A flutter plugin for bluebooth ble device connect and control.



A flutter plugin witch includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS to connect and control bluetooth ble device.

Table of Contents


This project is a flutter plugin,so you use it by add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml.

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_blue_elves: ^0.1.1
$ flutter pub get


Import plugin module where you need use.

import 'package:flutter_blue_elves/flutter_blue_elves.dart';

Check bluetooth function is Ok.

FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidCheckBlueLackWhat().then((values) {
      ///no location permission
      ///location powerOff
    ///bluetooth powerOff

FlutterBlueElves.instance.iosCheckBluetoothState().then((value) {
    ///Bluetooth is not initialized
  }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.resetting){
    ///Bluetooth is resetting
  }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.unSupport){
    ///Bluetooth not support
  }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.unAuthorized){
       ///No give bluetooth permission
  }else if(value==IosBluetoothState.poweredOff){
    ///bluetooth powerOff
    ///bluetooth is ok

Turn on bluetooth function what bluetooth need.Just for android.

///apply location permission
FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidApplyLocationPermission((isOk) {
  print(isOk ? "User agrees to grant location permission" : "User does not agree to grant location permission");
///turn on location function
FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidOpenLocationService((isOk) {
  print(isOk ? "The user agrees to turn on the positioning function" : "The user does not agree to enable the positioning function");
///turn on bluetooth function
FlutterBlueElves.instance.androidOpenBluetoothService((isOk) {
  print(isOk ? "The user agrees to turn on the Bluetooth function" : "The user does not agrees to turn on the Bluetooth function");

Scan bluetooth device not connected.

///start scan,you can set scan timeout
FlutterBlueElves.instance.startScan(5000).listen((scanItem) {
  ///Use the information in the scanned object to filter the devices you want
  ///if want to connect someone,call scanItem.connect,it will return Device object
  Device device = scanItem.connect(connectTimeout: 5000);
  ///you can use this device to listen bluetooth device's state
    ///newState is DeviceState type,include disconnected,disConnecting, connecting,connected, connectTimeout,initiativeDisConnected,destroyed
  }).onDone(() {
    ///if scan timeout or you stop scan,will into this

///stop scan

Discovery device's bluetooth service.

///use this stream to listen discovery result
device.serviceDiscoveryStream.listen((serviceItem) {
  ///serviceItem type is BleService,is readonly.It include BleCharacteristic and BleDescriptor
///to discovery service,witch work in connected

Communicate with the device,witch work in connected.

///use this stream to listen data result
device.deviceSignalResultStream.listen((result) {
  ///result type is DeviceSignalResult,is readonly.It have DeviceSignalType attributes,witch include characteristicsRead,characteristicsWrite,characteristicsNotify,descriptorRead,descriptorWrite,unKnown.
  ///In ios you will accept unKnown,because characteristicsRead is as same as characteristicsNotify for ios.So characteristicsRead or characteristicsNotify will return unKnown.

///Read data from device by Characteristic.
///to read,witch work in connected

///Write data to device by Characteristic.
///to write,witch work in connected.After my test,i find this isNoResponse is work in ios but not in android.
///In ios if you set isNoResponse,you will not receive data after write,but android will.

///Read data from device by Descriptor.

///Write data to device by Descriptor.

Connect&Disconnect Device

///work in disConnected
///This connection method is direct connection, because it has been connected before, so I saved the direct connection object, and I can use this object to connect again
///work in connected
///disconnect device

Destroy Device object

///if you never use this Device Object,call destroy(),witch can save space


MIT © PineappleOilPrince

  • Scan can't find the device

    Scan can't find the device

    After checking the Bluetooth open state, call the flutterblueelves.instance.startscan (5000) scanning device, but there is no result, the terminal outputs the log

    I/flutter (27789): ble status:true,  start scaning
    D/BluetoothAdapter(27789): isLeEnabled(): ON
    D/BluetoothLeScanner(27789): could not find callback wrapper
    D/BluetoothAdapter(27789): isLeEnabled(): ON
    D/BluetoothLeScanner(27789): onScannerRegistered() - status=0 scannerId=7 mScannerId=0
    D/BluetoothAdapter(27789): isLeEnabled(): ON
    D/BluetoothLeScanner(27789): could not find callback wrapper

    I don't know what the reason is caused, permissions or configuration files❓

    opened by yh4922 4
  • Scan duplicate device in Ios side

    Scan duplicate device in Ios side

    Why do I always return to the duplicate device when I turn on the Bluetooth again and start scanning the device on the iOS side, even if I pass in a parameter that does not allow duplicates. My blue_elves version is 0.1.4

    opened by RingoWinbee 4
  • Do you need to rescan after destroy to connect?

    Do you need to rescan after destroy to connect?

    蓝牙连接destroy 之后是不是需要重新扫描才可以连接

    我在项目中销毁之后重连不了 我改了一下 example的演示 也是这样的

      child: Text(
          currentState == DeviceState.connected
              ? "Disconnect"
              : "Connect"),
      onPressed: () {
        if (currentState == DeviceState.connected) {
          // currentConnected._device.disConnect();
        } else {
              .connect(connectTimeout: 10000);
    opened by yh4922 2
  • readData 读取数据多了之后无法读取到最新的数据

    readData 读取数据多了之后无法读取到最新的数据

    你好,我在使用flutter_blue_elves的时候遇到一个问题 使用 readData 读取数据时,不能获取到最新的数据

    我的蓝牙设备是连接在电子秤上的 会一直发送显示的重量数据 “weight:73kg”这种结构的数据


    APP这边每次读取的不是最新的那一条 而是当次连接收到的所有数据 比如电子秤发送了weight:100kg,weight:200kg,weight:300kg,weight:400kg,weight:500kg,这样的5条数据


    • 第一次:weight:100kg
    • 第二次:weight:100kgweight:200kg
    • 第三次:weight:100kgweight:200kgweight:300kg
    • 第四次:weight:100kgweight:200kgweight:300kgweight:400kg
    • 第五次:weight:100kgweight:200kgweight:300kgweight:400kgweight:500kg 每次获取到会一直累计

    大概获取到 20条左右 就会开始截断 电子秤发送100条数据 APP这边智能读取到前20条左右的数据


    opened by yh4922 1
  • IOS isNoResponse 没生效

    IOS isNoResponse 没生效

    IOS中isNoResponse没生效,这里改成isNoResponse? CBCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse 就可以了。 [self.peripheral writeValue:data forCharacteristic:characteristic type:isNoResponse? CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];


    opened by xuyongfh 1
  • Don't get disconnected notify when i connected a device and turn off the bluetooth

    Don't get disconnected notify when i connected a device and turn off the bluetooth

    On the ios platform, when I connected to a device, I tried to turn off the Bluetooth of the mobile phone directly, but I did not receive the notification that the device was disconnected as expected. However,in android,it will.

    opened by RingoWinbee 1
  • deviceSignalResultStream 只能在页面初始化的生命周期initState里注册吗

    deviceSignalResultStream 只能在页面初始化的生命周期initState里注册吗

    我的需求是要用户点击后,进行搜索指定设备,然后注册deviceSignalResultStream 来监听写入和notify的响应,可是我发现deviceSignalResultStream 没有监听到任何响应。我在您的示例应用里,也尝试deviceSignalResultStream不直接在initState初始化,而是在设备建立连接后,同样也是监听不到写入成功的响应。是我写的不对吗还是的确存在该问题,请指教下。以下贴上我的代码,用户点击后触发connectNetwork,然后开始搜索设备,建立连接 ` import 'dart:convert';

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_blue_elves/flutter_blue_elves.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_redux/flutter_redux.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/common/net/address.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/common/net/api.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/common/utils/navigator_utils.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/model/NetworkingWifi.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/page/deviceConfigure/device_configure_page.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/page/equipmentConfiguration/equipment_configuration_page.dart';
    import 'package:gsy_github_app_flutter/redux/gsy_state.dart';
    import 'dart:async';
    import 'dart:typed_data';
    mixin BleController on State<DeviceConfigurePage> {
      bool isConnect = false;
      var store;
      late NetworkingWifi wifiInfo;
      ScanResult? discoveredDevice;
      Device? connectDevice;
      StreamSubscription<DeviceState>? _stateStream;
      StreamSubscription<DeviceSignalResult>? _deviceSignalResultStream;
      DeviceState? _deviceState;
      String _serviceUuid = '0000a002-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';
      String _characteristicUuid = '0000c302-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';
      // 订阅id
      String _responsecharacteristicUuid = '0000c305-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';
      Timer? timer;
      var loadPercent = 0;
      var second = 0;
      int curConnectStep = 0;
      bool isDispose = true;
      void dispose() {
        isDispose = true;
        if (_stateStream != null) {
      /**  进入到蓝牙对接
       * step1 搜索到指定名称的蓝牙,获取其设备id
       * step2 通过设备id 和蓝牙建立连接
       * step3 向设备下的指定服务下的指定特征发送wifi信息
       * step4 发送后,等待同步数据
      connectNetwork() async {
        store = StoreProvider.of<GSYState>(context);
        wifiInfo = store.state.networkingWifi;
        setState(() {
          isConnect = true;
        await discoverServices('AiThinker'); //AiThinker //MiKettle
        // runProgress();
       * 搜索附近设备,并建立连接,发送蓝牙信息
       * deviceName:  要连接的蓝牙名称
      Future discoverServices(String deviceName) async {
        FlutterBlueElves.instance.startScan(300000).listen((event) {
          print('event.name ${event.name}');
          if (event.name == deviceName) {
            discoveredDevice = event;
            if (mounted) {
              curConnectStep = 1;
              loadPercent = 10;
        }).onDone(() {
          if (discoveredDevice == null) {
                wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.findFail);
      toConnectDevice(ScanResult curScan) {
        connectDevice = curScan.connect(connectTimeout: 10000);
        if (connectDevice != null) {
      void toWrite(serviceId, characteristicId, data) {
        connectDevice?.writeData(serviceId, characteristicId, true, data);
      sendWifnfo(String serviceId, String characteristicId) async {
        var wifiToJson = '{n:${wifiInfo.ssid!}}';
        var passwordToJson = '{p:${wifiInfo.bssid!}}';
        // 转成UTF-16数组
        List<int> wifiCodeList = toUint8List(wifiToJson);
        List<int> passwordCodeList = toUint8List(passwordToJson);
        try {
          toWrite(serviceId, characteristicId, wifiCodeList);
          toWrite(serviceId, characteristicId, passwordCodeList);
        } catch (e) {
          goConfigureResultPage(wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.sendFail);
      void getStateStream() {
        _stateStream = connectDevice!.stateStream.listen((event) {
          if (event == DeviceState.connected) {
            if (mounted) {
              curConnectStep = 2;
              loadPercent = 20;
            // 连接成功后,写入指令,并设置监听
            sendWifnfo(_serviceUuid, _characteristicUuid);
            setNotify(_serviceUuid, _characteristicUuid);
          } else if (event == DeviceState.disconnected && !isDispose) {
                wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.connectFail);
          setState(() {
            _deviceState = event;
      setNotify(serviceUuid, characteristicUuid) {
            .setNotify(serviceUuid, characteristicUuid, true)
            .then((value) {
          if (value) {}
      getSinagalResultStream() {
        _deviceSignalResultStream =
            connectDevice!.deviceSignalResultStream.listen((event) {
          print('coming data ${event.data} ');
          if (event.type == DeviceSignalType.characteristicsRead ||
              event.type == DeviceSignalType.unKnown) {
          } else if (event.type == DeviceSignalType.characteristicsWrite) {
          } else if (event.type == DeviceSignalType.characteristicsNotify) {
            var str = uint8ToHex(event.data!);
            if (str.contains('{wifi connected}')) {
            } else if (str.contains('{wifi timeout}')) {
              // wifi 响应超时
                  wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.configurationFail);
          } else if (event.type == DeviceSignalType.descriptorRead) {}
      String uint8ToHex(Uint8List byteArr) {
        if (byteArr == null || byteArr.length == 0) {
          return "";
        Uint8List result = Uint8List(byteArr.length << 1);
        var hexTable = [
        ]; //16进制字符表
        for (var i = 0; i < byteArr.length; i++) {
          var bit = byteArr[i]; //取传入的byteArr的每一位
          var index = bit >> 4 & 15; //右移4位,取剩下四位
          var i2 = i << 1; //byteArr的每一位对应结果的两位,所以对于结果的操作位数要乘2
          result[i2] = hexTable[index].codeUnitAt(0); //左边的值取字符表,转为Unicode放进resut数组
          index = bit & 15; //取右边四位
          result[i2 + 1] =
              hexTable[index].codeUnitAt(0); //右边的值取字符表,转为Unicode放进resut数组
        return String.fromCharCodes(result); //Unicode转回为对应字符,生成字符串返回
       * 跳转到配置结果页
       * devicetype: 设备类型
       * status: 配置结果
      void goConfigureResultPage(devicetype, ConfigurationResult status) async {
        // if (discoveredDevice != null) {
        //   await bleconnector.disconnect(discoveredDevice?.id ?? '');
        //   await bleconnector.dispose();
        // }
        // print('connectedstate  ${connectedstate.toString()}');
              status: status,
              deviceType: devicetype,
       * 获取数据同步状态,跳转到配置结果页
       * 同步成功  ConfigurationResult.succes  同步失败: ConfigurationResult.configurationFail
      void runProgress() {
        const oneSec = const Duration(seconds: 3);
        var connetctStatusCallback = isDeviceConnect();
        setState(() {
          curConnectStep = 3;
          loadPercent = 30;
        var callback = (timers) async {
          var isConnected = await connetctStatusCallback();
          if (isConnected) {
            setState(() {
              loadPercent = 100;
                  wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.succes);
          } else {
            if (loadPercent + 10 >= 100) {
              setState(() {
                loadPercent = 99;
                    wifiInfo.deviceType, ConfigurationResult.configurationFail);
            } else {
              setState(() {
                loadPercent = loadPercent + 10;
        timer = Timer.periodic(oneSec, callback);
      /// 设备是否联网
      isDeviceConnect() {
        var times = 1;
        return () async {
          Map<String, dynamic> params = {'sn': wifiInfo.sn, 'times': times};
          var value = await httpManager.netFetch(
              Address.getDeviceConnectStatus(), params, null, null);
          if (value!.result) {
            if (value.data['data']['net'] == 1) {
              return true;
          return false;
      // ascii 转为 字符串
      String toAsciiString(chars) => String.fromCharCodes(chars);
      Uint8List toUint8List(dataStr) {
        var ascii = dataStr.codeUnits;
        var data = Uint8List.fromList(ascii);
        return data;


    opened by ILittleNiZi 0
  • iOS values not receiving

    iOS values not receiving

    In Android, where I was using this library for my ble, it worked flawlessly, however in iOS, even if the bluetooth was turned on, the value wasn't being received. Can someone please fix this problem. I appreciate you.

    opened by vikranth-krishna 0
  • Value is not updating when characteristics value is changed

    Value is not updating when characteristics value is changed

    • When I tried to read data from ble service's characteristics using uuid, it always giving same initial value

    1 st time readvalue - 0x01 - actual value - 0x01 2nd time readvalue - 0x01 - actual value - 0x02 3rd time readvalue - 0x01 - actual value - 0x03 etc

    opened by sharathltts 0
  • Connect to start background cillecting

    Connect to start background cillecting

    I/BluetoothSocket( 9163): BT connect calling pid/uid = 9163/10740, pkgName=io.github.edufolly.flutterbluetoothserialexample I/flutter ( 9163): PlatformException(connect_error, read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1, java.io.IOException: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 I/flutter ( 9163): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readAll(BluetoothSocket.java:838) I/flutter ( 9163): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.readInt(BluetoothSocket.java:852) I/flutter ( 9163): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.connect(BluetoothSocket.java:443) I/flutter ( 9163): at io.github.edufolly.flutterbluetoothserial.BluetoothConnection.connect(BluetoothConnection.java:57) I/flutter ( 9163): at io.github.edufolly.flutterbluetoothserial.BluetoothConnection.connect(BluetoothConnection.java:64) I/flutter ( 9163): at io.github.edufolly.flutterbluetoothserial.FlutterBluetoothSerialPlugin$FlutterBluetoothSerialMethodCallHandler.lambda$onMethodCall$4$FlutterBluetoothSerialPlugin$FlutterBluetoothSerialMethodCallHandler(FlutterBluetoothSerialPlugin.java:1007) I/flutter ( 9163): at io.github.edufolly.flutterbluetoothserial.-$$Lambda$FlutterBluetoothSerialPlugin$FlutterBluetoothSerialMethodCallHandler$DZLg1SWj2Aas0tcY7uTlx8xsy4Y.run(Unknown Source:10) I/flutter ( 9163): at andr

    opened by huanggui924 0
  • 往蓝牙写入长串特征值,收不到蓝牙对应的通知


    你好,往蓝牙写入长串特征值 比如下面指令: EAAA07535486ACA6A7A8A9BB8AEBADAEAFB04E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A393837363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524201F1E1D1C1B1A191817161514131211100F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D77F929559 通过writeData(mUuid_service!, mUuid_charact!, false,Hex.createUint8ListFromHexString(指令码)) 方式 收不到对应蓝牙返回来的通知,在原生上就能接收到通知。这是什么原因造成的,请大神赐教。

    opened by zjws23786 0
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