Demo project to implement MVU architecture in a Flutter application



A playground project for implementing MVU in Flutter


Automated Build Pipelines have been established to create a new build for iOS, Android, and UWP for every new push the main branch.

iOS build and code signing is handled using Code Magic CLU. More information about generating certificates and keys can be found here :

Repository Secrets

In order for these Pipeline to run, the following values need to be saved in the Repository Secrets:

Name Value
CERT_KEY openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate_name>.p12 -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -out cert_key
KEYSTORE openssl base64 < your_signing_keystore.jks | tr -d '\n' | tee your_signing_keystore_base64_encoded.txt
SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS alias used to generate keystore
SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD key password used to generate keystore
SIGNING_STORE_PASSWORD store password used to generate keystore
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