photofilters library for flutter


Photo Filters package for flutter

A flutter package for iOS and Android for applying filter to an image. A set of preset filters are also available. You can create your own filters too.


First, add photofilters and image as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.


No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.


import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:photofilters/photofilters.dart';
import 'package:image/image.dart' as imageLib;
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';

void main() => runApp(new MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  String fileName;
  List<Filter> filters = presetFiltersList;
  File imageFile;

  Future getImage(context) async {
    imageFile = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source:;
    fileName = basename(imageFile.path);
    var image = imageLib.decodeImage(imageFile.readAsBytesSync());
    image = imageLib.copyResize(image, width: 600);
     Map imagefile = await Navigator.push(
      new MaterialPageRoute(
        builder: (context) => new PhotoFilterSelector(
              title: Text("Photo Filter Example"),
              image: image,
              filters: presetFiltersList,
              filename: fileName,
              loader: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
              fit: BoxFit.contain,
    if (imagefile != null && imagefile.containsKey('image_filtered')) {
      setState(() {
        imageFile = imagefile['image_filtered'];

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Scaffold(
      appBar: new AppBar(
        title: new Text('Photo Filter Example'),
      body: Center(
        child: new Container(
          child: imageFile == null
              ? Center(
                  child: new Text('No image selected.'),
              : Image.file(imageFile),
      floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
        onPressed: () => getImage(context),
        tooltip: 'Pick Image',
        child: new Icon(Icons.add_a_photo),

UI Screen Shots

Sample Images of Filters

No Filter No Filter AddictiveBlue AddictiveBlue AddictiveRed AddictiveRed Aden Aden
Amaro Amaro Ashby Ashby Brannan Brannan Brooklyn Brooklyn
Charmes Charmes Clarendon Clarendon Crema Crema Dogpatch Dogpatch
Earlybird Earlybird 1977 1977 Gingham Gingham Ginza Ginza
Hefe Hefe Helena Helena Hudson Hudson Inkwell Inkwell
Juno Juno Kelvin Kelvin Lark Lark Lo-Fi Lo-Fi
Ludwig Ludwig Maven Maven Mayfair Mayfair Moon Moon
Nashville Nashville Perpetua Perpetua Reyes Reyes Rise Rise
Sierra Sierra Skyline Skyline Slumber Slumber Stinson Stinson
Sutro Sutro Toaster Toaster Valencia Valencia Vesper Vesper
Walden Walden Willow Willow X-Pro II X-Pro II

Sample Images of Convolution Filters

Identity Identity Emboss Emboss Sharpen Sharpen Colored Edge Detection Colored Edge Detection
Blur Blur Edge Detection Medium Edge Detection Medium Edge Detection Hard Edge Detection Hard Guassian Blur Guassian Blur
Low Pass Low Pass High Pass High Pass Mean Mean


There are two types of filters. ImageFilter and ColorFilter.

Image Filter

Image filter applies its subfilters directly to the whole image one by one. It is computationally expensive since the complexity & time increases as the number of subfilters increases.

You can create your own custom image filter as like this:

    import 'package:photofilters/filters/image_filters.dart';

    var customImageFilter = new ImageFilter(name: "Custom Image Filter");

You can also inherit the ImageFilter class to create another image filter.

class MyImageFilter extends ImageFilter {
  MyImageFilter(): super(name: "My Custom Image Filter") {

Color Filter

Color filter applies its subfilters to each pixel one by one. It is computationally less expensive than the ImageFilter. It will loop through the image pixels only once irrespective of the number of subfilters.

You can create your own custom color filter as like this:

    import 'package:photofilters/filters/color_filters.dart';

    var customColorFilter = new ColorFilter(name: "Custom Color Filter");
        .addSubFilters([BrightnessSubFilter(0.5), HueRotationSubFilter(30)]);

You can inherit the ColorFilter class too

class MyColorFilter extends ColorFilter {
  MyColorFilter() : super(name: "My Custom Color Filter") {

Sub filters

There are two types of subfilters. One can be added to the ColorFilter and the other can be added to the ImageFilter. You can inherit ColorSubFilter class to implement the former and you can use the ImageSubFilter mixin to implement the latter. You can create a same subfilter that can be used for both Image and Color Filters. The BrightnessSubFilter is an example of this.

class BrightnessSubFilter extends ColorSubFilter with ImageSubFilter {
  final num brightness;

  ///Apply the [BrightnessSubFilter] to an Image.
  void apply(Uint8List pixels, int width, int height) =>
      image_filter_utils.brightness(pixels, brightness);

  ///Apply the [BrightnessSubFilter] to a color.
  RGBA applyFilter(RGBA color) =>
      color_filter_utils.brightness(color, brightness);

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing package code, view the documentation.

  • Cast error bug thrown using recommended code

    Cast error bug thrown using recommended code


    I updated the photoFilters plugin to the latest version (currently 3.0.0 with null safety) and using the main example I am recieving this error:

    The following _CastError was thrown building PhotoFilterSelector(dirty, state: _PhotoFilterSelectorState#b6edf): type '(Map<String, dynamic>) => List?' is not a subtype of type '(Map<String, dynamic>) => FutureOr<List>' in type cast

    I made some tests with other Widgets under the same circumstances and no error was thrown, I also used other widgets using the Image package. I used the code in your example:

    Map imagefile = await Navigator.push(
          new MaterialPageRoute(
            builder: (context) => new PhotoFilterSelector(
                  title: Text("Photo Filter Example"),
                  image: image,
                  filters: presetFiltersList,
                  filename: fileName,
                  loader: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
                  fit: BoxFit.contain,
    opened by Palaui 14
  • plugin not worked on ios

    plugin not worked on ios

    hi i will use this plugin on my project on ios and android but it not worked when i choose a photo navigator pushed to new view an a loader loops .... please help me to use your plugin

    opened by puryagh 13
  • Need Null-safety migration

    Need Null-safety migration

    Hello there, my project is built with Flutter 2.0. I want to use this plugin, but it hasn't been migrated to null-safety yet, can you migrate it ASAP.

    opened by jinosh05 3
  • Sharpen filter?

    Sharpen filter?

    Thanks for this great plugin. I have found the code related to sharpen filter in lib as below

    ConvolutionKernel sharpenKernel =
        new ConvolutionKernel([-1, -1, -1, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1]);

    Can you explain how to apply it to an image?

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by JinHoSo 3
  • Can't apply a photo filter successfully

    Can't apply a photo filter successfully

    import 'package:image/image.dart' as v3; import 'package:photofilters/photofilters.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:multi_image_picker/multi_image_picker.dart'; import 'dart:typed_data';

    Future grayScaleImage(Asset asset) async { ByteData bd = await asset.requestOriginal(); var x = v3.Image.fromBytes(asset.originalWidth, asset.originalHeight, bd.buffer.asUint8List(), format: v3.Format.rgba); return PhotoFilter( image: x, filename: null, filter: AddictiveRedFilter()) .loader;}

    FutureBuilder( future: grayScaleImage(images[0]), //grayImages(images) builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { //snapshot is the list of grayImages if (snapshot.hasData) { if ( { return Container( child: Center(child: Text("Loading...")), color:; } else { return Expanded( child: ListView.builder( itemCount:, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { return[ index]; // this should be changed to display the images }, ), // ListView.builder) ); } } else { return new Container(); } // else statement }, ),

    I'm getting the images by converting assets (obtained using MultiImagePicker) to byte data and then converting it to the type Image from the class Image/Image.dart (named "v3" here) and then I'm trying to apply a filter using this library and return a widget that displays the edited image but I can't do that (I use a FutureBuilder to try to eventually use the returned widget that displays the edited image). I get an error during compilation: (params["image"] = imageLib.copyResize(params["image"], width)). Any idea how I can resolve this? Basically, I think something goes wrong when the copyResize function is called when the PhotoFilter function is called I guess.

    opened by sharmaakhil100 3
  • when i useing camera then photofilter image rotated left side

    when i useing camera then photofilter image rotated left side

    when i using image pick from camera then photo filter image rotated left side that images for uploading and view is not correct proper view but photo pick from gallery is perfectly fine then the issues Camera is please solve my problem as soon as possible

    thank you so mach for this plugin usefully my project...,

    opened by undamatlamanikanta 2
  • Dependancy conflict with path_provider: ^0.5.0+1

    Dependancy conflict with path_provider: ^0.5.0+1

    In my project, I have to use

    cached_network_image: ^0.8.0

    in pubspec.yaml

    This requires

    path_provider: ^0.5.0+1

    If I mention version 0.5.0+1 for path_provider, it results in dependancy conflict issue as PhotoFilters requires older version

    path_provider: ^0.4.0

    How to update photofilters to user latest path_provider version?

    opened by DroidBoyJr 2
  • Blocking UI...

    Blocking UI...

    Hello, when I test the filter on the Android real machine, jumping to a new page will block the UI, and the new page has four large images. Causes the app to be unresponsive

    The following method will block the UI. Is there any solution?

    Future _getImage() async {

    double imgH = (ScreenUtil().screenHeight - kToolbarHeight - 100)/2;
    fileName = basename(widget.imgFile.path);
    var image = imageLib.decodeImage(widget.imgFile.readAsBytesSync());
    _image = imageLib.copyResize(image, -1,imgH.toInt());
    setState(() {


    opened by 370966584 2
  • type `'(Map<String, dynamic>) => List<int>?'` is not a subtype of type `'(Map<String, dynamic>)`

    type `'(Map) => List?'` is not a subtype of type `'(Map)`

    Hi, I am using the develop branch and getting this issue. I know the fact that the branch is completely not converted to null-safety version yet. You can ignore if you already know about it.

    ════════ Exception caught by widgets library ═══════════════════════════════════
    The following _CastError was thrown building PhotoFilterSelector(dirty, state: _PhotoFilterSelectorState#28488):
    type '(Map<String, dynamic>) => List<int>?' is not a subtype of type '(Map<String, dynamic>) => FutureOr<List<int>>' in type cast
    The relevant error-causing widget was
    When the exception was thrown, this was the stack
    #0      _PhotoFilterSelectorState._buildFilteredImage
    #3      ComponentElement.performRebuild
    #4      StatefulElement.performRebuild

    The error points here

    	Widget _buildFilteredImage(
          Filter? filter, imageLib.Image? image, String? filename) {
        if (cachedFilters[filter?.name ?? "_"] == null) {
          return FutureBuilder<List<int>>(
            future: compute(
                applyFilter as FutureOr<List<int>> Function(Map<String, dynamic>),   <-------- HERE
                <String, dynamic>{
                  "filter": filter,
                  "image": image,
                  "filename": filename,
            builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<int>> snapshot) {
              switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
                case ConnectionState.none:
                  return widget.loader;
                case ConnectionState.waiting:
                  return widget.loader;
                case ConnectionState.done:
                  if (snapshot.hasError)
                    return Center(child: Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'));
                  cachedFilters[filter?.name ?? "_"] =;
                  return widget.circleShape
                      ? SizedBox(
                          height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                          width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                          child: Center(
                            child: CircleAvatar(
                              radius: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                              backgroundImage: MemoryImage(
                       as dynamic,
                      : Image.memory(
                 as dynamic,
                          fit: BoxFit.contain,
              // unreachable
        } else {
          return widget.circleShape
              ? SizedBox(
                  height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                  width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                  child: Center(
                    child: CircleAvatar(
                      radius: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
                      backgroundImage: MemoryImage(
                        cachedFilters[filter?.name ?? "_"] as dynamic,
              : Image.memory(
                  cachedFilters[filter?.name ?? "_"] as dynamic,
    opened by UsamaKarim 1
  • Big File => crash app

    Big File => crash app

    Can you help me with one thing i don't understand how to do that.Please i am grateful to you if you help me. when i using big image (about 10MB), my app was crashed. so i try remove decode and end code but it not work. can you help me please? thank you so much <3

    opened by tvtu2105 1
  • FileSystemException when clicking check mark icon

    FileSystemException when clicking check mark icon

    After selecting a filter and clicking the checkmark, the saveFilteredImage() method is throwing an exception and highlighting line 240:

    message: "Cannot open file" osError: OSError (Os Error: No such file or directory) runtimeType: Type (FileSystemException)

    I believe I have the correct implementation. This is how I'm routing to the photofilters widget. But I don't know if this is where the issue is since it breaks before popping back to my previous page.

    I could really use some help with this right now! 🙏🙏🙏

          BuildContext context, String filePath, File file, int index) async {
        final result = await Navigator.push(
            builder: (context) =>
                PhotoFiltersScreen(filePath: filePath, file: file),
        setState(() {
          _selection = result;
        if(_selection != null) {
          getImage(index, _selection['image_filtered']);
    opened by akhil-raj-git 1
  • HDR filter

    HDR filter

    Is there any way to achieve HDR filter on this library?

    Stack overflow question:


    opened by alizestbrains 0
  • make api use a Uint8List instead of imageLib.Image

    make api use a Uint8List instead of imageLib.Image

    Uint8List is more universal as a type in dart. If I'm using an image elsewhere that I'd like to use with this package, I'm most likely using it as a File or Uint8List, not an imageLib.Image. As this package is currently written I would have to convert the image to apply a filter, then convert back if I want to use the result somewhere, which isn't clean.

    opened by Fnalsk 0
  • app crashes by [Exhausted heap space] [Out of memory]

    app crashes by [Exhausted heap space] [Out of memory]

    This error causes when using examples shown on package. this is on Android Emulator for now. not checked on Android Device / iOS Emulator / iOS Device

    D/SharedPreferencesImpl( 1733): Time required to fsync /data/user/0/com.example.examples/shared_prefs/flutter_image_picker_shared_preference.xml: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4: 0, <8: 0, <16: 0, <32: 0, <64: 0, <128: 0, <256: 0, <512: 0, <1024: 1, <2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): Exhausted heap space, trying to allocate 32 bytes.
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): Exhausted heap space, trying to allocate 663568 bytes.
    E/flutter ( 1733): [ERROR:flutter/shell/common/] Dart Error: Out of memory
    E/flutter ( 1733): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] CreateDartIsolateGroup failed: 0xaeba3fdc
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): Exhausted heap space, trying to allocate 112 bytes.
    E/Dart    ( 1733): ../../third_party/dart/runtime/vm/ 2691: error: Out of memory.
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): version=2.14.0 (stable) (Mon Sep 6 13:47:59 2021 +0200) on "android_ia32"
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): pid=1733, thread=1863, isolate_group=_spawn(0xf3c108a0), isolate=_spawn(0xf3b2b810)
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): isolate_instructions=c44db820, vm_instructions=c44db820
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4617bbb fp 0xaeba2ff8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc488dbc1 fp 0xaeba3018 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc44db9c6 fp 0xaeba3048 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc459d7fb fp 0xaeba30a8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc458ceda fp 0xaeba30f8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4591be8 fp 0xaeba3998 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc45236d5 fp 0xaeba3a58 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4523ccd fp 0xaeba3b28 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4874c5e fp 0xaeba3ba8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4874fc7 fp 0xaeba3c48 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc402e786 fp 0xaeba3cb8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc402f7a7 fp 0xaeba3cf8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc402dbc7 fp 0xaeba3d28 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc402baf3 fp 0xaeba3d98 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc402d721 fp 0xaeba3fa8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc44f09ec fp 0xaeba4028 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc44f0968 fp 0xaeba4048 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc468e08c fp 0xaeba40e8 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc468e33a fp 0xaeba4118 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xc4613102 fp 0xaeba4178 /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xf09a6f55 fp 0xaeba4198 /apex/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733):   pc 0xf0938868 fp 0xaeba41c8 /apex/
    E/DartVM  ( 1733): -- End of DumpStackTrace
    F/libc    ( 1733): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 1863 (DartWorker), pid 1733 (xample.examples)
    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    Build fingerprint: 'google/sdk_gphone_x86/generic_x86_arm:10/RPP4.200409.015/6455311:user/release-keys'
    Revision: '0'
    ABI: 'x86'
    Timestamp: 2021-09-17 07:34:38+0000
    pid: 1733, tid: 1863, name: DartWorker  >>> com.example.examples <<<
    uid: 10149
    signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
    Abort message: '../../third_party/dart/runtime/vm/ 2691: error: Out of memory.'
        eax 00000000  ebx 000006c5  ecx 00000747  edx 00000006
        edi f098ceae  esi aeba2f88
        ebp f41b9b30  esp aeba2f08  eip f41b9b39
          #00 pc 00000b39  [vdso] (__kernel_vsyscall+9)
          #01 pc 0005b058  /apex/ (syscall+40) (BuildId: f93c954efc24b8a2e43bc3d969ca228c)
          #02 pc 00076833  /apex/ (abort+195) (BuildId: f93c954efc24b8a2e43bc3d969ca228c)
          #03 pc 018999d2  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #04 pc 0195b7fa  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #05 pc 0194aed9  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #06 pc 0194fbe7  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #07 pc 018e16d4  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #08 pc 018e1ccc  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #09 pc 01c32c5d  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #10 pc 01c32fc6  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #11 pc 013ec785  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #12 pc 013ed7a6  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #13 pc 013ebbc6  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #14 pc 013e9af2  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #15 pc 013eb720  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #16 pc 018ae9eb  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #17 pc 018ae967  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #18 pc 01a4c08b  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #19 pc 01a4c339  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #20 pc 019d1101  /data/app/~~1BQysAIAStSmQ7s-vbSM1Q==/com.example.examples-tsXmUnS2bzwGdKswNBHrfw==/lib/x86/ (BuildId: 66ec0293d80823bf6820a692601e59ed30c0d039)
          #21 pc 000e6f54  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+100) (BuildId: f93c954efc24b8a2e43bc3d969ca228c)
          #22 pc 00078867  /apex/ (__start_thread+71) (BuildId: f93c954efc24b8a2e43bc3d969ca228c)
    Lost connection to device.

    flutter doctor -v

    [√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.5.0, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1165], locale ja-JP)
        • Flutter version 2.5.0 at C:\flutter
        • Upstream repository
        • Framework revision 4cc385b4b8 (9 days ago), 2021-09-07 23:01:49 -0700
        • Engine revision f0826da7ef
        • Dart version 2.14.0
    [√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.2)
        • Android SDK at C:\Users\kkane\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
        • Platform android-30, build-tools 30.0.2
        • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
        • All Android licenses accepted.
    [√] Chrome - develop for the web
        • Chrome at C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    [√] Android Studio (version 2020.3)
        • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
        • Flutter plugin can be installed from:
        • Dart plugin can be installed from:
        • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189)
    [√] VS Code (version 1.60.1)
        • VS Code at C:\Users\kkane\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
        • Flutter extension version 3.26.0
    [√] Connected device (4 available)
        • 701SO (mobile)          • BH902QFS9A    • android-arm64  • Android 9 (API 28)
        • sdk gphone x86 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-x86    • Android 10 (API 29) (emulator)
        • Chrome (web)            • chrome        • web-javascript • Google Chrome 93.0.4577.82
        • Edge (web)              • edge          • web-javascript • Microsoft Edge 93.0.961.47
    • No issues found!
    opened by nekooooo0203 0
  • Delayed while going to the PhotoFilterSelector

    Delayed while going to the PhotoFilterSelector

    While running the following code onTap:

          new MaterialPageRoute(
            builder: (context) => new PhotoFilterSelector(

    it hangs UI for some seconds then goes to the next screen. I tried to call setState before it to show a progress bar but setState was also called after the delay.

    opened by ranahyder87 1
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🎯 This library automatically generates object classes from JSON files that can be parsed by the freezed library.

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Basf flutter components - A BASF Flutter components library for iOS and Android

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BASF Mobile Solutions 7 Dec 15, 2022
SVG parsing, rendering, and widget library for Flutter

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