Library for RAD development in Flutter



I am trying Gitlab for a while, and have moved development there. This repo is now out of date.


Rapido brings Rapid Application Development principles to mobile development, currently available for Flutter.


Rapido makes it simple to build document centric applications by:

  1. Providing DocumentList and Document classes that makes it easy to manage user data, including persistence.
  2. Provides many of the UI elements that you need to work with DocumentList, including ListViews, Forms, Maps, and other widgets. They know how to work with DocumentList so provide a ton of functionality with almost no additional coding.
  3. The ability to easily customize the core widgets provided.

Show Me

Create a DocumentList and defining labels for fields, and then create a DocumentListScaffold like this:

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  DocumentList taskList = DocumentList("Tarea",
      labels: {"Date": "date", "Task": "task", "Priority": "pri count"});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return DocumentListScaffold(taskList);

The rapido widgets infer what kind data is in each field based on the field name. Basic CRUD functionality is automatically created: add button, forms, listview, edit and delete, sorting

Rapido also handles specialized data types: pickers, and maps

You can replace any widget with your own widget, or you can use built in customization hooks to quickly create your own look and feel.

Rapido Online

A Closer Look

Overview of Using DocumentList

DocumentList lies at the core of the R.A.D. experience. By simply using a list, you get:

  1. Local persistence of objects.
  2. Default CRUD UI that your users can use for displaying, creating, editing, and deleting documents in the list.


Everything you need is in rapido.dart:

import 'package:rapido/rapido.dart';

This import includes DocumentList itself, and all of the UI elements that work on it.


To create a DocumentList, all that is required is to include a "documentType" string. This string is used by DocumentList to organize its documents. Then you can add documents to it by simply passing in maps of type Map<String, dynamic>.

DocumentList taskList = DocumentList("tasks");
taskList.add(Document(initialValues: {"name":"grocery shopping", "priority": 1, "done": false}));

Notice that the maps use a string of a key, but the values are dynamic. You can store anything you like in the DocumentList.

You can modify and delete documents using normal list functionality.

taskList[0]  = Document(initialValues: {"name":"grocery shopping", "priority": 1, "done": true});

You can delete them:


Note that all changes to the DocumentList are automatically persisted to the user's phone! The user can close the app, and when they reopen them, the data is still right there.

UI Elements

After creating a DocumentList, you can use it in a variety of UI elements supplied by Rapido. By simply passing in a DocumentList, the widgets can figure out themselves what functionality to display to users.

For exampe, if you want to easily create an application that supports adding, removing, and editing documents, you can use the DocumentListScaffold class.

DocumentListScaffold(taskList, title:"Task List");

DocumentListView will create a ListView to display and edit the items in the list. It also offers several custimazation options, but the defautls "just work."


DocumentListMapView will display any documents with a field called "latlong" on a map:


DocumentForm allows easy creation of new documents, or editing of existing ones.

To create a new document:


To edit an existing one:

DocumentForm(taskList, index: 0);

Feedback Welcome

Rapido is undergoing rapid development. Please visit our Github repo to log any issues or features requests. Of course, pull requests are most welcome.

  • Dependencies out of date - new version coming soon?

    Dependencies out of date - new version coming soon?

    Because rapido >=0.1.9 depends on path_provider ^0.5.0+1 and rapido <0.1.9 depends on path_provider ^0.4.1, every version of rapido requires path_provider ^0.4.1 or ^0.5.0+1.

    Any chance of a new release please?

    opened by macrotech5 4
  • DocumentList should allow more than one onChanged listener at a time

    DocumentList should allow more than one onChanged listener at a time

    While writing the example below, I noticed that the onChanged function was not firing.

    class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
      DocumentList docs = DocumentList(
        labels: {
          "Date": "date",
          "Task": "task",
          "Priority": "pri count",
          "Note": "note"
        onLoadComplete: (DocumentList list) {
          list.sort((t1, t2) => t1["pri count"] - (t2["pri count"]));
        onChanged: (DocumentList list) {
          print("taskList updated");
    enhancement user request medium 
    opened by rickspencer3 4
  • Boolean field not supported by Parse persistence provider

    Boolean field not supported by Parse persistence provider


    When using the Parse persistance, the boolean field type is not supported because of the "?" at the end of the name of the field. With this label : "Available": "available?" in the documentList, Parse send this error ╭-- Parse Response Class: Products Function: ParseApiRQ.create Status Code: 105 Type: InvalidKeyName Error: Invalid field name: available?. ╰--

    My Parse server is hosted on back4app.

    opened by jeanmarcp 2
  • backend


    I like this project and its very useful for apps where you have many of Master Detail forms to do CRUD on.

    For the backend do you have thoughts yet ?

    I have lately been using GraphQL flutter with graphQL backend in golang and getting good results in term of low friction for devs.

    • has subscriptions, but i still need to get it working with golang backend using gqlgen
    opened by ghost 2
  • Sorting should be simplified

    Sorting should be simplified

    DocumentList.sort() works, but it could be simplified somewhat. For example:

    documentList.setSortField("date", DocumentList.SortOrder.Ascending);

    as well as something like:

     documentList.sortByTimestamp = true;
    opened by rickspencer3 2
  • example setup

    example setup

    Could you do a "flutter create ." in the examples and add a reference to rapido in the pubspec. Makes its easier to work on this together and push examples back.

    opened by ghost 1
  • DocumentForm should take a Document, not an integer index

    DocumentForm should take a Document, not an integer index

    DocumentForm should only need to know about the Document it is creating or adding. It should not know about DocumentList.

    1. Document will need an "onChanged" handler that DocumentList responds to.
    2. Document will need to have a labels property, which can be supplied by the DocumentList or can be supplied directly.
    3. The following code in DocumentForm will need to be modified to use labels on the Document, rather than the DocumentList, and to update the Document directly.
      List<Widget> _buildFormFields(BuildContext context) {
        List<Widget> fields = [];
        widget.documentList.labels.keys.forEach((String label) {
          dynamic initialValue;
          if (widget.index != null) {
            initialValue = widget.documentList[widget.index]
              padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
              child: TypedInputField(widget.documentList.labels[label],
                  label: label,
                  initialValue: initialValue, onSaved: (dynamic value) {
                newData[widget.documentList.labels[label]] = value;
              margin: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
    opened by rickspencer3 1
  • Pass the Document into customItemBuilder, not the index

    Pass the Document into customItemBuilder, not the index

    Widget CustomItem Builder(int index) {}

    should be

    Widget CustomItemBuilder(Document  document){}

    in addition to #30 it would be:

    Widget CustomItemBuilder(Document  document, BuildContext context){}
    opened by rickspencer3 1
  • calculate zoom for a set of latlongs

    calculate zoom for a set of latlongs

    Currently, awaiting to be fixed. Meanwhile, maybe I can calculate the sort of correct zoom level using something like thisL

    bug medium 
    opened by rickspencer3 2
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