⏰ Type-safe DateTime and Duration calculations, powered by extensions.



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With shiny extensions, if you have ever written something like this, then look no further:

final DateTime fourHoursFromNow = DateTime.now() + Duration(hours: 4);

🎖 Installation

  time: "^2.0.1"


import 'package:time/time.dart';

🎮 Usage

final Duration tenMinutes = 10.minutes;
final Duration oneHourThirtyMinutes = 1.5.hours;
final DateTime afterTenMinutes = DateTime.now() + 10.minutes;
final Duration tenMinutesAndSome = 10.minutes + 15.seconds;
final int tenMinutesInSeconds = 10.minutes.inSeconds;
final DateTime tenMinutesFromNow = 10.minutes.fromNow;

You can perform all basic arithmetic operations on Duration as you always have been:

final Duration interval = 10.minutes + 15.seconds - 3.minutes + 2.hours;
final Duration doubled = interval * 2;

You can also use these operations on DateTime:

final DateTime oneHourAfter = DateTime() + 1.hours;

Duration is easily convertible as it always has been:

final int twoMinutesInSeconds = 2.minutes.inSeconds;

You can also convert Duration to DateTime, if needed:

final DateTime timeInFuture = 5.minutes.fromNow;
final DateTime timeInPast = 5.minutes.ago;

Iterate through a DateTime range:

final DateTime start = DateTime(2019, 12, 2);
final DateTime end = start + 1.weeks;
final DateTime tuesday = start.to(end).firstWhere((date) => date.weekday == DateTime.tuesday);

Granular comparison between DateTime fields:

final DateTime specificDate = DateTime(2021, 01, 01);
final DateTime otherDate = DateTime(2021, 02, 01);

print(specificDate.isAtSameYearAs(otherDate)); // true
print(specificDate.isAtSameMonthAs(otherDate)); // false
print(specificDate.isAtSameDayAs(otherDate)); // false

You can also delay code execution:

void doSomething() async {
  await 5.seconds.delay;
  // Do the other things

You can also use the popular copyWith:

final initial = DateTime(2019, 2, 4, 24, 50, 45, 1, 1);
final expected = initial.copyWith(
  year: 2021,
  month: 10,
  day: 28,
  hour: 12,
  minute: 45,
  second: 10,
  millisecond: 0,
  microsecond: 12,

🐛 Bugs/Requests

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.

👏 Inspiration

  • Swift library of the same name - Time.
  • Kotlin library of the same name - Time.


MIT License

  • [Feature]judge today, yesterday, tomorrow methods

    [Feature]judge today, yesterday, tomorrow methods

    Do you want these?

    If so, I will pull-request.

    => true or false
    => true or false
    => true or false
    opened by shinriyo 8
  • [Feature Request] Get only date or only time

    [Feature Request] Get only date or only time

    In C#, we have those two usefull properties of a DateTime:

    var now = DateTime.Now; // 2020-04-10T15:27:00
    var datePartOnly = now.Date; // 2020-03-10T00:00:00 (returns a DateTime, with 00:00:00 time)
    var timePartOnly = now.TimeOfDay; // 15:17:00 (returns a TimeSpan - Duration in Dart)
    opened by JCKodel 8
  • Fix wrong assertion when equal

    Fix wrong assertion when equal

    Found a bug. When both min and max were equal, the assertion was throwing. Added a test to maintain that as well. The documentation above was correct, must have missed it when publishing the first time.

    opened by FMorschel 4
  • Shorthand for .difference(DateTime.now())

    Shorthand for .difference(DateTime.now())

    I dislike writing .difference(DateTime.now()). On the homepage of the package I didn't find a shorthand for that expression in this package? Does one exist (and maybe might be made easier to find)?

    opened by ChristianKleineidam 4
  • Rename later to fromNow to clarify the origin time

    Rename later to fromNow to clarify the origin time

    Using .later doesn't leave clear what the origin time is. Renamed it to .fromNow to clarify that the time is a delta time starting from DateTime.now().

    3rd party examples: moment.js uses a similar nomenclature. As does Ruby on Rails.

    Fixes #9

    opened by jporsay 3
  • Use clock package to allow for easier testing.

    Use clock package to allow for easier testing.

    This PR allows the Time package to use the official clock package published by the Dart tools team. By using clock.now() instead of DateTime.now(), code which is time-dependent can be easily tested using the clock package's withClock test utility function.

    Here's a lovely article about using the clock package to test time-dependent code.

    This also makes the unit tests here a little bit cleaner. If you have any feedback, let me know! Thank you for making this package.

    opened by definitelyokay 2
  • Add season extension

    Add season extension

    Adds two new getters to DateTime instances.

    DateTime(2001,6, 26).seasonNorth  //  Season.summer
    DateTime(2001,6, 26).seasonSouth  // Season.winter

    I couldn't decide if I should create this in a separate package or include this here. So I need your verdict, If you find reasonable adding a season extension to the package, this is ok. If not, just tell me and I publish it separately.

    opened by renancaraujo 2
  • Added config files for project line length

    Added config files for project line length

    Since my last contribution, I figured I could suggest these files so that people using VSCode or Android Studio/IntelliJ that work on this project will always get the right line length for dart formatting.

    opened by FMorschel 1
  • [Feature Request] DateTime clamp

    [Feature Request] DateTime clamp


    DateTime (maybe Duration as well?) clamp. Any suggestions are welcome. I just encountered a need for a DateTime clamp, perhaps this nullable option is not the best fit, but for my case it was.


    num clamp(num lowerLimit, num upperLimit);

    Actual implementation

    extension ClampDateTime on DateTime {
      DateTime clamp({DateTime? min, DateTime? max}) {
          ((min != null) && (max != null)) ? min.compareTo(max).isNegative : true,
          'DateTime min has to be before max\n(min: $min - max: $max)',
        if ((min != null) && compareTo(min).isNegative) {
          return min;
        } else if ((max != null) && max.compareTo(this).isNegative) {
          return max;
        } else {
          return this;
    extension DurationClamp on Duration{
      Duration clamp({Duration? min, Duration? max}) {
          ((min != null) && (max != null)) ? min.compareTo(max).isNegative : true,
          'Duration min has to be shorter than max\n(min: $min - max: $max)',
        if ((min != null) && compareTo(min).isNegative) {
          return min;
        } else if ((max != null) && max.compareTo(this).isNegative) {
          return max;
        } else {
          return this;
    opened by FMorschel 1
  • Migrate to null-safety

    Migrate to null-safety

    This package is currently blocking dartx from migrating to null-safety. Null-safety is now in beta, and the dart team is encouraging package authors to migrate now. I'll submit a pull request if you'd like to review it. I see there is one already open, but it doesn't bump the dart sdk min version to 2.12 like we are supposed to, and instead enables it in the analysis_options.yaml which is not required if you set the min sdk version properly.

    opened by TimWhiting 1
  • New release?

    New release?


    I see there are a number of handy things on master that were not cut into a new release - especially DateTime().now.date / wasYesterday and other.

    Anything against releasing a new version?

    opened by dgilperez 1
  • add isAfterMonth isAfterDay isBeforeMonth isBeforeDay

    add isAfterMonth isAfterDay isBeforeMonth isBeforeDay

    DateTIme class has isAfter isBefore
    but There is no API to determine whether a given date is after or before the day after or before the day before. also month

    final DateTime specificDate = DateTime(2021, 01, 01);
    final DateTime sameDate = DateTime(2021, 01, 01).add(const Duration(seconds: 5));
    final DateTime otherDate = DateTime(2021, 01, 02);
    print(specificDate.isAfterDay(sameDate)); // false
    print(specificDate.isAfterDay(otherDate)); // true
    opened by utamori 0
  • v2.1.3(Sep 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • isWorkday and isWeekday by @FMorschel in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/65

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/compare/v2.1.2...v2.1.3

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.2(Aug 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Handle UTC during date by @Paitomax in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/60
    • Fix wrong assertion when equal by @FMorschel in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/61
    • Fix Duration.clamp min=max bug by @FMorschel in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/63

    New Contributors

    • @Paitomax made their first contribution in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/60

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/compare/v2.1.1...v2.1.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.1(Jun 4, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • First and Last days extensions added by @FMorschel in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/51
    • Clamp functions added to Duration and DateTime by @FMorschel in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/53

    New Contributors

    • @FMorschel made their first contribution in https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/pull/51

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/jogboms/time.dart/compare/v2.1.0...v2.1.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Dec 8, 2021)

  • v2.0.1(Nov 14, 2021)

  • v2.0.0(Mar 5, 2021)

  • v1.4.1(Mar 5, 2021)

    • Introduce isAtSameYearAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameMonthAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameDayAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameHourAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameMinuteAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameMillisecondAs extension to DateTime
    • Introduce isAtSameMicrosecondAs extension to DateTime
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.0-nullsafety.0(Nov 24, 2020)

  • v1.4.0(Nov 24, 2020)

  • v1.3.0(Apr 3, 2020)

  • v1.2.0(Dec 4, 2019)

    • Iterate through a DateTime range:
    final DateTime start = DateTime(2019, 12, 2);
    final DateTime end = start + 1.weeks;
    final DateTime tuesday = start.to(end).firstWhere((date) => date.weekday == DateTime.tuesday);
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.1(Nov 19, 2019)

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