FOSS Sudoku, made with πŸ’œ (and Flutter).



FOSS Sudoku! What else needs be said?

Donate using Liberapay


  • Play Sudoku!
  • Markup where numbers could go.
  • Highlight numbers to better examine the board.
  • Validate the current board to find mistakes.
  • Smooth and sleek animations.
  • Full theming support.
  • Local leaderboard to track your best times per difficulty.
  • Auto-save the game so you can pick back up where you left off.
  • Fully Free and Open Source Software!

How to run


Download and install the APK. It should run with no problems.


Run the sudoku binary. You may need to mark it as executable first.


Serve the folder as an HTTP server. I used simple-http-server from the AUR, though any should work.

NOTE: This app was designed for the mobile form factor. Make sure the window is sufficiently tall and thin to accomodate the game, or it won't look right!


Clone the repository, run flutter pub get, and run one of the following:

  • Android: flutter build apk
  • Linux: flutter build linux --release
  • Web: flutter build web
  • iOS and macOS (untested): it's possible, but more complicated. See the Flutter wiki for details.
  • Microsoft Windows (untested, unsupported): flutter build windows

You will find the build output inside your platform's folder within ./build/. All contributions are welcome!

Dedicated to you (you know who you are!).

  • [Bug] Validation fails when cells have markup

    [Bug] Validation fails when cells have markup

    A subset of cells with markup are incorrectly labeled as invalid when validation is run. See photo for example. It looks like the intent was to only validate cells with a non-zero value.

    Reproduction steps:

    • Fill every cell with markup (any number[s])
    • Run validation


    • The incorrectly marked cells will re-mark as incorrect if validation is run again after markup is modified, markup removed and readded, or if a value is specified and then changed to markup.
    • The incorrectly marked cells are not sensitive to the number contents of the markup, but do require at least one number in markup.
    • The incorrectly marked cells are not invalidated if given a value rather than markup.
    • The positions and number of incorrectly marked cells changes with each new game, so its possible that some games will have zero incorrectly marked cells.


    opened by novellus 4
  • Create FUNDING.yml

    Create FUNDING.yml


    This small PR adds a FUNDING.yml to your repo. Even if you didn't subscribed to the GitHub Sponsors Program, it'll be useful : F-Droid is taking the donation links from this file to show them on the website and in the Android client.

    It also allows you to have the control over the donation links shown by F-Droid website. For example, if you later want to add another link, or a Liberapay account, or change the donate link, you can do it by yourself by adjusting this file in your own repo, without having to open a MR on F-Droid side to add the information in the metadata file. This reduce the load on the F-Droid repos and Teams, and give back the power to the developer. The new information added/changed in this FUNDING.yml need to be covered by a new tag/release to be taken in account by our F-Droid bot.

    Please note that GitHub doesn't want to add support for cryptos for now, so we still have to host this kind of information in our metadata files (you can't put your bitcoin adress in the FUNDING.yml file)...

    Please ask me if you have any question regarding this subject.

    (more information on FUNDING.yml files and GitHub Sponsors program here)

    opened by Poussinou 2
  • Can't update 10th scoreboard entry.

    Can't update 10th scoreboard entry.

    The scoreboard does not update a highscore on 10th position. Instead, it keeps the first score that gets that position, effectively keeping a player's worst playtrough.

    I'm using the F-Droid app, version 1.1.2 (2) signal-2022-12-31-131144_006

    opened by AstralShadow 1
  • Update



    This small PR adds a button to get your app on F-Droid. You can later add a button for Google Play the same way : [<img src="" alt="Get it on Google Play" height="80">]()

    You can now eventually add the fdroid and/or f-droid tags that will appear on the right side of the repo.

    opened by Poussinou 1
  • [Bug] Visual flashing / aliasing occurs

    [Bug] Visual flashing / aliasing occurs

    The latest update released on F-Driod introduced a new visual bug which occurs regularly. This bug was not present in the previous version.


    • an unexpected image appears briefly in a random part of the grid
    • the image look like a subset of the in-game UI buttons, incorrectly spaced and overlaid onto the game grid
    • the image appears, sometimes flashing rapidly for a second or two, and then disappears forever
    • a new image occurs every few minutes, each time in a new location on the grid

    See attached video for examples. Artifacting occurs at 0:08 (upper left major grid cross) and a larger artifact occurs at 2:15 (bottom of grid, left and right).

    opened by novellus 11
  • Highlighting Fails When Using UNDO

    Highlighting Fails When Using UNDO

    Hi, again. If I delete pencil-marks then use the UNDO button to put them back, the numbers will not be highlighted. This behavior persists even when switching back and forth between numbers.

    The work-around is to put the pencil-marks back in by hand.

    opened by Shadeclan 2
  • [Feature Request] Make number notes not inside a circle, and in numerical order, and larger

    [Feature Request] Make number notes not inside a circle, and in numerical order, and larger

    The numbers are crunched inside the little circle when adding notes. It makes them hard to see.

    It would be nice to at least have the option to turn off the circle. If the numbers can be slightly larger, that would be awesome. But I think more importantly, use the whole space inside the box and don't restrict the notes to a smaller circle inside the box.

    You can see how it's done in this FOSS sudoku:

    If numbers notes can be in order too, inside the box, like: 1:3 :5: ::9

    Thanks. I can't tell you how wonderful this app is. Great job.

    ~~Edit: I also think the note boxes should have either no color, or a different color or shade to make them stand out separate from the other purple circles (using default purple theme as my reference)~~

    I forgot the color only shows up when clicking on a number, which is actually a helpful feature

    Edit 2: if you want to keep the notes in the circles, maybe the circles can be enlarged. Or consider coloring the whole square when notes are present and not stay confined to the circle aesthetic

    opened by urmomsangus 3
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