🚰 A BehaviorSubject for Flutter with automatic persist and hydrate

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Hydrated provides a Subject that automatically persists to Flutter's local storage and hydrates on creation!

Easy to consume

All values are persisted with shared_preferences and restored with automatic hydration.

final count$ = HydratedSubject<int>("count", seedValue: 0);

/// count$ will automagically be hydrated with 42 next time it is created

Ready for BLoC

class HydratedBloc {
  final _count$ = HydratedSubject<int>("count", seedValue: 0);

  ValueObservable<int> get count$ => _count$.stream;
  Sink<int> get setCount => _count$.sink;

  dispose() {

Supports simple types and serialized classes

We support all shared_preferences types.

  • int
  • double
  • bool
  • String
  • List<String>
final count$ = HydratedSubject<int>("count");

We also support serialized classes with hydrate and persist arguments.

final user$ = HydratedSubject<User>(
  hydrate: (String s) => User.fromJson(s),
  persist: (User user) => user.toJson(),


Hydrated is mock tested with all supported types and is dogfooded by its creator.


Hydrated supports any key-value data storages -- just implement the KeyValueStore interface and you will be able to use hive, flutter_secure_storage or any other persistence solution of your choice.

class MyAwesomeKeyValueStore implements KeyValueStore {
  /// your implementation here...

final user = HydratedSubject<User>(
  hydrate: (String s) => User.fromJson(s),
  persist: (User user) => user.toJson(),
  keyValueStore: MyAwesomeKeyValueStore()


demo of Hydrated BehaviorSubject between app restarts

Original developer

hydrated was originally developed by @lukepighetti.

  • Abstract methods to store/load the object

    Abstract methods to store/load the object

    I love this feature to persist the value on the Bloc. However shared preferences dependency makes it Flutter only package (maybe it is fine for now). In case of Bloc pattern, it should not know anything about Flutter, because we could use that Bloc on AngularDart for example. Probably Hummingbird will make AngularDart obsolete but not sure when that can happen.

    I think this package can go to Dart-only and provide flutter (shared preference, etc.) overrides, also will give any other future storage mechanisms (Firebase for example).

    Suggestion: AbstractHydrate with methods to override: Fetches from a storage by a key (current HydrateSubject could override this with SharedPreferences use)

    T fetch() {

    Stores value (serializes if needed/supported) and current HydrateSubject can override this with current implementation.

    store(T val) {

    This would allow to have the hydrate package Dart only, and 'flutter_hydrate' (or other name) for example use SharedPreferences. In future more "plugin" packages can be created to serialize or store to DB or store to file, even Firebase.

    Just idea, see my https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_fimber and https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/fimber packages that follows that logic.

    opened by magillus 11
  • First try at allowing alternative hydrate and persist implementations

    First try at allowing alternative hydrate and persist implementations

    Now common code is in AbstractHydratedSubject.

    When creating a custom HydratedSubject, you just need to override hydrate/_persistValue and implement the constructors. HydratedSetup also helps will some common code needed in the constructors.

    opened by MisterJimson 5
  • Update to rxdart 0.21

    Update to rxdart 0.21

    I tried to use the package but requires rxdart 0.20. I don't think I have something that can benefit from 0.21 but would be ok to update the package to 0.21. Thanks

    opened by cosinus84 4
  • Question: How could I persist a list of a model

    Question: How could I persist a list of a model

    Hello, I'm a flutter newbee.

    I'm storing a token using this and it's working like a charm. Now I would like to know how to store a list of houses.

    I have a list of favorite houses in my bloc. Like this:

    BehaviorSubject<List<House>> _favoritesController = BehaviorSubject<List<House>>(seedValue: <House>[]);
    Stream<List<House>> get favorites => _favoritesController.stream;

    Is it possible to persist this list?

    Thank you.

    opened by devfelipereis 3
  • ver. shared_preferences

    ver. shared_preferences

    I do not know if it's an issue, but when I installed it, there was a compatibility error, because there is a new version shared_preferences, which was in my project previously

    opened by marrullas 3
  • Add support for a generic persistence interface

    Add support for a generic persistence interface

    Resolves #23

    While working on the PR, I realized that the generic persistence can be done for basically any persistent data storage, not only the key-value one.

    opened by solid-yuriiprykhodko 2
  • Add support for generic persistence interface -- alternative 1

    Add support for generic persistence interface -- alternative 1

    Resolves #23 Alternative to #26

    Abstracts away only the key-value store. The persistence key and also the hydrate and persist callbacks are kept in the HydratedSubject class, avoiding breaking changes.

    opened by solid-yuriiprykhodko 1
  • Can I use this for user profile storing whenever user login.

    Can I use this for user profile storing whenever user login.

    Right now I am using streambuilder to fetch user data to show it in drawer menu. Every time user see drawer screen future are taking time to interact with network call and render the data. Can I use hydrated package to store user data whenever he logins ?

    thank you.

    opened by Flutter-Stack 1
  • Update if _hydrateSubject order

    Update if _hydrateSubject order

    To avoid ambiguity it is best to keep the persistence test first. This has already caused a problem in a project of mine where I use it within a class with

    opened by jacobaraujo7 1
  • Consider supporting a generic persistence interface

    Consider supporting a generic persistence interface

    Use cases:

    1. Custom wrappers over SharedPreferences -- some projects abstract away from persistence, making this package a bad choice for them, since we only support stock SharedPreferences.
    2. Secure storage -- while iOS should be good to go, sharedpreferences on Android is not the most secure way to store data. Adding a generic interface should give the user freedom of choice when it comes to choosing the layer which does the actual key/value persistence.

    In general the idea is to abstract away from details on how we do persistence, and turn this package into a generic reactive extension for a keyed storage.

    opened by solid-yuriiprykhodko 0
  • The source must not be null

    The source must not be null

    [VERBOSE-2:shell.cc(186)] Dart Error: Unhandled exception:
    Invalid argument(s): The source must not be null
    #0      int.parse (dart:core/runtime/libintegers_patch.dart:51:25)
    #1      new AdvertisingService.<anonymous closure> (package:when_coin/services/advertising.dart:41:62)
    #2      HydratedSubject._hydrateSubject (package:hydrated/hydrated.dart:140:18)
    <asynchronous suspension>
    #3      new HydratedSubject._ (package:hydrated/hydrated.dart:58:5)
    #4      new HydratedSubject (package:hydrated/hydrated.dart:89:16)
    #5      new AdvertisingService (package:when_coin/services/advertising.dart:39:30)
    #6      main (package:when_coin/main.dart:5:16)
    #7      _startIsolate.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate/runtime/libisolate_patch.dart:289:19)
    #8      _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate/runtime/libisolate_patch.dart:171:12)
    opened by lukepighetti 0
  • Support custom `persist` and `hydrate` callbacks for primitive types.

    Support custom `persist` and `hydrate` callbacks for primitive types.

    As pointed out by @solid-vovabeloded: Currently if we use HydratedSubject with a primitive type, custom persist and hydrate callbacks won't be invoked, or used at all: image

    The idea is to change the check order in the above method to use the custom callbacks, if they were provided, and then fall back to standard handling.

    opened by solid-yuriiprykhodko 0
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