A BottomNavigationBar for nested routing and advanced features to improve user experience.

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UI navbar_router

navbar_router 0.1.2


This is the ultimate BottomNavigionBar created by considering the advanced use cases in real world applications. This widget handles the boilerplate code required to handle the below features with minimal code and hassle. All you need to do is specify the navbar menu items, routes and destinations and the rest will be taken care by the navbar_router.


  • Smooth transitions when changing navbar destinations
  • Ability to push routes in the nested or root navigator
  • Notifies onBackButtonPress to handle app exits like a pro
  • Programmatically control state of bottom navbar from any part of widget tree e.g change index, hide/show bottom navbar, pop routes of a specific tab etc
  • persist state across bottom navbar tabs
  • Tapping the same navbar button pops to base route of nested navigator (same as instagram)
  • Switch the Navbar destination with animation

Heres a sample app built using this package to see how it works.

video demo of the sample app

navbar_route demo

This package will help you save atleast 50% lines of code in half the time required to implement the above features. Heres the same sample app without the package which requires around 800 lines of code.


Add to pubspec.yaml

  navbar_router: ^0.1.2


class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  List<NavbarItem> items = [
    NavbarItem(Icons.home, 'Home', backgroundColor: colors[0]),
    NavbarItem(Icons.shopping_bag, 'Products', backgroundColor: colors[1]),
    NavbarItem(Icons.person, 'Me', backgroundColor: colors[2]),

  final Map<int, Map<String, Widget>> _routes = const {
    0: {
      '/': HomeFeeds(),
      FeedDetail.route: FeedDetail(),
    1: {
      '/': ProductList(),
      ProductDetail.route: ProductDetail(),
    2: {
      '/': UserProfile(),
      ProfileEdit.route: ProfileEdit(),

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return NavbarRouter(
      errorBuilder: (context) {
        return const Center(child: Text('Error 404'));
      onBackButtonPressed: (isExiting) {
        return isExiting;
      destinationAnimationCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
      destinationAnimationDuration: 600,
          NavbarDecoration(navbarType: BottomNavigationBarType.shifting),
      destinations: [
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
            navbarItem: items[i],
            destinations: [
              for (int j = 0; j < _routes[i]!.keys.length; j++)
                  route: _routes[i]!.keys.elementAt(j),
                  widget: _routes[i]!.values.elementAt(j),
            initialRoute: _routes[i]!.keys.first,

Features Breakdown

Fading between NavbarDestinations

You can have smooth Transitions between NavbarDestinations by setting the destinationAnimationCurve and destinationAnimationDuration properties.

defaults to

  destinationAnimationCurve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn,
  destinationAnimationDuration: 700,

Hide or show bottomNavigationBar

You can hide or show bottom navigationBar with a single line of code from anywhere in the widget tree. This allows you to handle useCases like scroll down to hide the navbar or hide the navbar on opening the drawer.

 NavbarNotifier.hideBottomNavBar = true;
Hide/show navbar on scroll Hide/show navbar on drawer open/close

Notify onBackButtonPress

navbar_router provides a onBackButtonPressed callback to intercept events from android back button. Giving you the ability to handle app exits (e.g you might want to implement double press back button to exit).

sample code implementing double press back button to exit

      onBackButtonPressed: (isExitingApp) {
        if (isExitingApp) {
          newTime = DateTime.now();
          int difference = newTime.difference(oldTime).inMilliseconds;
          oldTime = newTime;
          if (difference < 1000) {
            return isExitingApp;
          } else {
            return false;
        } else {
          return isExitingApp;


destinations: A List of DestinationRouter to show when the user taps the [NavbarItem]. Each DestinationRouter specifies a List of Destinations, initialRoute, and the navbarItem corresponding to that destination.

errorBuilder: A WidgetBuilder to show the user when the user tried to navigate to a route that does not exist in the [destinations].

decoration : The decoraton for Navbar has all the properties you would expect in a [BottomNavigationBar] to adjust the style of the Navbar.

onBackButtonPressed: A Function which defines whether it is the root Navigator or not if the method returns true then the Navigator is at the base of the navigator stack

destinationAnimationCurve: Curve for the destination animation when the user taps a navbar item. Defaults to Curves.fastOutSlowIn.

destinationAnimationDuration: The duration in milliseconds of the animation of the destination. Defaults to 700ms.

shouldPopToBaseRoute: A boolean which decides, whether the navbar should pop to the base route (pop all except first) when the current navbar is tapped while the route is deeply nested. This feature similar to Instagram's navigation bar defaults to true.

Curious how the navbar_router works?

Read more in a medium blog post for detailed explanation.


Contributions are welcome! for more details on how to contribute, please see the contributing guide

  • [Android] Remember route history

    [Android] Remember route history

    copied from https://github.com/maheshmnj/navbar_router/issues/8

    For a better navigation/experience you might wanna consider adding some sort of visited tabs history in order to manage back button navigation for Android, apps like instagram,netflix ... handle the navigation history by keeping track of the order in which the user visits different tabs such a feature would be a perfect addition to your package, for inspiration take a look at the solution implemented in this one : ttps://pub.dev/packages/bottom_nav_layout#page-back-stack

    Feature Request fixed 
    opened by maheshmnj 3
  • Navbar should be able to add/remove tabs dynamically.

    Navbar should be able to add/remove tabs dynamically.

    Usecase Assume that a navbar has notifications tab, and the notifications tab needs to be shown only for loggedIn users and hidden for other users. In such cases we should be able to add or remove a tab conditionally.

    Feature Request fixed 
    opened by maheshmnj 2
  • Investigate offstage widgets

    Investigate offstage widgets

    Describe the bug Widgets that are offstage (not in view) should not gain in pointer or focus, One way to fix this is by using ignorePointer for !currentindex.

    Also when the focus is regained the state should remain unchanged.

    opened by maheshmnj 1
  • Pass arguments to widgets when Navigating via named routes

    Pass arguments to widgets when Navigating via named routes

    Figure out a way to pass arguments received in onGenerateRoute to respective widget

     onGeneratedRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
          WidgetBuilder? builder = widget.errorBuilder;
          final nestedLength = widget.destinations[i].length;
           for (int j = 0; j < nestedLength; j++) {
               if (widget.destinations[i][j].path == settings.name) {
                    builder = (BuildContext _) => widget.destinations[i][j].widget;
             return MaterialPageRoute(
                 builder: builder!, settings: settings);
    Feature Request 
    opened by maheshmnj 1
  • Improve Notch Shape

    Improve Notch Shape

    Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is changing or adding, and why. Consider including before/after screenshots.

    List which issues are fixed by this PR. You must list at least one issue.

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [X] I read the Contributor Guide and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs.
    • [X] I listed at least one issue that this PR fixes in the description above.
    • [X] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with ///).
    • [X] I added new tests to check the change I am making, or this PR is [test-exempt].
    • [X] All existing and new tests are passing using flutter test

    If you need help, consider pinging the maintainer @maheshmnj

    opened by maheshmnj 0
  • Add support for new Navigationbar using `type: NavbartType.notched`

    Add support for new Navigationbar using `type: NavbartType.notched`

    This is a Work in progress to add more customizable NavigationBar

    Addresses: #8 ezgif com-gif-maker

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [X] I read the Contributor Guide and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs.
    • [X] I listed at least one issue that this PR fixes in the description above.
    • [X] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with ///).
    • [X] I added new tests to check the change I am making, or this PR is [test-exempt].
    • [X] All existing and new tests are passing using flutter test

    If you need help, consider pinging the maintainer @maheshmnj

    opened by maheshmnj 0
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images

    [ImgBot] Optimize images

    Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

    Your image file size has been reduced by 34% 🎉


    | File | Before | After | Percent reduction | |:--|:--|:--|:--| | /example/web/icons/Icon-maskable-512.png | 20.51kb | 10.54kb | 48.61% | | /example/web/icons/Icon-maskable-192.png | 5.46kb | 3.66kb | 33.05% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_512.png | 14.45kb | 9.69kb | 32.93% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_1024.png | 45.89kb | 31.58kb | 31.18% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_16.png | 1.40kb | 1.00kb | 28.62% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_256.png | 5.79kb | 4.27kb | 26.23% | | /example/macos/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/app_icon_128.png | 3.20kb | 2.60kb | 18.77% | | | | | | | Total : | 96.70kb | 63.34kb | 34.50% |

    📝 docs | :octocat: repo | 🙋🏾 issues | 🏪 marketplace

    ~Imgbot - Part of Optimole family

    opened by imgbot[bot] 0
  • Can we have linkbased routing / deep linking and routeguard as a feature in the upcoming version?

    Can we have linkbased routing / deep linking and routeguard as a feature in the upcoming version?

    I am working on an app for my college where I want to pass url parameters in Notification Details route let's say the messageID, and i did try a few other options like auto route but they didn't have much flexibility in having different scaffolds for different pages with persistent bottom navigation bar which made me switch to this package.

    In my case I wish to send user to that particular notification with all the details on the on_click event which i guess would be possible with url parameters where i can pass the individual message id in the payload like notifications/notificationDetails:messageId, please correct me if I am wrong. Also, it would be really grateful if you can point me to the right resource as I am still new to flutter and have a lot more to explore

    As I already mentioned, I have tried go router and auto route but find them a bit complex when i wanted to have a different scaffold and persistent bottom navbar.

    Also, route guard feature would be a great addition too.

    Feature Request 
    opened by tushar4303 0
  • Elevation doesn't work on the NavBarDecoration

    Elevation doesn't work on the NavBarDecoration

    The background behind the navigation bar and the bottom nav bar are both white in my UI, which makes it really hard to notice the navbar's starting point and the elevation doesn't seem to work in order to add the shadow to the navbar

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Changing value on the elevation property doesn't make ui shadow show up

    Expected behavior A shadow should have appeared at the top of the NavBar


    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [Redmi Note 11]
    • OS: [Android ]
    • Version [12]
    bug flutter 
    opened by tushar4303 4
  • Support different NavigationBars to choose from

    Support different NavigationBars to choose from

    Hello and thank you for this great package full of highly requested features.

    For most modern apps one would need a custom BottomNavigationBar that would cater to his/her needs, unfortunately navbar_router doesn't support different navbar types for example let's say I wanna use this BottomNavigationBar from this package : https://pub.dev/packages/circular_bottom_navigation , it's currently impossible since navbar_router tries to build upon the default BottomNavigationBar which is quite limited , so maybe you would consider adding the ability to pass the whole BottomNavigationBar widget as parameter instead of a set of decoration parameters in order to lift this limitation ?

    Something like what this package provides would be awesome; https://pub.dev/packages/bottom_nav_layout#different-bottom-bars

    For a better navigation/experience you might wanna consider adding some sort of visited tabs history in order to manage back button navigation for Android, apps like instagram,netflix ... handle the navigation history by keeping track of the order in which the user visits different tabs such a feature would be a perfect addition to your package, for inspiration take a look at the solution implemented in this one : ttps://pub.dev/packages/bottom_nav_layout#page-back-stack

    Feature Request 
    opened by mohamoha6200 4
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