A simple Git LFS server implementation in Dart


A simple Git LFS server implementation in Dart

CI Release


Git LFS client (git-lfs or git lfs command) requires a dedicated LFS-content server (not the Git server!) in order to download/upload binary files. There will be an issue if you try to use a mirror of a Git repo with LFS-enabled: git-lfs#1338. This Git LFS server implementation solves that problem.

There are other implementations that you can look for if you're not working with Git mirrors.

Quick Reference


There are two important reasons to set up a Git server for mirroring with LFS-enabled:

  • To save bandwidth on the connection to the remote server, especially if the repositories are big.
  • Team members don't have access to the remote server, but your Git server can.


  • Only download operation is supported. You cannot upload binary files.
  • LFS contents in the mirror are not fetched automatically by this tool.

Quick Start

For the sake of simplicity, I have created a Docker Hub repository with the images ready to use. Assumed that you have the same problem as in git-lfs#1338 (There's a picture in it if you like graphical presentation). Although, for a smoothly experience, I would add some more details:

  • Mirrors will be accessible via SSH, i.e., you can do git clone git@GIT_SERVER:MIRROR_REPO.git, or git clone ssh://git@GIT_SERVER:PORT/MIRROR_REPO.git
  • Self-signed certificate: we need a .key file, a .crt file, a .pem file. Follow this guide to create one.
  • You will need some automation to fetch latest Git references and LFS contents from the far repositories, in case the far repositories are newer than the mirrors.
  • Far remote is LFS-enabled.
  • Near remote has Docker installed.

If all requirements are satisfied, let us proceed step-by-step

  1. Pull the image: docker pull khoa10/amz-git-mirroring:latest
  2. There must be a folder named certificates with 3 files: git-lfs-server.key, git-lfs-server.cert, git-lfs-server.pem. Create a volume to store the certificate:
$ ls certificates
git-lfs-server.crt  git-lfs-server.key  git-lfs-server.pem
$ docker volume create --name git-lfs-server-certs
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/source -v git-lfs-server-certs:/dest -w /source alpine cp "certificates/git-lfs-server.key" "certificates/git-lfs-server.crt" "certificates/git-lfs-server.pem" /dest
  1. With your mirrors are located at $INSERT_YOUR_PATH_HERE, create the container:
docker run \
--detach \
--env GIT_LFS_SERVER_URL="https://$INSERT_URL_HERE:8443" \
--mount type=bind,src=$INSERT_YOUR_PATH_HERE,dst=/source \
--mount type=volume,src=git-lfs-server-certs,dst=/etc/git-lfs-server/certificates \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 2022:22 \

Now, your Git server is available at ssh://git@:2022 and the LFS server is available at https://:8443. Because we're using self-signed certificate, Git client must either ignore TLS verification or trust the certificate you created. To ignore TLS verification:

git config --global http.https://<NEAR_REMOTE>:8443.sslverify false

For better experience, client should configure to download from near and push to far:

git config --global url.ssh://git@<NEAR_REMOTE>:2022.insteadOf ssh://git@<FAR_REMOTE>
git config --global url.ssh://git@<FAR_REMOTE>.pushInsteadOf ssh://git@<NEAR_REMOTE>:2022


MIT license

  • `git-lfs-authenticate` crashes

    `git-lfs-authenticate` crashes

    git-lfs-authenticate crashes with the following backtrace:

    [SEVERE] [2022-05-06 13:53:37.672256] [git-lfs-authenticate] [Usage: git-lfs-authenticate {path} {operation}]
    [SEVERE] [2022-05-06 13:53:37.692073] [git-lfs-authentication] [Unknown error!][LateInitializationError: Field '_channel@18358666' has not been initialized.][#0 _channel (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart)
    #1 onExit (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:40:9)
    #2 startAuthenticate (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:47:16)
    #3 main.<anonymous closure> (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:11:11)
    #4 main.<anonymous closure> (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:10:19)
    #5 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1426:13)
    #6 _CustomZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1328:19)
    #7 _runZoned (dart:async/zone.dart:1861:10)
    #8 runZonedGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:1849:12)
    #9 main (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:10:3)
    #10 _delayEntrypointInvocation.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:295:32)
    #11 _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch/isolate_patch.dart:192:12)
    Unhandled exception:
    LateInitializationError: Field '_channel@18358666' has not been initialized.
    #0 _channel (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart)
    #1 onExit (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:40:9)
    #2 main.<anonymous closure> (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:15:16)
    #3 main.<anonymous closure> (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart:12:6)
    #4 _RootZone.runBinary (dart:async/zone.dart:1690:54)
    #5 runZonedGuarded.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/zone.dart:1832:18)
    #6 _Zone._processUncaughtError (dart:async/zone.dart:1109:14)
    #7 _CustomZone.handleUncaughtError (dart:async/zone.dart:1312:5)
    #8 Future._propagateToListeners (dart:async/future_impl.dart:680:16)
    #9 Future._completeError (dart:async/future_impl.dart:609:5)
    #10 _completeOnAsyncError (dart:async-patch/async_patch.dart:272:13)
    #11 main.<anonymous closure> (file://${HOME}/.pub-cache/git/git-lfs-server-7ad8ce55d7dd38abe5644928ac3f6cdcc5c2ef35/bin/git_lfs_authenticate.dart)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    opened by khoa-io 1
  • Workflow CI fails

    Workflow CI fails

    Workflow CI defined in ci.yml always fails for merge commit. The reason is the source branch is deleted. Solution is share source code with arm64 container.

    opened by khoa-io 0
  • `README.md` is missing instructions to mount volume `git-lfs-server-certs`

    `README.md` is missing instructions to mount volume `git-lfs-server-certs`

    Unhandled exception:
    FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/etc/git-lfs/certificates/git-lfs-server.crt' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
    #0      _File.throwIfError (dart:io/file_impl.dart:635)
    #1      _File.openSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:479)
    #2      _File.readAsBytesSync (dart:io/file_impl.dart:539)
    #3      _SecurityContext.useCertificateChain (dart:io-patch/secure_socket_patch.dart:251)
    #4      main (file:///home/runner/work/git-lfs-server/git-lfs-server/bin/git_lfs_server.dart:74)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    opened by khoa-io 0
  • Only push _versioned_ image to Docker Hub

    Only push _versioned_ image to Docker Hub

    Currently, every push or pull request to main trigger CI. Therefore, a new image will be pushed to Docker Hub with the tag ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/amz-git-mirroring:${{ env.BUILD_NUMBER }}-${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}. This will overpopulate the Docker Hub repository. Only versioned image should be pushed with the tag ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/amz-git-mirroring:${{ env.BUILD_VERSION }}.

    opened by khoa-io 0
  • Use environment variable to control logging

    Use environment variable to control logging

    Add the following environment variables to control logging:

    • GIT_LFS_AUTHENTICATE_TRACE: Controls logging of git-lfs-authenticate command.
    • GIT_LFS_SERVER_TRACE: Controls logging of git-lfs-server command.
    • GIT_LFS_AUTH_SERVICE_TRACE: Controls logging of auth-service.
    • GIT_LFS_HTTP_SERVER_TRACE: Controls logging of the http-server.
    opened by khoa-io 0
  • Mirror should fetch latest LFS contents

    Mirror should fetch latest LFS contents

    Git mirrors don't perform fetch themselves. It would be nice if we can fetch from the remote repo every time users fetch from our repo. Not only LFS contents can be fetched, but the Git references as well.

    enhancement backlog 
    opened by khoa-io 0
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