Memo is an open-source, programming-oriented spaced repetition software (SRS) written in Flutter.


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Monorepo for Memo.

Memo is an open-source, programming-oriented spaced repetition software (SRS) written in Flutter.

As of now, this project is designed to only output builds for Android and iOS. Even though, given the current stability of Flutter SDK for desktop (Windows, Linux and macOS) and web, there is a high probability that this project will eventually support builds for all platforms.

This README is meant to guide how this project is structured and should serve as a guide to help the project scale with the current and future requirements. Think of it as a flexible set of rules that guides the project's decisions. While they can (and probably will) change over time, discussions must be raised to trigger such changes: this means that we will think/question ourselves before taking an action that breaks any rational decision taken here. It is also effective to guide PR discussions.


If you have no idea how to install Flutter and run it locally, check this Get started.

If you have Flutter setup locally, on the project's root folder, install pubspec dependencies by running flutter pub get.

Firebase dependencies

Memo has Firebase dependencies that needs to be setup before running locally. More information on this in ARCHITECTURE#firebase.


How this application works from inside and how it interacts with external dependencies - written in details in


If you're interested in checking out an overview about how we dealt with this project's software process (inside our team), check out .process/ (sorry, for now only in ptBR).

Contributing & Good Practices

See CONTRIBUTING for details about how to contribute to the project.


Memo is published under BSD 3-Clause.


This project was built with the help of the sponsors below:

  • Add github actions workflow

    Add github actions workflow

    Setup of CI with github actions

    Proposed steps:

    • Installation of flutter and flutter dependences
    • Execution of flutter formatter, analyser and linter
    • Execution of tests

    Trigger: on pull requests

    For the future will be interesting add the CD setup with fastlane as the mentioned by @matuella on issue #16. Some details would be important set here too, like flutter version or when the process will be trigged.

    This setup was inspired on this gist

    This changes have been discussed on issue #16

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] Eu li o e segui as sugestões descritas ali sobre boas práticas de código / I read and followed the suggestions proposed there about writing good code;
    • [x] Eu listei pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR / I listed at least one issue related to this PR;
    • [ ] Eu adicionei novos testes para cobrir as mudanças que eu fiz neste PR, ou este PR é uma exceção / I added new tests that cover the changes made in this PR or this PR is a test-exception;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei o com as mudanças feitas neste PR / I updated with the changes made in this PR;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei/adicionei comentários relevantes nas modificações efetuadas / I updated or added relevant docs in the modifications I've made;
    • [x] Todos os testes previamente existentes e os novos criados por mim estão finalizando com sucesso / All the existing tests - the old and the new ones - are finishing with success.
    opened by RaphaelOliveiraMoura 13
  • [PROPOSAL] Firebase Folders Refactoring

    [PROPOSAL] Firebase Folders Refactoring

    Propose a minor refactoring in the folders structure:

    • Removes package.json from src/core, moving all dependencies to an unique package.json in the project root.
    • Moves functions/ folder to root, including only index.ts as it sub-file.
    • Moves dist/ output to root => <ROOT>/dist/
    enhancement target: firebase 
    opened by ggirotto 7
  • Add CodeCov to Github Actions Workflow #26

    Add CodeCov to Github Actions Workflow #26

    • Adds CodeCov to Github Actions Workflow and add Codecov badge into Readme. For the Badge link to work, you need to activate the repository on Codecov. I activated the repository in my Codecov account and it is working perfectly, as you can see in the main branch of my repository

    • Adds CodeCov to Github Actions Workflow #26

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] Eu li o e segui as sugestões descritas ali sobre boas práticas de código / I read and followed the suggestions proposed there about writing good code;
    • [x] Eu listei pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR / I listed at least one issue related to this PR;
    • [x] Eu adicionei novos testes para cobrir as mudanças que eu fiz neste PR, ou este PR é uma exceção / I added new tests that cover the changes made in this PR or this PR is a test-exception;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei o com as mudanças feitas neste PR / I updated with the changes made in this PR;
    • [x] Eu atualizei/adicionei comentários relevantes nas modificações efetuadas / I updated or added relevant docs in the modifications I've made;
    • [x] Todos os testes previamente existentes e os novos criados por mim estão finalizando com sucesso / All the existing tests - the old and the new ones - are finishing with success.
    opened by murilosandiego 7
  • Questões mais claras e objetivas

    Questões mais claras e objetivas

    Achei um comentário no Google Play bem interessante, que é a questão das perguntas.

    As perguntas serem mais objetivas ou ter algum texto padrão como "O quer é essa frase abaixo:" ou "O quer quer dizer ... ...." ficaria mais didático e melhor.

    Pra mim mesmo apareceu apenas "GIT" ou um código do SHA1 e eu não entendi muito bem o que queria dizer. Saberia se fosse melhor formulado a pergunta.

    opened by Victor-BwD 6
  • Updates Android & iOS release lanes to distribute beta build to external users

    Updates Android & iOS release lanes to distribute beta build to external users

    Introduces a performance improvement to release workflow that may save around 5 minutes, according to the last release workflow logs:

    CleanShot 2021-07-16 at 11 10 12@2x

    It basically ignores the processing time from AppStoreConnect. It doesn't make sense to wait for it since we'll need to manually release it latter in the portal.

    enhancement toolkit 
    opened by ggirotto 5
  • Improve speed in workflow build-related operations

    Improve speed in workflow build-related operations

    Not sure if this is a limitation of the images that we are using or what, but both release and PR workflows are slow. ​

    What could we do to improve these build times (possibly caching?

    opened by matuella 5
  • Adds Fastlane + Github Actions to auto-deploy new releases (#62 clone)

    Adds Fastlane + Github Actions to auto-deploy new releases (#62 clone) was merged in the wrong branch collection-execution. This PR addresses the same changes already discussed and reviewed at but now pointing correctly to main, since collection-execution was already merged

    opened by ggirotto 5
  • Add test for listenAll method

    Add test for listenAll method

    • Add test for listenAll method #30

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] Eu li o e segui as sugestões descritas ali sobre boas práticas de código / I read and followed the suggestions proposed there about writing good code;
    • [x] Eu listei pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR / I listed at least one issue related to this PR;
    • [x] Eu adicionei novos testes para cobrir as mudanças que eu fiz neste PR, ou este PR é uma exceção / I added new tests that cover the changes made in this PR or this PR is a test-exception;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei o com as mudanças feitas neste PR / I updated with the changes made in this PR;
    • [x] Eu atualizei/adicionei comentários relevantes nas modificações efetuadas / I updated or added relevant docs in the modifications I've made;
    • [x] Todos os testes previamente existentes e os novos criados por mim estão finalizando com sucesso / All the existing tests - the old and the new ones - are finishing with success.
    opened by murilosandiego 5
  • Emojis showing up in the question screen

    Emojis showing up in the question screen

    Descreva o Bug/Describe the bug:

    It seems like sometimes the emojis would show up in the question screen, when it should only apear in the answer screen.

    Passos para Reproduzir/Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Open the app.
    2. Go to some deck
    3. Tap "Estudar Agora"
    4. Tap "Ver Resposta"

    It doesn't happen always. In fact, it only happend once to me.

    Resultado Esperado/Expected Result:

    I should see the answer to the question and the emojis.

    Resultado Obtido/Actual Result:

    I see another question and the emojis.



    Versão do app/App Version:


    bug P3 target: flutter 
    opened by mpirescarvalho 4
  • Update


    Faça aqui uma breve descrição das alterações que esse PR faz e o porquê / Describe the changes proposed in this PR and their motivation:

    The index of sections on is "Setup: how the configure your local project;" but should be "Setup: how to configure your local project;".

    Liste pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR. / List at least one open issue related to this PR:

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] Eu li o e segui as sugestões descritas ali sobre boas práticas de código / I read and followed the suggestions proposed there about writing good code;
    • [ ] Eu listei pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR / I listed at least one issue related to this PR;
    • [ ] Eu adicionei novos testes para cobrir as mudanças que eu fiz neste PR, ou este PR é uma exceção / I added new tests that cover the changes made in this PR or this PR is a test-exception;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei o com as mudanças feitas neste PR / I updated with the changes made in this PR;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei/adicionei comentários relevantes nas modificações efetuadas / I updated or added relevant docs in the modifications I've made;
    • [ ] Todos os testes previamente existentes e os novos criados por mim estão finalizando com sucesso / All the existing tests - the old and the new ones - are finishing with success.
    opened by danieldecasttro 4
  • Fix #286 - typo on cards of

    Fix #286 - typo on cards of "BDD - Fundamentos" Collection.

    There are a few occurrences of "orientado a comportamente" (with letter E) rather than "orientado a comportamento" (with letter O).

    I replaced the letter "E" with the letter "O" where it was necessary.

    Fix #286

    opened by revagomes 3
  • Dificuldade para rodar o projeto

    Dificuldade para rodar o projeto

    Descreva o Bug/Describe the bug:

    Ao rodar o projeto do main, sempre da um erro de não encontrar uma dependência ou ela estar desatualizada

    Passos para Reproduzir/Steps to Reproduce: Versões: Flutter: 2.10.3

    1. Clonar o projeto
    2. Pelo terminal executar o flutter run

    Resultado Esperado/Expected Result: Esperava que o projeto rodasse dentro do meu emulador

    Resultado Obtido/Actual Result:

    Erros de SDK e de versão antiga do fluther quill.



    Versão do app/App Version:

    Branch main

    needs triage 
    opened by edmargomes 6
  • Portuguese corrections

    Portuguese corrections

    Conforme a issue criada por mim, realizei as seguintes alterações:

    • Alterei traços por travessões, deve-se usar traços apenas quando a intensão é juntar palavras, por exemplo, "deve-se".
    • Realizei correções de ortográfica
    • Removi sequência de gerúndios, pois, deve-se evitar, quando possível.
    • Removi expressões prolixas.
    • Removi todos os pronomes "você", pois, pode soar como desrespeito e acaba criando uma "barreira" entre leitor e locutor.

    Pre-launch Checklist

    • [x] Eu li o e segui as sugestões descritas ali sobre boas práticas de código / I read and followed the suggestions proposed there about writing good code;
    • [x] Eu listei pelo menos um issue relacionado à este PR / I listed at least one issue related to this PR;
    • [ ] Eu adicionei novos testes para cobrir as mudanças que eu fiz neste PR, ou este PR é uma exceção / I added new tests that cover the changes made in this PR or this PR is a test-exception;
    • [x] Eu atualizei o com as mudanças feitas neste PR / I updated with the changes made in this PR;
    • [ ] Eu atualizei/adicionei comentários relevantes nas modificações efetuadas / I updated or added relevant docs in the modifications I've made;
    • [ ] Todos os testes previamente existentes e os novos criados por mim estão finalizando com sucesso / All the existing tests - the old and the new ones - are finishing with success.
    opened by raulpacheco2k 0
  • Correções ortográficas e boas práticas da língua portuguesa

    Correções ortográficas e boas práticas da língua portuguesa

    No realizar as seguintes alterações.

    • [x] Alterar traços por travessões, deve-se usar traços apenas quando a intensão é juntar palavras, por exemplo, "deve-se".
    • [x] Realizar correções de ortográfica
    • [x] Remover sequência de gerúndios, pois, deve-se evitar, quando possível.
    • [x] Remover expressões prolixas.
    • [x] Remover todos os pronomes "você", pois, pode soar como desrespeito e acaba criando uma "barreira" entre leitor e locutor.
    needs triage 
    opened by raulpacheco2k 1
  • 0.2.0(Aug 13, 2021)

    Memo 0.2.0 release!

    It also contains all changes made in previous release candidates:


    • Several ExecutionTerminal enhancements:
      • Allows the user to go back/forward on the same memo.
      • The selected difficulty don't require a confirmation anymore - once it's selected, it animates to the next memo.


    • Several ExecutionTerminal fixes:
      • Actions overlapping in smaller devices.
      • Inconsistent state when memos were executed too fast.
      • Not following the expected layout specs.
    • Replaced oval gradient in CollectionCard with LinearGradient, attempting to solve performance issues.


    • Hero animation from CollectionCard.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.0-rc.1(Aug 3, 2021)


    • Firebase Analytics SDK with no need for consent - disabled AdId collection.
    • A proper empty state for CollectionsPage - the _CollectionsEmptyState.
    • DestructiveButton, a customized button for destructive operations - with custom layout specs.
    • MemoThemeData.destructiveSwatch and a its respective destructive swatch for the classic theme.


    • Android & iOS Fastfiles to automatically distribute uploaded builds to external testers.
    • Both pull-request and release workflows now:
      • Caches flutter's SDK.
      • Run Flutter tests only once.
      • Strategy used to authenticate with GoogleService-Info (only required in release, using an empty template in pull-request).
      • Uses the Flutter's beta channel + latest version, requirements of the animation jank fix.
    • Android minSdkVersion from 16 to 17 and multiDexEnabled to true, requirements of flutter-quill dependency.
    • iOS MinimumOSVersion from 8.0 to 9.0, an apparent dependency on the latest beta channel version.
    • Flutter's SDK to 2.4.0-4.2.pre to fix the animation jank.
    • Fastfile to use --bundle-sksl-path option, requirements of the animation jank fix.
    • When quitting the execution, CollectionExecutionPage now uses the showSnappableDraggableModalBottomSheet instead of AlertDialog.


    • Cohesion improvements on comecando_com_git.


    • Discord link was expired, now it's a permalink.
    • White screen before SplashPage was loaded (using flutter_native_splash and generating native splash screens).
    • AssetIconButton wasn't conforming to the correct layout specs.
    • Misleading QuillEditor cursor in readOnly mode.
    • Wrong iOS localization. en removed while we don't localize the app, only supports pt-BR for now.
    • [Possible Fix] Trying to use a pre-bundled shader strategy to fix all animation's jank.
    • ExecutionTerminal not respecting the device's safe area.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0(Jul 16, 2021)


    • bdd_fundamentos_01, fundamentos_scrum, guia_scrum, kotlin_fundamentos_01 and manifesto_agil collections. Thanks to all contributors!
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0-rc.3(Jul 15, 2021)


    • Contributor model and its ContributorSerializer serializer.
    • EnvMetadata and its respective implementation that provides application's environment constants.
    • with LinkSettingsItem to discord.
    • showSnappableDraggableModalBottomSheet utility.
    • MultiContributorsView and SingleContributorView widgets.
    • Firebase and FirebaseCrashlytics to record unexpected crashes, errors and exceptions.


    • All files documentations, including standardizing communication.
    • CollectionMemos and Collection now have a contributors property, exposing all associated contributors with that particular collection.
    • LoadedCollectionDetailsState now also provides a list of ContributorInfo associated with that Collection.
    • LinkButton widget now exposes backgroundColor and textStyle properties.
    • ExternalLinkButton widget now exposes iconColor, backgroundColor and textStyle properties.
    • scaffold_messenger to receive a BuildContext instead of extending it - improves code auto-completion.
    • Fastfile to upload iOS symbols to Crashlytics.
    • Existing collections with their respective contributors.


    • Missing SafeArea in Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar for devices with home indicator.
    • Missing SettingsVM interface.
    • Hero animations built through buildHeroCollectionCardFromItem weren't using an unique Hero.tag.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0-rc.2(May 12, 2021)


    • comecando_com_git, ecossistema_do_flutter and swift_fundamentos_01 collections.


    • git_getting_started collection.


    • Added new resources to resources.json.


    • Fixed release workflow to use personal access token when pushing changes to the repo.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0-rc.1(May 8, 2021)

    Introduces the first release candidate with all the first idealized functionalities for memo:

    • Collections listing, which sections all collections using its category and segments the contents by explore and review:
      • Explore shows all collections that haven't all memos completed at least once;
      • Review shows all collections that have all memos completed at least once.
    • Progress, showing the user's metadata for application-wide collection's executions, such as time spent, the percentage for each answer, etcetera;
    • Collection details and execution, which allows the user to study upon a compiled collection in this repository;
    • Settings page with info related to this project.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.0-dev.1(Apr 2, 2021)

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