Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture


Flutter Pokedex

Awesome Flutter Codemagic build status License License

Pokedex app built with Flutter

App preview

Home News Pokedex Pokedex FAB Pokedex Generation Pokemon Info - About Pokemon Info - Base Stats Pokemon Info - Evolution Pokemon Info - Base Stats (Expanded)

Video demo



  • Add Flutter to your machine

  • Open this project folder with Terminal/CMD and run flutter packages get

  • Run flutter run to build and run the debug app on your emulator/phone


  • Home
  • Home - Apply Sliver effect in home screen
  • Pokedex
  • Pokedex - FAB
  • Pokedex - Add FAB animation
  • Pokedex - Add grid loading animation
  • Pokedex - Add more Pokemons by balvinderz
  • Pokedex - Add load more
  • Pokemon Info
  • Pokemon Info - About
  • Pokemon Info - Base Stats
  • Pokemon Info - Evolution
  • Pokemon Info - Moves (no design)
  • Pokemon Info - Make tab area expandable
  • Pokemon Info - Add animations
  • Pokemon Info - Add more Pokemons by balvinderz
  • Pokemon Info - Add missing data in About tab
  • Pokemon Info - Add Base Stats data by balvinderz
  • Pokemon Info - Add Evolution data by balvinderz



All the code available under the MIT + Apache 2.0. licenses. See LICENSE.

  • Added a new feature that provides users to view what type is superior or inferior over the other

    Added a new feature that provides users to view what type is superior or inferior over the other

    Hey! So tried to add a screen to view different types that pokemon have and using which type will be better over the other. The below are the changes/additions that i made nearly in order of the commits i made to my fork:

    • Created a custom list that stored all the types and it's effects over the others. Didn't prefer a json file or use an api/save in gist as there are only 18 types and hence only 18 elements, so the list is small.

    • Added a copyright free gif of pikachu running at the starter page above the "Pokedex" text. Credits for the gif given in README. (Note: When run on debug mode, the gif will appear slow, so if u want to run the app to see the gif work, use release mode)

    • A bottom overflow in the pokedex page was noticed when the search button was clicked on from the FAB button. Corrected that issue.

    • Added the type logos/images/icons that are also copyright free and whose credits are given in the README section.

    • Then used the icons and made an appearance of enclosing them within a pokeball and displayed each of them as a grid. (Note : The count of grid can be changed as you like in the code, but also change the width of the inner pokeball circle while changing the count, else the pokeball will end up looking like a regular ball)

    • Then created a function that showed a bottom sheet with all the relevant info about the type like what types is it super effective to and what type it is not at all effective to.

    • Combined all of these together and displayed it in the earlier "Type Charts" section.

    Below are some of the screenshots for better understanding.

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-04 at 1 55 54 PM

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-08 at 8 10 31 PM

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-08 at 8 11 07 PM

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-08 at 8 12 25 PM

    Hope you like it and merge it :) It may not to be the finest piece of ui i guess, but the code is perfect and easily editable. I tried my best in making this happen and finally succeeded too. Hence happy with what i have done so far and will continue to do so.

    opened by TheNova22 11
  • Add the pokemon list for each type

    Add the pokemon list for each type

    Hi !

    Saw that there was an Pokemon expansion panel under each Type description but nothing was inside

    I decided to implement this feature, hope you will like it, if something is wrong, tell me 😄

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 13 - 2021-11-24 at 18 32 34

    opened by Matttx 10
  • Items List Feature

    Items List Feature


    This Pull Request is based on the add of the Items List to the Pokedex.

    I created the repository, providers, use_cases to manage the data. I had to create my own gist to manage the data of the items, if you want to create it yourself tell me and give me the URL and I will change the URL in the repository.

    For the front-end part I chose to stay with something quite similar to the list of the pokemon in the pokedex, meaning that you have a list of the items with an image and the name of the item (and the category of it).

    Unfortunately, some items on the json data had a correct URL but there was only one white pixel on this URL for the image so some items don't have an image.

    Feel free to comment any suggestions to make it better !

    opened by LucasFab 9
  • Images not fetching for web support.

    Images not fetching for web support.

    Hey @hungps, I'm starting the web support for the app too. While doing so, we are not able to fetch images.

    Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 12 22 07 PM

    And the error in terminal is: Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 12 22 47 PM

    But the image url in terminal is getting redirected.

    opened by moulibheemaneti 8
  • Add new AppIcons for iOS and Android

    Add new AppIcons for iOS and Android

    Implement a fitting icon for both the iOS and Android Launcher instead of the generic Flutter Logo. The Icon was built by myself in Figma and consists of some usual geometric shapes, so no copyright issues with that.


    opened by LBeul 6
  • Fetching basic news.

    Fetching basic news.

    Fetching news from https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/

    Not sure if this was something you guys planned on writing as its nowhere mentioned in the README.md. This is just a basic implementation as of now, let me know if this feature is appreciated then will work towards making a much cleaner and beautiful looking news module for this app.

    opened by meta-boy 5
  • PR continued from the previous one

    PR continued from the previous one

    Hey @scitbiz, Made squash in the recent commits and made several of these commits into just 2 commits, the previous commits as they are outdated, i am facing an issue in squashing them up. But the recent commits made after the changes were requested in the previous PR has been squashed. Over all, this PR is ready to be merged. Sorry about the inconvenience caused by my constant notifications.

    opened by TheNova22 4
  • Made a few changes, additions and added comments in few files for better understanding

    Made a few changes, additions and added comments in few files for better understanding

    First of all, i would like to tell that i loved the app and the idea behind it, as i too am a fellow pokemon fan. So, the changes or additions made were:

    • Added comments to a few files that might help future contributors understand what's happening quicker.

    • Made a moves.json file and a class called Moves that can be used to display various moves to users.

    • In order to avoid bottom overflow in few regions, altered the already written code a bit, for example : in the base stats region of pokedex, the user couldn't view all the effective types, hence made changes to that by making it similar to the info tab. Hence, now it works like a charm.

    (All the following were tested in android devices and not iOS as it failed to run it) These are the current changes/additions made by me and i will also further continue commiting to this repo. My next goal ahead will be to successfully implement the moves section by which, when a user clicks on Moves button from the category list in the home page, he/she will be redirected to a page which will then display all the moves present in our json file.

    Hope you merge it :)

    opened by TheNova22 4
  • Cant Tap on Last Tab When Drawer is Fully Open

    Cant Tap on Last Tab When Drawer is Fully Open

    When the Drawer is fully open the last tab is being covered by the decorative spinning pokeball. Decreasing the size of the ball to under .3 will allow you to then use that last tab since the pokeball is not overlapping with the tap.

    opened by AboveZenith 4
  • F-Droid inclusion

    F-Droid inclusion

    Hi @scitbiz

    Since this app is MIT licensed, would it be possible to add it to F-Droid? There is a strong community behind.

    You can find some documentation here.

    Otherwise, if you don't want to work on the inclusion of this app by yourself, would it be ok for you to include this app in F-Droid repo ? I don't see any closed source libraries nor any blob, so it should be ok to build it on F-Droid side.

    opened by Poussinou 4
  • Add more pokemons

    Add more pokemons

    Hello , I would like to add more pokemons to this app. I scraped pokemon website and have collected 808 pokemons details . Can u assign this to me if this app is still actively maintained.

    opened by balvinderz 4
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