Flutter Clean Architecture app proposal: bloc + injectable + rxdart



Clean Architecture + BLoC + RxDart + Injectable (Flutter app proposal)

The app allows navigating through the content fetched from an API endpoint. The content is composed by multiple articles related to a common topic (e.g., music, space, computers, etc.).

The apps starts with dummy data. After, it is possible to feed new data sets into the app by entering ID to fetch the content from a service API using FAB (in the bottom right corner).

Original(deprecated) version is available at old/max_clean_arch

Best regards,
Max Shemetov

2021 - 2022

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  • Can't see the architecture discussed on LinkedIn

    Can't see the architecture discussed on LinkedIn


    I'm starting to learn Flutter and - as a huge fan of the clean architecture - would like to find some sample. I've seen your article from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/flutter-howto-clean-architecture-bloc-rxdart-max-shemetov and it seems to fit my needs. However, this repository doesn't contains the architecture coming from this article (example: folders data/domain/presentation doesn't exists inside the lib folder).

    I understand that "This example app is made for educational purposes. It is subject to change, refactors, and improvements.". But :

    1. Why is it not possible to see the history of your commits? This repository only contains one revision (5 days ago) and there is nothing about your previous work available. Seeing the history could help to understand what you'v done and why!
    2. If this repo is an improvement since your last try, could you please explain (maybe in a new article?) what is this new architecture and why it's better than the previous one for your needs?

    Anyway, thanks for this work!

    opened by sbatezat 3
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