The repo contains the codebase of Magic's Flutter test.



Coverage style: very good analysis

A flutter app to track and record user workouts.

Running the App

To run the app, you should fetch all dependencies and run the build_runner

flutter pub get
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

App Architecture and Folder Structure

The code of the app implements clean architecture to separate the UI, domain and data layers with a feature-first approach for folder structure, implementing the MVVM architectural pattern.

Folder Structure

├── core
│   ├── app
│   ├── data
│   ├── models
│   ├── services
│   │   ├── service_api
│   │   └── stream_service
│   └── utils
├── features
│   ├── add_workout
│   │   ├── view_model --- add_workout_vm
│   │   ├── widgets   
│   │   └── view
│   ├── home
│   │   ├── view_model --- home_view_model
│   │   ├── widgets
│   │   └── view
│   └── splash_view
│       ├── view_model --- splash_view_model
│       └── views
└── main.dart
  • main.dart has the root MaterialApp and all necessary configurations and route settings to start the app

  • The core folder contains code shared across features

    • app contains the code generator for Stacked app, implementations and services.
    • data abstract app-level database and workout store to store database
    • storage service is implemented with Sqflite)
    • models for create dart classes/models
    • services folders for implementing:
      • service_api which acts as a layer between the viewmodel and data layer
      • stream service contains class for stream service
    • utils for colors and size management with Flutter screen utils
  • The features folder: contains the core features of the app like:

    • add workout
    • home
    • splash screen


The test folder mirrors the lib folder in addition to some test utilities. And more tests will be added.

mocktail is used to mock dependencies.

Testing with Stacked

Testing with Stacked is hassle-free and simple. You can test your business logic separately from Flutter, and you can test how they behave in your widgets with widget testing. You can find helpful information about this in the official docs.

1. Unit Testing

Covered all functions necessary for this app. One would have to get mock and used mocked dependencies of services before carrying out tests.

    late MockNavigationService mockNavService;
    late MockServiceApi mockServiceApi;
    late MockStreamSubscription mockStreamService;
    late HomeViewModel sut; ///sut means system under tests
    setUp(() {
        mockStreamService = MockStreamSubscription();
        sut = HomeViewModel(mockStreamService);

and then test like:

    test("initials values are correct", () {
       expect(sut.workoutList, []);

or group and test with:

  group("fetchWorkouts", () {
    test("fetch workouts using service api", () async {
        await sut.fetchWorkout();
        verify(() => mockServiceApi.getWorkouts()).called(1);
    test("sets workoutList to the ones from the service", () async {
        await sut.fetchWorkout();
        expect(sut.workoutList, workoutsFromService);

Third party packages

  • Stacked and its services: Used to implement a very clean MVVM architectural pattern, state management and navigation service very cleaner.
  • Google fonts: Used for implementing custom font.
  • Sqflite: Used to create and implementing database.
  • Flutter screen utils: For adapting to different screen and font sizes to look good on different mobile screens.
  • Mocktail: Used to create mocks.

PS: Much thought wasn't given to UI and design.

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