creating and managing upload tasks. Supports iOS and Android. Current maintainer: Max, [email protected], @onikiri2007 Needs new maintainer after transfer: yes New maintainer (if applicable): Sebastian, [email protected], @ened Reason for transfer: Quicker release cycles and steady maintenance for upcoming versions, current maintainer contacted & approved of transfer Comments:

    package proposal package approved package released 
    opened by ened 13
  • Package Proposal: Animated-Text-Kit

    Package Proposal: Animated-Text-Kit

    Package Proposal: Animated-Text-Kit

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): animated_text_kit Current pub.dev Link: https://pub.dev/packages/animated_text_kit Description: A flutter package which contains a collection of some cool and awesome text animations. Current maintainer: Ayush Agarwal, [email protected], aagarwal1012 Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO

    waiting for reply package proposal package approved no response 
    opened by aagarwal1012 8
  • Discussion: Medium alternative

    Discussion: Medium alternative

    Discussion: Medium alternative

    Should we use an alternative to medium and which alternative?


    The medium blog is asking for a paid account. I would like to see flutter community articles on a self-hosted website.

    Screenshot: image

    no response discussion 
    opened by amreniouinnovent 7
  • Package Proposal: page_transition

    Package Proposal: page_transition

    Package Proposal: page_transition

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): page_transition Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/page_transition Current Git repository link: https://github.com/kalismeras61/flutter_page_transition Description: When you go to next page this package gives you beautiful page transitions. Current maintainer: Yasin Ilhan, [email protected], kalismeras61 Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO New maintainer (if applicable): Reason for transfer: This package is that allows you nice transition when you go to next page and also it is first easy to use package with 99 score and peoples love. Comments:

    package proposal package approved no response 
    opened by kalismeras61 6
  • Package Proposal: Steel Crypt

    Package Proposal: Steel Crypt

    Package Proposal: Steel Crypt

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): steel_crypt Current pub.dev Link: https://pub.dev/packages/steel_crypt Description: A comprehensive library of high-level, cryptographic API's, either manually defined or pulled from PointyCastle. This library currently supports hashing, symmetric two-way encryption, asymmetric two-way encryption, and key/IV generation. It also has a CLI, for conducting basic cryptography operations. Current maintainer: Aditya Kishore, [email protected], AKushWarrior Needs new maintainer after transfer: NO Reason for transfer: Flutter community currently does not have a full-featured, documented encryption utility. This package is that, and has an ease of use better than every other encryption package. Furthermore, it's written in pure Dart and prioritizes the safety of user data. Given that it's a helpful, secure utility, I'd like it to be available for use of the larger Flutter community. Comments: [ANY REMAINING THINGS YOU WANT TO TELL US]

    package proposal package needs improvement no response 
    opened by AKushWarrior 6
  • Discussion: PlatformException error, No Activity found to handle Intent

    Discussion: PlatformException error, No Activity found to handle Intent

    Discussion: PlatformException error, No Activity found to handle Intent

    Hi everyone, I need help for my app. I'm trying to open the RetroArch Emulator via Intent. This is the code:

          AndroidIntent intent = const AndroidIntent(
            action: 'action_view',
            data: 'com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture',
            arguments: {'ROM': '/storage/emulated/0/Roms/GB/<Rom Name>','LIBRETRO': '/data/user/0/com.retroarch.aarch64/cores/sameboy_libretro_android.so', 'CONFIGFILE': '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch.aarch64/files/retroarch.cfg'},
          await intent.launch();

    I get this error even if I have the app installed:

    PlatformException(error, No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture flg=0x10200000 (has extras) }, null, android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=com.retroarch.aarch64/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture flg=0x10200000 (has extras) }

    Can somebody help me please!

    opened by portal305 0
  • Discussion: i need to get serial number with flutter for any device

    Discussion: i need to get serial number with flutter for any device

    Discussion: i need to get serial number with flutter for any device

    This issue has been made to discussi need to get serial number with flutter for any device


    i need to get serial number with flutter for any device but after update in android can not get it

    opened by ahmedbondok2019 0
  • Package Proposal: flutter_survey

    Package Proposal: flutter_survey

    Package Proposal: flutter_survey

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): flutter_survey Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_survey Current Git repository link: https://github.com/Michelphoenix98/flutter_survey Description: A package that handles the creation and state of a dynamic questionnaire/data collection survey with conditional questions. Current maintainer: Michel Thomas, [email protected], Michelphoenix98 Needs new maintainer after transfer: No New maintainer (if applicable): [EMPTY/NOT FOUND/MAINTAINER NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS AND GITHUB USERNAME] Reason for transfer: Want to share my work with the community, I believe the project can become more useful when the community is involved in it's development. Comments: It would be an honour to have my package featured in the Flutter Community.

    package proposal 
    opened by Michelphoenix98 0
  • Package Proposal: flutter_native_timezone

    Package Proposal: flutter_native_timezone

    Package Proposal: flutter_native_timezone

    Dependency name (as used in pubspec.yaml): flutter_native_timezone Current pub.dev link: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_native_timezone Current Git repository link: https://github.com/pinkfish/flutter_native_timezone Description: A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the os. Current maintainer: Github user pinkfish Needs new maintainer after transfer: Yes New maintainer (if applicable): TBD. I could take this on but do not pretend to have any previous engagement with the package at all. Reason for transfer: This package provides functionality that is essential to many Flutter apps, but sadly seems to be abandoned. The last release was almost 18 months ago and the repo itself has not been touched for over a year. All recent issues and PRs have gone without answer. Comments: I know this is not a standard request, as I'm not the current maintainer, but please consider accepting this anyway so that future flutter app devs don't have to keep reinventing the wheel.

    package proposal 
    opened by tjarvstrand 8
  • Micro-Frontend   in Flutter Web

    Micro-Frontend in Flutter Web

    Discussion: Micro-Frontend in Flutter Web

    We are working on a project which has many module with separate functionality. The requirement is that every module work as independent application but the user feels like he is using single application.


    First we tried using flutter package but it fails because package can not run independently then we go for flutter application. In our second approach we have a big question mark that how shall we join all independent flutter web applications.

    Any suggestions/solution would be appriciated.

    opened by dhanraj-verma 1
  • flutter_webview_plugin need update URGENT

    flutter_webview_plugin need update URGENT

    Can you fix this problem? 16 mounth without any update is very bad.

    The plugin flutter_webview_plugin uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding. To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if this plugin supports the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider removing it since a future release of Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs. If you are plugin author, take a look at the docs for migrating the plugin to the V2 embedding: https://flutter.dev/go/android-plugin-migration.

    please answer is you go to fix it or no to me decide if I will use another lib.

    tks paulo

    opened by paulobreim 0
Flutter Community
A central place for all community made Flutter packages. To get started, see the README of the 'community' repository.
Flutter Community
A Flutter package for place search using MapBox Api and for Static map image

About This package provides easy api calls to MapBox Search API. Also, it contains an static map image generator ?? . Maki Icons can be used now in ma

Ketan Choyal 63 Dec 2, 2022
A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place' using Google Maps widget

Google Maps Places Picker Refractored This is a forked version of google_maps_place_picker package, with added custom styling and features.

Varun 5 Nov 13, 2022
Easy to use Animated Maps Markers with a detail card. Use it for a store or any place locator.

interactive_maps_marker for Flutter Easy to use Animated Maps Markers with detail card. Use it for store or any place locator. Demo Usage Add this pac

Atiq Samtia 95 Dec 28, 2022
Give More is Donation/Charity App which is made in Flutter.

GIVE MORE Developed Android Application Using Flutter which can use for to Give donation with net banking and cards etc. User can see location of dona

Ishita Keshawani 19 Dec 24, 2022
A new flutter plugin for mapbox. You can use it for your map backgrounds inside flutter applications

A new flutter plugin for mapbox. You can use it for your map backgrounds inside flutter applications

Boris Gautier 5 Sep 14, 2022
MapBox-GL-flutter - MapBox GL flutter package

MapBox GL - Flutter This app use MapBox If you want to run this code, please rep

Brandon Rojas 2 May 29, 2022
Mapbox-flutter - A repository to demonstrate the use of Mapbox - it's Maps and Navigation SDKs in a Flutter application

MapBox Flutter This repository contains code corresponding to the Youtube video

AB Satyaprakash 39 Dec 30, 2022
Flutter Maps A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API

Flutter Maps A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API Plugins The plugins used in this project are: google_maps_flutter geolocator flutter

Salsabil Mohamed Hemada 1 Jul 15, 2022
A flutter plugin for Google Maps

IMPORTANT: This plugin is no longer under development Why? We initially built this plugin to fill an early gap in flutter. Since then, Google has made

AppTree Software, Inc 415 Dec 29, 2022
Flutter plugin for forward and reverse geocoding

geocoder Forward and reverse geocoding. Usage Import package:geocoder/geocoder.dart, and use the Geocoder.local to access geocoding services provided

Aloïs Deniel 177 Dec 31, 2022
Moved to https://github.com/tobrun/flutter-mapbox-gl

Please note that this project has moved. Please head to https://github.com/tobrun/flutter-mapbox-gl for updates. Flutter Mapbox GL Native This Flutter

Mapbox 258 Oct 16, 2022
A flutter package for select a city from svg map.

City Picker From Map A flutter package for select a city from svg map. Supported countries (+150) are here. Screenshots Getting Started In the pubspec

Ahmet ÇELİK 49 Nov 17, 2022
Flutter Google Maps Tutorial

Flutter Google Maps Tutorial YouTube Video Setup Get an API Key at https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/ Enable Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for i

Marcus Ng 85 Nov 30, 2022
Flutter Tutorial - Google Map with Live Location Tracking

Flutter Tutorial - Google Map with Live Location Tracking Build Google Map app with Live Location Tracking in Flutter. ✌   App Preview Android Preview

Samuel Adekunle 10 Dec 22, 2022
Map Picker for Flutter

Map Pin Picker A Vendor-free map Library for Easy and Quick Usage. Follow the steps to integrate Google Maps (https://pub.dev/packages/google_maps_flu

Akbar 16 Jul 15, 2022
This project was developed in Flutter for the challenge of mapping space trash in real-time proposed by NASA Space Apps Challenge.

This project was developed in Flutter for the challenge of mapping space trash in real-time proposed by NASA Space Apps Challenge.

Kauê Martins 1 Oct 3, 2021
Flutter Google Map Example - Day 41

Flutter Google Map Example - Day 41 class Afgprogrammer extends Flutter100DaysOfCode { video() { return { "title": "Flutter Google Map Exa

Mohammad Rahmani 74 Jan 3, 2023
A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API

Flutter Maps A Flutter app using Google Maps SDK & Directions API Plugins The plugins used in this project are: google_maps_flutter geolocator flutter

Youhaan bootwala 1 Mar 18, 2022
Flutter plugin to display a simple flat world map with animated points in real time

Flutter Simple Map Flutter plugin to display a simple flat world map with animated points in real time. Can be used as a presentation of online users,

Vladyslav Korniienko 7 Dec 8, 2022