A Collection of Flutter and Dart Tips and Tricks


Table of Contents

Image Tint in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

SlideTransition in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

Expansion Panels and Lists in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

Complete CRUD App in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

SQLite Storage in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

Circular Progress with Percentage in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

Opening URLs in Flutter

Source Code

Commodore 64 Screen in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

Animated Lists in Flutter

Video Demo

Source Code

CheckboxListTile in Flutter

Source Code

- Operator on String in Dart

Source Code

Dart Progress for Future

Source Code

Move Widget Shadows with Animation

Source Code

Gallery with Blurred Backgrounds in Flutter

Source Code

Custom Path Clippers in Flutter

Source Code

Frost Effect on Images in Flutter

Source Code

Custom Clippers in Flutter

Source Code

Check if Website is Up or Down in Dart

Source Code

Section Titles on ListView in Flutter

Source Code

Circular Progress in Flutter

Source Code

Displaying Scroll Wheels in Flutter

Source Code

Post Messages to Slack with Dart

Source Code

Unwrap List ? in Dart

Source Code

Avoiding UI Jitters When Switching Widgets in Flutter

Source Code

Detect Redirects in Dart

Source Code

Proportional Constraints in Flutter

Source Code

Displaying Cupertino Action Sheets in Flutter

Source Code

Rotating List in Dart

Source Code

Displaying SnackBars in Flutter

Source Code

Custom Tab Bar Using ToggleButtons in Flutter

Source Code

Hashable Mixins in Dart

Source Code

Flutter Tips and Tricks in Terminal

Source Code

Searching List > in Dart

Source Code

Cloning Objects in Dart

Source Code

Color Filters in Flutter

Source Code

Flattening Lists in Dart

Source Code

Managing Duplicates in List in Dart

Source Code

FlatMap and CompactMap in Dart

Source Code

Equality of List in Dart

Source Code

Constants in Dart

Source Code

Displaying Scrollable Bottom Sheets in Flutter

Source Code

YouTube Ad Remover in Dart

Source Code

Fade Between Widgets in Flutter

Source Code

Sort Descriptors in Dart

Source Code

User Sortable Columns and Tables in Flutter

Source Code

Content-Length of List in Dart

Source Code

Recursive Dot Notation on Maps in Dart

Source Code

Allow User Selection of Text in Flutter

Source Code

Placing Constraints on Widgets in Flutter

Source Code

Animating Position Changes in Flutter

Source Code

Transitioning Between Widgets in Flutter

Source Code

Doubly Linked Lists in Dart

Source Code

Reordering Items Inside List Views in Flutter

Source Code

Custom Stream Transformers in Dart

Source Code

Expanding Stream Elements in Dart

Source Code

Consume Streams for a Duration in Dart

Source Code

Shortening URLs in Dart

Source Code

LimitedBox Widget as ListView Items in Flutter

Source Code

Generically Convert Anything to Int in Dart

Source Code

Validating URL Certificates in Dart

Source Code

Displaying Popup Menus in Flutter

Source Code

Implementing Drag and Drop in Flutter

Source Code

Dismissing List Items in Flutter

Source Code

Animating Widgets with Ease in Flutter

Source Code

Displaying Tool Tips in Flutter

Source Code

Displaying Assorted Widgets Inside TableView in Flutter

Source Code

Page Indicator with Page View in Flutter

Source Code

Animating and Moving a Floating Action Button in Flutter

Source Code

Fading Network Image Widget in Flutter

Source Code

Transparent Alert Dialogs in Flutter

Source Code

Network Image Size in Dart

Source Code

Animated Icons in Flutter

Source Code

Custom Scroll Views in Flutter

Source Code

Parallax App Bar in Flutter

JSON HTTP Requests in Dart

URL Timeouts in Dart

Detecting URL File Types in Dart

Paginated Lists in Dart

Requesting DELETE on APIs in Dart

Animated Containers in Flutter

Hiding Widgets in Flutter

Simple Opacity Animation in Flutter

Vignette Widget in Flutter

Drop Down Button Configuration and Usage in Flutter

Expandable List Items in Flutter

Infinite Scrolling in Flutter

Infinite Arrays in Dart

Custom Color Picker Component in Flutter

Displaying and Reacting to Switches in Flutter

Displaying Bottom Bars in Flutter

Displaying Buttons on AppBar in Flutter

Displaying Bottom Sheets in Flutter

Converting Enums to Radio Buttons in Flutter

Check Existence of Websites in Flutter

Images inside AlertDialog in Flutter

Returning Values from AlertDialog in Flutter

Simple Grid View in Flutter

Rendering Bullet Points in Flutter

Retrying Futures in Flutter

Containers as ClipOvals in Flutter

Rich Texts in Flutter

Wrapping Widgets in Flutter

Sweep Gradients in Flutter

Stream and StreamBuilder in Flutter

Blur Effect in Flutter

Convert Enums to Strings in Dart

Replacing Text in TextField in Flutter

Aspect Ratio in Flutter

Zoom and Pan in Flutter

Resizing Images in Flutter to Fit Screen Height

Validating URLs in Flutter

FrameBuilder for Network Images in Flutter

Adding Shadow to Icons in Flutter

Calculating Median of Lists in Dart

Generic Functions with Reduce in Dart

Passing Back Data From a Screen to the Previous One in Flutter

Flinging an Animation in Flutter

Fade Animations in Flutter

Throttling User Input in Flutter

Censoring TextFields in Flutter

Customizing TextButton in Flutter

Multiline TextFields in Flutter

Filtering TextField Input in Flutter

Focusing Manually on TextFields in Flutter

Data Streams Over HTTP/HTTPs in Dart

Catching Nonexistent Accessors or Methods in Dart

Using Expando in Dart

Implementing Custom Maps in Dart

Dynamically Calling Functions in Dart

Factory Constructors in Dart

Calculating the Sum of List Items in Dart

Removing Duplicate Strings in Lists in Dart (Case-Insensitive)

Implementing Range in Dart

Converting Lists to Maps in Dart

Implementing Hashable in Dart

Random Name Generator in Dart

Capturing Stack Traces in Dart Exceptions

Removing Duplicates from Lists in Dart

Optional Spread Operator in Dart

Calling Optional Functions in Dart

Odd-Even Sort in Dart

Implementing Zip and Tuples in Dart

Swapping Values in Lists with XOR in Dart

Waiting for Multiple Futures in Dart

Using Queues as Stacks in Dart

Custom Iterators in Dart

Iterables as Ranges and Transform in Dart

Errors vs Exceptions in Dart

Custom Annotations in Dart

Classes as Enums in Dart

Spread Operator in Collection Literals in Dart

StreamBuilder and StreamController in Dart

Almost Equal in Dart

Enum Associated Values in Dart

Implementing Comparable in Dart

Implementing Custom Integer Types in Dart

Custom Subscripts in Dart

Dart List Enumeration with Index

Applying Mixins to Other Mixins in Dart

Parameter Types in Dart

Custom Exceptions in Dart

rethrowing Exceptions in Dart

mixins and JSON Parsing in Dart

mixins vs abstract classes in Dart

Drawing Shapes in Flutter with LayoutBuilder, CustomPaint and CustomPainter

Generic Type Aliases in Dart

Callable Classes in Dart

Synchronous Generators in Dart

Implicit Interfaces in Dart

Did you know that in #Dart, every #class implicitly exports an #interface that can be #implemented (as opposed to #extended) by other classes? This is called "implicit interface".

Do you know how "const" constructors work in #Dart?

Did you know that in #Dart, it is actually preferred to use #async and #await over using raw #Futures?

In #Dart, you can use a combination of #Initializer #List plus default values for your class #member #fields to create elegant and handy convenience initializers

Did you know that in #Dart, you can extract elements of a certain type from your Lists using the #whereType #generic #function instead of calculating the #equality yourselves?

Do you know about #Type #Promotion in Dart?

"address" is an optional field of the "Person" class. If you look at the "doThis()" function you see that I'm saving the value of address in a local variable and then comparing it with null and then returning if it's null. The Dart compiler is intelligent enough to understand that after the if-statement, "address" is NOT null anymore since you've already compared it with null and returned from the function.

If you look at the "insteadOfThis" function, the first one, the Dart compiler cannot make the same assumption if you don't first store the value of address in a local variable. In that first function the Dart compiler, even after the if-statement, needs you to refer to address as an optional, using "address?" syntax.

The mechanism the Dart compiler uses in the "doThis()" function is called Type Promotion.

4 lines of #Dart code that include the #spread operator, #cascade #operator, #generics, #extensions, #private prefix and #getters

Functions as First Class Citizens in Dart

  • Add the update to the release description

    Add the update to the release description

    Hey! Thanks for a very cool repo ✌️

    Would be nice if the release message contained the tip itself or at least a link to the new section. So if I see the release in the feed, I could just read it by entering the release page.

    opened by nivisi 3
  • Built-in way to get sum and average of list items in dart

    Built-in way to get sum and average of list items in dart

    You use the reduce method to get the sum of list items in dart. Calculating the Sum of List Items in Dart

    Actually there is a built-in way for doing that:

    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    void main() {
      final list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
      final sum = list.sum;
      print(sum); // prints 10
      final average = list.average; 
      print(average); // prints 2.5
    opened by tmaihoff 3
  • Can't access the tips and tricks anymore using the normal url

    Can't access the tips and tricks anymore using the normal url

    Hello Vandad, that's for creating such a useful project. I've been playing around with loading the tips and trick in the terminal for a while now using this method Flutter Tips and Tricks in Terminal but just now the link doesn't show all the images and dart code just the .md files. Is there a new method to get each tip with its image and source code now? I'm creating an open source app using this repo and would really like it to work out.

    I also can't get the dart files now, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/main/tipsandtricks/implementing-zip-and-tuples-in-dart/implementing-zip-and-tuples-in-dart.dart This like gives me a 404 error. But I can access the .jpg freely.

    opened by Nana-Kwame-bot 1
  • Integer range optimization

    Integer range optimization

    Hi. The extension method to could be made more optimized or idiomatic (since its return type is declared as Iterable) by avoiding unnecessary array creation. The code won't be as pretty though 😃



    extension To on int {
      Iterable<int> to(int other, [bool inclusive = true]) sync* {
        if (other > this) {
          for (int i = this; i < other; i++) yield i;
        } else {
          for (int i = this; i > other; i--) yield i;
        if (inclusive) yield other;
    opened by sullenel 1
  • Tip 196: Error Handling Value Passing

    Tip 196: Error Handling Value Passing

    About https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/tree/main#future-error-handling-in-dart

    Maybe a note would be helpful, to use that with caution. The creation of the error-value could be expensive and with your approach, I would create that object all the time, even if I don't need it. That is the reason, as far as I know, to pass a creation function into it. Just my thought to avoid bad designs for newcomers to dart.

    Thanks for all your tips, I like it a lot.

    opened by malmi 1
  • "Converting Lists to Maps in Dart" should use literals

    43 - Converting Lists to Maps in Dart

    const list = ['this','is','a','long','text'];
    final map = {for (final s in list) s:s.length}; /// <= this way!
    void main() {
      for (final e in map.entries) {
        print('"${e.key}" length is ${e.value}');
    opened by iapicca 0
  • "Enum associated values" tip is useless

    This tip is overly complicated, you can just do enumValue.index : https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/enum-associated-values-in-dart/enum-associated-values-in-dart.md

    opened by orevial 0
  • "Classes as enums" tip is obsolete

    Using classes as enum has become obsolete since Dart 2.17, this tip could be removed !


    opened by orevial 0
  • "Convert Enums to Strings in Dart" tip is out of date

    This tip : https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/convert-enums-to-strings-in-dart/convert-enums-to-strings-in-dart.md

    is out of date because we now have enumValue.name since Dart 2.15 so I think this tip can be removed 😉

    opened by orevial 0
  • Null-Aware Infix Operators in Dart - likely unneeded code on line

    Null-Aware Infix Operators in Dart - likely unneeded code on line "return shadow + (other ?? 0) as T"

    RE: https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/null-aware-infix-operators-in-dart/null-aware-infix-operators-in-dart.md


    T? operator +(final T? other) {
      final shadow = this;
      if (shadow != null) {
        return shadow + (other ?? 0) as T;
      } else {
        return null;

    and the test:

    test('Test null + operator', () {
        int? var1;
        var1 += 1;
        var1 = var1 + 1;
        var1 = 2;
        var1 += 1;
        var1 = var1 + 1;
        expect(var1, 5);

    The test runs successfully but with code coverage we can see that the line

    return shadow + (other ?? 0) as T;

    never gets called which leads me to the speculation that shadow always equals to NULL when the extension is called and the extension is not "attached" if T is not null.

    opened by gaddlord 0
  • extension OrDefault<T> on T does not work

    extension OrDefault on T does not work

    As suggested at https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/default-value-for-optionals-in-dart/default-value-for-optionals-in-dart.md

    I declared:

    extension OrDefault<T> on T {
      T get orDefault {
        final value = this;
        if (value == null) {
          return {
            int: 0,
            String: '',
            double: 0.0,
            num: 0,
            bool: false,
            Map: {},
            List: [],
            Set: {},
          }[T] as T;
        } else {
          return value;
      test('Test ObjectExtension.orDefault()', () async {
        const int? nullInt = null;
        expect(nullInt.orDefault, 0); // fails since T is int? and returns null instead of 0.
    opened by gaddlord 1
  • 375(Dec 30, 2022)

    Canonicalized maps in Dart are maps where for each key, you can calculate a unique value and should two keys get the same unique value, the last one always wins. Here is an example of how this can be useful => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/canonicalized-maps-in-dart/canonicalized-maps-in-dart.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 374(Dec 29, 2022)

    If you can turn a function into a data type, then you can extend it. This example shows how helpful this can be =>


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    Source code(zip)
  • 373(Dec 1, 2022)

    In order to make sure your stream produces an element every N-seconds, you can take advantage of this useful Stream transformer in Flutter / Dart => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/stream-timeout-between-events-in-flutter/stream-timeout-between-events-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 372(Nov 26, 2022)

    Learn how to use reflection in Dart to fully describe any class https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/dart-object-description-using-reflection/dart-object-description-using-reflection.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 371(Nov 24, 2022)

    If you have multipel optional values which are needed for a single operation, you will need to check all of them for null and then perform your operation on them if all are non-null. Using this function you can simplify that task => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/unwrapping-multiple-optionals-in-flutter-and-dart/unwrapping-multiple-optionals-in-flutter-and-dart.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 370(Nov 20, 2022)

    Dart's List leaves a lot to be desired from the default implementation. For instance if you read the first element of an empty list you get an exception. Rust and Swift have optionality baked into their lists so you receive optional values instead of exceptions. You can create your own lists in Dart though to circumvent some of these shortcomings. Here is an example => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/safelist-in-flutter-and-dart/safelist-in-flutter-and-dart.md

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    Source code(zip)
  • 369(Nov 16, 2022)

    Iterable.first in Dart crashes your application if your iterable is empty. Let's remedy that with this extension => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/optional-iterable-first-element-in-dart/optional-iterable-first-element-in-dart.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 368(Nov 15, 2022)

    Use this extension to find a key in a JSON Map object, and should it exist AND its value be of a given type, then you can convert it to another data-type all within the same operation => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/finding-and-converting-json-values-in-dart/finding-and-converting-json-values-in-dart.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 367(Nov 13, 2022)

    Use this extension on Object? in order to log any sort of value to the console and distinguish true null values from others => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/colorful-logs-in-flutter/colorful-logs-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 366(Nov 13, 2022)

    Iterables allow lazy evaluation of collection items in Flutter and are the preferred way of iterating over otherwise-heavy collections. Here is an example why they are important to use => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/prefer-iterable-in-flutter/prefer-iterable-in-flutter.md

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    Source code(zip)
  • 365(Nov 10, 2022)

    Use a Stream transformer to send a value down your stream in case of an exception/error. Here is an example of us recovering a stream with the value of "Baz" upon error https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/recovering-stream-errors-in-flutter/recovering-stream-errors-in-flutter.md

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    Source code(zip)
  • 364(Oct 30, 2022)

    Using the .onDispose callback of a StreamProvider's ref in Riverpod you can take care of disposal of your StreamController => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/riverpod-streamprovider-disposal/riverpod-streamprovider-disposal.md

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  • 363(Oct 22, 2022)

    Using a Stack together with 2 Text widgets you can render a stroke around your texts. Check this handy tip out => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/figma-text-strokes-in-flutter/figma-text-strokes-in-flutter.md

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  • 362(Oct 16, 2022)

    If you want to link to an application that is in the App Store or Google Play Store, you need to have one native and one non-native link. The native link for iOS is used when the device running your app is an iOS device and non native iOS link gets opened if your Flutter app is running on an Android device but is trying to open a link to App Store for an iOS app. The same thing is true for Android devices. With this approach, you can have one UniversalApp that solves this for you in one easy to use class => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/universal-app-links-in-flutter/universal-app-links-in-flutter.md

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  • 360(Oct 8, 2022)

    Learn how to use the identical() function in Dart to compare if two instances of an object point to the same object in memory. Read the tip here => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/identical-objects-in-dart/identical-objects-in-dart.md

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  • 358(Sep 28, 2022)

    Just like how we presented futures in the previous tip, by implementing a present() function on AsyncSnapshot, you can easily make your Stream instances presentable in a reusable-way. The same AsyncSnapshot extension is used for presenting futures and streams. Let me show you how => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/presenting-streams-in-flutter/presenting-streams-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 357(Sep 25, 2022)

    By implementing a present() function on AsyncSnapshot, you can easily make your Future instances presentable in a reusable-way. Let me show you how => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/presenting-futures-in-flutter/presenting-futures-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 356(Sep 20, 2022)

    You can use this trick to absorb errors that are thrown down a stream. Your stream will then simply close when an exception is detected. https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/absorb-stream-errors-in-flutter/absorb-stream-errors-in-flutter.md

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  • 355(Sep 14, 2022)

    If you have a Future<Iterable> and want to use "then()" on it, you will end up with the Iterable which you might need to map manually inside the "then()" function which results in a function call inside another function call, potentially making your code look more complicated than it should be. Using this extension on Future<Iterable>, you can make this a lot easier to read at call-site. Let me show you how => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/flatthen-on-future-in-dart/flatthen-on-future-in-dart.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 354(Sep 10, 2022)

    Using this custom class in Flutter, you can construct rich texts with ease. Simply provide your text or links in an Iterable and this widget will render the rest for you. For the tip and its source code, visit https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/rich-text-construction-in-flutter/rich-text-construction-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 353(Sep 7, 2022)

    Learn about Firestore Transactions and how you can perform multiple operations all in the same transaction with a timeout and number-of-retries here => https://github.com/vandadnp/flutter-tips-and-tricks/blob/main/tipsandtricks/firestore-transactions-in-flutter/firestore-transactions-in-flutter.md

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Vandad Nahavandipoor
Support my work: https://buymeacoffee.com/vandad
Vandad Nahavandipoor
Flutter tips and tricks to make the development smoother and easier

Table of Contents Custom Clippers in Flutter Check if Website is Up or Down in Dart Section Titles on ListView in Flutter Circular Progress in Flutter

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