A button that looks like a Cupertino text button


Cupertino Text Button pub version


A button that looks like a Cupertino text button!


Text Button

A simple text button can be created like this:

    text: 'Apply',
    style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
    onTap: () {
        // Do your text stuff here.

For text buttons you can configure the following properties:

Property Type Description
text String Title of the button
style TextStyle Text style of the title
textAlign TextAlign Text alignment of the button
textDirection TextDirection The text direction to use for rendering the text
textOverflow TextOverflow The text direction to use for rendering the text
softWrap bool Whether the text should break at soft line breaks

Material Icon Button

A simple material icon button can be created like this:

    icon: Icons.chevron_left,
    size: 30,
    onTap: () {
        // Do your icon stuff here.

For material icon buttons you can configure the following properties:

Property Type Description
icon IconData Icon to display
size double Size of the icon
textDirection TextDirection The text direction to use for rendering the icon

Common Properties

Either you creating a text or an icon button, you can specify these properties:

Property Type Description
onTap Function On tap handler of the button
onLongPress Function On long press handler of the button
normalColor Color Foreground color of the button in normal state, e.g. not pressed
pressedColor Color Foreground color of the button in pressed state
forwardDuration Duration Duration of the animation from normalColor to pressedColor
backwardDuration Duration Duration of the animation back from pressedColor to normalColor
curve Curve The animation curve.


All these shared properties, except for the onTap and onLongPress ones, can be configured via the CupertinoTextButtonTheme. Just wrap it around your app or any other parent widget above CupertinoTextButtons in the tree like this:

    normalColor: Colors.white,
    pressedColor: Colors.orange,
    /* forwardDuration, backwardDuration and curve can also be configured here. */
    child: Row(
        children: [
                text: 'First Option',
                style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
                onTap: () {
                    // Do your first stuff here.
                text: 'Second Option',
                style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
                onTap: () {
                    // Do your second stuff here.

And both of these text button will have the same colors!

If these properties are not specified in the button and no theme is provided, fallback values are used:

Property Fallback Value
normalColor Colors.black
pressedColor Theme*.primaryColor
forwardDuration const Duration(milliseconds: 20)
backwardDuration const Duration(milliseconds: 200)
curve Curves.fastOutSlowIn

* Theme β€” the default Flutter Theme.

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