An expressive way to effortlessly build design systems in Flutter.



An expressive way to effortlessly build design systems in Flutter. Mix offers primitive building blocks to help developers and designers create beautiful and consistent UI.


Mix is currently being used internally to build design systems in Flutter.
However, it is still in the experimental development stages.
Major APIs are expected to change until the 1.0 release.

Motivation & Goals

  • Creating consistent custom (non-material) UI in Flutter is difficult
  • Maintaining a design system is much harder than building it.
  • Visual attributes should be defined outside of a widget by a composable API shared across the design system.
  • Style consistently with a global theme
  • Respond to changing requirements quickly
  • Create adaptive layouts with ease
  • Material Theme compatible


  • Development efficiency is gained by the ease of use, consistency, and reusability, not coding speed.
  • Abstract Flutter API, and not modify its behavior.
  • Composability should be a priority. Mixes, Attributes, Widgets, etc.
  • Designer friendly (use simple standard semantics when possible)


Simple Mix

final squareMix = Mix(h(150), w(150));

    child: Text('Square'),

// You can also use the following:
// This way has some downsides. More info soon...'Square'));


Extend Mixes

final cardMix = squareMix.mix(p(20), rounded(20), bgColor(Colors.white));

Override Mixes

final redCardMix = cardMix.mix(bgColor(;

Combine Mixes

final elevationMix = Mix(
    shadowOffset(0, 2),

    Mix.combine(cardMix, elevationMix),
    child: Text('Card With Shadow'),

Conditional Mixes

// If you wan't to change the Mix depending on a condition
final conditonalMix = Mix.chooser(isSelected, dynamicMix, redCardMix);

Dynamic Mixes

If you want the card to change color when in dark mode you can use a dynamic attribute.

final dynamicMix = cardMix.mix(dark(bgColor(;

/// Now, when the app is on dark mode the card color will change to `black`.
    child: Text('Dynamic Card'),

You can also leverage media query context values

final flexMix = Mix(gap(20),;

// Adaptive gutter for your flex widgets using media query
final adaptiveFlexMix = flexMix.mix(


Documentation is currently in progress. For now you can find some of the available utilities here


Here are some high-level concepts to understand how Mix works and to allow for you to get started.


These are the features or characteristics of certain widgets. Most attributes map out to layout, visual widgets, or widget styling itself. Attributes are primitives which get translated into their Flutter API.

Dynamic Attributes

Attributes can be dynamic, which means they only are applied in case a condition is met. This allows for the creation of Atributes that can be used depending on the widget's BuildContext.


These are classes whose primary purpose is providing a better API for Attributes.

Not required for building Mixes; however, make a cleaner API possible and overall better development experience.


Combination or mix of Attributes. Mixes are passed to Widgets and translated into the widget's properties.

Mixes can be reused across multiple widgets and also combine, extended, and overridden.

Mixer Widgets

These are the building block for your design system. You can easily build new widgets that take advantage of Mixes; however, there are some primitives provided.


Similar to a Container with some slight adjustments for a better development experience.


The equivalent of the Flex widgets (Flex, Row, Column). Allow for the use of flex Attributes, and wrap them in a Box to use box attributes for composability.


The equivalent of the Column widget. Allows you to use Mix attributes to style and build custom text widgets. It is an abstraction of Flexbox, so it will also accept Box attributes.


The equivalent of the Row widget. Allows you to use Mix attributes to style and build custom text widgets. It is an abstraction of Flexbox, so it will also accept Box attributes.


The equivalent of the Text widget. Allows you to use Mix attributes to style and build custom text widgets.


The equivlent to the Icon widget. Allows to use Mix attributes to style and build custom icon widgets.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

  • Documentation: Organize dartdoc API output

    Documentation: Organize dartdoc API output

    dartdoc lumps all of the classes together without any distinction. Same with functions, constants, etc.

    These need to organized under header by type, category, etc.

    Not straightforward. Investigating.

    opened by rickbsgu 11
  • Gradient


    I'm investing in Mix and work on real designs so I'm trying to see how far I can implement a design lang. Thx!

    A linear 2 colors with start/end position would already cover most of the cases.

    Some very basics reflections:

    TopLeft, BottomRight gradient(tl, br, Colors.white,, .0, .72);

    vGradient(Colors.white, top to bottom .0 => 1

    hGradient(Colors.white, left to right .0 => 1

    opened by Solido 6
  • Pressable onHover, onMouseDown, onMouseUp callback

    Pressable onHover, onMouseDown, onMouseUp callback

    Hello mix team. Is there any way how to detect onHover, onMouseDown, onMouseUp from Pressable? I need to highlight specific a range of cells in a grid, starting from the one over which user has pressed mouse down and end on another where mouse up.


    opened by VladimirCores 4
  • Widget: Pressable Component

    Widget: Pressable Component

    There is a need to create components that can be interacted with but easily styled. Right now this is not a problem as you can style all the components and wrap them in an InkWell or a GestureDetector, however, the creation of a Pressable component opens up some other possibilities.

    • Ability to provide styling for interactions, tap, hover, disabled etc.
    • Clean syntax for creating buttons and other pressable components using Mix
    enhancement widget 
    opened by leoafarias 4
  • Macro Benchmarks

    Macro Benchmarks

    Add macro benchmarks

    Addiontal reference

    opened by bdlukaa 3
  • Shortcut for borderColor and others Mix properties

    Shortcut for borderColor and others Mix properties

    Would love to have:

    bgColor -> bgc
    border -> br
    borderColor -> brc
    borderWidth -> brw
    borderStyle -> brs
    rounded -> rd
    squared -> sq
    shadow -> sh

    and similar to others.

    opened by VladimirCores 3
  • Implement BoolExtension

    Implement BoolExtension

    Makes the following syntax possible:

    final mix = Mix(
      (true)( // [condition]
        bgColor(, // this is only executed if [condition] is true
    opened by bdlukaa 3
  • Pressable freezes on press when onPressed: null

    Pressable freezes on press when onPressed: null

    Face a problem with Pressable - when click/press on the button with onPressed: null it freezes within press state.

    Mix (mix different colors):

      final mixButton = Mix(


    opened by VladimirCores 3
  • Mix theme updates

    Mix theme updates

    Main updates

    • Removed .default getters where possible and replaced them with factory constructors
    • Removed .merge where it was irrelevant and replaced it with .copyWith
    • Replace ._ constructors with .raw constructors

    Other updates

    • Added equality and toString when relevant
    opened by bdlukaa 3
  • Initial doc changes

    Initial doc changes

    I've worked over primarily the 'Concepts' page, for starters. Also changed some of the header styling to something I think works better.

    Might have gotten carried away.

    Look it over and we can discuss.

    Do you have a git Project set up for this?

    thanx, rickb

    opened by rickbsgu 3
  • `when` variant

    `when` variant

    Fixes #102

    Basic usage:

    // in a stateful widget
    bool hasError = false;
    void fetch() {
      try {
        // perform the fetch
        setState(() => hasError = false);
      } catch (e) {
        // handle the error
        setState(() => hasError = true);
    final mix = Mix(
        // this would be the `else` case
    opened by bdlukaa 2
  • [Bug] Cannot use tokens space classes (not exported?)

    [Bug] Cannot use tokens space classes (not exported?)

    Accorded to the documentation I should be able to customize spaces with the MixThemeSpace. However it seems that the theme/tokens/space.dart are not being exported from mix package.

    library mix;
    export 'src/attributes/attribute.dart';
    export 'src/attributes/helpers/helper.utils.dart';
    export 'src/attributes/shared/shared.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/attributes/shared/shared.utils.dart';
    export 'src/helpers/color.utils.dart';
    export 'src/helpers/extensions.dart';
    export 'src/mixer/mix_context.dart';
    export 'src/mixer/mix_factory.dart';
    export 'src/mixer/mix_values.dart';
    export 'src/theme/material_theme/color_scheme_tokens.dart';
    export 'src/theme/material_theme/material_tokens.dart';
    export 'src/theme/material_theme/text_theme_tokens.dart';
    export 'src/theme/mix_theme.dart';
    export 'src/theme/refs/color_token.dart';
    export 'src/theme/refs/text_style_token.dart';
    export 'src/theme/tokens/size.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/box_decorator_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/box_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/dynamic_variants_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/flex_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/helper_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/icon_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/image_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/shared_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/text_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/utilities/zbox_utilities.dart';
    export 'src/variants/dynamic_variants/dynamic_variants.utils.dart';
    export 'src/variants/variant.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/aspect_ratio.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/clip_decorator.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/flexible.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/opacity.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/rotate.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/box/box_decorators/scale.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/flex/flex.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/flex/flex.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/flex/flex.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/gap.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/icon/icon.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/icon/icon.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/icon/icon.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/image/image.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/image/image.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/mix_context_builder.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/mixable.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/pressable/gesture_box.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/pressable/pressable.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/pressable/pressable.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/text/text.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/text/text.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/text/text.widget.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/zbox/zbox.attributes.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/zbox/zbox.utils.dart';
    export 'src/widgets/zbox/zbox.widget.dart';
    opened by Maus3rSR 1
  • [Bug] press variant style apply time from Pressable widget seems to be longer than Material Buttons press effect

    [Bug] press variant style apply time from Pressable widget seems to be longer than Material Buttons press effect


    Thank you for this awesome library. Im still a beginner developer so sorry if I misunderstood something...

    I tried a sample app to use your pressable widget

    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:mix/mix.dart';
    Mix get pressableMix => Mix(
            width: 2,
              width: 4,
    class BaseStyleButton extends StatelessWidget {
      const BaseStyleButton({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Pressable(
          onPressed: () {
            stdout.write("BaseStyleButton pressed");
          child: Box(
            mix: pressableMix,
            child: const TextMix('Button'),

    and implement it in a sample app, along to a TextButton

    import 'dart:io';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:ultrashot_design_system/component.dart';
    void main() {
      runApp(const UltrashotApp());
    class UltrashotApp extends StatelessWidget {
      const UltrashotApp({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Ultrashot ALPHA',
          theme: ThemeData(
          home: const DesignSystemShowCase(),
    class DesignSystemShowCase extends StatelessWidget {
      const DesignSystemShowCase({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: const Text('Ultrashot Design System'),
          body: Center(
            child: Column(
              children: <Widget>[
                const BaseStyleButton(),
                  onPressed: () {
                    stdout.write("BaseStyleButton pressed");
                  child: const Text('Button'),

    On my ANDROID 9 / SAMSUNG S8 (SM-G950F)

    It seems that the press variant is applied on a longer press than the press effect of the material button. I can see the debug message by pressing the button without be able to see the press variant applied. However the material button press effect is instant when I press it with the same tap pression.

    opened by Maus3rSR 7
  • [Proposal] Replace mix theming with material theme extensions

    [Proposal] Replace mix theming with material theme extensions

    We can take advantage of Material's theme extensions to replace the current mix theming. Currently, we define global variables and attach value to them in a MixThemeData, so that we can use globally.


    A callback based function theme<T extends ThemeExtension>((T)) that can be called inside a Mix. The mixer will look into every attribute for a theme and perform the operation based on the current context.

    Something like:

    final mix = Mix(
      bgColor(theme<MyColors>((myColors) => myColors.brandColor)),
      textColor(theme<MyColors>((myColors) => myColors.danger))),
    // This is from the official example. Link attached below
    class MyColors extends ThemeExtension<MyColors> {
      const MyColors({
        required this.brandColor,
        required this.danger,
      final Color? brandColor;
      final Color? danger;

    Other things I have considered Making theme more readable and usable with something like

    final mix = Mix(

    But I can't seem to find a way where theme would have access to the current context

    Additional context

    opened by bdlukaa 3
  • Keyboard key press Dynamic Variant

    Keyboard key press Dynamic Variant

    This would be a variant that would react to a keyboard key press. It'd be something like:

    final mix = Mix(

    The key(<LogicalKeyboardKey>) would make the following possible:

      (hover & key(LogicalKeyboardKey.enter) & ...)(

    Pressable could be used to handle this, or maybe a new widget could also be created

    See also:

    opened by bdlukaa 1
  • [Question] TextMix

    [Question] TextMix

    Reading the documentation

      'Mix is AWESOME!'
      mix: Mix(
          offset: const Offset(2.0, 2.0),

    My understanding is that a mix passed as parameters will override any other inherited value but this is not reflected in my code. Not sure if it is a bug.


    opened by Solido 2
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